The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 17, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    MONDAY, APRITi 17, 1011.
Charles O. White, the Myrtle
Creek druggist, Is a business visitor
Subscription Jtaten Daily.
Per year, by mull 3.00
Per month, dellvored GO
lu the city today.
William Emery, of Coles Valley,
spent the day in Koseburg attend
ing to business matters and visit
ing with friends.
D. K. Williams, of Camas Valley,
Is In the city. Mr. Williams on
temnlatcs moving Into Koseburg and
Per year 12.00
Bit months 1.00
Entered an second-claHS matter
November G, 1910, at noueliurg, Ore.,'
under act of March 3, 187!).
offering his place for sale. He ex-i
pecta a sister trom the cast soon,
and should she locate In California
he will probably go to that state to
MONDAY, Al'ltlli 17, 11(11.
a:j' 'iv;uri
visit her.
Kred rilakcley, who has htrnn
-spending the iuxl fuw daya In Port
land looking artitr foiiHlnetw Intercuts
returned hero this morning.
Mrs. John Wlilnn entertained a
number of her lady frlendu thin af
tornoon at the I'lirlHli hoiiHn on ('bhh
C. U. Houston, of Portland, nrrtv-
Tho Clarke & Henery Construc
tion t'o . of Kan Francisco, commenc
ed the work of grading, preparatory
to paving South Main street tins
morning. During the next few days
tno present force of men will be in
creased In order that all contracts
ed In KoscbtirK this morning to
Htiend about ten duyH visiting with
frionds and relatives.
Attorney John T. Long and family
have returned from Cleveland where
they apeut the past few days vlHit
Ing with the former's mother who i
qulto 111.
Mrs. J. H. Bailey, of Myrtle Creek,
underwent nn operation .nt Mercy
hospital today. Dr. A. C. Seoly was
the attending burgeon.
Dr. K. V. Hoover leaves for Clove-
thus far awarded may Do nnisncu
prior to tali.
No little excitement occurred In
front of tho poHtolllce, on Jackson
street, shortly nrter 1 o'clock this
uflcruoon, when a couple of local
negroes engaged In an altercation
which later resolved Itself Into a
list light. Merchants In tho vicinity
of the trouble quickly parted the
combatants, and they were allowed
to retreat.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Pnrker. and
Mrs. S. M. Parker, all of whom have
resided a short distanco south of
the city for some lime past, left
for Iowa lust evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Z. W. Parker will visit at Cedar u-hfln Mrw K. M Parker will
land this evening where he k"h to j niilko ')Hr permanent homo with her
attend Mm. Anna Umik, who la re-1 , , n rPS,(,MH ,,, AUx uwn.
ported qulto in.
Frank It. Waite, of Snthrlfn,
Kjicnt tho day In town iittondinK to
hiifilneHH maltern. Mo report Stith
orlln on I ho hoom, with ImildinK ac
tlvlly evident (in every hand.
11. Jj. Karman, of IfnrkoUf own,
N. J., purchnned a ton aero truct to
day In tho Klsk Km K Kanns ilat, a
day and Vednondiiy, April 1 7 and
will build a modern buiiKiilow on
tho property at otice,
AeeordlnR to tho Inventory (lied
with tho rounty rlnrk thin morn
ing, the value of the estate of the
Into H. A. Malum In approximately
$.1,!2H, nalnst which in a mortKaK1
of 1 1,000.
George MeLuuKhlln, who recently
pu relinked t hlrtcr.n acres of land,
(formerly a part of the (Ilongiiry
trui-t, arrived here from Canhy yen-
tonlay to uhkiiuio elnirgo of his hold
ings. V. J. TluiHlk and Anna Kotke, both
rnaldentH of Melrose, wero quietly
married at the courthouse thin morn
ing, (bounty Judgo II. V. Wonaeott
ellLclutlng. The happy couple Intend
to niako their futuro Ivome near
Mulrono, whoro the groom owns n
Ann farm.
J. II.
ft Attorney at I-inv.
ft Notary Public. Wilbur, Ore.
flt ft ft O f.- ft -.! ff ft & Of
COS HOW & liK K 5
ft Attorneys-Al-Lnw f?
ft Denial as National Hunk llldg.
f? HoKeburg, Oro.
l):ftffffin.. . .4it'
S A t torney- A t- Ln w.
Notary I'ublic. ttoomu 6 and
7, MarHtera Building
ft HoKoburg, Orogon.
fi.ixkktox it OKCCTT,
A t torneys-ut- Law.
li Will praetlre In all State and
fr federal Courts. Otnco liooma j,
O 4 and 5, Douglas National f
ft Hank ItuildlnK. HoKeburs Oro. ft
Hf A(t4rney-At-Iaw.
( Notary Flihllc. Abraham Bldp.
ft RoHoburR, OroKon.
The Furniture Man
if llenlist
H Oaklnnd ... Oregon, it
There ate ninny kinds of spoons, but one e k-I t call r
e-pecial attention to just now Is a s h'.l Salmon vp,. A great II-
luilt Call ami examine them anil also our entire line of Mslling lakl(.
Lines, Flli-s, Keels, ltu"kels anil ill 1 thill g'M-s I eke the iingler Happy.
We lilsost forgot lo nirnlion I he ailiiu iul "Hiiinc Fly." "ne of
the finest trout lures Unit bus been on (lie market. A killer and no mis
take. .Also II Tyce" preserved Sali.inn egg. The very o, st of its kind.
In this connection we wMi lo nieiillon Hint we can furnish you Willi
telils or other ollling supplies.
TALKING about Ham, the man that discovered the Swift
Premium process of raising, fattening on good old Iowa corn,
and curing ham in a scientific manner has made good.
Swift Hams have a quaint favor that is pleasant lo the taste.
He was not a man that discovered four hams in a hog, no, no,
Swift Hams are all ham, two only from one hog.
Says tho Ih'.iI lo the Carrntt if you'll Lettuce we'll Coll-e'ry head of Cabbage
a Kiie Tomato so they can caieh u with the Cauliflower, the Onion says
I am a strung second, but the Swift Hani says do you think the frost will
hurt the umkins, and the 1 Viier e;ot hot because the Bean says you are
strinniuK us---wouKln't that make you Redish.
We do keep a good assortment of vegetables, and can most
always give you the freshest and best the season affords. We
have ripe tomatoes, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, cabbage and all
kinds of undcrg round vegetables, also seed.
ln'sides iimiii; tin." general delivery we run a waion of our own for accom
modations on rush orders and suburban calls. N matter where you live
or where you buy, come in, come in and see our stock and ask our riccs.
ki inein'.vr there is some satistaction in knowing that what you eat is pure
food, clean and wholesome.
Pure Gold Butter, Is just as Good as the
name implies. Better leave a standing or
der, for it's in great demand.
The Benson Grocery
itosKKi i:; ,m i;ivi; iti:intT.
lYUt's lid tlio Producer.
Wheat 8."e to HUe wr bushel.
Oats No. 1. whllo feed, 43c per
Parley Keed. $14.
llay Local grown, $12 to $14.
Vegetables Cabbaire, 3c per
pound; eolorv, iioc and 00c; turnips,
,t 'c per pound; carrots, 1 'ic per
pound; beets. He per pound.
Onions Oregon Yellow Dan vers,
' 'o $2.50 per sack.
Potatoes Oregon fancy, $1.75
,'ver sack.
Mutter Fancy creamery, 70c per
roll, C'ounlry (10c iier roll.
Eggs Oregon ranch. l."c per doz-
,,. Dr. P. H. yuy, o. c, onlco room
You don't have to took up A all No 5 Hf,u Sis,(,rB hrtlfi tf
street quotations to see if you can CGrrSSfinBSSZ KSEKB5?12t3
takn the familv to the show. Our Hill Hi". ii"M.ei iauo vai u-
nrfces never cbiinge. Ooldeu theatre, ( " eacked coffee for sale at tho
Cass nnd Koso streets.
II eo Hive Grocery.
Poultry Average old hens,
per pound; young roosters,
dressed chickens, 1 7c; geese
ducks, 12 Vie-
Meef ('own, IlMiC: steers. 5c.
Veal Dressed. Sc.
Mutton Dressed fancy, Sc.
Pork Dressed, fle per pound.
1 5c
The Novelty Theatre
Is open under new mana
gement. Entire change of
program every day, inciUdinf
illustrated song by Mrs. Audray Tregt
V.W.h I OU i I I V V.Ai;it.NTS.
All City ot ltoseburg warrants
drawn on the general fund and en
dorsed prior to Kebruary 1 . 1911.
inclusive, are this day called for pay
ment. Dated this I nth. day of April,
1 SU 1 .
City Treasurer.
Rings For
Fur Mother, Father, Son
and Daughter.
UumlreiU I'f Uh uowest iK'slRtia.
just In from tho makers.
A. S. Huey
llosobnrK pending Jewvler
On StnM-t.
es Its
Our experience in lmsiness is short but
we started in firm in the old fashioned idea
that success in business meant
Square Dealing
With satisfaction to our customers and a
reasonable profit on jjoods sold. On the start
our business was oinv; down, trade was fall
ing ott the service was poor, and things were
anything but encouraging.
However the people have been quick to
respond to changed conditions. With improv
nient in our service and in the qualitv of our
stock lias come a wondertul increase of trade.
Many ot our customers, old and new, have
voluntarily come to us and expressed their
satisfaction with our dealing with them.
However we want you to know that we
can give you absolute satisfaction, also what
wondertul improvement we have made in our we can persuade vou to give us a trial
you for a regular customes. Therefore we are
going to announce in these columns soon some
attractions you connot afford to ignore. Watch
lor them.
Roseburg Rochdale Co.
Phoi?e IS-!
Pure Food Store
2J5. Jackson St.