L J V Kupplemt-tit to THE EVENING NEWS BY H. W. hati:h. IHSLKl) DAILY K.YCKIT KIXDAY. Subscript (on ltiitcH Daily. Per year, by mull $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Semi-Weekly. Per year $2.00 Six months 100 Entered iia second-class ma tier November 5, 1910, at Itoseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1871. SAT I ' 1 1 DA '7 M A V ft, ll 1. HKKT OX TMK MAP. Koschiirg Highly IVatwd lly (milium Chizcn. An Tho Hartford City, Indiana, News of recent dale nays: Mr. and Mrs. (). Anderson will tie part .May 2 on a trip to Onon and others nor! Invest states. They will he members of an excursion party now heliiK organized by their son. Harmon Anderson, who Is a real estate aent at Kosehurtf, Ore., and who expects to organize a colony of Oregon homeseekers among Hart ford City residents. An advertise ment telling of tho excursion appears elsewhoro In this Issue. The Andersons will visit the prin cipal cities of Oregon. Includink the homo of their son. and enroute homo will stop at Spokane, Wash., where they will be guests of a num ber of former Hartford CHyltes, and at Colfax, Wash., where Mr. and Mrs. Lew I rwln reside. They expect lo be gone about two months, hi their nhseure Mr. Anderson's son-ln-lnw, Dr. Charles Keasoner. will ho In charge of the Anderson drug store. Dr. and Mrs. Keasoner probably will also occupy the Anderson residence on north High street. Harmon Anderson, who, with his wife, departed a few months ago to carve out a future in the West, is en thusiastic about Oregon, and espec ially Kosehurg. It's the greatest towir on the map, Harmon says. There Is no limit to it's natural re sources and I would like to have all my friends get in on a good thing, is tin way Harmon put it. He has a good line of argument for a novice in the real estate game, and besides, he declares he has the goods. Light It (;rade Lxami nation. Notice is hereby given that the count y superintendent of Douglas comity will cause to be held In each district of tho county having eighth grade classes, an eighth grade exam ination on Thursday and Friday May 1 I and 12. 1!)1 1. .Following is Hie programme and sources of questions: Thursday, May 1 1 Physiology, wriling. history, civil government. Friday. May 12 flrammar, arith metic, geography, spelling. Arithmetic Smith's Practical Ai ithmei ie. Civil (Jov't IT. S. Constitution. Geography Stato course of study and state text. History State course and state text. tlrammar - Huehlers. no diagram ing. Physiology Krohn's graded les sons. Heading The teacher of each class will send In the reading grades. Spelling Heed's Word Lessons. WViUng Specimens of penman ship. Hespectfullv submitted. HICKMAN C1IANKY. County School Superintendent. dsw-in 1 2 Sunset Magazine for May "Nile of the West," by S. Gleu Andrus. Beautifully illustrated in four col ors. "Tho Spell," a Western novel by the Williamsons. "tiuests of Greater Chinatown," by Charles K. Field. Automobile section. Now on sab 1 5 cents. dsw-ml 3 The morb you see tne show the better you liko it. Golden thea tre, tltf- Ice Cream Give your orders to the Douglas County Creamery. Phone 340. tf Phone Main 2151 AH work first-ela-9 Commercial Abstract Co. Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Preparea Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished JtliH North Jackson xt. ItOSFUL'nU. OHKGO.N THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD 1 and ROSEBURG'MYRTLE POINT I ..STAGE LINES.. STAOES LEAVE ROSEBURG FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A. M. Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts X C. P. BARNARD Proprieto When you come to town Don't forget to visit the Water Front Dry Goods Store Sheridan Streets for Your Suits Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything newin the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress von from head to foot cheaper than vou can steal' the goods. GIVE US ATRIAL. D. J. JARVIS FIRST GLASS LAUNDRY work is most desirable to anyone wishing their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. We Do That Class of WorK One Trial will Convince. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER - - Proprietor OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST.- PHONE 791- REAL ESTATE ! : Winnie Gaddis THE PLUMBER FARMS, ORCHARD TRACTS, STQflKRANCHES, CARDEN TRACTS City Property Business Propositions If you are looking for a Good Ranch, A nice. Orchard Tract, a pay inR Stock Uanch, or lino Harden Tracts, a Rood investment) for a Home, or speculation f any kind SEE PERRINE & WALKER On Cass St.. Near IVpot. Rostburg, Or. Agent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all impurities. i-.-.j 1.- Skylight Cornices lilHeating Ventilating Phone 2101 swvST' o?""" Roseburg . Oregon