THE ETENINQ NEWU. WEONKSDAY, MAY 3, 1011. THE EVENING NEWS BY 11. W. HATES. 1S8UE1 DAILY EXC'KIT SUNDAY. Subscription I lute Daily. Per yeai, by mail $3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Bcml-Weekly. Per year J2.00 Six months 1.00 Entered us second-clami matter November 5, 1910, at HoReburg, Ore., under act or March 3, 1879. TIIUMDAY, MAY I, IfMI. LOCAL m:v.s. MIhb Edna Sexton left for her homo at Portland this morning lifter a brief visit with friends In this city. Mrs. If. It. Parks, of Ynncalln, re turned home this morning after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cobb in this city. Mrs. ,1. K. Huyiien, of Portland, arrived in KoHeburg hist evening to spend a few days visiting at the homo of her father-in-law, Jasper Huyden. Mrs. E. Y. Moore, of Portland, 'arrived in Knsehurg 1aft evening to spend a few days veiling at the Tiotno of her daughter. Aim. George M. ifouck. Mr. and Mrs. Robert WinnlTord left for Oregon City this morning whore they will spend a couple of -nreekH visiting with friends and rel atives. I Mrs. A. E. White, of Handon, pass ed through Koseburg this morning enroiito to points In Minnesota where she will spend some time vis iting with friends and relatives. The funeral of the late Mrs. Geo, Lucas will he held at the Koseburg Undertaking Parlors at 'I o'clock to morrow afternoon. Rev. W. H. Eaton, pastor of the local Daptist church will officiate. A. J. Crlss and mother. Mrs. Doyenes arrived here this morning from Tygh Valley, Wasco county, to spend a couple of weeks visiting at' he home of the latter s nelce, Mrs. William Moffitt. .John Kullerton, of CanyonvIIle. was a business visitor in Koseburg yesterday. Mr. Kullerton Is a dep uty assessor under County Assessor Frank L. Calkins, and Is a brother of J. C. Kullerton, of this city. Peter Durch left for Torttand this morning where he will spend some time visiting with relatives. Mr. Durch recently completed a neat and attractive bungalow In Miller's Ad dition, and the same will be occu pied by Layfayetto Langenberg, J. C. Alexander, president of the I'mp't'ia Land & Water Company, yesterday transferred a half interest In his holdings In the I'mpqua Park Addition to 8. K. McLean, of New York ; Thomas K Rogers, of Port land, and S. D. Kvans, of Coles Val ley. The new Ann will maintain of fices on Cnss street. C. .1. Barnwell, for the past few months manager of the local West ern I'n Ion Telegraph office, has re signed his position and will probab le leave for San KranHseo in a few days. Moth Mr. and .Mrs. Harnwell have made many friends since com ing to Koseburg, all of whom regret to learn of their decision to leave this city. Roseburg Book Company 1 Just Issued New From Cover to Cover Websters iNew International Dictionary A limited number or the "New Iicferetice Atlas of the World" FRKIi to purchasers of the Dictionary. PRICE of the New Dictionary and Atlas, in full Am erican Russia binding, $19.00. Terms $3.00 011 de livery, balance on easy payments. Roseburg Book Company ItOHKIIUIKl, OUICOO.V Are Nature's Gift Best And they should receive the best of care. They should be examined regularly by an expert optician who Is competent to fit you with the prop er glasses when the time comes when you must wear them. I have stu died the ailments of the eyes for many years und if you come to in1 for glasses, I'll guarantee that you will be pleased. A. S. Huey OITOMKTRIST. On Cass Street. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE. WOOD FOR SALE Phone 164. J. I. Springstoad, Koseburg, for wood. Prompt delivery. dtf A SNAP Six room bouse, bath and toilet, 87 ft. front, 1 block from pavement, Price $2,2.j. Inquire News. tf SOMI-: GOOD LOTS AND ACRES Suitable for garden or fruit, close in and easy payments. Inquire 111.", South Mill street. dtf HAY FOR SaLIO The Deer Creek Stables, at tho brld has good hay for sale in ton or smaller quantities. Phone 151. dsw FOR SALE Sevwn room nouse, toilet, bath, pantry, etc.. centrally located, near paved district, 60 foot lot. Price $2,600. Address "Owner," care of The News dswtf FOR SALE One young boar from registered stock, Berkshire nd Poland China, weighs about 200 poundH. Inquire of L. G. Dumblo ton, Winchester, Or. ewtf North Side Plaining Mill Inst Vortli of Kinney Spur, North Jackson Street, Phone fi'JO, Orders for all kinds of Hulldiiig Material promptly Filled at Reasonable, Prices. Mill Work Our Specialty Kruit Ilou'N in Any (Jiuintlly. I'OU SALK ('.odd corner lot in Wniln's Addition. Terms, $10 down ami $10 per month. Close to liiKii nehool. Kor pnrtlculare mlilroKH box 211, SprinBlk'ld, Ore gon. m-24 F1VK ACRISS KOH SAI.E-NIce piece of land, nil fenced, elono In und rendy for planting. No buildings, but a choice spot for Rinull farm. Price $1,250. Inqulro News office. Tl.MHKIl LAND FOR SALE 152 acres of timber land In section 8, tp. 25, nuiKo 7 W., Part of this la river bottom, best in the world when cleared. For parti culars inquire at 506 Fowler st. tfd REAL ESTATE I FARMS.ORCHARO TRACTS, STOCKRANCHES, CARDEN TRACTS j City Property Business Propositions J If you are looking for a Good Ranch, A nice Orchard Tract, a pay Hid Slock Ranch, or line Garden Tract, a good investment for a Home, or speculation f any kind J ! L PERRINE& WALKER On Cass St., Near Depot, Roseburg, Or. When you come to town Don't torget to visit tbe Water Front Dry Goods Store Sheridan Streets for Your Suits Up-to-Date Suits from $10.50 to $25 Everything newin the suit line Overalls, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes We can dress you from head to foot cheaper than you can steal the Roods. GIVE US A TRIAL. D. J. JARVIS KOU SALIC Ktve room house, with bath on South Stevens street, cor ner Huberts. Hullt two yours; two lots; city water mul light; chicken house and run ; one lot sanded Tor Harden; all nicely fenc ed. Price $l,rA0. terms If desir- cd. N. 1). MeCftll, box 1 07 dtf INCniATOHS KOK" IMMKDIATFi DKLIVKKY The little, round In cubutor holding 50 eggs, with brooder combined, for sale at leaf than retail price. More like natur al Inculmtion than any machine ever Invented. So small that you can run one of them on a chair In the corner. Phono, Kurmors Ult, or address, The Overland Or chards, dswtf ATTKNTlwN !f you are looking for land do not fall to see the South Cmpqun Valley about Kiddie, Myr tlo Creek and Canyon ville. All of the land Is river bottom and low first bench. Tho soil Is black loam with a mixture of sand and small gravel. Good natural drain age, pure water and most equable climate In Oregon. This valley has fifty years. Alfalfa grows four crops year. Survey now being made for irrigation and water will bo delivered hi 1912. Tho price of this land Is loss than for land of poorer quality elsewhere. The only black loam free soil of any 1 as CD n 3 Try this test in a "WEAR-EVER" Aluminum Utensil mfm. . gret Cook to Jryntts In an aleminam totctpem on pint of tomatoet. Then over a toot Hit bam tht tomatoex in tkt pan tern minalti. Then poor in boiling water, in crease tht beat, boil a few minottt anjt clean oat with a wooden spoon. Tht utentil will not bt injartd, Which are you anxious about when you smell food burning loss of the food or loss of the utensil? Food may be burned in "Wear Ever" utensils, if too much heat is applied, but the burning has no effect whatever upon the utensil. Less fuel is needed when cooking in "Wear-Ever" utensils. They heat quicker and retain heat long er than other cooking utensils. Food cooked in them is less liable to scorch and they are practically everlasting. Eaoh "Wear-Ever" uteosil it mad with, out joints, icimi or solder from thick, hard sheet aluminam, 99 pure. Cannot rust, cannot chip or acale, cannot form poisonous compound with acid fruits ot foods. . Replace utensils that uwar out with utensils that "Wtar-Evtr." Will Not Re-Replacing your Graniteware with Wearever Al uminum. We sell it. Churchill Hardware Company "WEAR-EVQV" iTA.C.U.Cft quality ou the coast. Take the train to Kiddle and satisfy your Belf. dtf HOKSK KOK SAl.K Weight about 1.2U0, sound and good worker. $ir0.00. no less. Address P. F. Ilirsch. Oak Creek. " ' ni9 WIIITB LEGHORN EGGS Eggs from Dure bred laying strains of S. C. White Leghorns for sale, also Harred Hocks and Rhode Island Reds. $1 for 15. Inquire Church; Rroa. Bakery. I ii KA U 'llT'lIL iTOM K SIT E Two . acres, all In cnoiee fruit, grand j view of city. One of the finest properties In Roseburg or vicinity for a home. Inqulro at this otl.ce for particular. F'OK S A I - K g giTf ) r Hatching from the best laying strain of thorough bred White Minorca!--, th great winter layers. Our stock took tho prize at the late Portland show. Eggs $2.50 per 15. Standard Poultry Farm. C. A. Sawyer, prop. Garden Valley. Wilbur Ore. Four reels of best pictures obtain- lee Cream Give your orders to able at the Palace Theatre. Good the Douglas County Creamery, music and a 5 and 10 cent price tf J Phone 340. tt WANTKIV WANTED Saleswomen at Wollen- ; berg Pros'. Apply at once. tf, WANTED Alteration girl. Apply Immediately at Wollenberg Pros'. FOR KENT Three furnished house keeping rooms, 2 1 7 Chad w irk street. ni 1 1 DOG LOST A reward will be paid for Information leading to the re covery of my St. Iternard dog. W. Harding. d m 4 POSITION WANTED A house keeper or nurse. Address Mrs. T. A. Haffety, fare C. K. Stlrton. City. tf WANTED A young man who has had some experience on the road seiUiug sewing machines. Good commission. Address P. O. box 752, City. dtf W ANTE IV Salesmen for exclusive territory. Dig opportunities. No experience necessary. Complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Outfit free. Toppenish Nursery Company, Toppenish Wash. dtf c.'TryIfil Kitablisherl Incorporated l'.X)G Capita! StHrk $JW Fully t'aid The Old Reliable Albany Nurseries Albany. Orecon Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Srm 1 fruit", Ktc. Raised under natur 1 enditions and not irrinated. (J n in your own climate and true to name Agent will !'. on yon loon. Hold your orden for him 41 you will eaie Goodness" to the housewife, with pride of cooking, signifies mater ials that will make appetizing, palata ble food, the kind that brings praise from family and guest. On ly the care we have devoted to purchasing groceries that give the most satisfying results, can assure you absolutely ot this goodness. When you buy from us you know that "goodness" is the first point that we look for when renewing our stock. "Goodness" is as necessary to our business as it is to you and your cooking. On it depends your future custom with this store. For "goodness sake" therefore use only the best, which means Snow Drift Flour, White House Coffee (in berry), Barrington Hall Coffee (Steel ; Cut), Ornaga Corn and other good things founi at our store. Roseburg Rochdale Company 'J