The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, March 28, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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'Fair tonight and Wednesday.
Will find The Kvniiinr Nnwa
the bttt nuMtiuni to reach tLo
people u( Ituaeburr A wide
a-wake publication printing
all the newathatarit toprlnt
TIKSDAY, MAIU'H liH, 1011.
Xo. 1-21
ouncilman Mullen Would
I Protect the Consumer.
- Millions Asking For More Paved
i Streets Aro Submitted to the
Consideration of the Coiiil
iil Other .Matters.
Just prior to adjournment of
the council Inst evening, Conn-
cilmnn .Mullen suggested that it
would he well for the city to
create another office in the ap-
pointment of a weights and
measures inspector. Mr. Mul-
len contended that Koseburg
was growing, and that the time
was at hand to get busy, and
ascertain whether or not the
citizens were receiving fair
treatment at the hands of the
nierchants and others. A hearty
In ugh followed Councilman
Mullen's sudden outbreak of
oratory, and finally a committee
consisting of Councijmen Mul-
len, Uouck and Sether was up-
pointed to investigate and de-
termine the need of such an
Petitions asking for additional
paved streets were presented to the
consideration of the council last
evening as follows:
Chad wick street Cass to Wash
ington street.
Fast Lane street Kane to North
First street.
I'pon being read the petitions were
referred to the street improvement
committee, and were later returned
w -f h favorable recommendations.
Accordingly, the petitions were ac
cepted, and resol ut ions were adopt
ed authorizing the improvements.
Kngineer's lteport.
The city engineer reported that
he had prepared the necessary plans
and specifications for the paving of
Chad wick, Washington, and West
When a Tiger
A tiger tkin, with the tiger left out, in only
a shell of n tiger.
garment with the hlde tailoring slurred
In only n shell of a garment.
II art h' Toggery hanil-tiillored dot hen Make
everything on sim-i'rfty of tailoring because the
tailoring ma ken up and maki MTtuniieiit the
Aim it her thing to N'ur In mind, llarth'n Tog.
gry clothes carry a leer price than niiy nllier
More in Konehurg, (Quality oniden'd. It u
prove it to you. Vour mtmey hark if you are not
satisfied. lont forget we keep every suit pre-d
Washington streets, and submitted
the following estimates:
Chadwick street Douglas to
Washington street, $2,114.84.
Washington street Kane to Chad
wick street, $2,680.79.
West Washington street Kose to
; S. P. Railroad tracks. $5,526.12.
i After brief discussion the report
i of the engineer was accepted, and
resolutions were adopted authorizing
I tho improvement. i
Minor Mattery,
A petition was presented last even
j ing asking that an electric light be;
installed at the corner of Park and
, Prospect streets. After a brief dls-
ciu'sion the petition was referred to
I the committee on electiic lights for
I Investigation.
I Tho city engineer reported that1
! he had prepared the plans and spec-
i!ieations for the South Rosehurg
sewer system, and had found that the
same would cost in the neighbor-!
hood of $14,1)30. Owing to the fact;
that several changes in the plans
are contemplated, no action was tak
en relative to accepting the report
last evening.
Wendell Wright protested against
thn present location of a certain ft re
hydrant, near his residence property,
and asked that the same he changed.
I'pon motion of Councilman Joseph
son, the water and light company
was ordered to change tho location
of the hydrant so as to conform with
the established rule of the water and
light committee.
Kugene llannan protested against
the present sidewalk grade on East
Douglas street, and asked that the
property owners in that section of
the city be granted certain conces
sions. The matter was referred to
the street improvement committee
with instructions to Investigate the
conditions existing and report at the
next ri'gulnr meeting of the council.
Winnie Gaddis. a local plumber,
was awarded the contract for con
structing the Chadwick and Wash
ington street sewer. The bid sub
mitted by Mr. Gaddis was in the sum
of $318.80.
We thank you for your hearty co
operation in the affairs of the Ly
ceum Course. We now come to the
climax. The numbers have all been
good, we have reserved the best
for the last. Do not miss this great
lecture by a great man, who was
once a tramp and slept in police sta
tions, and grave yards, hut is now
one of America's most useful citi
zens. Rosehurg Ministerial Union.
is Not a Tiger
W. F. Boardman & Company
Submit an Application.
Company Agrees To Post Itoiul and
Commence Actual Work u
Plant Within Sixty Duys
Will Investigate.
f Franchise asked by W. F.
Hoard man & Company, of San
Term of franchise HO years.
I Petitioners agree to estab-
lis'h plant of sufficient capacity
! to supply a city of 21,000 in-
1 - habitants.
Petitioners agree to com-
I mence work on plant within t0
I days from date of granting the
Petitioners agree to complete
plant iand supply consumers
with gas within eluht months
from the date of granting the
Petitioners agree to furnish
gas for a price not exceeding
$1.75 per thousand cubic feet.
Petitioners agree to furnish-
consumers meters free of
Petitioners agree to post a
forfeit in the sum of $10,000,
in evidence that they will fulfill
their part of the agreement.
As predicted in a recent issue of
The Evening News, W. F. Hoardman
& Company, of San Francisco, pre
sented the council with an applica
tion for a franchise to lay gas mains
on all streets and alleys in the city
of Rosehurg at last evening's meet
ing of the municipal body. ho fran
chise, if granted, will run for a per
iod of 50 years.
Thomas D. Peteh, chief engineer
of tho company was present nt the
meeting last evening, and upon in
vitation of the mayor, spoke brief
ly. Mr. Peteh said that tho com
pany he represents is at present op
erating plants nt Med ford, Ashland,
and several California cities, and are.
! desirous of invading Hoseburg. "We
are aware," said Mr. Peteh, "that a
1 gas plant in Rosehurg will not pay
; a profit from the start, hut ncverthe
, loss we have faith In your city and
1 believe that it will double in popu
; lathm within tlm next fow years. In
l the event, such iilictioii Is true
, the plant may Income profitable as
1 an investment. I havo invosf igated
j the proposition at some length, uhd
i find that 400 consumers will bo nec
essary to pay current expenses of
i the plant."
Further, Mr. Peteh Raid that the
plant would cost In the neighborhood
of $50,000, or an amount equal to
i that expended In similar establish
ments in towns three times the size
of Rosehurg. Concluding, Mr. Peteh
1 urged that some Immediate action be
! tal'en inasmuch as most of the ma
l terial would have to be shipped from
: the East, thereby delaying tho com
' niencement of act ual construction
I'pon motfon of Councilman Micel
11, the application was referred to a
special committee, apolnted by May
or Maynes as follows: Conncllmen
Joseph Mleelll, S. S. Josephson ami
George E. Houck.
loiter and Application.
The following Is t tic letter and ap
plication presented to the consider
ation of the council lust evening:
San Francisco, Cal., '11
Mr. A. N. Orcuu.
City Recorder, Rosehurg, Ore.
T)e;ir Sir: In accordance with con
versation f ef wen your honorable
mayor, and also between M r. Geo.
Xeuner, Jr., your city attorney, nnd
t bf writer. 1 am enclosing you n
memorandum for a pplication for a
franchise fur the erection of a gas
plant , and the laying of ens mains
in your city. The terms of tills fran-
, speak for themselves,
i I wish to stale that If your city
! eounrfl and mayor decide to grant
! us this franchise, we will prmei-d to
erect this gas plant at the earliest
possible moment and carry out our
part of tin n irreenietit ; and we
should he perfect ly willing to de
j posit a certified check wtt h your
; city treasurer that in cae w do
no fulfill our part of tho obligation
i we would forfeit t his check, or In
the event that we comply with all
i our obligations that this check
j should be returned to us uinm the
) completion of the pas plant and the
j turning on of pas in the city of
i Rocehrirfc. Oregon.
Our engineer, Mr, ; Tbrnna 1'
PtMrh, will attend your meeting next
Monday evening. March 27th. ami
will lie prepared to answer any and
all questions that mav come up.
Yours Verv Trulv.
Uy w. F. Hoardman, Pre
flan FranrlKCn. Cal , 3-2 4 '11
An application for a Franchise for
the erection of a ga plant and th
laying of ga pipe In the utreeti, al
ley and thoroughfares of the city
of Rosehurg, Oregon, for the pur
pose of manufacturing, carrying and
distributing gas for light, heat and
power, to be granted The W. F.
Boardman Company, under tho fol
lowing conditions:
First That a franchise he hereby
granted to The W. F. Hoardman
Company, and their assigns, convey
ing unto them the right to lay gas
pipes and conduits for a period of
llfiy (50) years in the public streets,
alleys, parks and thoroughfares of
tho city of Rosehurg, Oregon, for
the purpose of manufacturing, cur
rying and distributing gas for light,
heat and power, and to make all
necessary connections with said pipes
and conduits.
Second That no excavation made
for the purpose of laying pipes and
c ond uits shall remain open longer
than absolutely necessary for the lay
ing of said pipes and conduits there
in, and that alt parts of streets, al
leys or sidewalks disturbed bv such
excavating shall be immediately res
tored to their former condition.
Third That the construction of a I
plant for manufacturing gas with a
capacity sufficient to serve a popu-1
lation of twenty-five (25,000) thous-i
nnd. and the laying of pipes and. con-,
iluits therefor, shall bo commenced
within sixty (00) days hereof and
said work diligently prosecuted
thereafter to completion, unless un
avoidable conditions arise over which
the grantees or their assigns have no
cent rid ; in which case the council
may by resolution grant a reason
hie extension : and such gas plant
shall be completed and In service
within eight iS months, from dat;
otherwise this franchise shall bo de
clared forfeited.
Fourth That the grantees or
their assigns shall bear all expense
of connections from the mains to the
nroperty lines on the streets and lot
lines on alleys of property of each
Fifth That the price to be
charged consumers of gas shall not
exceed one dollar and seventy-live
cents ($1.75) per thousand cubic
feet. AH meters shall be furnished
by the grantees or their assigns free
of charge to the consumer.
That said grantees or their as
signs shall bo empowered to make
such rates or discounts to any or
all consumers as they may desire,
provided t hat such rates shall not
exceed tho maximum above nicrt-
"This franchise Is granted subject
to reasonable rules and regulations
of the Common Council and the po
lice powers.
Immediate Action Predicted,
In the event the committee to
whom tho application was referred,
pitbniltfl a favorable report at the
regular meeting of the rouncil next.
Monday evening, an ordinance will
be prepared under tho direction of
Mr, Peteh, and the same will come
up for consideration early in April.
In t he event it meets the approval
of the council, and Is accepted, the
franchiso will be granted, and the
company will commence work within
J0 days, thus assuring the comple
tion of the plant in eight months in
accordance with the terms of the ap
plication. lAJCAfj SKW H.
Contractor F. F. Patterson Hpeht
the afternoon at Oakland looking af
ter business Interests.
Mrs. Steven feantord returned here
this afternoon after a brief visit at
the home of her sister at Medford.
Mrs. (. T. Russell, of Oakland, ar
rived here this morning to spend
a couple of days visiting at the home
or her daughter, Mrs. 8. M. Kelly.
R. K. Smith, or the Douglas Ab
stract Company, left for Port land
this afternoon to spend a few days
looking after business matters.
Among those registered at t lie
Rosehurg hotel today are the follow
ing: Thomas Gray. Joseph Crouch,
Ralph Hand and Floyd Smith. Oak
land; C. 10. Staley, Ashland, and 10.
L. Wright, Portland,
Among those registered at the
Grand hotel today are the following:
A. Kvertim, Portland; Dean Latimer,,
Portland; J. W. GrlfTeth, Seattle; W. 1
G. Toitrncil, I'miland; J, If. Ilogan,
W. C. Hague, a. Mills. Oakland, and
Mr. Puebler, Portland.
The work of erecting the recently
authorized hose house, near t he
Southern Paclllc emergency hospital,
on Lane Rtreet, was commenced thi
morning. It Is the intention of the
contractors to have the building com
pleted and In readiness for occu
pancy not later than Thursday.
Mrs. John Weaver, who resides
t,.i ween Myrtle Creek and Canyon
vllle underwent an operation at
Mercy hospital this morning. Drs.
Sether A Stewart were the attending
surgeons. The patient Is said to be
renting easy this afternoon with ex
cellent chances of a complete recov
ery. Thomas F. Pctrh engineer for
W. F. Hoardman & Company, of Ran
Krajiclfiro, who Hre hsking for a
franchise of tho street in which to
lay gas mains, left for Medford this
morning where he will remain for a
few days. Me extctn to return here
Saturday ernlnff In order to meet
th members of the committee to
whom the petition was referred for
Inrestlgatloa oa Sunday.
Controls Anthracite Coal Pro
duct of Country.
New York Labor Protests Russian
llear Sat is tied For Present
I wind i rafters Arc On
Trial Peace Talk.
(Special to Evening News.)
WASH I X G TO X. Al a re. h 2 8 Fol
lowing an extended investigation by
the department of justice of what is
declared to bo tho biggest trust iu
the worUI, announcement is made to
day that criminal prosecution of ut
least hair a doen of the most power
ful financiers in tho United States
will bo instituted at once by the fed
eral government. Secret service
agents have reported that they found
evidence to show that a billion dol
lar combine exists, the octupus being
fathered by the Pennsylvania Rail
road, and organized to control the
entlro output of anthracite coal in
the I'nlted Stales. The government.
It is said, will undertake to show that
this gigantic trust has existed for
years and has secretly used Its pow
Barrels of
It i a big satisfaction to fed safe. It is a big
satisfaction to know that you can ho both safe
and free from colds.
Aliens Cold Tablets
pvo you the result
Tablets accomplish quick results. They are a
scientific cold and grippe cure. 25c.
Hoover's Liniment
The time when ycu felt over ambitious and tried
to do more than your strength warranted, was
jni't the time you probably strained your buck,
your arm, or your ankle. Such strain need
Hoover's Liniment. It is the ideal application
for sore muscle?, strained ligaments and scvero
pain. Apply it frequently, rub it well, ond the
pain disappeats. 25c, 50c, $1 00.
S. E. Krohn, Mgr.
Rosebarg - - . . Oregon
er to extort enormous profits from
tho coal trade. It is alleged by tho
government officials that tho trust
systematically throttled all com pet W
turn by overwhelming cars from con
cerns uot in the trust, while lmmensA
coal land holdings were purchased
and smoll railroads subsidized. Tho
Pennsylvania, llaltlmore & Ohio,
Norfolk & Western are the most
prominent railroads In tho combine.
Got Wrong Man.
PORTLAND, March 28. The man
giving the name of George Urown,
arrested at Salem yesterday on tho
charge of being the suspected mur
derer of Rarbara lloltzman, proved
to be tho wrong man and was re
leased this morning. Tho landlady
of the rooming house where the mur
der took place failed to identify
llrown as the party who rented the
room in which tho body of tuo child
was afterward found.
Penitentiary for Morris,
SALEM, March 28. Hanker
Cooper Morris, found guilty of em
bezzlement of tho sum of $75,000 In
connection with tho failure of the
Oregon Trust A Savings Hank, of
Portland, must, according to tho de
cision handed down today, affirming .
the case on appeal from tho circuit
court, serve five years in tho peni
tentiary for tho crime.
Thief WnntN to Suicide.
P1TTSHFRG. March 28. Charles
Sheldon, a broker, was arrested here
today charged with obtaining over a
(Continued on Pago Three)
you want.
-0-0 c 5 " u o! d!HSS".