THE EVENING NEWS BV II. W. IIATEm. 1BSIKI DAILY EXCKPT BU.VOAY. Subscription Hates Daily. Per yeai, by mall .. 3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Semi-Weekly. Per year $2.00 8ix montha 1.00 Entered aa second-clans matter November 5, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 187!. tC I :sTA v, ,i t x k 2o, jui iT Oil Ik holding up In price wonder fully, particularly since the recent supreme court dt'ciHiunn No one no far hun been hurt IjiiI the conHuniir. And he In doing u lot of liitrd think ing. Huxar fs koIiik '! at alum! L'ti renin per hundred the week. The berry and fruit, Heiisrm in here and the IriiKt ihhmI the money. Mean while tlx- triiKt Im being "liiveKiifful ed" at WuhIiIiikInii. The recall law Is looked upon by many oltirer hidden ;t a draw back lo sound Kovernuienl. Natur ally aiirh are not expected to see much Rood In It. The people, who forced the enactment of the law, are ploHBed to look upon it iik beliiK very desirable, since through it they are privileged to hold tightly the reigns of Rovernnient. The Judiciary is no nearer perfection than the lesser In cumbent, and the eop!e Hee no rea Horr to except that branch of the pub lic service from the operation of the law. The law Is nuod. and only In efficient servants need fear It. It In KratlfyliiK to the property owners In thin city, especially those effected by the lare amount of street paving under way and variouw other mat lent yet to be considered which vitally interests the taxpayers of Itoseburt;. that satisfactory ar rutiK'iiients were made at. last even In k'h session of the rfly council whereby Itecordcr Orcutt will con llmie lo look after the importnn' duties attendant to the recorder' !' flee. His retina I ion at this tlun wus not looked upon with favor h t..e city council. they no doubl real IzltiK I hat a change might Incur legal dlittculties that would be hard to overcome and result dlsast roust y to the present and f ut urn work to he carried out by the city in the way of Improvements. I'mb-r M r. Orcittt's MiK'rvlslon t he recorder's office has n record for elllcleiicy tliat has never heretofore been eiualh-d. Attorneys in Switzerland refuse to try a divorce case until an effort has been made to bring about a recon ciliation between the d Issat Islled husband and wife. The applicants are requested to appear before the judge, with or without their lawyers, and in no less than :tn per sent of the cases they go away determined to try life together again. When one of the couple does not attend t he conference, it menus t hat I he affair Is to be fought out. No doubt thero ' an Innumerable cases of reconciliation in t lie United States for which the good judgement, and persuasiveness of "council" Ik res ponsible. And In the majority of cases some, real coinniunil y of In tores), some shadow of mutual con torn, survivor .even t ho wrecJk of in liny miserable yea rs. to make re union endurable. It Is finite one thing lo In luteiiKely annoyed at or rngry with a life-par I iter, and an other to think of permanent sepura lion. If more attorneys would make It their llrst ImrhicH. In 'dealing u Ith divorce cases, lo labor for n I'eeonel lint ion, I he world would be spured much corroding regret , li.WK NT.ITK.MKXT. No. 11. Report of t he eoinllt ion of the Vouch I In Si ale Hank, at Yoih alia, In the State of Oregon, at tin close of business .hine 7th, l!M I, Itcsoiirccs. Loans and discounts . $7 li.lte. 1 . 7 -Ovenl rafts, secured and unsecured ii 1 (1.3 '. Hon ds and warrants ... t .''!':!. HO Hanking house 1!. 400.00 Furniture, and llxtures li.rton.Oo Due from approved re servo banks N.4M.S0 rash on hand It. 071.47 Total . . $ii:i.7!.U l.iahillticM. Capital stock paid in . $ 1 u.tluil 0i) Surplus hind :;nn on rmllvided proofs, less ex penses and taxes paid i:!7.tit hue lo banks and bank ers . ... Ii. m; I ml I vidua I deposits sub ject to check tH. SOS. 0? I . -in. Hid cetilhcales nf de posit . , l.r.M Si! Time cerllhVuleH of de posit . . H.7SK A Mills pn able for money burrowed . . . 7.000.0(1 . . I Total jit;;,7!tr. i i S r TK OK OltKCON, County of IlOIIglsS, HS. I , Harry Krawn. ('fishier of the :iboe named bank, do olcinul t e:r that the abnvo si at emeu) Is true to t he best of my know ledge and belief. II MtltY ILK WVN. Ca-hler. COItllKCT Attest CKO. C KNOTT. It. IV MORTKNSKN, IMret ton Sub n ribed and orn to before tne this ICMi dm or June. ;i 1 M A it it Y t sri: its. Notary l'uhllc t KUOItltATlOV A T (il.lOK. A dstire will be Ktveu at (JHdo on tlt evening of .Inly 4, Dm ring the dav a ptmlr will be held in the grove adloliilnn (Hide, and n cordta! Invltntlou in extended to overtutd In Cut coiiuiry and Itnsetuirg lo al lnd Muor John Alexander. of tjltde. MtXM for rerhodv to bring plenty rf Mprlng i ha ken and cold roust t'li kev. etc , find be prep;tied to enjoy the time of their lives. Jl Clioiet luviil. leoiileiuf ht, e-y n-ftxiiniihle. itttlllV of Allien Abraliaio. M.i-eoic Idd-. I o i. ft t -v '? ;- v : it. r. HMii u .-. ft I'h) Mlctftit nnd Snrtteoii. C O HooniH 1 and 2 Abintinm HUU i." f Koseliurg. Oregon. OflOOOO 0tl 0 MIH The proof of the Pud ding is in the eatingr- Of the tree in the growing Ask your neighbor who has planted Yakima or Hood River Trees See how they grow, then place your Iree order with The Nurseryman CIIAl TAt (J A KI'OliTS. IJo l'rigi-iHn Is Arranged J'or I' on rih of .luly. IVrsonH wishing to com pete In i he various Chan Held day events, sports, rac(s, etc., to bo held at the district fair grounds on July Ith. Will please call on Dr. K. II. Vlucll. chairman Chant annua at hie t is and sport com mil tee. who will give all informal ion relative to rules of entry etc. No entry fees are re quired of contestants and entries are being made In the following events: DM) yard dash open. 50 yard lash open. L'liO dash open. SK0 Itelay race- -various towns of Douglas county. 50 yard girls' race. 4 10 race -open, 50 yard potato race open. 50 yard sack race boy 15 to 20 vea I'M, 50 yard egg race boys and girls 1 5 to 20 years. 1 50 yard three leg race hoy 15., to 20 years. 100 yard consolation race. High Jump - open. llroad jump ---open. I'olo vault open. Discus throw open, Shot put open. Itall throw- open. Hammer throw open. 1 mile niceopen. Mi in Mo race open. 5 mile mortor cycle race. 1 mile bicycle race boys 15 to 20 years. Tug of war. Mil. 'A KM Kit. Why pay u peddler $.15.00 to $50.00 more fo n buggy or hack, when you can l.ny ft bettor Job for that much less money from your home dealttr. If you buy from n peddler he. sells you today and U gone tomorrow. Ills gun ran I eo lasts Just as long, lie has to get a big price for his goods, as he is at a Mg expense all tho time, and If he takes your note, ho makes the price enough so he can sell It to a hank at n- discount of from 15 to 20 per cent. Do these "peddlers" pay any taxes to help build and keep up your roadh? Do they buy any of your orodure? Are they any henellt te . you or your county or state? I Thinks it over, nnd If vou are go- ' ing to buy a buggy, hack, or wagot get our prices lrt J. ! . HA UK Kit & CO. dswtf A HN'AI' l-'Oll HOMK ON K, Might lots 50x100 oach. New five room bungalow, largo porch on front ami hack, good well water on back porch, chicken house nnd yard Twenty minutes walk from Post of tire. 1'rlce $ .500. lmutro at Kasl oil's grocery. il J2 2 MititAitv iti: H'i:M i). Aldon Harness Is back at Mh place I of liiiHtnert itKiiin. Kur a whllo Hie library will n oimmi each afternoon ; and evenliiK 2 to 7. Jli; New and xcotid hand Roods coin Ihk In every day al this lore. L. II. tthoadi'tt t'o, dlf !.' i. m:vs. .losephtoirN a it- jiHlny; n n way. II. Itboades Co has jun' wbat yon want In i;nilie, im and lone ware. bl mock, look (hens over. dir . W. C. T 1. will ineel Tiiesdn . Instead of WeiliH-sdiiy aiternoon. til m the home ol Mih. A. . Marsters. A " rerepiion will be Riven In honor ol Mrs. II ultie Wilson. ir CoivhIIIh. 1 slate snpertnteiidftu. Meinbers please' i:iho notice and he present. Douulas County riMin'r hnlter 1 the best In the hind, can he had ol i your Rfoeer at r."i renin the roll. De- niiiml your home product nnd accept no other. dtf ' Mrs. V. 1. Sawers, of New York, arrived In ItoHehurn last evenliiK af ler an evteioled nip through the, Snut hern and Western states. M rs. Saw vers (h to spend a few weeks' ! with her son, Al Saw vers, of tlar- ideu Valley. . I French dry cleaning. newest 1 'iiethoils used Your old unit ran ho made to look ns itood nit new at a smiill cost. t'lothes denned, hats . blocked If you ro looking for ! coed, (julrk service sio Sloiwr. the ; cleaner and presser. Telephone A 7 . tfd The News has received several tin- J 'Uined let t era from cor respondents, j Since w e invariably refuse to use ; anv itrthle without tho Identity of the ant hor betnn known to us. we cannot print thos lately rerejvetl He sure to stcn your name, and un- ; less ou desire we will not use It. Ion dimplv w ant to know w ho our contributors are, M rs Hene Hanan and dant;hter. MmIi mid 'he former's niece. Miss Xn'aiif Kenton, of Moniana, who h:is been 0Uoitl H Visit Ut the Italian home for the patt few weeks, and Mr II. T MeClalleii left this uiur nine bv private conve a nee for ; r r ( h K 1 a mat h w h ere t h e v will rt ma'n fi'r several weeks Tht party will lake the Horua rlvr route to their destliiHtlun. . ,w.. jwrr -tSUXf -nojjw As Fresh as Summer Roses in Early Dew Such are the groceries sold at this store. The del icate aroma of the coffee, the delicious taste of the butter all the appetizing .'points of ood sweet clean food are carefully preserved aithis grocery. Kvenour canned and carton goods are kept in low est quantities that they may be constantly renewed. All our groceries are as delightfully fresh as a wild rose sparkling with dew on an early summer morning. Let a trial convince you. Send or come with an order, or phone, and a messenger will call. Don't overlook our drygoods department. We can serve you equally as well there as in the grocery department. RoseburgRochdaleCo. Winnie Gaddis! I THF PLUMBER t t Agent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all im- ourities. Roseburg DOUGLAS COUNTY has the Best Buttermaker in the State' ICE CREAM SEASON HERE in larjjo or small (uantitics. Let us have your partv orders. Telephone 340. CAI.I. OX Practical Painter, Decorator, Paper Hanger FOR ARTISTIC WORK Call at Shop. 501 North Jackson For Estimates mm i5 SKylight Cornices 5 IHeating Ventilating Phone 2101 Oregon CREAMERY We make ice cream w ilii' Wall Paper Some nf tl.einoxt nrtistie elTeeta in w:Ul Kr are simple in char acter ami moderate in price. The accenipnnyinj? il lust ration is an example of one of the many new Ideas in "Home l'ecoration" for UU. The fact that we are maVmc a ppeoial feature of A'.hU Pti "Priw" Wall Papyri i mithcient ns Minmce that the style are the latent and ipiality the lest. Samples and estimate cheer f ally vitmitul ujxm miuest. WW FISHER i-.m HKsr tiVK siiiu r, iik. l.ow uost m lit I iik : lii . I'llHM' S.M. I'! il!1!!! m iAIX 1MIN lll'SlNKSS. Aflor n shut-down for soveral week', caused liy I ho doBlruntlon of tho water and llKht plant at Winch ester, the North Side I'lanInK Mill, in North Itoseburi;. has resumed op erations. All kinds of mill work can now be had on short notice. Also rruit nnd berry boxes. Call or nhone your wants and they will re ceive prompt attention. NORTH SID10 f'l.ANINO MILL. Henry Easton Grocer A place where you enn buy the choicest goods of the season at any and all times. Our specialty Is Fresh Crisp Groceries nnd we make snod every day In the week. Phone 2t3 and wo will nttetid, to your wants. Did Y ou E vet Step To Think That the Vat of fine writing: piiper In mil much more thai. what vou pay tor the ordinary , quallt) ? I Think of the satisfaction to onef self tun n i ut i ccipieui cf a note or Letta , on paper of good quality. The Roseburg Hook Store Sl!s the licit writing papers- at lowest prices. lteadiuarterjft f-ir Kountaln Pens Sch ou I Supply Oillce Suppilet. UtsKlll Uti, OKKtiOX. WAR Carry the conflict into the enemies country, for they are in yours. Place a fly trap at the outside door and catch the enterprising fellow before entering. If they do get in use a trap, a "swatter" or Tangle foot. Get after them lively but try keeping them out with a good screen door and window screens. Have you ever seen better screens than the all metal we are offering, all galvanized metal and wire, two sizes at a price within the reach of any man, onlv 40c and 50c. This is a less price than a year ago by 20 We have the goods, call and see. CHURCHILL Hardware Company CASH IRONMONGERS Phone 36 Marsters Block Alderson's Grocerv A full line of new and up-to-date groceries, let)- ( mestic and imported goods. Have You Tried Blue Bell Butter? If not, give it a trial and you "will have no other kind its pure and clean GET THE HABIT, PHONE 36 Tho iH-st la.o to l)uy I.I MHKH In U,e Square dealing Lumber laiil, al Ihu Ih-sI irUri i-onslilrrlim iialily. Also Rock Spring Coal and Dry Slab Wood Try im and go away happy. PAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Phone 242 North Roseburg LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, WorKs. WorK Done on Short Notic ROSEBURG, ORE. rhonr Main 24.M Commercial Abstracts of '1 itle Insurance, Etc. . Bonds of all Kinds Furnished S Xonh Jarkna X. ROSFBIKG. ORKfJO.N Cor. Cass and Rose St. 00 K! adjoining Peoples MarbU i Telephone 51. All work flmt-clan. Absfract Co. Filing Papers Prepared A-