THE EVENING NEWS MONDAY, MAY 22, 1911. THE EVENING NEWS BYfll. W. IIATEH. . ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. fiubacriptlon Itnteii DitUy. Per year, by mall $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Bemi-Weckly. Per year I $2.00 81c months 1.00 Entered ua second-clafsB matter November G, 1910, at Koneburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. MOM) TTmA V -2-Jl it) I r. iIU!lTIX; CLASS. Ten Voiiiik Ladle Listen To llmru- Iauitut hem ion l esterdny. For the first timo in Its history the ItoHoburK hih tsehuul will this year grail mite, u clans eomjiOHeU wholly of Klrls. Among their ntitn her are MIhkgh Anna Ferguson Kietha Conn, Lola Williiunn, Khoda Wataon, Grace Clayton, Jieisie Hond, Mirian Caro, Mabel Clements, Nina Voorhlea and Anna Allen. Commencement week formally op ened yesterday, when Itv. J. N. Mc- Connell, a h tor of t he Kosehnrg CbrlBlfun church, delivered the bac calaureate sermon, at the Presbyter ian church. The interior or the edi fice was beautifully decorated for the occunlon, roses and spring flow ers being used in profusion. Jlev. MeConnell chose as his nul- Ject, "It might have been." Th reverend gentleman said thai such an expression was generally used when failures resulted along nny line. "There comes a period of ripe ness tn every life," said the pastor, "which, when made use of will "bring success but neglected, failure will come and then we hear these words, 'It might have been'. "Columbus, George Washington and other great people have done their work nobly but there remains many things to he discovered and many good causes to be championed. No one starts out deliberately to make a failure, hut by neglect to fol low the Divine plan, many find in the end tiiat their lives have been useless." The speaker took a general text from I'slnms H7-H7: ".Mark , the per fect man", and behold the upright, for the end of that man Is peace. God expects us to strive for perfec tion. Three other texts were quoted tand enlarged upon by the pastor. The dlsciiHHlon clenrly showed that God lntnds for man to bo diligent In business, to Improve his mind and save his soul, and no person who will do, will ever have to say, "It. might have been." Special music enlivened the occa sion and Incited at) Inspiration which will ever be remembered by the members of the class and the crowd that taxed the capacity of the spa cious edillce, Orations by the graduallug class will follow at the high school audi torium this evening, while on to morrow evening the class pljiy. "Moss Fearless & Company" will he presented at the I'alace theatre. On Wednesday evening. May 'l, a ban quet will bo tendered tlm gradual-, Inff class by members of the alumni of the high school. The following j AT last thpy uere satisfied! This younj; housewife searched the town hifjh dnd low for the right hind of coffee That coffee with the rich coffee grancc, with the delicate tana maKes coffee a joy to drink, and sends hubby away in the morning with the feeling that he has had a good break fast and all is right with the world. Wf Sfll 11. tu-n w i , riujion II. make you let MS U-il Your i ' had C oIKv. MIS lain ill it' I at oik Roseburg Rochdale Company i While the laying of the new water mains f in H0KreH the water will he turned off from time to time. It would be well for consumers to keep a suf- fi lent quantity of water on hand to supply their daily wants. dbwit day will be devoted to a picnic at Winchester. The commencement address will be delivered by Prof. A. K. 8weetser, of the University of Oregon, and di plomas will lie presented on the eve ning of May 26 at the Presbyterian church. The graduating class of 1911 Is composed of ten worthy young ladles, each of whom Is well known and highly respected in this vicinity. That their school training has been such as to render them capable to meet the emergencies of e very-day life Is the belief of their many friends and acquaintances. . Fred Chapman and wile spent, yes terday at Wilbur visiting with rela tives. (let your tickets early for "The hist rid School." Christian church Thursday evening. Ir. L. K. McOougal, of Kugene, Is in the city to spend n few days vis iting amoong friends. The new version of the "District School" is a hummer, at the Chris tian church Thursday evening. John Jacob Astor and other cele brities are slated to appear at the Christian church next Thursday venlng. Kcrnem tier the date and don't ho tardy. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kiddle were in the city today from their home Kiddle. 1-or some time Mr. Kiddle has been under the doctor's care, and while he is getting along toward recovery, good health and strength Is slow In coming back. Klder II. W. Oliver, who was In Kosehurrg for several months nrior to last June, has been assigned work in i ho interest of the Seventh Dai- Advent 1st church at Yoncnlla. Kl der Oliver and family will move to their new charge from Koyal, Lane ounty, within a short time. SALF. OF IIOKSDS. at the auction sale to be held m the llert Urown ranch, near Wilbur, next Saturday, May 27, there will ho included. besides the horses already ad vertised, eighteen bead of 'work Hi-sen matched teams. Any one wanting to purchase some d stock will do well to at tend this sale. Lunch will be rved free to all. Sale starts promptly at il a. in., and the lace is three miles north of Wilbur. dswmlii; SSrv ft u n iCh fra- that your l.iMe in iiiiml and liar- n so A trial , sdt'i- will ill ill and 'l' iihoiu- user. t aliout ii, c. j CIRCUIT COURT Continued from Page 1.) vs. B. F. Clark, et a!., defts.; action for money. Fullerton & Orcutt for plff. Continued. fi(!7. J. W. Koop, plff., vs. R. L. Giles, et aL, defts.; action for mon ey, John T. Long for plff. Continued. 67. Klla S. Anderson, plff., vs. Charles J. Anderson, deft.; suit for divorce. John T. I-ong and Frank G. Micelli for plff.; O. P. Cosbow for deft. Continued. 78. L, M. Travis, plff., vs. Cbas. J. Kosen. d'ft.; action for money. L. M. Tim vis for plff. Continued. Gh.'f. I. Matthews, plff., vs. A. F. HK,riihgBon, deft.; action for money. C. S. Jackson for plff. Con tinued. iM. N. V. Sorenson, plff., vs. The Duncan & Hrewer Lumber Co., a corporation, et al., defendants. ; suit to declar deed a mortgage and for an accounting. John F. Logan for plff. Continued. tiSii. Carrie M. Orcutt, plff., vs. Frank K. Orcutt, deft.; suit for di vorce. John T. Long for plff. Con tinued. t!M. William I'erman, plff., vs. Nellie Perman, deft.; suit for di vorce. Frank CI. ,wicelli and John T. Loi.g for plif. Continued. til 5. Kobert A. Preston, plff., vs. Myrtle C. Preston, deft.; suit for divorce. Cos how & Kice for plff. Continued. (117. John Leslie, plff., vs. F. W. Covell, et al., defts.; suit to fore close mortgage. Fullerton & Orcutt for plif. Continued. 703. J. Harding, plff., vs. S. J Rassell, deft; uction for money. Full erton & Orcutt for plff. Continued. 70fi. A. L, Kooney, plff., vs. Joseph 1). Wtlhelm, et al., defts.; action for money. L. M. Travis for plff. Continued. 707. State of Oregon, plff., vs. I. W. Ilailey. deft.; indictment. Un lawfully selling Intoxicating liquor. Georgo M. Urown, prosecuting attor ney. Cent lt;ued. 70S. State gf Oregon, plff., vs. Ora Pllklngton and Zadla Day. defts. ; Kecoguizance. Adultery. Geo. M. H row n, pros, atty.; FJbert K. Her mann for dt-fts. Continued. '.ii".Mi:h:ri.(i ixsi:i. I.HI'liO AilfliflUT .Mnrkfil Closing Sci'vi-i'H Idtst Mlif. Owing to the beautiful weather the large attendance and xecellenl spirit prevailing the closing days of tlie eampnieeting were the best of the entire session. Friday evening Klder Hasmer spoke' on the "Offices and Work of the Holy Spirit." show ing that, the Holy Spirit Itrst comes as a reprover of sin. This subject was continued Saturday afiernoon. and those who heard the iwo tlis- ourses obtained a new and broader view of the subject. Saturday morning Klder Luther Warren, of Loma Linda, Cal.. spoke on the subject of the "Love of God", and at. I he conclusion about -I i) came forward for prayers and con secration. Saturday evening the lime was taken by II. II. Hall, of Un pad lie Press Pub. Association ol' Mountain View, California, who gave an interesting slereoptlcou lec l u i'" on I lie progress of col port cur work in Sunt h A merienn countries. Maii tn'iiut it ul a lid in! :m fst itif scenes in the "neglected colli i lien t " Were .itiiiv. n Anions tut Hie cuiicri'iic re- iilutions Suild:i we pas III. to I lowing: KF.SiM.VKD. That we. the dele- -;i -i rt't'i e-ent inu i he Sc 'iit h 1 ay Advi'isti-i cliuitlits in Soiiihern On ; r' i on ft i cure :isemided. 1 hereby teiuli-r our I ban k 1 uln-s-. First, to Mr. Itellows Hie tree Use of I he Itcn II' Il II I and cuhVeniclll l;ioi'hN oirii.i.'.l i our c;iliii; Sec- tui.l. i,i i he S I' ( 'n:n:iwi t.r t h"M j con lit s in nr.t Jl ' illg retiiicetl r:ile 'to Ciose unending llll-i ses-iotl ol i(hc I Third. ' j space g i liit and i aiiipliletini: l he public pre;s I'm- t lie i in its columns for re ' pons ;ttld IH I ices fa Ol aide In work. "HI I Sunday afernoei KbbT W F'lin. of t'"ifl;:id. -ecr.i.irv of l hi relir.inns hle-n a--n latum of t h N'oiihuest. spoke to a la rue audience "Ii 1lie s ti It t-t 1 of feliuious freedom !n t-" I'nl'ed S...-: P,.M..u m,..- ' ' .tr- ,M4'x "JL 7 m. -o,-,,- It Will Be Difficult To Point Out 1 !.- We Do Not Sell Furniture wo ci!:iii guarantee .is t wear- mi; i ii. 1 1 um:i jiniee goes witti t'U'ithmg e seli, mi mat-'1' ter ho :nn.-!i .-!ow l!,e usual our i '.c.'s in:i '. RICE & RICE Tho House Furnishers this service a large number volun tarily signed petitions to congress protesting anaiust any religious intendments to t he nat ional consti tution. A goodly number were buried be neath the waters of the I'nipijua in baptism during the afternoon. The last service of the meeting was held in t lie big tent at N o'clock Sunday uiulit. and nearly every seat was tak en. The subject was "Christ in the Sabha: h. ' and was listened to wit h rapt attention by all present, T'ne tamp was broken up this niornhiu, most of the visitms leaving for their homes today. i ' cin c,.u: session tonight. ii i. .ee.s in regular W. H. Ilanmiitle. the local under taker, received a telegram from Re no Nov.. la-t evening to the effect that a body was being shipped to i lioeburg and should arrive here ; a day or 1 wo. The message failed io uive any in format ion relativ e to the idenlliy of the deceased. u a i i:i. W . I KI in k l.v ,.,v Inc. .l,lrr.s Mrs. A. G. tie is . WusliilU'nll St. inL'ti fl A 1 1 Y ( ' I U ( ' K S W A X I' K !i S.-.-:.!. liiiMilr. il ilay i.lil i lii, ks w;inl'tl. A.l.lnss. stailne ,ru-,. nl l.r.'i-d. (' K Srii ii.ii. Ko'.'liiiru. Or. .Ill .ita A ouiii; in. in win lias had sotno e..ri. nc,' on the mad I'HIIIC srwilii mat nniiiHsii.ti. Addr. (loo,! O. box I .1 1 r ' for me rh fair' f tvrk. . ,-d i,r fit ANTKIi -. ,ir. Ih i-h lo ruiMil hi I. :...iit!i i d ir. i id 1' Mrs. tail Bit Id-b. lim hni a II r ok sx,.K.,.oi:.-,,tr... Mlt I iMl an-i one epr l:n(uire Koselntrg Kt Fuel S 1' If t. k. i. at ,.n. e. .:-r. , 310111111 MCrC 31'C KIlOWll tO ll COlTsPOOPnf h...ise. u.-t...,iat,.'..,ji,i.,..t; it I .i . .1 i e -woacquen' .rir ,'Xi!y' 11 the. ne,w stock o rugs that we have JB ,n. fro,,, News otti t: cio:s KOU SU- iiiMrovemeii'-- and opt t'.'stti-Si e y. ei thtn :n t iass eotidi:ion. only $.?,",oo il'iire News o'Tiit ZxizWk ?rc alsomade to fit your pocket la.,,1 all iu prune tr.-.-s and for,,- I QlllC DC COtlVinrpd PVOtl A'. I. tle a.les of uood o,,k "'''' i l' I'1"'! Never ofTere.1 for sale hefore l.irtii uhiri hh ownr; address i i r.ire News orfiee. ("ill V Ml JvU.K - Kuinit'ire cottage, close in, $:0, of S-rooiu Our Confidence Justified If the name Eastman had not been behind them, we would have been afraid that there was something beside the price that was cheap when the Brownie Cameras first came out. But they were made by Kodak workmen in Kodak factories. That was enough to sat isfy us, and the results have more than justified our confidence. We don't understand how the Kodak people do it at the price, but here is their No. 2A BROWNIE For 2 x 4; ! pictures, price only 3.00. Works just like a Kodak and makes wonderfully good pictures Other Brownies $1.00 to $12.00 ChurchillHardware Co. IRONMONGERS li'ti of ri'iitiiiR the hotitio at $11 it inoiuh fur. Ktiiutiier. liupiiru 1 its S. I'arrott street. mO KIVK ACKK3 FOR SALK-Nice piece of lantl. all fenced, clnso hi and liiiili ... J A ''Wi I 1.11 ugs that Match The main reciuiremont in the ,. ation of your room is the harmony of the paper, the furniture and the painting 1 he prevailing YCfQL y?u Can be ablutely certain ot finding what vott want, n;t,i .. that will harmonize M . mmm furniture co. ready for planting. Xo buildings, but a choice spot for small farm. Price 1 1 .250. Inquire News of fice. . Subscribe for Tho Evening Nyws. l . Si V style ot decorations and look elef v'v" )uu V.IUI1 I DUV J i1 ViVl i V- I 1 A f I Hi! with Prlc-Compcte ouse Furnishers Roseburg, Oreg oil-