The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, June 14, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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WKnxKKruv, .iuve n. inn.
Rwv. A. J. Starmer, left for Tan- M. K. church, Kouth. which will he
Kent this morning where he will nt- In session at that place, from June
U.-nd the district convention of the 11 to June 18.
You will always have good healthful bread, pie and
cake, if you use
White River Flour
It is Not Bleached
Weached flour is injurious to health.
Use Fleischman's Yeast For a good Starter
Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son
When you come to town
Don't forget to visit the
Water Front Dry Goods Store
Sheridan Streets for Your Suits
Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25
Everything newin the suit line
During Hot
I' mo miiclitiie-nimlc bread to avoid
ircNMrutinii mill other unsani
tary rondltlomt of milking bread
in the old way.
On June 1st We
(wo ounroH to the loaf. If your
grocer doi'H not carry our bread
I'll ii il no grocers or phono
''nil lino if delicious pastry !
wayH at your command.
Umpqua Bakery
II. (it'KHT, I'rop.
Ill) Jackson Nlreet.
Hie Im-mI Hie market afford In
'CUt t Hi, 9 '"' lor. Mutton nnit Venl, at
t&M'i-toii Z"' .
kwmM Louis Kohlhagen
';:s?r' ,M,vr
Wrttilcnalc and retail Uutchor. Tun bes the M:ukt
aflordH. All Iciutlu of Sio.k bought and Sohi.
Noseburg, Oregon
OA 1.1, OX
Practical Painter, Decorator, Paper Hanger
Call at Shop, 504 North Jackson For Estimates
Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes
We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you
can steal the goods. UVti US A TK1AL.
uhl nkyvs.
Ask for piano vofei at JoseplisoH's.
Hhv., F. I,, Ooff, of Roberts Creek,
lit transacting bHKiiit'w lu the t-iiy
; today.
I Mfas .Marfan! Thomas, of Author.
! it in the city visiting with ML-s Kthei
Mrs. It. K. I oss went to fin('!if
St:ttio!i this morning for a short vi.iii
with friend.
Those registered at the Roseburg
hole are K, I.. Wright. St. Louis;
T. K.. Mecinn, Bridge, Oiegou.
Some Mno iot.s and acreage, suit
thio for y.-rden or fruit. Close ii.
and easy payinenis. Inquire 111."
rioui. ..ijii street, dtt
Tills olhee lu indebted to Mrs.
Harry Williams, of Kdenhower. foi
a viT.v beautiful bouquet, of' La
France rosea.
Wliy put, up with that old pier'
of furi) It mo when you can trade, H
for somei hing now and up-to-date
;U L. II. Rhoadcs & Co. dlf
K. L. While, who has been lit
Mercy hospital, where he underwent'
an operation on the thriat performed
by lr. tteely, Ik alile to be on the
Ht reels ukhIii.
M r. !. J. HobKon, wife and t wo
children from Bath, Kntand, ft re hi
tin city to visit at. the home of Mrs.
A. C. Kldd. Mrs. Itohsou Is the
youngest sinter of Mrs. Kidd.
Today's arrivals at 1 he McCMallen
House were: Win. Krazier, Portland;
O. J. Knowles, Kelso, Wash. : Geo.
Ti Man hast, Portland ; Wm. Patter
son, Portland; J, ft. McCune, Boston
One hundred tents direct from Ihv
most foremost factory of St. Paul.
These tents are the double 8 ounce
or single 10 ounce canvass and will
weight more than any tent offered
by our competitors. Hire & Rice.
A. T. Marshall returned from Port
land this morning accompanied by
his wife, who Joined him there on
her return from Ogden, Utah, where
she has been to attend the funeral
of her mother.
Peter Binzitkous passed through
this city cn mute to Medford where
he will enter a wrestling match with
H. W. Dyrehorg. Buzukous will re
turn to Hosehurg next Tuesday at
which time he hopes to arrange a
match with Stranglcr Smith.
Oliver Krnloy, nf Christian county.
III., arrived here last evening to vis
It with A. l. Bradley, a former ac
quaintance. 1M left for Portland
this morning on business and upon
his return hero next Monday will
probably purchase property.
Dan ('tin nl nuha in. the negro, who
was arrested Saturday accused of as
sault with a dangerous weapon, was
1 arraigned in Justice of the Peace
1 Ken ben Masters court late yester
: dny. The prelim I nary examination
will he held later In Hip week. Cun
f ningham will be represented hy At
torney John T. Long.
1 The following persons are register
led at the Cram) hotel today: T. L
Lee, Looking Glass; S. A. Bennett.
Port html ; A. K ei ton, Portland ;
i Robert GriM'ti. Greens; W. V. Vicroy.
Denver; Blanche I lodgpoth, Port
i land; G. I Gibhs, Portland; G. R.
Schenck. Toledo; R. K. Mutlany.
Portland; .1. K. Scott. Salem; II.
, Itogoway, Albany; W. G. Turuell.
; Portland; F. Ftnllcott, Myrtle Point.
"To iti:i, to m:i).
said sli:i:pv iikao.
The new bedstead with its ex
remely cumf'jrtablu tnattivss lu-a ar
:ally made the younger sleepy.
The picture is only a suggestion
if what we carry In stock. .Ich iy
-ne of the most complete 'n stvle
ind design , us well as reasnrjHble
ioks lu price, that can lie fouud
Won't you call and b-r show
-ou the merits represented?
The Rochdale will buy your ww!.
Opi their prices before selling else
where. J i 7
William Law left for Portland to
.fsit with his son and daughters.
Mr. Law says he will return in time
or the Chautauqua.
IX"" r. NEWS.
,Ioeph.oii'; art givins
a piano
MUk Merle iJavls. i ho has heen
visit in t' w i" h her aunt. Mrs. A. C
Seely. isf this city, !eu for her home,
in Salem, this morning.
Dr. !: V. Hoover left for Port
and last even in ir to snnfi ;t counle
f days aitendlug to business mat- i the Lincoln scl:ools
ters. I the cominir year.
R. V. I in n ha m left for a short
business trip to Medford this morn
ing. Mr. Iunhani will be principal of
at Medtoni, tot
R!E & El
House Furnishers
O- "1 T '!'J -ill' T ir"T T ' t?r9
Stn1.'!, lhuni l!. Krcp
Tj t4t uny jmrt if tin ("ttjf.
Is how oiih eiitlmalastlc purchase
described our dLnluy. She wat
exactly rlsht.
orit k.h ii i us.
bnautiful Buits, attractive odu
pieces, etc., are the kind that tun.
a house Into a real home. Conic
and see them. There are olenty o!
siiKifestlons for you here.
Die lloliio of such standard .coods 11'
l l.ll.SMC HA(ii:s, (.IllIK WKIt
n:u cai;ii:ts.
rilh liOMi: Ft RMSHINt.s
At a well attended meeting held In
the lit emeu's chamber iti the city
ball last evening, dellnlte steps were
taken In the dlreteion of organiz
ing u temporary lire department.
The meeting was In charge of S. K.
Sykeu, chairman of the board of fire
commissioners, who appointed C. L
Parrott. as chief of the department.
James Perrv was appointed assis
tant chief, while H. T. McClalien
was elected secretary. A committer
composed of II. T. McClalien, James
Zureher and Joseph Syltes was ap
pointed to draft suitable by-laws and
have the same In readiness to uli- 4
in It to the consideration of th',ii-p
liHiuueiu hi nnoiner meeting irfc
held on next Tuesday night, "yi
department will be segregated TtA
three distinct companies, e'ich if
which will have a captain who will
work under the direction of the.
chief. One of these companies wlll
have direct charge of the c hemic)'
en nine; another the hook and laririef
truck, and the third the hose cart '
Fred Wright and Sam Bast wor
pointed as a special comuiitteo t
! pair ' he chemical engine, anil '
u nder it useful In time of the.
the ii- t meeting of the organization
peiunnent otHcers will be selected.
Two lire alarms In quick succes-
slon caused considerable excitement
; in the city about R o'clock yester
.dav af'tnoon. The first ft re was dis
I cover' i h Taylor Brother's paint
;shop. ; dlolnlng the Grsnd hotel, on
Cuss ' reet. The department res
ponded prompt ly. and extinguished
the bli'e, which was coctlned to
roof, tthout great difficulty. I
is nre-,n,,d that the tire ranch
from a Mghted cluar stub carelessly I
thrown nt of one of the windows
In the hotel. In response to the
second alarm the department h
ened to Xorth Roseburg, where they
found C'e rsidence. fornierlv oeeii
ted by Thomas Jennie, enve' ' I
'lames. Owlne to the fact 1 1
Is no ft re h Ml ra n t in t h ;i t i
the structure hurned to the enp
d loin inn butldtnss were ' sa
t h rough the aid of garden ose
the hands of willing worke Mr
icnnle rei-ently moved out nf the
mi tiding, and consequently his loss
' nominsl. In thir haste to reach
the fires two of the hose carts were
more or less demolished, anil are at
n resent In the shops pending repairs.
The origin of the latter fire Is a mys
tery, and It la generally tupposed
that It cauht from a spark from
a neighboring chimney.
should be of as much comfort ant'
grace as It Is possible to have
them. If you make your pur
chases of
at our store, you are certainly
securing the best style and quality
that equal money could possibly
" buy. There is also pleasure In
choosing from su :h a representa
tive stock and never anv hesi
tancy about paying the small
prices we ask.
Vitality first; Trice second; Ahvnys
Honiethliig doing; t'ash or Install,
inents; Prices always the Ixiweat.
As Fresh as Summer
Roses in Early Dew
Such are the groceries sold at this store. The del
icate aroma of the coffee, the delicious taste of the
butter all the appetizing points of god sweet
clean food are carefully preserved at this grocery.
Even our canned and carton goods are kept in low
est quantities that they may be constantly renewed.
All our groceries are as delightfully fresh as a
wild rose sparkling with dew on an early summer
morning. Let a trial convince you. Send or come
with an order, or phone, and a messenger will call.
Don't overlook our drygoods department. We
can serve you equally as well there as in the grocery
of the sort that give your whole
body rest are here In endless vari
ety. Just come Into our store an.l
try them all. that Is the best and I
tit re wav to choo.e chairs that are;
for all rooms Is equally well dis
played. Wo want to say a word about
prices -they're as inviting as cau
House Furnishers
We pay do rent, why should not oar
lHce he the lower.
Three Standard Refrig'era
tors at Lowest PricesA
Bargain Chance
Before Warm
No. 1
A 533 largest size White Frost Refrigerator, large
enough to hold all the milk of a small dairy etc. $26
No. 2
The medium sized White Frost Refrigerator, reg
ular value $26. This is the popular refrigerator. $22.
No. 3
The White Frost Ice Chest,
lur value , now $15.
smallest size. Regu-
B. W. STRONG, Furniture Man
Automobilists: We have the best polish yet
brought to Roseburg. It is for sale only by us.