THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST Fair tonight with light frost, Sunday fair and warmer ADVERTISERS Will find Tt ttvotiiuir Now tho bout medium to roach the peopteuf ItoMt'tiurir. A wltleJ awttki publication printing nit tho nv t hntn fit to print VOL. II. ROSEBUKG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OltKGON. SAll lilUY, MAY Ul, 1MI . Kll READY FOR WAR Mexico City Increases Garrison and Fortifies. THE PALACE TO BE PROTECTED lUlieved That First Attiuk Will Conic l-'rom An Organization Made up of Foreigners Cannons Mounted. (Special to The KveniiiR News.) MKXICO CITY, May is. Ton thousand rebels, at Henna Vista, in the state of Guerrero, near the cen tral camp of the revolutionists un der command of t'.eneral Kiiiuern. w ho arrived here tod:; y report that fin organ iMit ion lias been pi -r fee ted ; and ihat a campaign wil! soon be hiaimurated with Mexico City as its ; goal. ! lie hasty tuountin; of cannons at t ho approaches to I he lalaco and the manning of formications and the increasinic of the garrison to 1,'hm) men, indicate that the oflicials fear! a:i early attack and are inakini all) isi.tessary arrangements in order that j they may be ready for the affray, j U is anticipated that the first at tack will come from an organization j up of foreigners, who have al-i ready sent their wives and children from the city. Guilty ' -Murder. ' HAYWAHD, Wis.. May 13. .loliu 1 t..'tz. dt lender of t he Cameron j dam." was found guilty of the iuur-j (t of I eputy Slit-Tiff Harp by a j .i ii ry which was out ail night last t iiight. Dietz' wife and son, Leslie, j 'who were included in the charge, j were acquitted. The convicted man j will be sentenced to life imprison- j ment. Judge Item premtorally deni ed Dietz" request for a new trial. Harp was killed October X during an attack of .k deputies on the cab in occupied by Dietz when he was arrested, after resisting eviction for six years by a lumber company who wanted the property. OppnM' Reciprocity. WASHINGTON. P. ('.. May l As the result of a big uprising of I fanners against t lie Canadian reel-1 pj-oeity measure, this week's hearing j before the senate finance committee j was attended by delegates from Ore gon. Washington. Colorado, Mi tine-1 sola. ' Missouri, Pennsylvania and j other states. In every instance thej states protested against the adoption of the measure. Capture S. P. Train. j NOAGLKS. Ariz.. May i:;. -Three; hundred armed rebels rapt u red ii1 Southern Pacific train near Cananea Clothes That Compliment You If a coat collar is low behind, you can pull it up a hundred times a day, but it will still always bo down. If your vest is too short it will always be up. regardless of how you try to keep it down. These "tips'' and "downs" have no place in cloths made to lit you. Harth's ToL'gery clothes are h;ind tail ored, will absolutely keep their shape and every suit made to lit your measure and every suit kept pivs.-.ed free for you. Here are some of the reasons why Harth's Toggery c'othes are making friends and permanent customer:-. Item use we give you all the?. and many more clothing benefits don't get the idea that Harth's Togi:erv clot lit--; co-t more. They are b-s in wire than any store In Roseburg when value is eonsHbted. Sounds like st ron g language but we can prove It to you. Another tiling that will make it easy to make your selection here Is our la rue and con-pbte n-- i-'ort III en t of dependable HUT-rhandi-e all new and up-to-tlie minute. Remember if any thing L'n.'s wrong. our money hac'n ew.-r; time. Harth's Toggery HOMK OP I'.KIiAI. SIIOF-,. HOTEL THE GRAND Cass Street, Cor. Rose. FIRSTCLASSNIN ALL New Building, New FurnishinK? an. I Furniture, Steam Heated Thruuirhout Hut and Cold Water in Kvery Room. Itooms r, r. Tile and 11.00 ROOMS WITH BATH IF DESIRED Centrally Located I: FAKKWKM. liF.CI'.ITIOW A farewell reception will be Riven the Queen if the Straw- berry and Rose Carnival at t ho Commercial Club rooms this I'vi-niiii? at S o dork sharp. T he public is invitni. this Aiorniut. The residents imme diately beiaine panic stricken and are leaving this locality in every di rection. It is reported hero that the rebels are determined to force an at tack tonitiht. ujid 'consequently everything is being done to aid the opposing force which are somewhat weakened on account, of previous af fi ay?. KOSKlil'HG SI PPOUTS PLAN'. .Movement (o llttild Auditorium in Pnrtlmid Is Indorsed. Orego'iian: Postmaster Merrick, ad in g chairman of the atiditorium ciiiiimittee. received from Robert K. Smith, president of the Roseburg Commercitl Club. Thursday a tele gram offering to Portland Hose burg's support in the effort to secure an auditorium. The telegram reads; "Roseburg citizens hope Portland will build a city auditorium, as we propose to hold a National straw berry and rose show in Portland as soon as it is open. Five thousand Roseburg citizens will attend to help make it a success." Kosebuvg is the first outside town to offer its support to the audil-ir-iuir-. The committee, composed of M r. Merrick, R. W. Raymond and C. A. Whitenmre, will open headquarters today in room of the Yeon build ing. Tehy will retain this office un til after the election. Forty promi nent Portland men have volunteerer to speak in favor of the auditorium. A model of the St. Paul auditorium has been secured from the patent office and will be exhibited. The St. Paul auditorium holds 1 :!,.)' persons, IHUt.V. TiTTl :;us-fo M r. a nd Mrs . ( ; . ( 1 . Hollis. of Dixonville, on Saturday, May i:i. a daughter. Corvallis Ci;i.etie-Times: A Poug Jas county delegation of grangers is here working like Trojans to land the next year's convention for Rose burg. C H. llailey. W. F. Hodge, W. T, Kmery and wife and T. L. Lee compose this aggregation and they have been making a noise like a cy clone. Every delegate has been but tonholed and given t he most :.t .en uous talk possible, with the result that Rotebui g looms high on the hoi izeu as a prospect for the :i:tt h annual. is a deputy organ! .ei in 1 Knigla-- and a hust let'. He has some st rung people with him tind they will do or dle Fred Schwartz. Proprietor ITS APPOINTMENTS, in Busintw District CIRCUT C0UR1 , ) . ! Convenes ill AdjOUHlCd SCS- i . , ' sion Last bvening: JUDGE HARRIS IS ON BENCH Larue XmnlH-r of Cases Aiv Fllhei Continued or Dismissed Sev eral Prisoners Arraigned On arious "linrie.. The "circuit court. for Pouglas county convened in an adjourned session of the January term last evening, at which time various: mat ters of an important nature were considered., In the absence of Judge J. W. Hamilton, who -is confined at his home with illess. Judge Harris, of Kugene, presided. Following the return of an indictment by the grand jury charging him with the crime of larceny. Harry 'lVazy was arraigned in court and entered a plea of not guilty. Questioned. Trazy admitted that he lived in Roseburg under an assumed title, and that his real name was Harry Cumbart. lieing wit limit funds will) which to employ counsel. Judge Har ris appointed Attorney John T. Long to act In his behalf. Trazy. or On th hart was arrested at Yancouv er. Wash., about two weeks ago en a charge of stealing a horse and saddle from the Hanks & Wolker livery stables in this city. At llu time he stole the animal. Trazy left for the sout h, and about ten days lated located in the vicinity of Ash land where he sold the horse to a farmer. lief ore the o Ulcers could effect an arrest, however, he lei t that sect ion of the state and even tually drifted into California where he enlisted in the Fnited Stales army. Later, he was, transferred to the barracks, at Vancouver, Wash., where he was arrested by Constable .larvis. who was sent after him from this 'city. Trazy appeared in court this morning dees set I in army tin i foi in. and appeared little affected by the proceedings. , Trazy will be tried Monday morning before a jury. Carl Itnsch. who was arrested in Roseburg about three: months ago accused of adultery, failed to ap pear in court this morning when call ed, and consequently his bail in the sum of $U"n was forfeited. Andy Mestul and Sam Rast are named as the bondsmen. Husch was arrested upon complaint of Mrs. Montgomery, with whom he was traveling through the country. Husch is known in Roseburg and vicinity as the "Cer- lliitll wrestler.'' Wil liii m Jones, who was recent iv arrested at Cottage drove accused of stealing a horse from the T. .1. Medley stables, at Oakland, was ar raigned in Hie circuit court this morning and entered a plea of guiltv. In order that he might learn of his fate without delay. Jones waived the usual delay of six hours as provided by statute, and asked that sentence he pronounced at once. Attorney (itiirge Neuner. who acted in Jones' In dial f at t he pre) imimi ry best ring ii. .dressed the court briefly. He said i hat the prisoner was an aud man and that be had previously .-n joy. d a i-'ood reputation, and for that rea son he asked the court to he as n nient as possible. After hi hd de liberation J ud go Harris sent'iicei! the prisoner to a term of one ye;u in tin- state penitentiary. Frank Kelly and James Si an lev. who were arrested about six w erks am) a c used of burglarizing the Mc-U-- nobis m err ha nd i si. store. nt Sutlierlin. app-nred hi mint this morninc. and upon bing at rait; tied Miterod pleas of "not i:uilty". Re questing counsel, the :omt nteioint f l Attorney James U at son io rep-tv-ent Ke . and Attorney KIIm 1 1 Hermann, who will look at' r Simii 1 's im.-resis. Stanley's 1 1 w ill 'onie up Mondav afternoon, follow ed by Kelly's trial. Joseph Morinos. . indit.;. d bv the fraud jury on chargt-s of birv.'lar t and larceny, was arralL-m d in !( circuit court this morning on t i foim.-r count, and en'ei.-d ,( ,.-; ot Hot L-uiltv". He wiH he def.-mb d by Altorne Albert Abraham. Morim U accused of buriihirlzing tW- L. H Rlioades e,ond hand store, in Rose buig. a few weeks sine, iii whi'h time goods and mere hand be of the approximate value of $ J on were stobn. The officers rounder Mor- nio. a desperate naiad"! M" op enly as.-.ett-n that he will m-w-r go iy tin p-nitentiary. reL-ar'l 'n of the boasts of the ofh" ers have him In charge. Henry Alien, who whi In rorntiativ .with Morinos at the time the latter was arrested charged with f-urirlar-izing the I, H. Rhoades second hand store, wm tinot her prlfioner to ap pear In court this morning Allen will entr-r plea Monday niorniriK He will be defended by Attorney W, Y. Cardweli. who was appointed ti. look aftT h i interests by the court Clarence Kendall, another pcr.-nr. who Is alleged to hav prti Ipated In th Rhoaib-H binglary, will prob- es( ape a penitentiary e litem an he is but 1 7 5 earn of ttef W. M . Key. who was nrr-d ibont two rnonthR ago chnrged wi', 'utlii.g a gun on A, ivr-nnti, h-' t'a .r'et fho dealer, following an t!ferertf ir in over the prfc of a pnir i t ofk. failed to appear In cour' j t'ibt Tnorninif when ruiijii.'-r.- I Con-' ! sequently his bail in the sum of $lot was forfeited. John Walters and U. V. Cliugreeu, who are accused of holding up and robbing Samuel V. K'akins. near Suttieri'n, a few weeks ago. were ar raigned in court this morning. The will enter pleas on Monday, Hav ing no money with which to employ counsel. Attorney Oeorge Neuner was appointed to defend Walters, while Clingreen will lie represented by Attorney George Jones. "Not a truti bill" was returned j by the grand jury in the case of the State vs. Kmersou Hook, who wat ! recently arrested on a charge of pull j ing a gun on George Kelly, while I engaged in an altercation in a wood cutting camp, and that he was com pelled to resort to the use o( a ! gun in self defense. I Indictments were returned by the I grand jury last 'evening -charging ' Hd ward Irwin and J. F. Graham. ; hot h of whom conduct soft drink ; emporiums, with the crime of sell ling intoxicating liquors contrary to J law. The men will probably be ar i raigned some time Monday, j Ora Pilkingtou and Xnida Hay. ac I rued of the crime of adultery, ap- pea red in court today and entered pleas of "not guilty". They will be ! represented by Attorney F.lhert Her mann. H. G. Yinson. a local Southern Pa cific bra k em n n, was granted a dl voice from his wife. Wildah C. Vin son, in the circuit court, this morn ing. Tin plaintiff was represented by At torney Reuben M a i s t ers. Mrs. Gert rude K. Hnr hard was granted a divorce from her husband. Charles J. liurchnrd in the circuit court this morning. The plaint iff was represented by Attorney O. P. Cos how. Nine lioo.e Indictments. Other than returning Indictments against a nuuiber of prisoners con fined in the county jail, the grand jurv todav filed nine indictments charging proprietors of local soft drink emporiums with the crime of selling intoxicating liquors coin rary to law. Among those indicted were It. H. Matt hews, who con il nets a near beer emporium in the Sal.tnan building; Gits Sparks, bartender for William Herman ; I'M ward I win. who conducts a near beer resort, n the Haynes building; Lafe lewis. proprietor of the Lewis cafe and soft drink emporium, on Cass street; loo liart holomay, proprietor of a soit drink emporium at the corner of Sheridan and Cass st reets; Hen North, of the North Hrofhers empor ium, ul the corner of Sheridan and Cass streets; Al North and Hen North, proprietors of the North em porium; Max Weiss, proprietor of I he local cold storage plant, and J. K. Graham, proprietor of the resort formerly conducted by A. F. Her rlngton. The several defendants appeared in court shortly before nooon today, at which time they were arraigned They will plead Monday morning, it Is probable that the act used will en ter pleas of "not guilty", thus as suring one of the lengthiest terms of rourl ever held in Douglas count v. The evidence against ihe above nam "d defendant-: was gathered by Dep uty Sheriff Sam Slarmei , who. not onlv clainfs to have a number of bottles of beer purehased at the res pert jve rpsorts, but affidavits from a conipeiefit chemist as well. In all of the tests ft is said that the heel remained MtlliHent. alcohol to ren d r the fluid intoxicating, and it sale a violation of the law. I Tango?, Hi' Plea. ilarrv T-:r'v. who was arraigned in the circuit court early today ac-i-n d ef !;iri'"!H, 'Mid who later en tered a plea of "not guilt" appeared in court shortly before noon, (bang ed his pba to giiilt" and was sen tenced to a I'tmi of one year in the 'a(o .-pen iirnt iarv. Truzv accepted Fie penalty Indifferently, apparently bttle coni- rne'd as to Itis future. Aliol her Divorce (ranted. Jennie Flb'ii Padghnni wai' grant ed a divorce In the i in uit court thb i mot niug fiom h Puduhain. Geoi hiediand. Kveiett Jones appeared for the plaintiff. Grand liny lAcued. The grand jury empanelled to In VeSJl Urate alb'g. d Violil ! io?S of t lie laws of Oregon il u i ing f in January Term of t he rireii it con i t for Doug las county si) limited I heir final n port this afternoon and wero excus ed fr-.m f n rt liei dm v. Their report follows- In the circuit court for Doug la,. Continued u Pagr Two ) TWENTY - tIGHT TIMES i AROUND TME WOflLD tv '. IN A Y t A l r- If the driving whcrls of a p&MenKer engine were to glva the nmnfi niirnlfr of revolutions 1.7. fiW).(4Kttliat m watch bal ance irivpi ia one yrnr It would mike complete circuit of the earth. The South hi nd lUUnre I to C"nitrurt-l and jewded that it will nrrform thm wll mirti in credible amount Of work and Oil lait a life-tune. It journal! are of the finest trrnifercd tee and it btarin(fi of the hardeH Mpphire, a f em that toothing but diamond win cuu A. 8. IU KY. 8. P. I npwtor. Roseburg. Oregon THE LAST DAY Carnival Festivities Come to a Close Tonight. TODAY'S ATTENDANCE LARGE LivfNlnt'k lOxhililt lull tlllil I'at-ailr LoiuliiiK l-'i'ulmv of tUv Awm'ilt'd. Wliilo today's wvalln'r as suiur what a draw back In tho carnival fostivitk'S Uu? uuialn'r of people who atli'iuK.'d the last day ot the Third annual Strawherrv and Uose Carni val was lariier than on any previous day. evldenrlui; tho lurt thai the native Hit'iziniian has no fear of a "shower'' hath when a wood time awaits hint. .Many visitors were here trout the various cities throughout the county, and last ovouiliK and early this morning local fanners, ac companied hy tlleir families, poured Into the city from every direction. 1 1. was u day of showers and sun shine, ihe former prodoinlnutitiK, hut not stilllclent to mar the pleasure of those persons hent on makluK the day a Jolly one. The Important event of today's program was the ehlhition id' live stock and the parade which follow ed at - o'clock this afternoon. While not unite up to the standard of rornt er livestock parades, no doulit line to Ihe threatentliK weather which kept many at home who would have otherwise participated. It was nev ertheless, a line showing and enthit staslicly appreciated hy Ihe large throng of people. Ol-tler of I'ai-ntlc. Corvallis Cadet Hand. Queen's Moat. Company 1)., O. N. (1. Tallho, owned anil driven hy F 10. Alley and occupied hy committee. hrlvlng horse, entered hv Dr. Hacher. Kiddle I!,, nd. ' Children's Queen. Shellaud drivers. Final, rvhihitlng chickens. Saddles horses, t Iddeu hy Kose huig young ladles. Draft horses. Cat 1 le. led y owners, Hogs and chickens. Itoscluirg street cleaning depart ment. ' Ititilesiiue hand. Stallion. "Uoyal Duke," l'erclieron and Shire, owned by T. (!. Stallion. ' 111 n. k Diiiin 1," Mni- gan. owned hy II. McCulloch. Stallion, "lilowiih," ihoroiiglihred, owned hy W. W. Cardwell. .lersev low, "Katie," owned hv V, V. Cardn.ll. ,ci-c heifer, one' year old. owned hy li. W. Karatee. ,l,'is.-, thoroiighhred, 1 year old. owned hy II. M. Martin. Float, ehilillliig hailed I'vlmouHi Itnck: lint! Km lis; ow u"d ti Noi mall Agee. ,lcr:c he',,r, 2 Ve.ll'S old. hy Koberl Ai'hworlh. .lersev. led anil poll..? y. nrs old, OW 11 ll 11. I. ,. MH O ;,r. .lersev. hull. cow mid call, i.vv I l.y I. II. M e. o. I c. Una'. cl, Hating swine, ow n. -.1 l.v riiiiu l 'oop.-r Hull It... I.s and S vaiidott. s.,-, hv I'll:, ii ',,., ,. i lliirieil It... ks and S lill idilng- li.lis. evhllliled hv Fliuer W i III I L fl . .Hid Mr. Miller. llerkslilre hogs, evhihll. d hv I) A Ki'.is.- I'el.ill Mil. k-. evhlhiled hV F.. A Kruse 'I i.llli.U e gee-,-, exhibited hv V. I . Km 1 I'. -a hi'e I li ph ill aloiis. i-'iikr.-i and pullet, evhil.Hcl l.v , Kiu.-e j I'oill' la.r- leillli, exhlhileil ,v I; . ,. iMIIse. Siic-le driving inure, evhll.lied hv j ii A K II . S!:.ei, Itiivlt-r lli.hiii.-Mii. lll.'H K Sl.ellnlid stallion, e,l,ii.ile, l.y Itoi Itelll.VVS., evlllllillllg .lelsev I , . 1 1 1 . v. II Old; .l.-lsey h-'ifei. one v.;.r .,,!. . hil.ll. d hv Flank K Allev 'I .-..IN I VV ., V el.M Ol.l . , I 1 l.i'e.j l.v Why We Are Not Having a Sale l(e-fioM oik! yoodn (it- puid f"f. nii-r our priiet, nre it litile loner ilinn you inn jjet ele Iter-" on hiiIp, l-a ue He are kept hiioj- ul lendiiiji tlrlill)- In our nun nrfalr-4. Ileriiuse r het e to ntny . Roseburg Beauty Parlors II (lit (M H A I.I' TWO VI (IK NT I (t 1(1, M ('-s (1,10 A (,'MI IKXIST. Oregonlan: Kosehnrvr fn- a ever! What tho strawherrv feu- llvnl held there tills week' luck- ed In stravvherries (the season being backward I the citizens made up to the visitors by dls- play of Into carnival spirit. To this display decorations, flasu, music, automobiles. llnppy- faced school children, liatiil- sontely gowned women and men Intent upon hospitality itmi alert In business contributed and a record-breaking crowd tliloyed everything that camo Its way. Again, hurrah for Itosebiirg. F. K. Alley. Stiilllou. threo years old, oxhlbltnd by F. K. Alley. ".Miniiehaha," 1 year old filly, ex hibited by F. K. Alley. (ielding, two years old. exhibited by William Cardwell. Aged stallion. "Sonoma. Ilov," ex hibited by F. F.. Alley. Single driver. "Mario Dillon," F. H. Alley. Two horse team, Diamond nnU .lllllu." F. 10, Alley. Four horse team, "Tullvho," R li. Alley, Hiick goat, one year old, lrvlno titiinn. S. II. Diirhant. tieorge KohthiiKen. Four Jersey heirem, 10. A. KrilHe. "Duster Dan", I lamlltonlau and Morgan, i:loo pounds, W. YV. Uo gard. Stallion. Voliine," l'erclieron, Dr. C. 11. Foster. Stallion, "Carnot." John Ulmiin. Stallion, llatnlltonlau, 11. R Clif ford. Saddle puny, liertrnm Hates. The Muypolo Dance. Couclinllug the parade tho crowd assembled at the courthouse where they witnessed the "Maypolm Dance". In which sixteen lltllo Klrls liartlipalml. 'the event wna very pretty and brought forth lltunilerous iiiilause at the bauds of the throng Ihat congregated In that vicinity. I' Aivarileil, The following were awarded prizes In Unlay s exhibit of livestock: Mesi Draft Stallion Illack l'er clieron owned by John I'liun, llrtt; black l'erclieron, owned by Drain horse Company, second. Slnudaid llred Stallion Soiioniu.. Hoy, llrst; Mlcheal Allgelo. second. Moth owned by Frank 10. Allev. Stuiidard llred Mare Jullii 8., llrst; .Marie Dillon, s mil. llotli owned by Frank M. Alley. Carriage team Julia S. and Dln ni. .in. llrst: Mario Dillon and (Iruee Spears, second. llotli owned by Frank 10. Alley. Single driver - Sonoma -liny, llrst, Julia S.. second. llotli owned by Frank 10. Allev. llest lour-horse team 10. A. Kins, llrst, Jersey Mull J. v. Moore. llest llrs,'. Kesl lersey Cow - James Couover. llrst ; He III'.-,'. He He Iloliert A'.hworlh, secoail. I Jersey Call - 1,. II. .Moore, lOVV, ill! -Mrs. w. Kxllibll. breed other tllllll W. fnrduell. llrst. of Sheep - Haxler Koblieon. til, l.'-sl J.:l ii of Hogs- 10. A. '. (!.; I' Co r. second. i ..n ot poultry 10. A. Krilsc, I. Cieper. second, -t link or coiklel. unv breed H II. A. Kin:.-. Ilit; ('. Cooper, second, lie I In n or pullet, any breed 10. Kru-e, Iii si: I'. Cooper, second, llest pall of I lees,., nliv breed V Kins.-, llrst. llest (leneliil I'.H 111 bil - 10. A. use. llrst ; I'. Cooper, second. Kr OHITION WANT10T) As liolise keeper or nurse. Address Mrs. T. A K.tffeiy, care C. 10. Ktlrlon. liiv. If GENERAL D RAYING (inoils of evi-ry i(e.eript ion moved to iiny p.irtH of the Hr. Pi It ea niuoi H.S. FRENCH 11(11'. dwossim; M (MCI ItlVIJ