The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 12, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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Will flmiri'ho livfninir Ni'l
the lH-at iikhHuih to reach the
lieoliloiif KoM'burir. A wliti
a-vvaku publication printing
all the. new that'afit to print
Fairtonig' t with heavy (tost
Thursday tail and warmer.
WKDNKSn.W, .WliH. 12, 1011.
No. i:st
Democrats Endorse Taft's Plan
in Caucus
Freo List Hill Specifics Agricultural
Implements leather f.ood,
lift'l", Wiiv, 1 lour, LuimIht
Deadlock ltroktn.
Special to Evening News.)
WASHINGTON. April 12. A de
cision ofi tho house democrats to
rush tho'Canadian reciprocity agree
ment to a conclusion was announc
ed today, following a caucus in
which l-'9 voted in favor of Taft's
plan and 29 registered against the
measure. Following tho reciprocity
Agreement will come the blanket free
list which will embrace generally all
necessities of life. Another caucus
'will soon he held to determine the
;titude of the majority on a revision
or the wool and cotton schedules, di
rect election of United States sena
tors and the admission to statehood
of New Mexico and Arizona. Repre
sentative Underwood, of Alabama,
chairman of the ways and means
committee, today introduced bins
embodying the Canadian reciprocity
agreement and the arrangements and
free listing of all commodities in
line of actual necessaries ofi life.
The bills were referred to the ways
and means committee and will no
doubt bo reported for consideration
Friday. The Underwood bill Is
practically identical with the McCall
measure which passed at tho last
session. It Instructs tho president
to enter into negotiations for reci
procity. The free list bill specifies
more than 100 articles, Including
agricultural implements, hoots and
leather goods, wire, meats, flour
and lumber.
Invites Taft Went.
W A Sll I N 0 TO N , April 12 . Sena
tor innps nf Washington, today in
vited President Taft to attend the'
Northwest uevelopment Congress at
Seattle in December. The president
promised to give tho matter his
iou:i consideration.
Town Pcndlock Ilrokon,
DKS MOINKS, April 12. William
S. Kenyon. assistant United States
Attorney general and trust buster,
'va? today elected to the United
States senate from Iowa, to fill the
vacancy caused by tho recent death
of Senator Dolllver. Kenyon will
succeed Layfette Young, who was
appointed by Governor Carroll to
serve until the legislature convened.
In the election of Kenyon today the
deadlock, which has existed slnco the
legislature convened in January, was
R. C. Hill, of Drain. Is a business
visitor In Roseburg today.
Joseph Murphy, a local timber
cruiser, left for Eugene this after
noon where he will &xntl two or
Men's Fine Spring Clothes
(Jood rlmjim are an lndtiennln
part of a man's career. There's hii
energy and enthusiasm that lurks of
tit mid style, which no ninn should
linden-stimuli'. And it's Jut thai
sort of enthusiastic clothing which
iilMinguishes Harlli's Toggery for
their hand Iniloreii soils ami makes
it a pleasure to buy here. Dvery
fall"' H IV
a.iriiient titled lo your mejiMire and
kepi pr : I fnn. You'll find a
complete liouhig of himdMtme new
rn) ji nt, brow n, in Uhy Mirnl I
-lu-k, iriM'- and overpaid. Two
piece Milt-s ilk lined roat with dip
front mid full p-rtfged trou-wm wth
A oft thrpo hull tuff. !n't foret
KaMer coine-i on Sunday. April 10.
T he Ho me of
three days looking after business
unit tens.
George Bollenbaugh, of Canyon
v i lie, is a visitor in Roseburg today.
J. S. Cherrington and wife, of Rid
dle, spent yesterday in Roseburg vis
iting with friends.
G. W. Gage, of Dillard. yesterday
purchased a lot in Miller's Addition
to the city of Roseburg.
C. W. Boyd, of Yoncalla. spent
yesterday In Hosehurg attending to
business matters and visiting with
Stnbbs & Perm an iiavo just re
ceived another car load of Hed
Ribbon Flour. This flour is unex
celled In Roseburg.
John White, who is firtlw?ring
an irrigation project In Southern
Douglas county, returned here this
afternoon Ho rep j.'t? v. oil; pro
gressing nicely.
Mrs. Richard Pote lert for her
home at Junction City this afternoon
afier a few days spent In this city
visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Hen
ry Snyder.
Among those registered at the
Roseburg hotel today are the follow
ing: R. Tanner. Portland; C. R. Stal
ev, Ttcoma. Wash.; D. O. Weaver,
Toledo, Ohio.
I. R. Smith, of the local telephone
exchange, left for points in Coos
county yesterday morning where he
will spend about ten days look lug
after business matters.
R. B. Cook, wife and baby left
for their home at Eugene this ai
ternoon after a few days spent in
.the city visiting at the home of Mr.
Cook's sister, Mrs. I. L. Lee.
Superintendent Fields, of the
Southern Pacific lines lu Oregon,
iinsceH through th eit v this nfter-
noon enroute north. The otfic.ial is.
traveling in his private car, "Cali
fornia." Harry Gibson, representing the
Arnold Amusement Company, of
Portland, arrived in the city this
morning to confer with the carnival
committee in hope of presenting a
number of attractions in Roseburg
during tho Strawberry Carnival.
S. M. Miller has returned from
points in tho Willamette Valley
where he sient a few days looking
over the country. Mr. Miller says
that the land in the Valley cannot
be compared with that in Douglas
county, notwithstanding boasts to
the contrary.
Another very Interesting meeting
of tho '95 Mental Culture Club was
hold at the Parish house, of the Epis
copal church yesterday afternoon. A
largo number of the members were
present, and numerous matters of
vital importance weroi considered.
Officers were elected for the ensuing
vear as follows: Mrs. W. A. Smirk,
president; Mrs. A. C. Manners, first
vice-president; Mrsj W. W. Card
well, second vice-president; Mrs. J.
W. Groves, secretary; Mrs. L. Wlm
hnriv truflsiirpr. The newlv elected
officers will assume charge of their
respective offices In the fan.
Regal Shoes
Corner of Cass and Stephens
Streets Favored
Si to Is tVnt rally Located ami Is
Considered Ideal For Federal
lut' To I" -no
ItuiltliiiK Operations.
11. Tho Treasury Department
has accepted the joint offer of
D. R. Sbambrook and James O.
Rowland for a federal site on
tho corner of Cass and Stephens
streets. Roseburg, for $10,000
for a federal building.
The land selected, by tho govern
ment is located at tho corner of Cass
and Stephens streets, in the very
heart of the city. At present the site
is occupied by the residences of W.
T. Wright and Mrs. Al Veatch, which
will necessarily have to bo remov
ed to make way for the proposed
fedqra'l building which will prob
ably bo erected within the next few
years. The land Is 130x135 feet In
dimensions, and was formerly owned
by James O. Newland, D. R. Sham
brook. Mrs. Morris Abraham and
Belle and Bertha Carlon.
With the site selected, those in
terested in the erection of the feder
al building are already taking steps
In hopo of pursuadlng congress to
appropriate a sufficient sum with
which to erect tho structure during
its present session. Strong pressure
will bo brought to bear upon Ore
gon's representatives in the United
States Congress, and it is generally
predicted that tho money will he
forthcoming without material delny.
In tho selection of tho Cass street
site and the erection of tho federal
building the government will not
onlv save tho rentals at present ex
pended In furnishing quarters
ed S tn t "s Fores t ry O litre. "Tn t ed
States Weather llureau. Indian Land
Agency and tho United States Post
office, but will also placo tho burden
of carrying the mall to and from
tho postoflice upon tho railroad com
pany. The selection of the Cass street
site for a federal building has met
with general satisfaction, and It Is
openly predicted that the citizens
of the entire city will co-operate In
hope that work on tho structure will
bo commenced at tho earliest pos
sible date.
Makes Some Pointed Henuirks Con
cerning (ius l-'raiicliiM1.
Editor News:
When a city councilman mado the
statement at the last city council
meeting that "many" of the citlzenB
of Hosehurg were opposed to the
granting of the gas franchise, unless
a 15-year Joker was attached there
to, ho either forgot that he is
a second George Washington or else
the many citizens ho had conversed
with were connected directly or in
directly with the water company, or
perhaps had fuel to sell. If the gas
franchise were left to popular vote
it would carry at least 75 to I. The
average American rltizen is foolish
enoimh to bellevo that a city coun
cil should represent the interests of
the people, and that the people are
well enough informed to know what
is to their interests. The once pow
erful political boss assumed the posi
tion that he and a few of his hench
men wern much better aide to judge
what was good for the dear people
that the people themselves, and It
peenis that the Itosehiirg city council,
or a few of its influential niemb'-rs.
are laboring under the same dela
tion. To bold up or deny the gat
franchWe applied for Is a deliberate
refusal to grant what 95 per cent
of the people of Itosehiirtr are de
manding. If the city council, or
certain members thereof, wish to as-
same tne uuvvn m aeprmK 11
jieujue in mw-iiii in-- -m .......
at im t inr bus. It fdmuid he in a do a
burden that will be felt by thesejtlntt dul t not readily
careful ronTvat ionlfs for many
veurs to come. The tm-inlwrs of the
rP v council should be given di-
tlnetlv to understand that the vast j
majority of the jw-ople of Ro-burg!
are Mroncly In favor of th Kraut- j
ing of t he cat franchise, jmd feel !
that the maximum rate stated there
in Is no more than is demanded by
good hu-inrf. and It Is a decidedly
un business like attitude for the
"uiiiK-iJ to take the stand that "may
lie the city will grow so fat that a
h"aj er r:,!e could ! given 1 venr
from now. and atih"w our grand
children might be offended if we
erant d a fifty franchise" The
r"a r'fior:H why .eirt;ifn individual?
are holding up the franc h if will
come to light s'toner or later, but It
is pre'tv thin dope to eirppct the cit
izens of Ffreburg to believe that our
representatives in the cnjncll are
worrying for fear that tho coming!
generations will not approve of their
action. There are more ways than
one to skin a cat, and the people
of Roseburg have various means of
calling to account the alleged repre
sentatives who are delaying the
granting of the gas franchise, and
it should be conveyed to these ob
structionists in no uncertain lang
uage that it is not a safe thing to
monkey with tho people!, measures,
and that the citizens of Roseburg
look upon this gas franchise as a
measure that will be of decided ben
efit to the community and to a vast
majority of the individuals therein,
although It may effect the salo of
electricity, coal and wood to a cer
tain extent. It might effect slight
ly tho value of certain bonds held
by certain persons, but tho vast
proportion of Roseburg citizens have
neither bonds, electricity, wood or
coal for sale, and therefore feel that
they aro entitled to relief along the
lines possible by the installation of
i giis plant. And tins decided ma
jorlty do not only wish to buy khm, ( t ''oops under the command of Mado
bnt they also buy various other com-i io, women and children nro floelnc
modities. and It is barely possible 1 ,., ,,,, ... , ... ...
that the failure to Krunt a business:'""" Jmmz' 1,lv" lo American soil
franchise to business men will be j r"r lt:tloii. DuriiiK thu ulsht
resented by the jteople of Hoseliuri? I Just passed tho banks and custom
to an extent that will convince ! house of tho Mexican city transfer
members of tho council that the citl- ' red all their coin to i:l i'aso while
zona of KosehurK are not a lot of
little children that must bo told by
the city council (hat tho estabtlsh
nien of a Kits plant In Koseburi;. the
expending of r0.000 in the city, nlld
tho savins of thousands of dollars ,
for years to come, Isn t good for
their teeth, or for their digestion,
or some similar reason Riven to little
children who ask for candy occa
sionally. The proposal to include in
the franchise the right to re-adjust
rates IB years hence, is not for the
purpose of protecting the general
public's welfare at that time, but is
for tile purpose of making the fran
chise unsatisfactory to the gas com
pany. Nobody but nn Idiot or dani
phool would Invest $50,000 In Hose
burg, with the understanding that
after a limited time, bo must consent
to a readjustment of rates that would
probably destroy entirely nny pos
sible challco for profit from the in
vestment. Tho citizens of Hosehurg
that prefer to pay $10 a cord for
wood and $12 a ton for coal will
still have the prlvilago unlmimired
If anvono 111 Hosehurg does not wish
to uf- gas at the price offered be
Is not In nny way compelled to do.
so. but tho citizen that does wish I
.this most acceptablo modern method I
ifs protected for tho entire fifty years
against tuiy exhorbltant rate and Is
fully satisfied to save a considerable
sum by the use of gas, instead of
being compelle dto uso fuel which Is
constantly ndvanclng In price, and ,
which at best is far Inferior to gas.
If the city council of Kosehurg re-1
fuses to listen to tho demand of the I
vast majority of Roseburg citizens.
then legal methods should be taken
to pass by vote of the people t bis
gas ordinance, and meanwhllo the
so-called business men on tho council
should Ikj given a financial demon
stration by the people which will
When You Paper Your
House They Look
Like Dust And
Many n room is so dusty on the
ti-ilfntf th.-il it shown dirt ilNlhnil)
lo I lie eye. Hiu b In (he ruse w if I)
man) moi-jii ceiling. Dutch cell-
,! lug-nre planned for j,mi hii. h room
1 They are beautiful, tint ho dcnlgucd
H nrvd
nlso have new effect In
cilingH thiii tin not yet up
in lto'lmrg; come and fcr
Our third obipinerit of twill p;ipcr
arrived I hit ueck, ll cohmmii of
01' I be ricue-t design, distributed
nniorig liMtO single roll.
Ill our fttock now are H.IOO dingle
rolls of nail paper In I MO dcufgn.
If you iwtnt low priced paHT w
bine , and more am) more H-ope
have to come lo u for the t'st. Tlicy
htve, too.
The Furniture Man
Madero Holds Key to Situa
tion at Juarez
JiiH-d Cuiisvil lly (Ji-h-f Out Si'imra
llim from lliisliiiud Ami'rluiit
Wiiuii'it ami ( hililrfit lm.
in'isuiii'cl at ICiim'iiiiiIii.
(Special to Tho KvimiIiik News.)
KL PASO April 12. III niillelpa
tlou of ail attack from 2,000 rebel
Navarro's 750 men were busy Ihrow
lliK up entrenchments. .Madero Is
encamped at C'asas Until dp and con.
trola the railroad, therefore ran take
bis tlmo to Rot ready for the nntl
npatod attack. There Is llttlo doubt
nut what Mndero will capture tho
;:city, as tho federal force Is insuf-
tlclent to hold it against attack
Strangled 1 1 it Daughter.
BOSTON. April 12. Crazed with
grief on nccount of separation from
her husband. Mrs. Clara Russell to
day confessed lo the strangling of
her little daughter Mnrjorle, aged
12, nt her homo In Dorchester. The
mother Bald that sho wrapped a tow
el around the neck of tho sleeping
child, who fwiiB awnkened by tho
act and beggvil her mother not to
kill hor. "Deciding that It was best
convinco them that tho turning
down of a proposition Hint meets the
favor of and henellls almost the en
tire citizenship of Roseburg Is not
a very healthy business proceeding
for business men, some of whom
happen to bo aldermen for tho time
f 1
Vi i:i:x oi- Tim iiiliihhn s caiimvai, pahadu
Scalp Treatment
Facial Massage
Roseburg Beauty Parlors
Special Easter Discounts on
Hair Goods
Toilet Articles
1 Not Sl.OOSValues for 98
I counts in
It Is every lady's especially a
effect j.o -,
1 'vivvi'
I,et tin show you our effects from models Just received
from the worlds fashion centi-m. Try on an many an you phase
until you aro nail-died. Our prices aro such that any lady ca'i af
ford to wear tho very
Latest Inventions in
not to let her grow up to possibly
meet trouble like mine, 1 let her
strangle." said tho woman, "and it
was soon over. Later tho officers
arrested me."
American Women Hold Prisoners.
WASHINGTON. April 12. Secre
tary Knox today directed American
Consul SclmiucKOf, at fcnsonndn to
personally Investigate the roinlllions
of the American women and children
alleged to bo Imprisoned at Almo by
tho Mexican rebels, and report tho
llucllugs In tho Hinder Immediately
by wire to tho department. It Is said
that a number of women and chll.
dreu have been held prisoners there
lor several weeks.
VOT1XU IS llltlSK.
Jliss Allie lllack l.cails For "Queen
of the t'aniival."
That unusual Interest Is manifest
In the selection of a "queen of tho
carnival" and the '."titm'on ,nf the
children's parade" Is attested In the
number or votes cast to date. The
ballot boxes wero only recently sta
tioned, but notwithstanding voting
is brisk. To dale Miss Alllo lllack;
leads for queen of tho carnival with
4 0 votes to her credit. Norma
North lends lu the contest for queen
of the children's parado with 17
Oik'cii of the Carnival.
Alllo lllack 40
Harriet Darker 30
Polly Campbell 30
I.ucy llrldges 10
(iortrudo lllldohuril 10
Helen i I am 1 1 1 011 10
Mrs. .1. D. Zurcher ....25
Mrs. Gronvold 30
Mrs. Fred Hnynes 20
OiniMi of Children's Parotic.
Norma North 17
Mnurlno Huchnnnn 16
Gone Perry 10
Dorothea Abrams 12
Fred Tolles, 11 local pnlntor, hna
returned from Portland and Seattle,
where ho spent tho past fow dnys
attending to business matters and
visltlngi with friend. 1 Mr. Tollos
reports Portland on tho boom, with
building activity evident 011 every
hand. In Senltlo, Mr. Tolles says
buslnegs Is (liet. Hotwlthsliindlng
the groat Influx of people from the
uu ,V,V-"J
Hair Dressing
Cents. Hut nic
Every Line.
ouiik lady's- -duty to make tno best
Shape, Design and Trim