THE ETENFNG NEWS. WEDYKBDA Y, A PHIL 12, 10!!. npnn PVPNIMr Wpwc doll urn would conectle to any such I and pours Into their wounds the oil xriLj C V LJ.I1VJ A1"' clause uelittf "tacked" to a franchise I and wine of gladness and lnsplra- "V-Jl"!1 j given by the city for the supply of IkhUKU IJAILV KXCKIT SUNDAY, i, public utility. The gentleman who asks the city for a gas franchise haH made a public Btaiement 10 me effect that a plant In Iloueburg would be a non-paying investment 1 i Bubscripliou Jtutei Duily. Per year, by mall $3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Semi-Weekly. tlon, takes them to the inn of shel- ter, and leaven with them the coin of priceless value which will insure their complete recovery and, fn time, their complete salvation. Hrliglori of progreftN. - encouragement that Uoseburg Bhould WKINKHIAV, A PHIL 12, lull. Intend to enterprises of this nature.'h where the genuine booster Now that the site for Koseburg's spirit should prevail. Entirely too federal building has been selected much valuable time Is being lost on it's time to get busy and urgo the ho an Important acquisition to the early construction or that $200,000 city. We need the gas plant, the building as proposed to congress by fifty thousand dollars and the pay- Hepresentatlve George Neuner at the roll that goes with the enterprise, last session of the Oregon leglsla- , tare. "Our George waa allvu to Koseburg's needs. for at least five or ten years and the 1 Thin i an Hire or nraetiral aehleve. Per year $2.00 encouragement given him that, at , ment, and Christian Science Is in! Six months 1.00 the end of fifteen years, a "board of thorough accord with the demands1 Entered as second-class matter arbitration" is to tell the ga com- ( made for proofs. It lives and grows Novembers, 910, at Uoseburg, Ore., ' puny "where to get off" is certain- fn favor Wjtn tne n0edy of the earth under act of March 3, 1879. i 'y noi in Keeping wun mo pifi i,y reason of Its fruits. Christian Science makes no claim which it can not substantiate and so. In this day of advance In every department of human activity, It Is demonstrating Its right to be known as the religion of progress. Not that God, who constitutes the basis, foundation, and principle of all true religion, ever changes or progresses; not that the teachings of Jesus the Christ, the founder of Christianity, need to be revised or the Hible rewritten. We read in the Scriptures that with God there Is neither varlbleness nor shadow of turning; we also believe that the pre cepts and warnings of Jesus can nev er become antiquated, and that the Hible of our fathers, the great treasure-house of Christendom, when spiritually interpreted by ' Chi'iK(l;(ii Science suffices for our dally needs. The thread of gold which gleams throughout the fabric of the Hible will shine forth forever to he apprehended by the receptive thought everywhere. So It Is not a new bible which Christian Science contemplates, but one and the samo Bible, explained in a spiritual, progressive manner. It Is not a new God which It proclaims, but the only true God, our Father which is in Heaven. It makes no at tempt at an Improved Christ, for there is but one Christ, who Is in the bosom of the Father, perfect, efernul and Indestructible. Christian Science Is progressive, and marks an advance In religion because it throws W. D. McCracken Speaks on Christian Science Whether conditions for the past two days havo been unprecedented all up and down the coast, snow fall ing in many places to the depth of several liuenes, Uoseburg escaped with the flurry that melted nearly bb fogt as It fell, and with a hlgher temperature than that experienced In most localities. At Medford Profes sor O'Gara Is authority for the state ment yesterday that the temperature would probably drop to iifi this morning, but that owing to thorough smudging little damage would result In the Rogue Hiver Valley. In the Umpqua Valley yesterday morning the temperature was even 'Mi. and this morning It was two degrees colder 30 degrees. While there was considerable smudging in the vallay the past two ntghtH, It Is mieatlonable If the cold waB severo enough to hnvo caused jmifuiiui delivered u very interesting lecture damage to fruit. Competent author-1 on ..Chrlsl.lau Science" at the Ar Uy on the subject assert that fruit ) mory aHt evening. Notwithstanding killing frot?t must register 26 de- Ul(J Htnrm ,,i,n,, u Hrfrt, crowd was greea. At any point annvo i mere , ,miHtnt and all appeured to appro- i (-Into tho gentleman s remarks. AN ABLE AND FLUENT TALKER Lecture Given at the Armory Was guile Well Attended Auth or of 'IUse Of The HwIhh Hepubllc.M William I). McCracken, A. M., S. C. H., member of tho Board of Lec tureship of tho First Church of Christ, Scientists, rn Iu:un, Mass, Is no great danger. In view of these facts, and the temporaturo In this valley only falling to 30 degrees, It Is evident that no damage has re sulted here from tho storm that passed along tho coast this week. S. S. Joseplisnn, a member of the city council, Informed The News to day ho was willing to use his Influ ence to grant a franchise to W. F, Boardman & Company, who weeks to enter Uoseburg and Install a gas plant at a cost of boiuo fifty thous and dollars, providing that flio pro posed rate of $1.50 would not run longer than fifteen yearn. nfttv which tho fee charged for gas should be made by a board of arbitration, based on the cost of fuel fifteen years hence and tho number of eon M r. McCraoken is an able and fluent talker, as well as a distinguished author. Ono of his best known works is tho "Ufso of the Swiss He public," a book which has been read extensively by people In all parts of the world. Tho speaker was In troduced by Mayor Fred Haynes, who occupied a seat on the platform. Mr. McCracken spoko In part as follows: Tho message of Christian Science is simple and straightforward and; responds to a universal need. It is not easily treated as an academic j theme, nor Is It. strictly speaking,; a debatable question, because it pro- vldcs tho proofs of its own correct-! ness, day by day and hour by hour,! and these proofs are final and con-j Burners, while The News Is of trio ' vincing. unrisiiun Hcience does more' opinion that evory concession pos-ltlmn preach or promise, It fullllls.l siblo should bo gained by tho city While It arouses tho noblest aspira-! from the gas company, It does not I tlons and expectations of mankind,: deem the fregolnc statement of Mr. 'it also Justllles its teachings by do-. Josephson of snftlclent valuo to bar .finite results. Like the good Santa-! Mr. Boardman and bin dsocialea I ritan, It conies to those who havo, from entering the Held and establish- fallen among thieves, whom false ing a gas plant. No person, firm or 'concepts havo robbed of health and corporation who contemplates ex- happiness, who material methods ponding tho sum of fifty thousand have passed by on tho other side, Easter Time Our Hue you will find crowded with moat appropriate tokens for Kaster gift giving. The fashion of Faster giving Is growing by leaps and bounds each year. A. S. Huey KosehttrgM landing Jeweler On Casx Street. If Service and satisfaction is what you are looking for- We can give it to you. SOME FOOD FOR TH0UGHT THERE is great Pleasure, enjoyment -and real satisfaction in life when you know absolutely $it your grocer sells you everything clean and of the best quaftty. Carnation Flour, made at Athena, Oregon, is The f0st hard wheat flour on the market. Economy does not necessitate buying class B articles. For the man of moderate means 'Carnation flour is an economy. It realy is, for it makes more r vead, good bread than any other. ijPure Gold Butter, is ;ust as good as the name implies. Bet ter leave' a standing order, for it's in great demand. Golden Gate, another product that is no near perfection that all we need to say is: We carry a full line of Golden Gate Teas, Coffees and Spices. IjPrefcrred Stock, Canned Goods in good cans. We have tried all of this line which includes fruit, vegetables and cereals and know they are to be preferred. We guarantee all our goods to give satisfaction or money back. Besides usinjj the jo-noral delivery we run a vae,on of our own for accom modations on rush orders ami suburban calls. o matter where you live or where you buy, come in and see our stock ami ask our prices. Remem ber lliere is some satisfaction in kmuvinv; that what you eat is pure food, clean and wholesome. The Benson Grocery Phone 1S-I Pure Pood Stori 'J5 X. lack son St. Pat (leraldson's Pic,s, Put up in 10c boxes. They are just rn;ht, best ever MR MAN Take a pIeasant surprise home with you in the shape of JfwMv Laundry iron. This happy wife is the result of such a present. We carry them in 3 styles for light work or for travelers. Combines, Laundry Iron, Curl ing Iron and Water Heater. x3 . J This Regular we automatic. By a ance the cord is iron reaches too heat, so danger of less is greatly re- have in plain and simple contriv disconnected if great a degree of fire through care-duced. Perhaps you would like something different from an iron, in which case dfSJ) is just the thing. This is it and with it you can make the 'finest of toast right at the table, if you 'desire, Hot, Crisp, Toothsome. Just the way you like it. Churchill Hardware Co. The Ironmongers the strong light of science upon the nature and attributes of Deity, upon the teachings and works of the Christ, uud because it picks out from tho Illble's make-up tho essential im perishable import of its spiritual message. f Christian Science calls upon man-' kind for a frank and fearless revls- , Ion of its own beliefs about the un changing God, His man and His uni verse. This age, which Is not afraid to fly In the face of the sun on filmy wings, Is asked to display the neces sary courage to pass in review the things which pertain to Its own sal vation from false gods. Why should not right and Just views concerning God and His universe be capable of more precise statement? Why should it be thought a thing unreasonable with any one that God can become better understood by Hie average man than has been In the past? Why should not the understanding how to grow in grace, how to deein and broaden one's spiritual concepts, pro gress according to law. And why should not this knowledge concern ing the fountatnhead of alt know ledge, the giver of nil good gifts, the absolute eternal principle of all Life, in whom we live, and move. n,nd Ihnve our be'ijg why should not this knowledge constitute dem onstrable Science? Christian Ccientists bolierg that It does; that Jesus pointed out the only true, final and real knowledge when he said. "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, (he only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou bast sent." The Ileal Mim. If god is Spirit, then the real man of His creation, who has made in His image and likeness, and. therefore, partakes, of H is nature, must be spiritual, i- .. must express innd manifest Spirit. Tho real man's life must be spirit. hU faculties must be spiritual. Kurt hermore, as the i tu rn:; and likeness of God, the real man must be complete, happy, whole--'tiuie. and healthy. He cunnot deny his parentage mr brim; discredit up on his ancestry. He must de itermil and indestructible now, the ideal man, the son of God. Hut t hi? conclusion, derived from the Word of cod. found to be at .variance with t he testimony of ma terial sense. It does not agree with t he experience of mortal man from the cradle to the crave, for tho ex perience of mon tl man. i. one of in. sffkness. and death, not of itn dimmed joy and eternal life Here is a dcrepaise:. . and Christian (Continued on Paso Three.) The Novelty Theatre1 Is open under new mana gement. Entire change of program every day, including illustrated song by Mrs. Audray Trego WATCH OUR SUNDAY PROGRAM HOTEL THE GRAND Cass Street, Cor. Rose. Fred Schwartz, Proprietor FIRSTCLASS IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS ew Building, New FurnishinKs and Furniture, Steam Heated Throughout Hot and Old Wator in Every Koom. Rooms 50c, "uc and $1.00 ROOMS WITH BATH IF DESIRED Centrally Located in Business District ' ! tln best of tho oM ant! new j at the library in tho Par- vMt hiiiUlini;. upsislvs nvor the Ro-w ' Oiun!y Kitcho'.i. Ovor iwolvo hundred. volumes to select from. lUioke arv Roseburg Book Company Just Issued New From Cover to Cover Websters New International Dictionary A limited miiulirr or the "New Refereuce Atlas of tho World" l'RKK to purchasers of the Dictionary. PRICK of the N ew Dictionary and Atlas, in full Am erican Russia bine line, $19.00. Terms $3.00 on'de livery, balance on easy payments. Roseburg Book Company HOSKllt ltO, OKEGOX "I'i-.t'-il al 1 ' i"1!:? IMT week. f i