The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 11, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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Will fhul'Ttitt KviMiinir NVa
tho bet medium to reach tho
lMtoilof ttou'liurv. A wtUf
n-wnko yubllrntlmi printing
II the nowstlint'.fit to print
Fair tonlg t with heavy frost
early mortun g W cdacsday
fair and warmer.
TI IOSD.VY, fAKOH 11, 1011.
Xo. i;ta
Strawberry Eclipse
All Former Events
.Arranging Minute Details Connected
With 1-eMivnl Freight Hales
Again Discussed lly This
Commercial Club.
At the regular monthly meeting"
of the Koseburg Commercial Club ,
last evening the freight rate ques-j
tion was discussed at some length, :
but the chairman of the committee. ;
Joseph Mioelli, appointed at a re-
cenc meeting of the club, being ill. ;
11. E. Smith stated no atcion had ',
been taken. The latter said!
however, the committee was iNixious j'
to dispose of the question in a sat-;
isfactory way and that a meeting ;
of the local shippers would bo held
at an early dale and the freight j
4ate question thoroughly delved into
Nuid-a line of action planned. At
torney C. S. Jackson addressed the
gathering and explained in plain
language the great discrepancy be
tween long and short hauls on the
Southern Pacific and where ltose
l)urg was "getting off, and declar
ed that without an adjustment of the
present rates it was impossible for
the Unipqua Valley to enjoy the
benefits of its many resources but
on the contrary, would be "bottled
up" until such time as tho railroad
Interests wished to "take off the
lid." No action was taken further
thnn giving to the committee al
ready appointed full authority to ex
pend Buch sum of money as they
deemed just to be properly repre
sented at the hearing at Washington.
D. C, the latter part of this month.
a communication having been re
ceived by the club from the Busi
ness Men's League, of Salem, urging
the local organization to co-operate
with it in a fight against unjust
ratej. (
The Strawberry O-uraival,
Cnder the head of "new business"
It. K. Smith called the attention of
the elutj members to the coming
strawberry festival, which will
eclipse any similar event in the his
tory of Southern Oregon. During
a recent vlsit-to Portland Mr. Smith)
took tho opportunity to interview j
many business men there, with the ;
result that it is expected fully five:
hundred people will come to Rose-1
burg on Portland day, Thursday, I
May 11, and that a one way fare'
for the round trip will he given by j
tho Southern Pacific. Company on I
this day, K was tho sense of all
present at last evenings meeting
that the various committees in
charge of the carnival b given hear-;
ty support and all possible assis-,
tance to make tho oncoming event
one most successful and enjoyable
to all who attend. !
KxH'iiUvo Committee Meets. j
About tho liveliest "bunch" con-'
nected with the strawberry carnival
is the executive committee compos
ed of a bevy of real "live
wire" artists whose duty it is to di
rect all matters pertaining to the '
festival, and among whom no f But
tering one is found. i ney are all (
there with the "goods"- done up
in large and small packages and
make no exception to the rule of ;
"handing" any of their brother;
members a "lemon" should he pres- j
cnt a proposition that would in any
way divert attention from the special
issue tho Strawberry Carnival.
This committee is completely "wrap-'
ped up" with the success of the
event and with the assistance of the
painstaking and untiring commu
tes from the Ladies Auxiliary are
diligently striving, and leaving noth
ing undone, whereby a pleasing in-i,
cident may be added to the three
dayr. festivities.
Many matters were discussed nt a
Commercial Club Gives Res
taurants Severe Drubbing.
Traveling Public "Pinched On
Kates Charged, Among (he Al.
leg;nt ions Made Commit-
teo Will Investigate,
(Continued on Pnge Two.)
"R-o-t-t-e-n!" "KiDi-ce!" 'A de
plorable condition!" "Why, they
even cook eggs in soup, down there."
"And the price, why they simply
'size' you up, and if the ear-marks
of a sucker crop out, the charges
for tlin grub dispensed is "slid up' to
the highest notch." "If you don't
pay according to the 'sliding scale'
you're liable to get your optic clos
ed." They're a rough bunch, and a
decided detriment to tho city of
These and many more equally ns
strong allegations were applied to
those restaurants in the vicinity of
the depot that make it a rule to cu
ter to the traveling public when, at
the, regular meeting of the Commer
cial Club last evening, 11. T. McClnl
len called the attention of the mem
bers to what he termed tho great
est "black eye" H'oseburg was re
ceiving from every visitor to the city,
especially those who pass through
on trains going north and south and
stop hero a few moments to get a
lunch or an "imitation of a square
meal." as some expressed them
selves. , Health Officer Houck, who was
present, said the health committee
could see that the places were kept
clean and sanitary, but could not in
terfere with the prices charged or
the kind of food served. He, like
many others, knew the city was re
ceiving a class of advertising from
theso restaurants that would do it
more injury than any other means
that could possibly be employed.
Others remarked that It was a
common thing to hear people who
had dined at one or the other of
theso places tell their experiences
which, to say the least, were quite
thrilling and would make tho fellow
wtiose inner man was nut lined with
tho proper material for receiving the
"goods" tako on a bad case of dys
pepsia. The Southern Pacific Com
pany also protests against these res
taurants and is anxious thai sunn;
remedy bo applied,
After a greater part of the mem
ber present had offered their testi
mony in reference to th alleged
deplorable conditions existing and
tho disagreeable effects to tho city
at large from an advertising stand-;
point. J. I). Zu relic r moved that a
committee be appointed to thorough-1
ly investigate tho complaints made.!
court the co-operation of tho South-1
ern Pacific otlicials, and if possible,!
arrange for the Installation of a
first-class eating house in the vicin-1
ity of the depot for the accommoda-;
tlon of the traveling public, where!
for a reasonable price, a good and ;
wholosomo meal could he had. The:
committee consists of F. K. Alley,
chairman, J. D. Zurcher and C. W.
A thorough inspection will be
made by the committee and tho re
Milt of their findings will be report-,
ed at a future meeting of the club.
The ladies of the M. R. church will
give an experience social on Tues
day evening, April 11 at eight o'clock
in the church, each lady Is to con
tribute one dollar and tell how she
has earned it. This will bo amusing
ns well as edifying. A number of
excellent musjcal selections will be
given, also readings. Delicious re
freshments served. Tho gentlemen
are urged to contribute. All are
most cordially Invited. No admis
sion charged. dsw-all
ft Jt liRfv
' Iff 'f f if
' 3 i'njaniin 0MW WM
If you were to lie in New York on Easter Sunday, aivl with some congenial wmipm ion
could wander up Fifth Avenue, you would be certain to understand why the styles effected by
Smart New Yorkers has ever been the most admired by discerning Men and Youn Men.
New York Styles are unquestionably the most fascinating in the world and a criterion
which has always been followed by those who seriously consider dressing correctly.
"Ben jamin" Styles are New York Styles-they are created in New York and excite the
admiration of critical dressers, everywhere, on account of their indescribable charm.
"Benjamin Clothes" being designed and made in New York by the most skilled tailors
in the world are certain to be of unsurpassed distinction ami exquisite finish--a glance will impress
you with their grace and good form. You can secure the self same clothes right here at Imoder
ate prices.
Ilavn.-s is opposed to the frnnctatao
lu its pr.wnt form, and that he will
veto tlie orilliimicp In (he event a.
franchise Is grunted for moro limn
10 years. It is said that tho major
n .. , , considers the price of Kas too hlKll.
Councilman Josephson Leads "lul ",r reason is Uf ti,e opm-
company s freedom ot
the "Conservatives"
tho siroets should bo 'restricted to a
reasonable time.
In the event W. V. llonrdinnn re
fuses to meet the concessions de
manded by Josephson, it la posslblo
Mint tho franchise will rail beneath
tho official axe at the next meeting
of the council. It la n well known
Councilman Josepliso,, Says That mI'im"'' .i',",'1'1''','"10" J"s,,l,hsl" and
Life of l''rnitchise Is lneensoii
iililc Would Itestiiet Time
10 or 13 Years,
iMIcelll wellU unite nil inflneu.
. ... tuiMictimeu, nnu ns a rulo.
are victorious in all iironositlotm nn.
(leriuken. Whether they will bo ablo-
I rry u"lr point in tho present
controversy, however, rcmntnn a.
Rosebuis's opportunity to obtain 1 conjecture, and tho result will not'
a Jio.OUO Kas plunt encountered nn- ' known Until the veto la reirloln-.
other flimsy obstacle at last oven- vA- On tho other hand, should W.
lugs lueellni: or the city council. '. noaniman a Company concede
when Councilman S. S. Josenhson to Brant the concessions nskeil tl
declared himself opposed to unintiliK franchise will probably bo granted.
uie irancnise as submitted by w. 11 ' proimble that Councilman
lloardman & Coiupuuy, of San Kran- 'osphson and Mleelll will bnttlo for
Cisco, and asked that action be do- cent gas. and tho granting ot
ferred on the same for the present. - n franchise restricled to 10 vomn.
or at least, until such time ns the' Tho Plumbing Ordinance
committee to whom It was originally A 4)lMg r,Hn,.
reierreu could meet with tho officials greater lenirih the iV,V..i,,,V..'. .
of the petitioning company and as- r.. ,.. .. "u" :" r.K 8 B-
certain whether or not they would V , ,,' cons rati,,,, of
concede to furnish gas for an amount ' , , at I ,t ! " 9
ess than tl 50 per thousand cubic Tne ordinance contains sever n nn
leet, as specified In the franchise. i of iv,,wH.i.,
Hurdly had tho city recorder call- ered Quito Htrlmrent hv i.,n.K.
ed attention to the impending frun- ers who Imve been given an oppor-
itiivii 1..I.JWI MiijufH giuiii:eu innny 10 investigate Its contemn,
at Councilman Josephson, as if to Not only does the ordinance provide
say "tiet busy". Josephson was tho manner of ulninliin.- hut rmihn
wise" and immediately responded snccifles that nn him,M.t. o1l.ii
to the music of others In opposition appointed. It shall be tho duty of
to tho franchise. I tbis inspector to examln nil wnrk.
do not helieve that we should nut! determine whether or not It la
take nny action on this franchise to-, done In compliance with the ord in-
night," said Councilman Josephson. unco. According to the ordinance
"for tho reason that there is consid-jthe Inspector shall recelvo a fee of
erable dissatisfaction manifest rela
tive to the time It Is to run and to
the price that is to lie charged for
50 cents for each fixture Inspected
when tho number doeB not exceed
six. For Inspecthie each fixture In
gas. 1 do not think that we should i excess of hIx the Inspector shall re-
grant W. F. lloardman & Co. or anyjcelvo the sum of 25 cents. Tho coBt
other company, a franchise for a j of Inspection shall be paid by the
term of fifty years, and allow them 1 master plumber, and consequently
to charge the sum of $1.50 perl ho will ho compolled to figure his
thousand feet for gas as specified In, contracts accordingly,
tho franchise under discussion. A cronson. who wnfl pn.fleut at
Possibly the company cannot afford the meeting, protested against the
to furnish gas for a lesser rate than ro(1 RPcined In tho ordinance, and
$1.50 per thousand cubic feet at
tho present time, but as the town
grows and fuel becomes cheaper
the pypcuse of tho product should
ho reduced ncronllngly. I contend
that we will !)( criticised in the
contended that they were exhorbl
taut and out of renson. "Tho plumb
Ing Inspector should not receive one
cent more than tho electric light
inspector." said Crcason, "Inasmuch
as his , work wilt Involve no more
event wo grant tne rrancnise in HH!(,k,, nr tlmo , rnna,ior lno fpo(l
present form, and for that reason, if itM-IIli In tho ordlnmico out of
no other. 1 would suggest that It be j r(.I1Honi an, Im imnHltlon on tho
people. The ordinance will come
up for Its third reading nt the next
regular meeting ot the city council.
WlghtN and McnNiiroH.
Determined that the peoplo of
Koseburg shall receive a sepmro deal
at tho hands of the merchants.
referred to the original committee
for further Investigation. Tho mem
bers of this committee can meet with
the official of the petitioning gas
company, and It may be possible that
they will concede to reduce the cost
of the product materially."
f'nmifiliiiiin .Iikii1im(iii whk em-
phatlc in his declarations, and upon Cmincllmnn Mullen, otherwlso torm-
moro than ono occasion suggesled council rnamner as
that tho franchise bo re-referred "Itoseburg'a grand old man," again
nnd not placed to a vote of tho coun-, ""'tight up the proposition of ap
cll. "We should not voto down tills J llntlnK an Inspector of welghls and
tranchltie tonight." said Councilman measures at last evnlng's meeting
Josephson, "but on the contrary wo
should refer It to the original com
mittee." That Councilman Joseph
son Is hacked In his fight against
'ho present franchise by at least two
members of the council is quite
n-ident, and cannot he disputed. One
of these men Is Councilman Joseph
Mleelll, whom Josephson declared
of the city council. Councilman Mul
len said that such an ollhiul waa
necessary, nnd accordingly advanc
ed a motion authorizing tho city at
torney to compile an ordinance creat
ing such an office, hint end of hav
ing one Inspector as Is tho rulo In
a majority of towns. Councilman
Mullen desires a committee, consist-
would stand with him." Mleelll was "K thnto Inspectors, who shall
unable lo attend last evening's nieel-1 Hervo without pay. When placed to
Ing of the council, but notwHhstninI
lug, his position waH explained by
Council man Joseph no n as the latter
was leaving tho council chamber.
JoKepliMtn's mot Ion to refer the
franchise was seconded by Council
man Svkes, and upon being placed ho nn(, (.(linl(.t,.d tho plans and
It Is n,lso reported that Mayor1 (Continued on Pago Two.)
vote Mullen's motion enrrled, and
Ihe day of the weights and measur
es Inspector can bo considered near
at hand.
Minor Mutter.
The city engineer reported that
The Home of Regal Shoes
Koschurg, Oregon
Scalp Treatment
F'acial Massage
Hair Dressing
Roseburg Beauty Parlors
Special Easter Discounts on
Hair Goods
Toilet Articles
Not Sl.OOSValues for 98 Cents, But Real Dis
counts in Every Line.