SOUTH DEEIt CREKK. One of the pleasantest occasions in this section occurred recently, when the singing school presented their teacher, Mr. Karcher, with a beautiful sectional bookcase. .A committee composed of. Mr. and Mrs. Pickens, Miss Ruth Gilliam and Roy Hatfield solicited funds for this 'ob ject, purchased the bookcase and brought it out to the school house, where it was placed In a darkened corner until it was presented to Mr. Karcher by the class. Miss Myrtle Hatfield made the presentation speech and Mr. Karcher was taken by surprise. He accepted the gift with appropriate remarks, thanking the various members of his class for appreciating his labors -in making the singing school a success. Last Friday finished the term of our district school and the teacher. Miss Corryell, carried out an elab orate program for the occasion. All the pupils took part in various dia logues.' recitations, etc.. which were interesting and perfectly carried out. Many of the parents brought their lunches nnd made the day a picnic, visiting old friends and comparing notes about the times they had when they were scholars instead of grownups. Chas. Burge has sold his large ranch to the Pickens Brothers, of Roseburg, who take immediate pos session. The grange held Its regular meet ing Saturduy evening at which time the young men volunteered to fur nish a banquet at the next regular meeting. The men are to do all the cooking of cakes, pies, etc., without the help of any of their women folks and are confident they can show the ladies something in the culinary line out of the ordinary. Miss Urals McLaughlin is confined to the house with a severe attack of grippe. SAMANTHA. Eighth Grade Examination. Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Douglas county will cause to be held in each rii-trict of the county having eighth grade classes, an eighth grade exam ination on Thursday and l rjday May 11 and 12. 1911. Following is the programme and sources of questions: Thursday, May 11 I'nysioiogy, writing, history, civil government. Frldav, May 12 Grammar, arith metic, geogrnphy, spelling. Arithmetic smiths practical Arithmetic. I Civil Gov't U. S. Constitution. Geography State course of study and state text. History State course and state text. Grammar Buehlers, no diagram ing. Physiology Krohn's graded les sons. Rending Tho teacher of each class wilt send in the reading grades. Spelling Reed's Word Lessons. WlnlUng Specimens of penman ship. Respectfully submitted. TH11RMAN f'HANEY. County School Superintendent!. dsw-m 1 2 Cut this Out and Visit the Roseburg Theatre Tliis ticket and 5 cents are good for 2 child reus admission , under tho age of 1'J years at the V Roseburg Theatre M all times except Saturday night. Only Theatre In town showing pictures that have not been here before. AVE HAVE NO KKI'EATEUS. (Jlt.VXGE OFFERS PRIZES. The grange committee offers the following prizes for the Rose Car nival grange day parnde: $ 1 2 . r 0 for grange having best ex hibit of livestock: (12.50 for farm er having best exhibit of livestock $7.50 for grange having best exhib it of farm products: $7.50 for farm er having best exhibit of farm prod nets. All exhibits to bo in parade and judged before parade starts at 2 p. m. V. R. VINSON. K. H. BARHKR, J. H. BONNY, sw-1118 Committee. RARD! mem LARD! i 3 Lb. Cans 45c 10 Lb. 5 Lb. Cans 75c Cans $1 .50 CASS STREET LONE STAR LAUNDRY urn SIIKRIMAN ST PHONE 380 And our wagon will call for your bundles. New com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices right. Farrand Brothers, Proprietors. Phone Main 2451 AU work fint-cUx Commercial Abstract Co. Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished 828 North Jackson St. ROSFRURG. OREGON "t THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD and ROSEBURGMVRTLE POINT ..STAGE LINES.. STAGES LEAVE ROSEBURd FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A. M. Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts C. P. BARNARD Proprietor We Repair Everything f Electrical that needs attention as well a u11 vmi nnnnratiiH. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly 1 (on 'phone order If you like) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything In our line, LEON A MILLS LUMBER COMPANY - S Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish T.uml er ti Doors and Windows of all Kinds. nrdton Lover Oak Street. Phone 1411 ROSEBURG. OREGON G. L. PRIOR 315 N Jackson St. Roseburg, Or RENOWN RANGE TALK. We MaKe Good. We guarantee to operate perfectly and do their appointntl work in loss time than any other range on the market of today. They embody every feature ot value in promoting Durability, Econ omy, and ease of Management. If you once get a Renowri in your home you will have uo more trouble, as not ' like mother used to make. Renown Ranges Makes Cooking a Pleasure $13,000,000 Worth of 2nd 33f" Uoods Wanted L. H. RHOADES & CO. tttuimttmmmnmmmtnmj