The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, March 27, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAV, MAHCH 87, 1911.
u. .Siinday'H by npp'jintinent.
Dr. Paul Herbert
Chiropractor, nerve and fipine
ipecialist U now permanently
located in the liell Sisters
mililinfj, room 5. Chiropractic
ih a new Hcience.and one of the
wHtof the ae. No drugs or
airtnrv Manv natienta here
aIio suffered for yearn with
hronic iieaen, anil wno, auer
irmnilincr small fortunes, found
no relief by the old methods,
lave been made well by this
wonderful Rciente. It you are
iuireritiK from rheumatism,
, l . ... II.... -4
ijutnuago, jiean,, "p
lk'i,liipv Liver or Intestinal or
y'.-J ither diseases, whether acute
'S'a1 r chronic, consult this 1 lector.
Ollice houra 9 to VI a. m., to
I.ady attendant
111JLV VJl
Cass Street, Cot. Rose. Fred Schwartz, Proprietor
Mew riuildiii', New FurnishiiiKs and Kurniture, Steam Heated Throughout
Hot and Cold Water in Kvery Room,
Centrally Located in Business District
We Invite Your Patrjna'e Rates Reasonable
Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds
Thce word describe "SEAL BRAND"
,WMpel one word you'll fclwaja
'fcnow II bjr-rinror, Flaror, Flavor.
Chase d Sanborn'a
fSEAL BRAND" Coffee;
J. A. Newhardt, a local butcher,
spoilt yesterday at Yontaila visiting
with frleodH.
Mr. La Fold loft for Portland thin
morning whore ho boos to look after
variouu businena mutters.
(.'lark IlarKar, of the New York
Store, accompanied by his wife, spent
jeHterduy In the couutry.
AUy. O. V. Coshow has returned
fnm Portland and Salem where he
lent a few days on leal business.
Jerry nlknrson, of Portland, who
spent a couple of days in the city
last week, left for his home Satur
day iiiKht.
MIkh Clements left for Portland
last eveniiiK where hIk will spend a
few days visiting with friends and
Tho ofllco of Producers Fruil
Company is now located in Barker's
wan-house, opposite depot. Hour.
t to 'A p. in. U. iJonaldsou Wilson,
local agent.
L. H. Gtiyor. who has resided In
ItoseburK durinu the past four
friout Jin left, for valentine, .Neb., yes
terday morn in ft where he contem
plates nutklng his future home.
George Meldon. of Drain, arrived
in the city this inornlntf to spend a
'ouple of days looking niter Imslnc.- ters. Mr. Meldon is connected
with Oici Skclly Lumber Company.
I. Sleep, rornicrly a member of
the Hard! hk Land Comn;ni with
M-.nniii.ii ill. I'iMlliUlU, leiE IOI
his home Saf unlay even inK after a
couple of days' visit in this city.
William Perma n, of the erocer.
firm of Siubbs & Perman, left for
Kimem and Spi'lnield yesterday ;
where lie will spend a few days ut-j
leruniiK to nusiiiess matters ami vis
iting with his parents.
Conn i y School Superintendent
Thimnan Chancy returned from Kid-
lie late Saturday alter holding a
teachers' institute at that place. He
repot ts the institute verv successful.
and a huge crowd in attendance.
According to advices received
from Portland todav, .Mrs. Maud Mc-
Clallen, wife of Key McClallen, was
granted a divorce In that city Satur
day. Among her alleuat ions she nl-
Jeged that her husband continuously
found fault with her cooking.
Mrs. William Hull, wife of the lo
cal weather observer, and son, Wen
dell are expected home from Port
land tomorrow morning. While- at
Portland they purchased an automo
bile und the same will probably ar
rive hero early in the week.
O. W. Jackson and Mrs. T. W.
Dickinson, who have been spending
uin p;isi winier at points in South
ern California, spent Sunday visit
ing at the home of K. It. Kenn, at
M Irose. They fi this iiiorniiig' for
Davton, Wash., where they may de
cide to locate permanently.
Kdward Singleton, former deputy
sheriff, returned here hue Saturday
evening from Mare Island. Cal..
take K. ,1. HJIler, a deserter from
iiiKo fc. v. 1 1 tiler, a desterter from
the Culled States army, who wur
rendered himself to the local officers.
Mr. Singleton reports a very enjoy
able trip.
I r. K. V. Hoover yesterday re
ceived a quantity of cacodyhite of
Medium, a blood remedy which is
manufactured as a substitute for the
famous "tiOii". Dr. Hoover alleges
that the new remedy Is far superior
to the "tint;" for the reason that It
can bo ndminis-teroii without fr
of disagreeable after effects.
Now mat spring house cleaning
is here, make von Immn infiif .u..i.
date by getting new and classy sofa
riiMiions, tanio runners, centers, etc.,
anil net them where they make su.-li
worn a snecia t v. miri fnf,.r,i,..,i
OU all the lllt.'Sl fil.U l-V.. llwlrm..
tloDS lrtvell With nil ,
at tiiaves Art Kinpii.lum. New sprln;
Miipuieui jusi in. m;
K. (J. Adams, the popular clerk
at the lloseburg pharmacy, has mi-!
imunenl his Intention to eimage In !
tho drug business at Stitherlin, and'
it is probable that be will move to;
that place within u week or ten days.
Mr. Adams Is well known here, and
many (friends who regret to i
,!eurn i if of has contemplated re- !
w al from this city. !
Mrs . Kaston leaves for Pot t
hind tomorrow morning where s):i
will reni.iln tor a month with Ihm
Idauuhier. alter which she will leave:
; for Scotland. She will be Joined nil
j Portland later by her mhi, Albert,!
who will accompany his mother
I her Journey, It h:e been twetttv
; nine vi'urs since Mrs. Kaston left
(Scotland and s)m look forward to j
her visit with much pleasure. j
i Vi m i M. tstln Mf Mhm . t i
"pending the day in liosebittg visit
1 ini with friends '
i At the regular meeting of Phile- !
, lerlan l.oiUe. 1.- O. O P.. In this1
'city Saturday night, the following
! representatives were elected to at- ;
terd the grand lodge which convene- ,
I at Portland In Mav: C. H. Patrh k ;
1.. Wimherlv. II. o. I,.wis, j
Wright, J. a. I.indsey. A. A .'otto .
. K. K. Cavi'iulcr and I.. Haker
A. J. Pearson, who recently pur-
chased a ranch in the vicinity of j
Oreen. left for his former home In :
Wyoming 'this morning where 3'c i
will dispose- tif his holdings prepara
j lory to returning hero to renintn i
permanently. During hltt absence
the ranch recently purchased by him
In this county will hp looked nfter
by hln son. John. On his return
here, Mr. Pearson will be nccora
pnnted by hli wife and children.
Hear Mrs. Schell tonight at the
Christian church on "Lite Jn the
Von Casey has returned from Dal
las where he spent a couple of weeks
visiting with his parents.
Garden seed and seed potatoes In
assorted varieties at The Kochdale.
George Wixson, of Myrtle Creek,
spent the afternoon in town attend
ing to business matters.
Editor Trivett, of the Kiddle Tri
bune, spent the afternoon Jn Hose
burg attending to business matters.
Oonarga Country Gentlemen corn.
The most delicious variety of canned
corn. 15 cents per can at tho Koch
dale. tt-1
Most economical to buy the best.
Kor the best coffee use White House
or Barring Hall steel cut. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. The Kochdale a-1
Elmer Corey, of Parks Rapids,
Minn., arrived In Itoseburg last
evening, and Is at present looking j
uum nit; uuuuii wiiii a nww ul iu-
Mrs. W. H. Klannngan, of Grants
Pass, arrived in the city this after-1
noon to spend a few days visiting at
the home of her uncle, William Tip
ton. L. M. Hhoadoa and wife, of Ash
land, arrived In Rosebiirg this after
noon to spend a few days visiting at
t be home of the termor's brother.
L. H. Khoados.
eating In this section.
Miss Klsie Clements, of Jamos
'own. North Dakota, who has boon
spending tho past few weeks In the
'itv at the home of her parents. Mr.
anil Mrs. V. A. Clements, left for
her homo hist evening.
According to H. T. MoClalton. lo
cal manager for tho Clarke & Hen
ery Const ruction Company, actual
uiivnm opeiiii ions wmi com menee
bl cirv sihoiit Anrtl With thi'T
oitIv start, the company expects to
complete all contracts beforo the
rains set in next fall.
Constable II. K. Wooster, of Yon
caila, spent the day in town attend
ing to business matters connected
vvltli his ollicial duties. Ho was sum
moned hero as a witness in tho case
of the Stale vs Joe Morinos. who Is
accused of burglarizing the store of
U H. Khoados & Sons, in this city
about a week ago.
Attorney General A. M. Crawford,
of Salem, arrived In Roseburg this
morning to spend a couple of days
attending to business matters.
W. II. Mnnering, one of the pio
neer residents in the Anlauf sec
tion of the county Is spending the
dav in town attending to business
matters. Although 80 years of age,
Mr. Manering is very active, and has
all appearance of a much younger
O. C. Setber. of Glendalo,
.hA nflornnnn in RosebUTfS attenl
to business matters and vlsltiug'wj
According to a letter received lit,
this morning. John Neuner. of Qle
dale, who has been spending tb pi
few aavs at Portland has .oufilraE
an automobile. He will drive t
same as far south as Cottage Gro'.
from which place he will ship it J
Of All Kinds
Tho fashion of having differ
ent stick pins for various shades
of ties Is very popular now.
And wo are pr":ircd to show
you a variety nf stick pins that Is
hard to equal elsewhere.
All prices.
S. P. Watcli Inspector
i;osi:m i;;, oi;i:.
3 UJ-f .
m ar n. ' y I
the growing class of people who have found it
pays to buy their suits here. Pon't keep putting
off testing this store's supremacy. Every day
you delay wasting money you might save in the
puichasJ of DEPENDABLE Suits and Dresses.
We ussume you require the best qualities.
That's why we urge you to inspect our MILLIN
ERY and to profit by the low prices which ac
company qualities you are accustomcjlo associ
ate with much higher figures. . f '
The Little Store
Willi Big Bargains
Roseburg Book Company
Just Issued
New From Cover to Cover
International Dictionary
A limited number or the "New Reference Atlas of
the World" FREE to purcliasets of tho Dictionary.
PRICE of the New Dictionary and Atla. in full Am- 5
ericau Russia binding, $19. 00. Terms $3.00 on de- I
livery, balance on easy payments.
Roseburg Book Company
OUIi Time for a minute, Mr. Fanner and House
keeper of Roseburg and vicinity. We are still
hammering prices down for cash. Look over
our list and if you find we can save vou nionc '
A ? 1 II j 1 -w- ,
Hie us a 1 nai. we are tne Independent Cas
Grocers. We have just received another car load of u?
excelled Red Ribbon Flour, a pure hard wheat flour; ever
sack guaranteed to you. j
lteil ItililM.n Flour
Per Sack ..
Per ltarrel
i ii
Odd Pieces
of Furniture
ami many of them art bb'
that j on 1011M ii-m- havc
Immii Kaihi-n-d hero for n
special salo.
If you luivi soino vhi in
your hoiut ibat looks Imrrcn
Come Here
And Clioose
soniiMhliii: lo (HI It.
Tin pit ch have ln o
inaily rt'luccl that
should uw 110 trouhlc hi
llutlhiu 1 new honic for
every pie- of HiIh furniture.
If )oii want to Adopt some of
It iM'ttor come ii early a
jttii can,
The House Furnishers I
(lilt KilKr.
Ilar.l Wheat Flour M.:w
Per Barrel IS.1.20
Itoseliurif Soft Wheat $!.: i
Graliam Klour. 50 lbs SI. Ill
Tarina. 10 Ih sack ..HI
Orahani. 10 Mi small $ ,;0
I in proved II. Oats. 10 lb $ .4.1
Hlk It. Outs, per ih $ .115
fori! Meal, per 10 lbs $
Cracked Hominy. 10 lbs $ ,;i0
l'arinii (itMids. j
Puffed Iilce 1 .1 I
Pinii'd Wheat S .11
(Quaker Oats $! .11,
t'reain of Wheat $ .17l ;
' lb tliiaker Oats 8 .as '
Post Tnslies :1 fer ."tc
ic!loi:i; Col n Klaki's S .lo
".Junker Cerii I-lakes S .10
It. It. Corn $ .in
11. it. Tomatoes .n ,o
H. ii. Peas .in
IV it. Peans if .in
! .15;
$ .10
9 .no
Can Goods.
Nun Better Peaches, 3 lb can
Nun Better Apricots. 3 lb in
Nun Better Pears. .1 lb car?
Blue Itihboii.
Peaches. 3 lbs
I'ears. 3 lbs
C'heirles. 3 lbs ....
l!eI Hil,l
Sliced Pearlies
Sliced Pears ....
Ulackberries .."
.8 .
..8 .
.8 .
I.aree Milk
Small Carnation
It. It. Homliiv
It. It. Pumpkin. 3 lb .
It. It. Kvaut. 3 lb
.'live Oysters
Whole Clams
Vllm-ed Clams
i;ir Own Syrup Drips,
.ither Syrup. ior i;al
Armour's Pure
l.ard. 10 lbs
l.ard. 5 lbs
Compound. 10 lbs
t (impound. 5 lbs
Smoked Baron, Back
Smoked Picnic Hams, per lb
Switt Premium Hams, lb
Salt Pork, per lb ''"
Kaary Breakfast Bacon
Kastern Meals.:
8 .'.
8 .'
8 ...
8 .
8 .
8 :
... 8
... 8
of Swift Pride .') -
of Cudahy's Pride ! j i
Monday, 22 bars fur
And many others all cut to you for cash. Ve are strict
on a cash basis now and trying to give vou the benef
Feed, Barley, P.ran, Shorts. Cracked Corn Oil Meal in j
J1 s aim "e convinced that we a
7 Bars
7 liars nf I
Sunny Mond
lion w hlte. 2; t,r, or
Strained Honey, bulk lb -
orances. while they last. dnz.
nmoKeo salmon, per lb.
Cod Fish, per lb
iots at a reduction.
aving vou nionev.
Yours for business,
. '''