The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 17, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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Will find Tbi Kvonini Snl
the bt medium to reach the
pnopleof ltoburir. Awhlta
a-wake publication printing
alt tbe news that fit to print
tonig t and TcJy
Cooler Tutsday
MONDAY, Al'lUTi 17, 1011.
No. l!ir
Body of Late Secretary Ben
son Enroute
Ceo. W. lirovtn To Deliver Kulogjr
For Lodge of Klks Odd Fel
lows To Conduct Services
At The Grave
The funeral of the late Secre
tary of State Frank W. Benson
will he held at tho lSlks' Tem
ple, in Roseburg, on Tues
day morning at iu o ciock.
As a token of respect it is re-
quested that all business houses
close at 9:30 o'clock a. ni., and
remain closed until after the
4, Mayor.
The remains of tho late Secretary
of State Frank Benson left San
Francisco at lO o'clock last night
and will arrive in Koseburg on
northbound passenger train No. 16,
at 11:05 o'clock this evening: The
body will be accompanied here by
Mrs". Benson. Dr. Steiner, Judge H.
L. Benson uud wile. George E.
Houck, of the ordnance department
of the Oregon National Guard, and
Captain Sncer. of Company B., O.
X. C, of Ashland.
A committee representing tho var
ious lodges of which -Mr. Benson was
a member will be in waitlngat the
depot, and the remains will bo im
mediately taken to the Elks' Temple
where they will lio in Btate under
guard of a squad of local militia-nu-n.
under command of Captain
Fred Stewart, of Company D., O. N.
G.. stationed in this city. Mrs. Bon
. son, who is said to be prostrated over
the death of her husband, will be
taken in charge by friends. No one.
other than the immediate members
of her family, will be allowed to see
her until the hour of the funeral.
At a conference of the committees,
representing the Odd Fellows. Elks
and Woodmen, at the commercial
club rooms yefitenlay afternoon, all
arrangements for the funeral were
completed. The funeral services, will
ire held at the Kilts' Temple at 10
ill? it
t m I) fj'!
i A 1 1 'nut TV! ht I
On May 11, 112 and 1:1 llow'mrg In golnu to hiivo the beM Straw
lHrry Carnival nnd Hone Show evr shown in Oregon. Wo are
going to have more people here than wre eviT in ItoMburg at
one time KehurK ih coming to the front fat so Is linrth's
Toggery keeping In line with the spirit of progress. Ve have tho
finest store in Douglas county nnd in thin store we are showing
iip-to-dat' nierrhnndisp. Kvpry suit Is fitted to your measure and
kept pressed free for you wo are showing the lest makes of
hand tailored Milts (hose that have c harm ter, style nnd are de
pvndnMe and what Is still more to your liking prices are less than
elsewhere imv-W'p are here to prove it to your entire satisfac
tion nnd if you are not satisfied your nionry Iwk. You'll find
tills Is the store you want to do your buying In. Try us.
Harth's Toggery
The Home of Regal Shoes
Cut this Out and Visit the Roseburg Theatre
''This tlrket and centa are good for 2 rhildrrn admlaalona under the
of 12 years at the - i .- , t f Jrlt n.ijj iiUltk
' Roseburg Theatre
l.t all tuwa except Saturday night. Tr'aTW.l ipTT'i-t-T
lanly Thtre in town showing picture that have not been here before.
o'clock tomorrow morning as form
erly announced under the auspices of
the Odd Fellows and Elks. The
temple services will he under direct
charge of tho Roseburg lodge of
Elks, while the services at the grave
will be conducted by the Odd Fel
lows. District Attorney George M.
Brown, of Roseburg, who is known
throughout tho entire state as an or
ator of great ability, will deliver
the eulogy upon behalf of the Elks,
while Judge .-oniaa Ryan, of Ore
gon City, will act as Master of Cer
emonies for the Odd Fellows. The
members of the Woodmen lodge will
attend the services in a body.
Following the services at the tem
ple the remains will bo taken to the
Odd Fellows' cemetery, under escort
of the Elks, Odd Fellows and Wood
men whore they will be interred he
side Mrs. Benson's mother and fath
er. Although there will be no mili
tia demonstration, tho members of
Company O.. O. N. G., of this city,
will attend tho funeral eumasse.
In accordance witi, the proelama
tloulssued by Mayor Fred llaynes,
of Roseburg, this morning every in
dustry in the city will be stilled dur
ing the hour of the funeral. Flags
on all public buildings are at half
mast today, aud evidence of mourn
ing and sincere regret is prevalent
throughout the entire city. Out of
respect for tho. dead the public
schools will be closed during the
morning that the pupils may attend
tho funeral.
According to telegrams received
.here today. Governor Oswald West,
of Salem, Pat McArthur, of Portland,
former private secretary to Mr. Ben
son, and many other men prominent
throughout the state will arrive hero
this evening to attend he funeral.
Clifford Benson, wife and baby, of
Gardiner; Wallace Benson nnd Mrs.
Steiner, of Salem, have already ar
rived in Roseburg and will meet the
party upon its arrival here tonight.
The committees in charge of the
funeral arrangements are exerting
every effort to provide accommoda
tions for those who will attend the
funeral. Hundreds of additional
chairs are being arranged in the tem
ple, but notwithstanding. It Is pos
sible thatniany persons will be un
able to gain admittance.
Every vehicle in the city will be
placed at the disposal of those de
sirous to visit the cemetery, all of
which will be In charge of careful
drivers especially selected for the oc
casion. It is predicted that tho funeral
procession will he one of the longest
ever witnessed in Roseburg or Doug
las county.
To Draft Resolutions.
Acting upon the advice of Presi
dent .1. W. Perkins, of the Rose
burg Commercial Club, a committee
composed of Mayor Fred llaynes,
J. II. Booth and J. d. Watson was
Youne Men's Clothes
? Il
nnnnnurn nnnmnnrv
. :
Mnrhinp Tunc SilpnrpH anil
iMacnine Vjuns aiitncea anu
Troops Driven Back.
Two Hundred Federals Charge tho
Kiiemy's Position, Hut Vnder
Hot Fire Fled From Field
Leu v i 11 j Won n dod .
(Special to Evening News.j
DOUGLAS "Ariz., April 17 Prom
ising to take Agua Prieta from the
rebels or leave his dead body on
the Held, Ronald Diaz, nephew, of
President Diaz, led a thousand fed
eral troops to an attack on the town
this morning. The action was start
ed at G:oU when two machine guns
were brought into line and opened
fire. A second attempt was made a
shoijt time before eight o'clock,
when 200 of the federal infantry
formed in linemnd charged, but only
to bo driven back by the tire of the
insurgents, leaving a dozen wounded
on the Held. At eight o clock the
tiring slackened and five ambu
lances raced across the field to bring
the wounded into Douglas. The main
body of the federal force came up at
8:30 and threw out a seml-clrcular
wing about Agua Prieta, the rebels
forming in the rifle pits to conform
to the attack and opened tire at 500
yards. Many bullets from the com
batants whized over Douglas, and
the American cavalry at Douglas
were ordered behind the houses to
, protect -them. Over 2,000 jwople
were watching tbe fight from Doug
las,' and were statlonod on house
tops and other ioints of observa
tion. Several wero wounded by stray
At noon It was reported that RO
federals were dead and wounded,
while the rebel loss was only 14. An
American newspaper man who was
in the insurgent trenches, was ser
iously wounded.
OM'( TT XO -( ( M M I T A L.
Ho linn (iiveu o Thought to
S.M.EM, Or.. April IB. InslstltiK
that ho has not yet been nppolnted
and therefore is in no position to
Kivo interviews on questions relat
ins to positions at tho disposal of
the secretary of state. Hen Olcott.
Governor West's choice for that of
fice, will glvo no Information of his
action or assistants until he takes
office Monday morning. When ask
ed ir he would retain Chief Clerk II.
H. Corey, Mr. Olcott petted his
solendid Irish setter and said he
had given the matter of those ap-
polntstuents no thought at all.
"1 have not given tho matter three
minutes' thought," said Mr. Olcott.
"I am not yet secretary or state
and may never he."
Olcott la a great lover of dogs. He
Is said to think more of the new
Irish setter presented to hltn tbe
day Governor West was elected and
which he calls "Governor" In hon
or of the occasion than of any poli
tical Job that could be offered him.
today he was exhibiting a telegram
received from A. W. Sanborn, or
Itoseburg. In which the latter said
he felt like giving Olcott his prize
winning Airedale because he felt so
good over tho probable appointment
of Olcott as secretary of state. Ol
cott was much pleased with tho pros
pert of getting tho famed Airedale.
It Is the general belief that 01
cott will retain II. II. Corey, though
no such action can be obtained
through Olcott himself. Whnt others
will remain In office la entirely a
l mntter of conjecture, though It Is
believed Nicholas Haas, who Is cus
todian of records and files; A. C.
Nye, mailing clerk, an J. W. Allison,
assistant auditing clerk. have R
chance to stay on. Haas has been
employed at the statehouse for 24
ears and knows every corner ami
! nook in thnt structure from dome to
I basement. Allison was appointed by!
secretary or State Dunbar and Nyo
by Mr. Benson. Among those who
will get at once are Frank T.
Wrlghtman of Salem. C. A. Zelgler.
of Douglas county and C. fc. hock
well, of Multnomah county who was
made head Janitor by Mr. llenson.
Miss Flossie Shamhrook. who wan
head stenographer to Mr. llenson
during all the time he was governor
and also stenographer to Acting Gov
ernor Jay Dowerman, has already
resigned, havelng delivered her res
ignation to Chief Clerk Corey to
day, and departed for Roaehnrg.
C.ovenor West nays no nan nm
discussed the matter ot positions
be tilled by the new secretary
state and that those matters will be'
left entirely to the new apolnee,
whom he now make no pretense
ni heine other than Mr. Olcott, who!
ha been a life-long friend of Gov
ernor West. The governor ha con
nnnolnted this morning to draft res
Millions of condolence In the death The funeral of the late John
of the late Secretary of State Frank Toothacher, who died at the Bol
Benson. The resolutions will be .diem' Home late Saturday, was held
nrenared at onco and oresented at
meetlnz of the club to be held
the near future. Coplea will be fur
; nlsneft the Dereaea lamnj w.i
lit the presa.
Pursuant to proclamation of
Mayor Fred Haynes, the oilicers
of the Roseburg Merchants'
As80Clati0U raet ,, mornlng .
and decided to close all busl- 4
ness establishments in the city
from 9 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing until 1 o'clock in the af-
ternoon as a token of respect to
the late Frank W. Benson. All
merchants should act In accord-
anco with this ruling.
Hdence In Olcott and says he is ex
pelleently equipped for all duties
that will be required of him in his
new position.
T. H
Fnnnan and wife, residents t
of Drain, are spending a couple of
days in the city visiting with friends.
Mrs. M. D. Gibson left for Salem
this morning where she will spend
a few days with her son.
County Superintendent of Schools
Thurmau Chaney loft for Giendale
this morning where he will visit the
schools in that vicinity.
Mrs. E. I. Howes and father, Mr.
Hoot, left for their home at Port
land this morning after a visit with
friends In this city.
Robert Booth, of Eugene, will ar
rive here this evening to attend the
funeral of the late Frank W, Ben
son. Georgo E. Houck left for Ashland
this morning where ho will meet the
remains ot the late Frank V. Ben
son upon behalf of the state.
Miss Flora Cannon left for her
home at Portland last evening after
a brief visit at the homo of her
brother, Claud Cannon, in this city.
Mrs. Mary Ward and Mrs. Fred
Harrison, of Brownsville, left for
their homes this morning after a
brief visit at the homo of their aunt
p. ltd sister, Mrs. Emery Marstera.
Miss Anna E. Page, of I.os An
geles, arrived In Roseburg this morn
ing to spend the summer with her
undo and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W.
The members of tho Missionary
Society of the Baptist church will
meet at the homo of Mrs. Louis
Kohlhugen. In West Roseburg, on
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. W. S. Trego ntrd child left
Tor San Francisco this morning
where sbo will reside permanently
Mr. Trego preceded her to tho Cali
fornia city about ten days since.
The Interior of the Koseburg Phar
macy Is undergoing a complete reno
vation. Aside from the Installation
of several sections of shelving, the
painters aro retouching tho wood
The demonstrator for Quaker
Oats is entertaining the patrons of
Iho Stubbs & Pormnn grocery store
for a (lav or two. and incidentally
showing what dainty and whole
some foods can be prepared from
the product.
The special sale of the Peterson
shot stock, more generally known
as the Cass Street Shoo Store, which
was inaugurated Saturday last by the
Western Cales Company, of Port
land. Is meeting with great suceess.
Scores or satlstled buyers thronged
tho store all day Saturday and to
day, and everybody seema Ratlj-'fled
with the bargains received.
Work on the teed and commis
sion warehouse to be occupied by
W. O. Swank, which Is being built
on the North Hooburg railroad
spur. Is rapidly progressing, nnd It
will only be a matter of a week or
two until tho placo win ne reaoy
fnr occupancy. Mr. Swank,
a re
n ex-
r(nt arrlval In Itosetiurg. is
lerlenced man In tho grain, feed and
commission business, and will no
doubt build up a fine patronage.
The case of the City of Hoseburg
vs. John Hunter, who Is accused of
violating the city ordinance regulat
ing nuisances, will te retried In Ite
corder Orcutt's court Wednesday.
The defendant will be represented by
n. Ij. Eddy, while the Interest of
the city will be looked after by At
torney George Neuner. The case was
first tried before a Jury about ten
days ago. resulting In a disagree
ment of the Jury.
According to the annual custom.
tot,h niemlxra of Aacalon Command-
ofirr Knights Templar, attended
p,,ra service at St. Goorgea Kpl
r , chun.h. yesterday afternoon
sermon was delivered by Sir
.,,, rharlea Wilson Baker. Rev
- j nh(,r n anB and fluent talker
- nn(1 , TrmxTtn were greatly appre-
i elated by those in attendance. Th
- , edifice was crowded to Its capacity
a morning, Intermem ifo!
In' lowing at tho Homo cemetery. Mr
- j Toothacher wan well known In this
city anu nia mnnj i.iu,i
I learn of hla demise.
Took Oath as Secretary of
State Today.
Tariff On Wool und Mnnururdirctl
Woolens Deduced AlHiut One
Half Mexico Cull" for
Volunteer Soldiers.
(Special to Evening News.)
SALEM, April 17. Den Olcott.
whom it has been announced was the
governor's choice for tho vacancy
ay mo ueatll of Secretary
ovuamt, iuuk iuo outn ot ottico to
day. Crusade Against 1'lro Traps.
NEW YORK, April 17. Fire
chief Crocker resinned his position
today and will devoto tho remainder
or his lire to a crusade for hotter
protection to employes or factories.
Since the Triangle ilro Crocker has
spent his time looking up places of
like character as the one wjiero 14;t
died for want of adequate exits and
lire escapes, and he ilnnlly decided
to start a crusado URalnst ilro traps
In this city.
Tariff Reduced On Wool.
WASHINGTON, April 17. Wool
will not ko on the free list In the
democratic tariff revision at this ses
sion of congress, and sheep men are
resting easy under this assurance.
Democratic lenders In this city today
agreed on reductions amounting to
10 nnd BO per cent In duty on man
ufactured woolens and BO per cent
on raw wool. .Members of the ways
and means committeo announced
that this decision had been reached.
Wauls More Holdlers.
MEXICO CITY, April 17. Indica
tions that tho revolution has almost
gotten beyond control of the govern,
ment was Been today In the notices
posted for volunteers. All men be
tween tho ugea of 18 and 4fi are
called to colors and offered 50 cents
dally. NEWS.
J. H. llalley, of Myrtle Creek
spent tho day In Roseburg attend
ing la buslne-s matters and visiting
with friends.
Miss Vanderfeld and Miss Clark,
both residents of Giendale, arc
spending the dsy In Roseburg visit
ing with friends.
tleorge Crane, of Looking Glnss,
Is spending the day In Roseburg
looking arter business matters and
visiting with friends.
Deltnar Green, a Southern Pnclfic
call boy, left for San Kranclsco, Cal.,
this morning where he will undergo
an operation for appendicitis. The
young man Is well known in this city
and has a host of friends who re
gret to learn of his misfortune.
Miss Klossio Shamhrook, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. I). R. Sham-
brook, of this city, who has been
employed In Iho secretary of stato's
ofllce, at Salem, for several years,
resigned her position on Saturday,
and arrived Uieru last evening
Scalp Treatment
Facial Massage
Roseburg Beauty Parlors
Special Easter Discounts on
Hair Goods
Toilet Artichs
Not $1.00IVaIucs for 98 Cents, But Real Dis
counts in Every Line.
Cass Street, Cor. Rose.
ew Building, New FurnishinK" nnil Furniture, Steam Heated Throughout
Hot and Cold Water in F.verv Hoom.
Rooms 60c, 7uo and 11.00
Centrally Located in Business District v
! All Odd Kcllows are renuest
( ed to meet at tho I. O. O. F.
hall at the corner of Cass and
jackson streets, nt 9 o'clock 4
tomorrow morning to nttiend
tho funeral of the late Secre-
tary of State Frank W. Benson
which will be hold at the Elks'
Temple, at 10 o'clock.
make her permanent homo.
Mrs. William Hell Gains About Uoa
Votes' I lin ing l'nst 48 Hours.
Voting for "Quoen of tiio Straw
berry Carnival" and "Unoen of the
Children's Parade" continues brisk,
with Mrs. Gronvold In tho lend for
the former by a substantial majority.
Kor tho "Queen of the Children's
l'arndo," Maurlno Buchanan has 100
votea, while her nearest competitor
Iiuh 89 voteH,
Following is the vote to dute:
Mrs. C. 11. Gronvold 867
Mra. Will. Boll ... .....400
Miss Addle Sacrv 300
Mra. O. D. McAllister B0
"Portia" 50
Miss Harriet Barker 45
Miss Alllo Black i 40
MIhs Polly Campbell .-. 40
Miss Polly Campbell SO
Miss Helen Hamilton 30
Miss Gertrude Hlldeburn 30
Mrs. J. II. Sturdier 25
Mrs. Frefl llaynes 20
Miss l.lzzlo llolan 20
Mlsa Lucy Bridges 10
Miss Margaret Jonea 6
MIbb Ailtheo King 5
Miss Sabra Young 5
Miss Inez Kitchen 1
Miss Mnry Young 1
Kiln Hodman 1
M'-s. Edna llndley 1
Miss Inez Clark 1
Chlldren'H tjiicen.
Maurlne Bucha,nan 100
Lucllo Ollmoio 89
Norma North 4t
Jean Perry 21
Josephlno McKlhlnny 24
Dorothy Abraham 18
Teka llaynes 15
Nina Campbell 15
Loulso Morso .'. 5
Kthel Qulno 1
Klbaheth Roberts 1
ilOOVF.R" To Dr. nnd"Mi'sTE. V!
Hoover, on Saturday, April 15,
1911, a girl. ' (
ROBICRTSON To Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. ltobertjiou, of Portland, on
April HI,' 111 11, a girl. Mr. Rob
ertson Is a Southern Pacific brake
man, and until recently was em
ployed In this city.
Memorial services In honor
of our Into neighbor Hon. F.
W. Benson at the regular camp
meeting thin evening. TillIkH
by those who knew him heat,
Including lion. A. M. Crawford,
4 of Salem. Special music, ro-
frwhinents. Camp called to or-
dor promptly at 8:00 tp. ni.
t Please bo on time,
Consul Commander.
Hair Dressing
Fred Schwartz, Proprietor