THE WEATHER ADVERTISERS LOCAL FORECAST Showers and cotter tonigl.t Saturday fair Will (hill I II.' Kvenini: Ne tlu bent ini'iliuiii to reach tho )HiitiMt' liiKitiurir. A wlile H-nake publication printing nil tin' mw tlint'nf ll tnurlnt VOL. 11. llOSKlilltG, DOUGLAS OOCXTY, OKKCiOX. I'ltlll.W. MA V 12. lllll. No. 1(10 PENSIONS BILL Providing Increase for Old Soldiers Deferred. PUNISH MEN WHO TESTIFIED Heads of Depart uients in Washington Jlrenk Vengenrc on Suhonlii.. ales Who Tostitied Itoforc Tim Committee. (Special to Tho Evening News.) WASHINGTON', May 12. After au hour and a hull' session today tho house adjourned until Tuesday, iiepuhlican members warned .Mon thly set aside as a time tor the con sideration of the old soldiers' pen sion bill, authorizing an increase of all pensons. aggregat ing a total of -ir.0ul),(nm annual iy. Dennvratic ni-niber.s, however, steam rolled the tiuestion and defeated the desires of tho republicans, who believe thai he old soldiers should be given tiie additional pensions. Punish Subordinates. WASHINGTON. May 1 2 Charges that the govern men t depart men t ii-v's are punishing subordinates fi r wiving testinn.nv before tiie eon grussional investigation committees, a nd that the sa id eh iff s a re t here f if in contempt of the senate and house, were introduced in the- house today by Hepresentatives Uarthriek. doTnneraiir, of Ohio. The resolution pta,1es tlat ' 'govern m till employes disclosing informal ion respecting metiers that have been undet inves tigation have been dismissed ajid branded tin wort by of positions of trust, and also says that it is the duty of all employes, having knowl edge of irregularities to impart the information to the congressional committees. Tiie resolution provides that nny employe so punished shall ho reinstated and the department h'.ads be punished for contempt. Itccognltion of MadiTo, WASHINGTON. May 12 The cab inet today discussed the situation at Juarez, but while no detiniie state -iiii he obtained cone . :iing any decision, it is believed that the administration will decide that this government has no power to prevent tho shipment of arms to .Juarez, now that the rebels control the custom house. i Packers Must tSand Trial. PlllOAGO, May 12. J. Ogdon Ar mour and nine other Chicago pack eis. indicted for conspiracy and al- );!-! -d violation of tin ami trust laws, .ime measunibly nearer prison to day when Judge Carpenter over ruled their demurred and suited that Clothes That Compliment You If a coat collar is low behind, you can pull it up a hundred times a day. but it will stili always be down. If your vest U too short it will always be up. regardless of how you try to keep it down. These "ups" and "downs" have no place in cloths made to tit you. Hash's Toggery clothes are band tail ored, will absolutely keep their shape and every suit nide to tit your measure and every suit kept pressed tree for you. I !r are some of the reasons why Harth's Toggery clothes are making friends and permanent customers. Hecause we give you all these and rnanv more clothing benefits don't g't the idea tUat Harih'i- 'oggerv clothes ro.-t nunc. They are less in p.kv ili.i.i any store in Koschurg vhen value, is considered. Sounds like strong language but we can pnue it to you. Another tiling that will make U easy j to make your selection here i . tt our hi rue and complete as- sort men t of dependable mer chandise all new and np-to-the minute. Remember If uny thing goes wrong, your money back every time. Harth's Toggery HOME OK KEG A I, SHOES. HOTEL THE GRAND Cass Street, Cor. Rose. Fred Schwartz. Proprietor FIRSTCLASSMN ALL New Building, New Furni.shinKS anr H'lt ami l nl'l Koonu bc. ROOMS WITH Centrally Located .1AM lS Yorxc: DKAD. .lames C. Young, a pioneer resident of Douglas county and one of the best known men in South ren Oregon, died at his home in Oakland late last night after au illness of seven months. Jinimie" Young, as he was best known among his acquaiu- tanees, resided in Douglas coun- ty practically all of bis life. He was a native of Illinois, and when a mere child aecompan- led his parents on their per- ilous trip across tho plains, lo- eating in Douglas county in the year 1S5;S. Mr. Young was 0 7 years of age. Aside from from a wife he Is survived by four children, Mrs. Micellus. of Portland; Gertrude, Hazel. Mar 1 tha and Edwin, all residents of Oakland. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Young are also living. Tho .funeral will he held at Oakland at 1 1 o'clock Sunday morning, interment will follow at the Oakland cemetery. Mr. Young was a member of the Masonic, Odd Fellow and Kast C' ern Star lodges. He was a de t voted Christian and belonged $ to tho Oakland Presbyterian church. 4 Other than enjoy 'ng the greatest confidence of his as- sociates along business lines, Mr. Voting held a r of responsible public ofliceg dur- ing his residence in Douglas county, prominent among which was couniy commissioner. He served Douglas c.-unty in such rapacity, ruiriag in JIMiS when he was suceedet by M. R. Ity- an. of Drain. In Mr. Young's death. Doug- las county has lost one rff tiie its most willing and capable citizens, and the news of his demise is received with pro- found regret. Jn Oakland and vicinity where he was best known, he was considered man of sound business judg- nient and of excellent social attainments. He was success- ful in all matters undertaken. and assisted in building a busi- ness which will ever stand as a 4 monument to his being. the acused men must stand trial on the criminal charges preferred. II. 10. 1 hi now today sold his fine highly Improved ranch near Hruck w ay, Oregon, to Robert Donaldson, "f this place. Mr. Donaldson recent ly sold his ten-acre tract near the old soldiers home to J. 11. Myers, broth er (if ,. '. Myers. Mr. Donaldson will take pusses-ion of his new home in a lew days and intends to r-ake it his perm:' t home. The deal w rs niad.' t h rough the I'errine and Yalkv rralc.-tate firm of this city. ITS APPOINTMENTS Furniture, HtMm II'-at"l Thruughout Water ll r.verv UiiODl. 75c and 11.00 i BATH IF DESIRED j in Business District! SALEM VISITORS; A Bevy of Prominent Men See Roseburg ENJOY CARNIVAL FESTIVITIES Hon. A. 1-'. llofer Among (he Quests -.Many KiHhiitduslic K ircsioiis Concerning Our City. Among the visitors a' the straw berry and rose carnival is a goodly delegation from Salem, Including of ficers and members of the Salem Hoard of trade. They are A. F. Hofer, secretary of the board, Krank Meredith, of the state fair; R. H. Houston, an old Roseburg boy; Chas. L. Dick, manager of the Salem I'm it I'nion, W. 11. Steusloff, a pnnm:ie:il packer who buys considerable of Douglas county's superior beef cattle. H. S. Gile, the wholesale grocer, and the man who did more than any other citizen of Oregon to create a market for the Oregon prune in the I'n i ted Stales and abroad. A. G. Magcrs. Sain Kwing. G. W. Dlinmick, Henry Densmoor, S. M. Sargent, and Mrs. R. H. Houston and son. Gene. Secretary Unfer is au old news paper man and in an interview with a News reported expressed his great astonishment at the pi ogress made by Roseburg as a city. Ho says the network of strett paving, tho beau tiful (duster lighting system, tiie well-kept lawns and attractive homes nestled all about t he rose-covered hills of our city would bo a credit to any city of twenty thousand. "We only arrived in your beautiful city at live o'clock." said Mr. llofer. "but before we got into our com fortable quarters at the Hotel Mc Clallen we had had a round of hos pitality and festivity that. fairly made our beads swim. The reception given that live bunch from Portland last evening was charming, and the w-it. ,1..i.. nt" tht l'"lk' hull snrelv ! demonstrated the generous hospital ity of the place. I want to compli ment Roseburg upon its evident spirit of unanimity in Its public un dertakings, and this one fact alone will mean far more than any other element in the up-building o It la place. . "The high class development of fruit lands and other properties throughout the surrounding couuiry will eventually prove a resource for the permanent prosperity of your city which cannot as yet be fully con ceived. This is what Salem has work ed for for many years and now the miles and miles of developed orch ards about our city, reached" by the lines t rock roads, and occupied by hundred of tamilfes making almost a coin in nous village, have become the pride of our city. "VVf fully appreciate at Salem the friend-hip and substantial backing of R-vebiirg and Douglas count v people in the things which vitally ef fect our cltv and the welfare of the stat1 Inst it nt ions located ' here, l-'rank Meredith, manager of the state fair, who is in our party, thinks, at times, that he really makes that bit institution what It is. Inn the truth is. It is a Rosefnirg man who does it. Mr. J. H. Rooth. the honored president of the state board of agrl ulture. He Is so modest and unpre tentious about it that he ts hardly j observed In his work, but I know from- vrsonal knowledge that he j puts in some of the most strenuous; work of any man In the stale fori the success of that great instltii-! Hon. 1 "Douglas County also comes down everv vear with a magnificent exhib it, whieh is a credit to the state and probably has n great deal to do with the fact that. Roseburg received the largest returns of any town in t he ! state from the recent colonist excur sions. "Your town deserves the desilnct- ion. and I want to predict that the future even has grealer success In store for It . "lint. I almost forgot lo speak of : the festival. While your good pco i pie all seem to feel that the displays (Machine Made BREAD In kocjiinu with the modern method of bread and pastry making I have installed a pat ent bread and pastery mixer, thus giving my patrons the ben efit of the most approved meth ods in the art of bread making. The products now turned out at this bakery are equal to any in the state. A irial will cnnvinew yon. We carry all the good things in pastryland, fresh and cri,-p ever) day. THE I'MPQl'A BAKERY II. lil'K- ! . Irn. rhow 'ii I aro small, owing to the backward season, it is a magnificent success in fact. The spii it i hut prompts such movements and forges ahead to their fulfillment, regardless of dis couraging conditions is certain to j spell succes and greatness for your i community. l know the value of these t ii'ngs as a city developer from the wonderful results achieved by our annual cherry fair which is held the second week In July. It has resulted in our raising better cherries and more cherries, in se curing better markets and better prices for our products. It has brought us the good will of our neiglineis and aroused a pride in our towniwoj.le which has meant won ders for us. These local fairs are only an InchVnt. but their effects are fi r reaching in making a good town. This harmonious boosting ..'ikes bitter citizens, better busi ness, better schools, better bunk ac c units, better churches, ; jiier ev erything, better children, and more of :hein. w nich seems to be Rose burg's ,'rlde. Long live Roseburg and its epterprisiing people! " CALL Oh' TIIIO io i:ts. Douglas County Officials and Indivl duals llae Interest in Walls. During the past four years I have tarelully studied the ineihods em-!-lo ( d and f V re-.-ults obtained ny the Hoy's an 1 Girli-' Aid Society of Oregon. Tho headquarters of this organi zation is located at Portland, ruder the direction of the head ollleers. there is a board of advisors in each county of the state. These county advisory boards are made up of men and women closest in sympathy with the culture ami development of the children of (In state. The I ton g las county board consists of Thnrman Chaney, county school superintendent, president ; Mrs. J.C Kuilerton. vice-president: A. A. Wilder. clothier, secretary ; M rs. Km m a ( 'a rd well . t rea su rer ; Mrs. Adelia lladley. Any. o. P. Co show, Dis. Atty. Geo. M. llrown, and with G. W, Wonacoft. county judge, as act ing juvenile judge, members of tho board. The advisory board assists to ac complish the work of caring for ne glected children in their county. It wishes lo see the citizens of this county do Its share toward the sup port of the foundlings and helpless children who are left, without father or mother or the fostering influences of a good home. Sometimes these children have a fat her or mot her. but they are unable to care for iheir offspring properly, or t hey are un willing lo do so. It is plainly the duly of all citizens lo take children into consideration as they are lo be the future men and women of affairs id' the county. They in t turn will, by their influence, shape the lives of other dependent ones ill t he next general Ion. Thus start Ing an endless chair of character build , inc. i The advistory board and members of ibe Hoys' and GirK' Aid Society of Oregon Wish to see all Hie cili.ell. come forwa rd with financial assis tance in developing t ho work in Doug I a.-; county. The Aid So. ietv is not a Portland in si it ution : noithe does Port laud derive any benefits from ibe receiv ing home there. The home is for the benefit of all the lounties of the state except Port laud ; receiving the boys and girls whose rase a n- acted u pon by t he invt'iiile courts of the arious coun t ieH. Douglas county bus m-nt many children to ibe receiving hoim (ff which have had good care all and have been given an opportunity to become useful cit i.ens. There have been children sent from this county w ho have become stenogra plwi ti. teachers, house maids, and farmers; as well as good home mak This work can only nlished through the lnt hi citizens whose help Is needed hi fur thering tho Clrfise. of these IlillO cnts; as some of them are Just about reaily to receive business educations, which cost s money as every fat her and mother knows. My experience In dealing wilb de linquent children and tin' placing ! of homeless and neglected chlldrc i has enabled me to get In 1 with this work ; and h lose touch Mead me In fullv understand the rallhful. .- tematlc, and Ihus effective met hodf used bv ibis ojgaiii.aiion. to rare for the ri"L'ected bovs and girls. ! .Judging from what has been done ! of thi-ye children In Douglas couniy i alone in the pat few yearn. I feci that h merits the sympathy and co ; operation of ( very citizen, f What the citizens of Douglas conn- tv should do to belli the Innocents who are without fat her or moth or home. Is to buy as 1 1 tie rail v po-'.sihle of the lags to besold Saturday. May 1 :t which goef tft assist In 'he care t the waifs of this counfv. ; W. WONACOTT. County Judg Mtniiiit" Will lie the vubirrt on SundHv nt 11 a, m at the Christian church. Mr.c .1 M. Chirk will sing "My Mother's llandi ": the choir will sing. "Nobody know but Mother." S p rn IM subj-' t will be- "To him that bath, it hall ! given " You are ordialiy Invited to worship with uh .1 V Mr;o..KI., 2 Ira 11. HIiMW d here W-.In. . wh'i h.'IH le-etl aiiernl lO nr three Weekl nt 'en'linK court, return, -tiny cnlnK. CHlLDRENS DAY Roseburg Youngsters Surpass All Other Exhibits. THOUSAND IN LINE OF MARCH Thousands Watched the School Clill dreii March on the Streets This .Morning- Prize Itabys In Line. Roses and strawberries, sweet and delicious as they are, were complete ly eclipsed this morning when the young people of the Roseburg high school and children of tho grammar grades made t heir appearance on the streets in the parade t hat was scheduled to occur on this date, and it was the concensus of opinion that the lovely girls and manly boys who participated in the beautiful demon stration are indeed Roseburg 's best asset. The showers of tho early morning, and which continued in termittently during t he forenoon, detracted a good deal from the com fort of tlu children In the parade and the spectators who lined the streets on both sides of marching line but withal it was a most Interesting affair, reflecting great credit on the promoters and the children. Perhaps no part of the parade elicited more inter est than that port Ion devoted to the babies in decorated perambu lators. All along the lint! of march grey-haired grandmoihei'H and totter ing granddads, proud papas and gracious matrons peered eagerly for ward to set the numberless school children, from the charming lassies In the high school section down to tin last wee mites of dimpling hu manity in their carriages that brought up the rear of this most In terest ing and inspiring part of t he carnival program. Dhisious of Parade. Preceded by the O. A. C. band the high school division, headed by the class of "1L', followed by other classes marched by twos north on Jackson st reel. Kollowlng the class of 'II came the grades, and after them an other hand discoursed martial music as the youngsters trotted along, each and every one of them carrying a small American flag. The queen of the children's parade, little Miss Dor othy Abraham and her naive llllle maids of honor, rode In an appropri ately dceoruied pony four-in-hand, and immediately after the queen's coach came the primary divisions of the schools. In the extreme rear, very fittingly, since Ihey being last, came the dimpled prize babies In their decorated carriages. These small bits of humanity wonderinglv took in Hie sights about fhem, all unconscious of t lie admiral ion and praise heaped upon their bald little pales by a deliubled mullilude. The procession counter marched-at Doug las and Jackson i:ud passed south on the latter street to the plaza by Ibe Klks" Temple, when Hie queen was error led to ihV grand stand and reg ularly proclaimed queen of the fes tivities. A thousand or more school childten gailu n-d about their charm ing Utile soverigu and with hundreds of flai;s waving were photographed. Prize W inners. A tilo. consisting of Sberiri George (mine, who claims to know I all about babies and decorated diminutive vehicles, assisted by Mis. Winston and Thomas Cobb were the t hree chosen lo decide w hat hah) buggies were eillitled to the lespec livti prizes. It was no easy task, lie cause every liitle carriage in the par ade was a prize winner wit bout ic( inn-) doubt, and no mutter where t In of the : awards mmht have been placed lhe ! would have been correct from a lech. nleal view pomt, nut ot course earn mother though she was surely entlll ed to Ibe prize, and The News agrees with her. but as there was only tin ee pricM and a dozen or t wo wiigoim some one had lo meet wlih ditappninimenl. Am it was the awards; fell to Mrs. Kidder, gold Mined mug; Mrs. Allie lloiircr, child's tafile set, and Mrs. W, K. (t(i, nap- kin ring, who rvretved first, seconu ' and third respectively. The babies ' occupying the vehicle were not con- (tillered hi the awarding of prlz but had they been Hie (roubles of the Judging ( ommittce would not have ended so easily. The News Kimpty wants to sav that they were roirely a Sweet bumh of tols, beside whom a rose or a luclous berry fades Into Insignificance. PrleH Awarded. Prizes were awarded the follow- QrCgonTife , the only life insurance company exclusively Oregon. BESTFOR OREGONIANS Home Office ! A. L. Mills, President I). WAI.KATII, District Manager Kosburg, Oregon , iuij divisions of the public schools j for the largest per cent of their eu ! rollment In the parade: Miss Uada baugh's room, ton per cent In par ade, large desk: Lane school. HO por cent in line, largo flag that has been on display In the New York storo windows; West Side school, a jier cent In line, largo dictionary. K very body Happy. No accidents of any description oc curred to mar the pleasures of the day, and each and every youngster was returned to his or her parents without even a rent in gown or cloth ing;, but simply chuck full of tho "booster" spirit and a desire to toll all the wonderful and exciting ex periences of tho day in one breath, (irnugo Kxltlhlt. In the banquet hall of tho com mercial club rooms a number of tho granges of tho county have arranged a most creditable display of farrn products, which have excited much favorable comment from all visitors. Among tho granges ropneaented are Lower Call poo in. Kvorgreen, Myrtlo Creek, Melrose and Douglaa Pomona (Jrauge. On exhibition aro magni ficent specimens of this season's growth of rye, barley, wheat, choot, alfalfa and vetch, many of tho speci mens showing a remarkablo growth, live and barley Is fully headed, and shows the remarkablo productivity of the soil. Among tho vegetables aro peas, cauliflower, which, by tho way. is tho largest wo have ovor seen, lelluce. etc., nil grown this season. Then there aro grains of all sorts that were harvested last season apples, potatoes, corn, and it large display of homo canned fruits of all sorts and descriptions, Tho grange Is certainly doing Its part In exploiting the resources of Doug las county. Wink of Judging tw various ex hibits Is progressing this afternoon, and awards will bo mentioned later. .Members of tho various granges represented spread their delicious luncheon on tho tables in tho ban quet room and enjoyed a fraternal -hour while partaking of tho good things lo eat provided by tho farm ers' wives. Prizes (ilven. Hesl (Jeneral Kxhiblt Lower Cal apootti (.; range. llrst Individual Kxhlblt Corn grown by 10. It. Kcnu, of Melrose (1 ran go. Special Mention- (iardon exhibit by Mr. Winston, of Pomona Orange, and rye and barley by Myrtlo Creek (iiange. The (irniiJterV Parade. KuMy MUM) paople stood In n driz zling rain this afternuoii and wit nessed i he granirei parade, which was one of the features of tho cur nival. Although not as largo as had been auilclpated, the parade was very good, and brought forth many expressions of praise from the throng or people that lined tho streets. The procession formed on Main street, and after parading tho principal streets, disbanded In tho vlclniay or the Kilts' temple. Among the participants were tho follow ing: Kugetie Parrott, marshal of tho day. Corvallf hand. Co. o N. fi. lilack stallion, owned by Mr. Ho gard. 'of l:er Creek. float, disphiving Aw inc. geese and chickens, and entered by Kdwarit K i iim . of t uer Creek. Members of Kvelgreetl tJiangO. No. Ii;i, afoo.. Itiddle band. D.corafed float, entered by Mel rose Grange. No. l.'I I. and occupied by farmer!!. Girls on horseback. Men ou horseback. Decorated float entered by A. T. Marshal and advert l.-iing tho Canhi e ( cigar. Decorated float, entered by tho Itosehurg i louring Mills. Decorated carriage, entered by J. P. Maiker, Hi .tin band. 'I nnighiV Amusement. Aside from I he various idinws on the stiects. visitors at. Ibe carnival ' will be given an opportunity to en- jov i wo unusually luleresilng eventn i lonighi, At the armory occurs tho !rainlval ball, while at Hykc' rink. I thov" In scutch of soineining nisi, mm exciting, will wlinehrt a ten romm bout heiwct.n ,loc (laffiiey, of Mono burg, and Hobble Kdwards, of Han am Isco. Kluboralc prep anil Ions bae been made for the carnival ball, and it is safe lo predict thai, thosn who attend will g I full valuu for tieir mouev. The best of music will i, In utlcndanH . We will have an extra large and good stork of bananas and orange this week, also soiuo sfiawberrles. The It.Mhdale. dtewlf Portland, Oregon S. Samuel, General Mgr.