THIS FVEMXO NATO'S Fniruv. MAY 12, 1011. THE EVENING NEWS HY li. W. HA TEN. ISHUKirijA!lA'KX'K that they will return here at some' future date, at which time they wil Invest lit IJoiikIuh county real estate. Vrij'H Are Awarded, I'iIzch for th best exhibits at the rose show, In the. liooth building, at thu coiner of Oak and Jackson streets, wen? awarded late yeMenhi Subscription KuteM Daily. Per yeai, by mall $3.00; Per month, delivered 50 1 Kenil-Weekly, j year $2.00, aflenioijii. A. C. Clink, Uuy M I'ilk- " iiiumua l.uu: iMKt"ii and John A. Keating, all w Entered as Recond-class matter known Portland 'men, ,u;ted iuvuiuiMtr i, jjio, ai ito.senurfj, ure., under act of March 3, 1S7U. J-ltlll.W, .MA V J a, I1M I . irrn.(i (M!. Portland Visitors I :iifrlaliiel VtiA's Aunrdi-il, judf-H. Only iii..t prizes went award ed. The prizes follow: Mrs. W. I,. Cobb, best lour I. a KlillHt.'. Mrs. H. S. l-'remh. bc.-.t exhibir. Mrs. Mel McCuU, le-st J I'apa floiitie,. Airs. M.-I M.CnII, be-t Hbiid rcrpenial. Mrs. ., C. Aiken, Nest Ten. Mrs. Lore. b-.;t v.(,w Hvbrld '!'. Mrs. K. Winston, best vellow Tea. , MJ.-s Cirae.. Klder. Sweepstakes. .Mrs. If. ri. French. heM, four pink rose;. Automobile I'rl.e. The prizes awarded In yesterday' IE MAC Sat. Eve. May 13 SYKES' KINK 8:30 p. m. Strangler Smith Of Portland, Wkifjlit 1 1.1 U Weltorwtiirlit Champic-n vs Peter Buzukos Weight 135 Iba. I.iyhtweijrht ('lmmiion of the World CATCH-AS CATCH-CAW 2 in 3 fulls, StranKle Hold barred General Admission $1.00 Children 50e Ladies Free Ah n lltllni; climax to tin: day's festivities the I'm Hand were entorlulncil at boll, the Kills' hall and the Kiisi'Iiim k Commercial cluli roorrw last evenilit:. H'-ItU' tin- regu lar mceiiio; iiIkIh of r In- Hnsi-huri; 1oIb of Kilts all visum;: loot hers worn ill viti-.l to attend, anil that thoy Cflljoj't'd till: occasion KOt-S wil hunt HuylllK. Thp regular I n i 1 1 - j m u i ..-t- luK was practically suspended, anil I deoi sled antoinuhiii' parade were an lh( ;ntlre evi-nlntt was ; up toi niHMiii-il hy Mayor llnynes this al" feasting and oilier eiitertajniiiK ternouu. 'I'hi' indues were It foatllloH. At tin. iiinilii'ri I ; I club ! Si limele, of the lulled Slates Nil-! - rooms a reception wits la pr, .cross i llnaiil Hank. I'orilanil: II. I.oe I'aio-t. . . . llniitlL' II villi,.- I,. .1,1,1 ' r the ..rt1:.t..l Trim Conn,,, I, v mill tin, Kenllemen viMlnis ail'l lln-ir! I'. I- Si hull, a prominent l'nrllaiil 4. Mr-T HOSI'IHTO ladle worn llivltl. 'I In- local re ,- ' nuti hunt. j 4 , ,. 11011 connaiii,-,'. cinn,M,,l or hmh: I Hi' prizes union-: 4 The (Ii,-:;,mi Sla jaiiica ami Ki-iii n-iiM-ii . u,-n ,,11 l' si iiccoi-aicu .1 in innoiiiic. ,4 mi-i-l In aim nicy nun,- ni,-in,-l , s proml o'. Koninson, ciaKiainl. jiim. pri.c, wan thu i'Xin,H-,ii,n ,,l 1 In- I'm I hi n, I koilak. doli'Katlon.;ht ri.,-Kli nts ivi-i,-i Mr. M,,l, s oil h. Itns.-hn r;r. n- orvo(l. l-'ollouln- lln- r piioa at . nii,l ;ti'--, rol,,'. Ilio noiniin-rcial clnl, iiniM,,,li:cs meet-i Intel Ante I'loat. ItiK III llic Tlkn' hall, the quests were M 1 1 1 Thompson, KoM-hiirg. first iHClirtcil, to the ilepol where tln-y prize, s,e, , ! I er. worn t-'lven a In-arty fan-well. Thi-' llr. I-:. V.' Hoover. It,, ehurir, sec- Kllftclal train of Keven lniltnan cais. i onil prize, rnlie. il-ansiiorllnK the I'm 1 in ml coni limeiil , left lor 1 at promptlvl II o'clock as sclnilnle,!, will, alii ""T HI(KI-: IHWKII, tihoard. I Tim I'ortlanil il.-lec, 1 ln appeared: ieKn,,ini; at I I , o'clock on Sat- woll lileased wllh their visil In Itose- niilnc Sli.v 1:! il, l,lies ,,r 11,,. burn, and brand Ihe people of this I'reshyleriaii church will serve aj olty onlerlalners or ahllily. Many of ' chicken dinner In the Sunday school MM A I, XKWH thom who were ulven an opportiinlly j room of Ihe church. Ice cream. to visit the country dlrlrlcts rtorlnro 1 rak ami slrawiierrles Included, in I :i I Dr. I.owe leaves Satuniav mum FRIENDS (;ram:e u jll 4 hui'K m-xt vi';ir. nr- 4 eiiniir, 10 a nie.sace rec,.jed 4 from T. I,. l,ee, cinii'ty oiajiini- 4 , who is aneiiilini; a in, -el- 4 ilir: ot lie slate era line at for- 4 vallis li is pi,,l,al,le that m-xt 4 4 e;,r's ni.-.-iniL' will commence 4 4 on Ihe leconil Tuesday in May 4 4 and corilinue for Ihreo das. 4 Much credit is due Mr. Lie fur 4 tin- Inierest ho displayed in 4 4 hrini,'iim nest years meeting nl" 4 Ihe c,rnn;:e 10 H'l.t-hur. 4 4444 Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap1 53 It cures liiibles niiil Kiown ('..Iks of all skin eruptions. It cures dandruff. Jt slops the hair from falling out. It makes tbe hair y,nv. It Ih the best, shampoo made. It Is Ideal for shaviiiK. It. nlves 'he kIow of youth lo sallow and dull complexions. Jt Ih more southing than cold creiiui; morn beatitit im; than anv lo tion or cosinet le. Jt Ih pure enough to eat. II. Is tin lii-Ht toilet snap made. It costH more to make than any other soap on the market. It can ho procured nt any dni .More, If. i.n;. ,t rake. its in tiie bi' tent lows proper! v in West illicit at S o'clock. The public Is cordially invited io attend. Ser ices every even in -J. il S flu li It. Li balance of this week. Special ser vice; Sund.iy at H:;n jtnd i':;:u and p. m, Seats are free ;iud inter est In f; discourses promised. Mnnyn'N WKcli llael Soap HenN Sciatrlics ntitl Stires. j John C. l.atic.eubi'rL'ef. 1ST Oak luiHl Ave., Coliiniliiis, (Hiio. stts: " I Itnd Miiuyon's Wlhh ll.i.-l Sap to li very j-.ond to Scr.itclu"-. Hlisters nnd Sores of any kind. ( .1 usi - .ft he .-.njip or a ! lib k lat her on i. sore and leavo It tn for a !' MlllUles, I tn mi rinse It otl' ' : r uaier and H is a positive rure. I N e ii -e no other soaii-; or lotlet ' a i ; i but M iiii on 's." TMi:Vo s M it ii li v.-. sou s iui-s nn; I i;om u.i;. -Mllll)-f Hi's Witch lla. l son llemiliiies (he skin 'i i, lot nl all 01 ml; hIom'm Try It. LOST -(Hack taffeta silk nmbrelln. Kold handle with initial S'" on lop Kinder jdease leave at. eus oilier, lieward. dswtf M A It KS "KOIt SA LKSpa7Tinda7"d bred fillies, coming and 4 years old, half sisters, broken, and are a line larm team for their breed. Well matched, and prU'o reason able. Impiim News ottlco. tf HOl'SK I'Olt SALi: - -flood fi-room house with hit and hah", woodshed, near court houe. well furnidiecl, only ? 1 ,7oo, Imiuire (.iini,beirs Croiery. X. Jackson St.. or, phone t;:;. mio KOIt SAI.K - ; lid ;,e,-e- .i eneice ' ft 11 11 lam! in the Mi.-souri MoT toiu, neai- MvrlU- Ci-".-!;. baf ln-ni cut Into Teacre tracts and is now Fellow Citizens, Men, Women and Children You are most cordially invited to call at our store to inspect, what we consider, the threat improvements to our plant. Many of you know of this, hut it will r;ive us plea sure to have you call a-ain, fur we have them practi cally completed, with the exception of the non arrival of some stock. In connection wiih our basement department we have fitted up what we lerm a Ladies' Rest Room. It is intended for ladies only, ami in it will he lound heside toilet accommo lations, a couch. eay chairs, table, etc. Jt is our desire this will he used by all ladies whether they call at our store to trade or net. The basement department will be in charge of a competent saleswoman, who will be pleased to extend any courtesy to all. Don't forget that the location is at the old Iron mongers stand; corner Oak and Jackson. Churchill Hardware Co. IRONMONGERS I)on't think we are asking you tii call la-cause we expect you to do trading, but come and see what facili ties we have to offer when you wish to do trading. ,lnne, VUte of lie ,11, tile When .you come lo town Don't loitict (o visit (lie Water Front . Dry (ioods Store Sheridan Streets for Your Suits Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everylhinjj newin the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress von from head to fool cheaper than you can steal the oods. GIVE US A TRIAL. I). J. JARV1S irket. I,,. , eh. full p- ,l.- ,,f pr, la ee,l 1,1 Sell at po lish in tile c!:y imlas foulllv. (); :,,: ,i s,...i..l ,-. -,i mm.-.. I, I To i:xc :i..f K i;,u,,i loom hen-" 1111,1 t-.v,, ::r,, wiiii 1 1 1 11 : 1 1 1 1 1 ." , , i . ami Mi l,d ill Wio 111a, 1 s of ai'ple !,,lt h exchanue for small iui.ioed railiii in tho Umiiqua V.ili.y. ,,B,.(Hff land consid ei'",l. Aihli-e-s .loliii l.ani;, Cilon- land III U--1 s,i ,. In, ver Mi;,) !, i ,.; sii-ncl I,,, lli ,v ihe latter and the . stale ,.. el se!!.i:i: h::n I s w 1 1 Noli, , ol Sale nl II. ll IV., pony. . lor i, leal 1 or I I I 1 . , ,l tri ,1111 on 1 1 1. in HiM I I! I( UISS0 TAHIS tST 1911 .lull'. VIP. IA',-. icon:!., of list and So.:, shown !.!,. Cut this Out aatl Visit the Roscburo Theatre TIiIn ti. Kei nlnl Ti inils jite pnul for t hilil'ens atlmisMiviis utnliT the te of I- i'ac .it ihe Uost'lnirj Theatre ttt nil time- eept S.i(iiid.i lit ti ( . Only Theatre 111 eu -.h.-iwtn; pit anes Dial hai d been lure before. W I H V I NO Ml I I H ;s. SOUTHERN PACIFIC .,,::,.! t. .,, .. I,- . i ion 1:1, I r 11; I I Wli Yon w il p:e and 1 1 mi us White River Flour It is Not llleached I'.i'iir 1-. nijii: inns in health I 'so V Ye Mart 1 Mrs. A. C. Kidd & Son Agents ii,.. ... . w .1- lav J I! He lll'lj An.:-. Mi'l.ll,' SOil.l 1 : - oil. mi s Ttl.ou SI III.IMI SI I I,.-, Sill Ml lor 1.110s III. ll II e US' 1,1. mi: in 1 1 s iv. !'. ,1 .: '. I". l.V 1- ,:;,! ::e. 1. " He u n !l,i,.-t, 1 ..litocia "I a,i, Soul h, 1 I'.,, in, M. M. Ml III; 1 'er.,1 I'; 1, ;,r ... l'.Ki;.M. IU: , WINDOW PEGIAL $2.45 - ,1 li -Sid oi 1 1 . i-l -i 1 in II - ,'il-V .,. ..ViWr-w'-j A ti- ft mm tin g TVr'-Jf:-'ifi;. -Vt , 1 v ' : i I ? m f il -.4 : niVA li Trimmed and Tailored Hats Ladies' Suits REDUCED Special on NEW DRESSES Just Arrived Marquisette, Foulard Pongee and Swiss Mull Jas. A. Perry Millinery and Ladies' o ugs that Match 1 he main requirement in the decor ation of your room is the harmony ot the paper, the furniture and the paintim The prevailing style ot decorations around here are known to us, consequent ly, m the new stock of rugs that we have just received you can be absolutely certain of finding what you want, a beautiful rur that will harmonize and look elegant t!uP prices are also made to fit your'pockct. come oe convinced even if you don't buy CO. . Con plete Pouse Furnishers i Roscburg, Oregon.