WKPXKSDAY, AIMtll, 12. lOtl A PLEASANT ADDRESS. THE EVEXIVO NEWS. Continued from Page Two.) Science provides the necessary ex planation by showing that mortal, material man, the sport of circum stance, the prey of discord and the victim of death, is not the real man of God's creation, declared in the! .Bible to be the image and likeness1 fcnf God. ' Christian Science teaches that mortal man Is a false version of the true man, a counterfeit attempting to resemble the true, but, neverthe less, easily detected because of hts unlikeness to God, who is Spirit. God is not the author of mortal, material man, nor of mortal man's failures, limitations, and loses, of his final breakdown and his death sentence. God is not responsible for evil in any of its forms. He did not create it, since it could never lodge in His thought for an instant, else He were not wholly good and the Principle governing the universe were not wholly reliable. Evil has no origin in Spirit, no PROTECT YOUR ROSES Use Marsters Rose Spray Solution for Roses, House Plants, Vines, Small and Large Fruit Trees. Kills Germs and Insects. G aranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. MARSTES DRUG STORE We Make People Welcome Promptness In Filling Orders a feature of our business YOU WANT THE BEST of everything when it comes to n question of what to serve on your tables. NORTH SIDE GROCERY Has just what yui desire Canned (iood.s of every conceivable variety, and r'resli Vegetables of all Kinds , Our Sjicciulty. Atone your order to 324 Hay, Grain and Feed 2 WATCHES! The purchase of a watch is different from buying a pair of shoes, a hat or a suit of clothes. When you get these articles you know you will have to do it again pretty soon. A Good Watch Lasts a Lifetime We carry a complete line of watches, such as Howard, Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham, South Bend, Illinois, Roc- ford, the Ball, the Excelsior and the Swiss Watch. . W. E. CLINGENPEEL Phone 214 Roseburg, Oregon EASTER is a time of new things everywhere; and men generally like to have new clothes at such time. Have yours for Easter Sunday. Hart, Schaffner & Marx make them right, and we'll see that you get exactly what's best for you. Suits $12.50 to $28.00 Wilder & Agee Thiss'oreis home of Harr, Scliatfner & Marx clothes entity nor reality of God's making, mortal man until such time as its and no eternity, but is always a lying nature is laid bare and its fu false concept, assailing trie mind of tile, transitory pretenses cease Jto - - - i-' - -frighten. Evil has no standing be- ' fore God. Those who dwell "in the secret place of the most High' need not fear its empty threats, but, as- ' serting their divine rights, may rise, in the words of the apostle Paul, "in ; the unity of the faith, and of the! knowledge of the Son of God, unto a 'perfect man, unto the measure of thej ! stature of the fulness of Christ." i Thus It is that the two statements of the Bible, namely, that God is Love, and God is Spirit, find their reconciliation in Science. The doubts which have ever assailed suffering I humanity concerning the goodness of! God are dissipated. Though physi- i cal sense, left to its own devices,! rises In opposition to the most High, and tries to give the impres sion that God is cruel and willingly afflicts His defenseless children, ; Christian Science, elucidating the Scriptures, proves that evil is not of God's creation or permission.; Good and good only proceeds from the Giver of every good gift, and all assertions to the cont rary are due to ignorance or blindness of heart, John's statement that God is Love lives on forever side by side with Jesus' profound explanation that God is Spirit. There is much comfort to strug gling humanity in tiie oonviction that God does not authorize the mis eries of our earthly experience. This conviction is the first step toward the realization that these very mis eries, lacking divine sanction, can not have any real entity or existence, and must perforce have a fictitious origin and an unreal nature. God becomes fully reinstated In human affections at the same time that the socalled law of sin and death loses Its supused hold upon human affairs. Material Sense. But we will not deceive ourselves In Regard t the opinion ff the world and of the natural man or mortal man concerning God, His ChrlHt and His creation. Paul writes in his first epistle to the Corinthians: "For wisdom of this world Is follish ness with God," and again, in the same epistle, "But the natural man recelveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they re foolish ness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. The "naturaJ man," or mrrttJal, material man, depends upon the tes timony of the physical senses for his Information. They aro his wit nesses. They are the feelers which he puts forth into the unknown, and according as they report so he acts or counteracts. Their testimony con stitutes "the wisdom of this world. But Paul Htates In the above quot ed texts that "the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God" and that "the things of the Spirit of God" "are foolishness" unto tho "na tural man." Here then Is an un reconcilable situation. God rejects "the wisdom of this world" upon which the natural man relies for the basis of his information, and the natural man rejects "the things of the Spirit of God" because he can- Jtot understand them. What Bhall the outcome be? One or the other must yield, and no Christian can doubt the issue for an instant. God's word must prevail. If the testimony of the physical flenses conflicts with the proper discernment of "the things of the Spirit of God," then this physical testimony must he set aside as untrustworthy, or false Spirit must be supreme over error Life over death. Iove over fear and hate. God must rule in His own universe, and God is Spirit, not mat ter. It Is well to know that immutable Truth does not depend upon what our physical senses report. No one who has looked Into the peculiar habits of these senses, has noticed their strange perversity and their readiness to mislead even tho natur al, material man, would wish to re ly upon their testimony concerning the real man of God's creation. Science, In order to bo worthy of the name, must rest upon unimpeach ablo evidence. The knowledge ot that which It unvarying and indts trustihle must itself be founded upon absolutely reliable (information, but knowledge derived from the physic al senses does not fulfill this re quirement, Mrs. Eddy, in her work "Rudl mental Divine Science," defines Christian Science "as the flaw of God, the law of good. Interpreting and demonstrating tho d'vine Prin ciple and rule of universal harmonv" (p. 1 . As the student learns more ubout the nature of God through spiritual sense, tho beneficent law of God grows In clearness and no Is able to reject the discordant testi mony of material sense. Then c mos the demonstration or prooC of har mony as normal and nauirul. He who follows the leadings of Chris tian Science not only .learns 'tho letter of its teachings, hut also proves their correctness by saving the Binner, comforting tho sorrow ing, and healing the sick. Chris tian Science thus becomes a daily help for daily needs, the Comforter which leadeth into all truth, ever available at all times and under all circumstances. Tho Discoverer. It will hardly be necessary hero to insist upon tho farfl that religion should savo the sinner. Whatever may be the doctrineH which divide the various branches of Christen dom, all are agreed at least upon this point, that it is the natural work of religion, tho business of Christianity, to savo tho sinner. But there is no such agreement regard ing tho sick. Jesus healed the sick, his disciples and apostles heal ml the sick, the early-Chrlstlans for some three hundred years after the crurlflxion healed the sick, by spiri tual means; but during tho inter vening centuries the world has more and more relegated the healing of tho sick to a special profession, us ing material mi'ans. Since Mrs. Kddy's discovery of Christian Science the healing of Je sus' time has been reinstated, in .accordance with His iintlstaJtable Injunction to his followers, and to day hundreds of thousands of men, women and children In all portions of the glolto rise to bless the good and brave woman to whom they owe health and happiness. It Is difficult to speak In moder ate praise of one who Is perform ing so stupendous a service for man kind. One can only rejoice that a great and growing volumo of grati tude is finding Its way to her from those who, through her teachings, have been delivered from pain and sorrow, from the fear of torment and ehe despair of god less ness, Racial circumstances seem to have fitted Mrs. Kddy from her youth for the mission of mercy to which O.od called her. Born of New England parentage, In the Btate of New Hampshire, sho grew up in an at mosphere of wholesome freedom and received an exceptionally com prehensive education, both secular end religious. As a woman of pro gressive and advanced ideas, sho in vestigated fearlessly the questions which came before tho public. Es pecially was she Interested in the healing art, and her quick recovery from the result of an accident, through tho revelation of tho spirit ual meaning of the Bible, led to her discovery of Christian Scienco in IS til). In 1875 followed tho publication of her epoch-making work, the Christian Scienco text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrlp Hures," now widely distributed among the civilized nations of the earth. This book Is proving itself to be a potent factxr In tho eleva tion of the human race, and Is liter ally making history by remodeling the lives and careers of multitudes. Mi's. Eddy has been tho active lead er of the Christian Scienco move ment from Its inception, and her writings continue to mold their growth and development along tho lines of the greatest usefulness to mankind. Tho reward of tho good and faithful servant Is hers, and this Is a source of gratlflcatloG to every fair minded person. W. A, Rtorm, practical cleaner oud pressor of ladles' wear. La tea, meth ods of French dry cleaning, col ors permitting, Including feathers, all kinds, plumes, furs and gloves. In connection with O. W. Sloper oC the Roseburg Cleaning and Pressing Works, 308 Jackson street. Phone No. 47. Clothes called for and de livered, d-tf FOR SALE Several fresh Jersey milch cows. lnquiro at Empire Livery Stable. dtt WANTED MILCH COW Will buy a good, fresh milch cow. Address. giving full particulars and prlco, R. A. Hercher, Dlllard, Or. ml LOST A ladies black umbrella, Sunday, April 9, was probably left In tho postoilico. Please return to Ralph L. Russell, News of fice, tf BARGAIN SALE AT THE Bargain Cash Grocery BETTER GROCERIES Although our prices aro less than any other retail grocor in the city we are never satisfied with anything but the very best quality that can be obtained In the market. Keep that In mind when you read these astounding prices. We have Just received another car load of Rod Rib bon Flour. This makes 5 car loads since wo opened July 10, 1910, that has been used by Roseburg people. This ulono would certainly give this flour its reputation, every sack guaranteed to you or your money returned. We quote a few of the many bargains we offor this week for cash. Savo all your coupons, they are valunhle, as we will show you soon. Red Ribbon Flour Hluo Ribbon or Gilt Edge Roseburg Flour Sugar Cured Hams per lb Sugar Cured Shoulders, per lb Bargain Storo Blend Coffee lb i Primrose Blend Coffee, lb G. Tea or Japan, lb Fancy Head Rico Fancy Jnp Rice Fancy Cal. 1 Jea c h es Wheat Flakes Fancy Table Syrup Our Own Label, guaranteed, gal Choleo Old Fashion Sorghum gal G. Dust 5lh pkgs. 2 for Gallon Catsup Strained Honey per lb. ... Blue Ribbon Corn, can ... Blue Ribbon Peas Blue Ribbon Tomatoes ... Blue Ribbon Beans Blue Ribbon Hominy Sweet Sixteen Peae And many others nil cut for cash. Try us, we know we can please you In quality and price. Call and let us figure with you beforo buying elsewhere. Tours to Serve and PleaB, STUBBS $ PERMAN IIAHOA1.V UIUK'KKH $1.50 Ornliam, 10 Ilia 8()o 1.H.1 Hominy, 10 Ilia Bflo l.sio Knrlna 4ic I Ho Holled OulH, 10 11.8 4Bo HHr llli.o Ribbon Kraut inc. !l!!ic Post Toalli'B ioc 2.5c Kel. Corn Flakes lor. 4Be CiiriiHllou Crenm, small Be Ho Carnation Cream, largo 1 lo .11 Mr MnrlRtild Milk 10c Me 2011i box of oytttor soda crnck- iWr era fl.no Kir No. 10 (lal ApprlcotB 4Bc 1 Idle No. II) Oal Plains 40c No. 10 (lal. Poaches 4Bc HBo " Ap'ploa ilrtc Bo " Chorrloa 4Bu OOo Kv Apples, lb Ho IU(4 26 oz. K. (!. HaklnK Powder .... UOc ioc 80 m K. C. linking Powdor .... 7Bc 12 J4o 5 Hi CroBecnt linking Powdor $1.00 10c B Ilia t). KdwnrdB I.OB 10c 6 Ilia Cleveland l.NA IBc Itoyal 4ffo Mr Shillings 4 no Phone 317 Save your coupons, they will be valuable next month. Watch this paper for our ad. I Buy more goods than any other Hardware store in Roseburg. I carry a Larger assortment than any other Hardware concern in Roseburg. I sell more goods than any Other Hardware concern in Roseburg. I have more costomers than any other Hardware concern in Roseburg. My Prices are the best. My Services are ths best. I give good, old-fashioned satisfaction. I have the easiest Hardware store in Roseburg to do bussiness with, andwhen you are in the market for hardware call and see me, I will not be undersold CASH OR CREDIT- 5. K. SYKES