THE EYEVIVO NKWB. THUI18DAV, A Pit I L 13, 1011. r "" 1 ' THE EVENING NEWS BV . W. HATEH. ' Subscription Jtutes -Dully. Per year, by mall , $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 BeiuMVeckly. Per year $2.00 Six months 1.00 Entered aa second-clRHS matter November 5, 1910, at Koseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. ThFiiHDAV, AI'KIIj tn, ion. There Is Home fear at El Paso that the bull-fltfhUng ueiuon will be eclluped by the revolution. A town by the name of llunnowell has elected a lady mayor. Well, con sidering Kb name, how could it help ItHOlf? The way harem aklrts are attract ing Hi root proceKHlontt in a suru-linll-catton that they will bo Hiilllcleiuly jiuiueroiiB to divide I he mob 8 of men luLo their component unltu. Olio neetl only to glance at the col umn a or Tho Evening and Twlce-a-"Week News to get siilllelent evldenco of the popularity of the two editions from an advertising atandpoint every wide-awake biiKiuemi Iioiiho In the clly being represented. Those who fail to patronize tho advertiHlng columns of The News do not get within hearing ditance of over ten thousand people who make their homo In Douglas county and nre reg ular readera of either the daily or twtce-a-week News. It pays lo ad vertise especially wHh Tho News. TKACM EitS A1EE ELI0(TEI, Halarb'H Art Iurreiisel l''rom I'our to Ten Per Cent. ' Pursuant to a call of Mm chair man, tho members of tho Iloseburg Hi'.hool board met at tho of J. C. Eullerton lale yontenluy and Manti ueh'd coimiderable IhihIik'hh. Tho most linporlanl mat lor cou ldered during tho afternoon wits that of electing teachers for the en Rulng year. In this, the board pro ceeded cautiously, and lho record of each applicant was investigated at length lu order that tho present high standard of tho ltoseburg nchools may be maintained. Among tjio teachers reflected were tho following: C 11. Halloway, principal of high school, HohhIo Kidder, Olivia UIhIov. Oer rtln L. Cooper, Vera Horner and Ellis llelaud, high school teachers. lOHiilietli Parrot t, Alherta Tipton, Allco Matin, Edith Clements and Mrs. Myrtles Uradfnrd, grade teach o rH In high school Ixiilding. O. Kltzpatrlck, principal of Lime school. (lert.rude E. Illdo nnd Mary Altkeu, prlniary teachers, m Adetluo Htewart, fifth grnde. " Jennie Cook, snventh grade. (iortrudo Sanders, seventh grado. Katherlne Dunham, third grade, fteulah Kadabaugh, Becond grade. Nellie Meyers, sixth grade. Mabel Mahn, eighth grade. Oraco Mowitt, not assigned. Iollle Smith, not assigned. Nolle Crout, supervisor of music. Vivian Watson, West Koseburg school. Acting upon the recommendation of School Clerk George Keunor, who submitted a report In which ho show ed that the teachers in the Koseburg schools were receiving from 10 to 15 t pel cent less wages than received! by teachers In other sections of thej state, the salaries were Increased i from 4 to 10 per cent. Tho In crease becomes effective upon the opening of the schools next Septem ber. Mr. Neuner also explained that the( recent census showed an Increase of 180 children of school ago In the! ltoseburg school district over that of! tho previous year. Conseguently he contended that five additional teach ers would be necessary in order to handle tho work satisfactory to the members of tho board and tho public. Two of those teachers will receive $70 per month, while tho remaining three teachers will receive per month. Tho salary of C. EHzpatrlek, prin ciple of tho Kane school, wua also Increased from $ if 0 to $ 1 00 per month. CALL FOU COUNTY WAHKAXTS. Notice Is hereby given all parties holding county warrants Issued by Douglas County, Oregon, and Indors ed "not paid for want of funds" prior to and Including the 6th day of December, 1910, to present the same to the county treasurer of said county at his office for payment as Interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated at ltoseburg, Oregon, this tho 10th day of April. 1911. J. E. SAWYERS, County Treasurer of Douglas Coun ty, Oregon. 10-lOc POST ('A K1S HI-10c of cards In Koseburg. General Oregon and Washington views, local views, birthday, comic, stork, fruit, flowers, best wishes and Easter cards. Special Friday and Saturday only 16 for 10 cents. The Fair Store. dswn Have you heard about the Junior play? Come and see it at tho Pai aci theatre. daH Vote for a new high school, you will ho counted if you attend the Junior piny, Friday night. dul-t CAKI) OF THANKS. "We tako this means of thanking our many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the Ill ness and death of our beloved hus band and father. We especially thank the members of tho Masonic, Odd Fellows' and Eastern Star lodges, many of whom attended tho funeral. MUH. JOHN AHZXKIt, JOHN AltZNEK. Jr., MRS W. F. HARKIS. MEW TODAY. FOR SAEE Several fresh Jersey milch cows. Inquire at Empire Livery Stable. dtf W A NT E I ) M 1 1 A) I T I io V - V 11 f Ini y Ti good, fresh milch cow. Address, giving full particulars nnd price, H. A. Ilercher, Dlliard, Or. ml LOST A hid les h lack timbrel a, Sunday, April fl, was probably left In tho postonioo. Please return to Italph Jj. ltussell, News of fice, tf WOOD FOR SALE Six tier of dry block fir at $2.2f the tier, and 14 sacks', of coal nt 50c jter 100. Owner moving nwny. Inquire nt Newa oHlco. al5 PARTNER WANTED. Man with 2i)0 wanted as partner in paying proposition that will bear Investi gation. Inquire at The News of hYe for Information. M-d-alO FOR SALE Nearly new John Deere corn phi liter, cum pie to, wit h drill of chock row planter attachment, and In first class condition. In cluding 100 rods of wire. Price $:!0. Address or call on S. Hoop er, Looking (Mass, Ore. swmlil J.ODOE DlKECzolCY. O. K. S. Koseburg Crmpier, No 8. holds their regular meeting on th. fhsi and third Thursdays in each m-mth. Visiting members !n good maii-IltiS are resperteilv iui:e to attend. Maiy E. Houck, W M.: Kreo Johnson. Sec. A . I'. & A. M . Ln 1 1 rel Lodge. No. 13. holdf roiniljir rnort I n tm r.ti llu ,? second and fourth Wed new! ays of each mouti. Sojourners Invited to attend. J. D. lurcher. W. M. ; N. T. Jewett see Jr. . V, M. liosehurg Hive, ,u. 11 holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays in the Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives- visiting in the city are cordially invH'-d to attend our re views. Llbblo Kose, lady com mander; Mrs. Jessie Rapn, U. K. MODIOKN WOODMEN OT AMKllM -A Myrtle Camp No. 6330, meet every second and fourth Thursda of every month in tho Maccanee hall. Traveling neighbors arc cordially invited to visit on r camp. Chns. S. McEIhinny, Consul; H. Stubbs, clerk. F. O. E. Icosi.Diirg Aerie. No. 1497 meets second nnd fonnh Monda In their hall on Jackson street ni 8 P. M. Grafton Worthlngton, W. P., F. O. Micelll. see. WOMEN ."OF U'OOIXTSAIT Lllaf Circle, No. 4H, nieetrt on first anr third Mondav evenings of each month Jn the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis King mem b!rs In good st nd! n nro Invited to attend. Oracp Pilklngton, G. N.; Clara Cawlfield, clerk. WOOIlE F THE WDKIiD Oab Camp, No. 12i, meets nt tho Odo FoIIowh' Hall In Koseburg. everj flrHt nnd third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors always wol If Service and satisfaction is what you are looking for- We can give it to you. SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT THERE is great Pleasure, enjoyment and real satisfaction in life when you know absolutely that your grocer sells you everything clean and of the best quality. Carnation Flour, made at Athena, Oregon, is The iesf hard wheat flour on the market. Economy does not necessitate buying class B articles. For the man of moderate means Carnation flour is an economy. It realyis, for it makes more bread, good bread than any other. 1Plire Gold Butter, is just as good as the name implies. Bet ter leave a standing order, for it's in great demand. Golden Gdte, another product that is no near perfection that all we need to say is: We carry a full line of Golden Gate Teas, Colfecs and Spices. Preferred Stock, Canned Goods in good cans. We have tried all of this line which includes fruit, vegetables and cereals and know they are to be preferred. We guarantee all our goods to give satisfaction or money back. lk'siik's usini; lho uonoral dolivory wo run a wajon of our own for accom modations on rush ordors ami Mihurhan oalls. No matter where you live or where you !uy, come in and see our stock and ask our prices. Remem ber there is some satisfaction in knowing that what you eat is pure food, clean and wholesome. TheBenson Grocery IMione'lSI Pure l'oo.l Store 225 N. Jackson St. Try this test in a "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensil These statements relative to Alu minum Ware are correct and we hope you will prove thenij so by buying ono of the trial sauce pans. It will coat you only 65 cents, but that will be the only cost, as It Is a Wear Ever. Ami to allow you to prove lt mer its we will make you a special price o( on Katimhiy nnd Monday tlie l."tl ami 17lh only. Don't confound tills with Never Wear, for It Is ln an entirely dif ferent class. Churchill Hardware Co., Ironmongers Piatt a rale of chocolate in a "Wtor-EMi" taacepan without grating. Without adding water melt over a low nre, wujidoi mmng. j Chocolate will not burn. BECAUSB aluminum beats quicker and retains heat longer than other materials of which coo It in f utensils are made, you can save at least five minutes in cooking each meal, 90 hours off your year's iuel bill. 11 WEAR-EVER" Aluminum Cooking Utensils save food too, and expense for replacing utensils worn out or burnt out. They are practically indettrvctible. l WEAR-EVER " ware cannot rust, Is unsffeoted by burning, is strong, light to handle and most durable. With aluminum there is no danger of poisonous compounds forming with acid fruits or foods. l Replace utensils that wear oat f. with utensils that "Wear-Eva" Let us suddIt vou with 14 WEAR-EVER!' the one-quart sauce pan advertised in the women's publications and show you other utensils bearins the " Wear-Ever" trade- Sfs. m" ttfiADEMAHK T.AC.U.Ca come. R. E. Smith, C. C; E. N. Wwart, dork. I'. (). I') itoaoliiiif; I.odno, No ?2 G, holds regular i:urmnuii!(-a lions at tl.elr temple cu a-jeon-! ami f jurlli Thursdays or p.ic!: mor.'.h. Ml mergers roqticcifv? to nt tend regularly and all vl-iMn: brother are cordially Invltud to attend. Fred Haynoa, E. It.j M. C. Slocum. siT: :tnrv. I. O. O. K. Hitting par UotUo No 174, niprts In Odd l-Vllnwn Temple :'vory Friday i-vening. Visiting brethren always wUeomc. Carl Oliman. N. O.; W. S. Powell, S.; M. Fickle,. F. 3- I. O. O. K. PhllPtarlan T-utlKe, Nu N, meets In Odd Fellows Temple, corner oT Jackson and Cans stroeis on Snturday evening of each week Membera of the nruVr in Kood slandlns nre invited to attend. I. M. Milledge. N. G.; M. M. Miller, H. R. ; 11. O. Lewis, F. 9. W, A. Storm, pracTIciu crearar nul presser of ladles' wear. Latos". meth ods of French dry cleaning, col ors permitting, Including feathers, all kinds, plumes, furs and gloves. tn connection with O. W. Sloper ot tho Iloseburg Cleaning and Pressing Works, 308 Jackson street. Phono No. 4 7. Clothes called for and de livered, d-tf Is open under new mana gement. Entire change c program every day, ikd v illustrated song hy Mrs. AuJiay Trog- WATCH OUI SUNDAY PROGRAM Theatre Sc Easter Tinie tm line you win linn crouueu uith imt jippnprinte tokens for Kaster j;itl givttit;. Tlie fiisliion nf Kiter feivinS is n row I ii; by leap- mid IhuiimN rat h year. A. S. Hueij KosrbiiruH laillittf Jeweler On t'nss Street. I BARGAIN DAYS OX Fruit Trees I'inip Tn-rs, per llundretl t-rt.(MI lV;u h" TrtH-M, er Eluntlrotl Ht'i.tMi - Sniiu i;coilt' lauirlicd at us when we stated our determination to systematize, re.'rulate and improve our service to ive Absolute Satis faction to Our Ertire Tr?.cio. We are in-oud of the fact that in a few short months we hnve not only proven our ability tn do So, lmt that the people apreeiate it to siu-h an extent that our trade has inereaed woudcrl'iilly, even durinir the dullest months of the year. Are yon sntisiied with your service? If not why nut give us a trial? Kven though you may have traded with us in the past, remem'her we are under new management now, and our service much improved. Ask any of our eus tomers how they like our goods, our service and our prices. Our customers are our best adver tisers. Ve want the trade of five hundred more families, inereasinp: our trade decreases lho proportion of expense and enables us to make more attractive prices to tho consumer. We want you for one of the five hundred, to iret vou we are goin to publish in few days a v.erv at tractive proposition, open to evervbodv. Watch for our Advertisement announcing it. ROSEBUEC EOCHDALE CO. Vtirt'ry SHwk of nil hind t'lienj Write for Price. ArRIL 5. 1911 Post Office Box 656 uosKiirmi . OREGON