TRK EVENING XEAVS. TlirilSOAY, MARCH SM. 1011 YOXCAIXA NEWS. Land Mor Than Doubles Its Vulue Iu Two Years. C. C. DeVore was looking after personal Interests at Oakland last Sunday. ,' John Beck ley and George Stearns, of Oakland, were business visitors to this city hist week. John Klngery and W. J. Cody werej looking after business matters at ltoseburg the first of the week. Miss Uuth Swinney returned from Woodville the first of the week where she had been called on ac- count of the illness of her father. : Miss Swlnney brought her father to! .his city aud he is now at the home : of Dr. Geo. Knott. ' , Mr. Albert Drown left the first of the week for some point to the north where he has employment. : Mrs. Peto Mattoon, of Drain, visit ed with relatives here the first of the week. Jimmie Miller, of Skelley, Is now employed as chief clerk and bottle swabber at the Hunting drug store. Mrs. Luther Daugherty went to Cottage Grove on business the first of the week. Mrs. 11. C. Stearns, visited with relatives at Oakland and Sutherfiu a few days this week. A. Llneback, the Hose-burg piano man, was a business visitor to this city the first of the week Hali.h Hack made a business trio' to urnin last j- riuay. George I iarschharger and family arrived here from Indiana t his week. Mr. Harschbrager formerly owned ai ranch near this city which he dis posed of last fall and returned to Ills old home In Indiana, but having! become thoroughly inoculated with i the Oregon atmosphere was forced ' return to the "garden of tho Northwest". It is a noticeable fea ture that those leaving Oregon invar iably return. John Ilarr was thrown from a horse last Sunday morning and sus tained a fractured collarbone. Dr. Machine Made In keeping with the moiiern methods nf brra'l arA pastry making I have installed a pat ent broad and pastory mixer, thus uivinj' my patrons the ben efit of the most approved meth ods in the art of bread making. The products now turned out at this hak.'ry are equal to any in the state. A trial will convince you. We carry all the good things in past.ryland, fresh and crisp every day. THE UMPQM BAKERY II. tiUEST, !rm. l'lione'221 workmanship considered. THE FAIR STORE Roseburg Book Company Just Issued New From Cover to Cover Websters New International Dictionary A limited number or the "New Reference Atlas k the World" FREE to purchasers of the Dictionary. PRICE of the Xew 1 lietionary and Atlas', in full Am erican Russia binding, 5 19 00. Terms J3.00 on de livery, balance on easy payments. Roseburg Book Company ROSEHl'RG, OHKGON" PROTECT YOUR ROSES Use Marsters Rose Spray Solution for Rose?, House Plants, Vines, Small and Large Fruit Trees. Kills Germs and Insecls. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Mortensen reduced tho fracture and the patient is resting comfortable as Two families are hero from Okla homa in search of homes. From re ports, many more honieseekers from that part will visit Oregon this yea. From George Andrews, "mayor" J of Skellev, we are informed that Seattle capitalists have purchased the Skelley mill and will put the same in operation during the early sinume. Wiley Hen i field is adding some valuable Improvements to bis resi- dence on Hailrcad street In the form of an extra coat of paint, to Fay nothing of the improvements In the shae of new fences and walks. The large sprangley branches of 'the gigantic shade trees In front of IJ. G. Samler's residence and those along Main street have recently j undergone a thorough pruning, a ; much needed piece of work. A vast ! improvement in appearance Is thus ! affected. M. Joslln. nf Drain, was here on j business last Wednesday, i A. Schmidlcr has disposed of his ' farm near this city, tho purchaser's j namo we've been unable to learn. ; Mr. Schmidler is contemplating pur ; chasing the John Km so property in this city, j Thomas Maxwell has opened up a j cleaning and pressing establishment I at the rear of the Cox store. Mr. j Maxwell says be is prepared to do (first class work in tho cleaning and j pressing line. I Mi. and Mrs. 10. W. Hurk. who I have been spending tho winter at i this place, visiting with their daugh ter. Mrs. 1. Smith, have returned to i their home at Dnyton, Wash. I Mrs. F. Cheesbro. of Comstock, Is visiting at this place. H. C. Cook, who traded a stock of merchandise nt Cottage Grovo to K. lielliweyy, for a 117-ncre fruit farm at this place, has moved with bis family and has taken possession of his new acquirement. Two years ago, Mr. A. owned 1 H 0 acres of land near this city for which he asked $8,000, thinking no one would dare make him such an offer. Presently Mr. P. stated that be wished to buy the tract. "Oh. DO YOU Know That .ve are showing the nicest and most com jlo 1 1? line of Ladies' .Suits, Presses, etc., that can be foiuid in HoseluiTt;? Tvvcry suit ftrietly man-tailored and up-to-d.ite nothing old to show yon. We gnnranlee a perfect ht and satisfac tion or you con't take the goods. We have had our preliminary millinery opening, and are showing all the 'correct things in Pattern Hat?, Braids and Trimmings of all kinds. Our workroom i also turn ing out new creations every day, stjles right, quality the very best, and prices tho lowest possible. We defv competition, style, quality and The Little Store With BIk liargalns said Mr. A., "I want $8,00 for that place." Whereupon M r. H. imme diately made a payment to bind the bargain and some accused him of bet n g " tlaf f y " fo r p;y i n g su c h a price, as the place was not consid ered very good. A short time ago Mr. D. refused $lti.000 for the same place. Where will it stop? "Next." Tho entertainment given by tho Hehekah lodge at this place last Fri day evening was a grand success, socially ami financially. Tho pro gram was a hummer and the large crowd which filled the house was given value received for the price paid. The program was conducted by a capital face which held the attention of the audience and re ceived many hearty applauds. A citizens' mass meeting will bo held at the city hall Monday even ing, March 27th, for the purpose of ncmiinaiing a city ticket to be voted on at the election which is to be held April 3rd. All Yoncalla citizens who are interested In getting a good ticket nominated should sjvnre no pains to attend tho meeting next Monday evening. Come out and nominate your man. Take an inter ets in the affairs of the city. Don't stay away from the caucus, and then bowl about the ticket not suiting you. MRS. McGIXTY. A MAW SI ICIDH. Well Known lloM'burg Man Attempts to Frighten Wile. S. K. I'nstott, who has be nes tranged from his family for about two months, created no little sensa tion this morning, when he made a feeble and unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide. According to tho story told by tho officers, Unstott called at. the home of bis wife, who resides wltii her parents in the Grove, at about 9 o'clock this morning, and upon gaining admittance, attempted to bring about reconciliation. Failing in his mission, he is said to have pulled from his pocket a vial partly filled with carbolic aefd. at the same time informing the frightened wo man that he was tired of life and in tended to commit suicide. He then lion red about four or five drops of the drug into a glass of water, swal lowed the same, anil left the house Almost hysterical, tho wife not ifiVd peighbors of what had occurred, an. I the at fair was later reported to the ouVers. Owing to tho Tnct that Uns tott drank but a small amount of the acid, he was Utile harmed, and Is ! about t he streets as usual this af I hMToon. The officers believe that Fustott i had no intention of committing sul ! ( id-, but on tl.f contrary. w:is shnp i Iv attempting to frighten his wife. ; I'pon being apprehended by the of- ticcrs today, Fttstott promised to re- frain from visit ing his wife In ti e j future, and thus avoid similar dem onstrations to the one which occ-u;-( red thii, niornlnir. i According ot Marshal HuffmiiM. . t'n tot ha been causinir enii-id - able t rn'ihle in Oie vir' of ,'' i former home of late, and upon sever al occasions tile oMieers have I e- . ; called to re-store unietne Cnii! j"- I centiy I'nstott was emplnved by til' : coiinty. having r'iar::e of the uatm 'if men working en the road n-'ur Chu nk Mountain. I.OCAI, M.WS. I Ot yntir smudi-'f i H. A. Mahnn plumlilni; ! m:iW NT !! sh(it on Ca- j str'-et. t I Teddy Minrtrd, of Port I:i rid, u Ik j luis iM-cn Hp'Midini Ilic t ( onu'i ! of days In the city h it Tnr his henm ( this Hft'rnjnn. Tho H. A. Mahnn i-luinliiiik' isi;i!i 1 HhIhu'mu will Hfccjtt ;in.y sort nf .hup or plumhing jnh work. I,-;iv.- ytnn ! I nr.)-r.V t( fh.'irlfs Whli. of Myrtln Cn-k. arriv-(l In the i-ity thin ;i U wnoun to P'Tid a rouph of days looking ;tr' r tMisinoss matters. Mrs. .1. C. Kryi?, of fama Val1v. I- sp.Midini; a roupln f.r d.ts i tho 'it viitini; with frlftitl and look ing aftT IjuhIii-h4 nati'r. Clark Parar, of fho N w York f)oi"' Hjifnt the murium; at pjin. I11 the southern Wirt of the coutitr) hf,kitiv uftor hunines in't-rt-Hi j. O. P. Morfenven sheriff at ;!-.nd.ile fortii"riy 'Ji'put arrived 111 !((--" hurc thU noon id sp-ii'l a i( !'!idtn tu hm-iue.-- matte I S M W-.od. inner and ' k.'iiaN Mey, hrrlved In tre veniiiir and N I'mk-rnaTT-r-: h'-r.- to- from Camas V i it v et..rd;ti- aft.- In He e.-( t t r-t 11 r a t" li i - hem tomorrow. Mr. Wood a-. that 'he -opie in hi nelt:h!nr ho'jd a r anxio'inly awaPinu ra.lro;n t.p i a 'Ions, and hop u fee aetual ork begun on the proposed Coos Pa;. -li'tfehurK line thii sea.-n A Mt SlCAL TIIKAT. Thursday, March 23. tho" Pasmore Trio will give the fourth number of tho lyceum course. Music teachers should urgo their pupils to bo there. Parents who are anxious for their children to be musicians should bring them to hear these great ar tists. It is by hearing such people that Inspiration comes to do greater work. Hosebnrg Ministerial Union. Mr. Harris, of Camas Valloy, is business visitor in Koseburg today. .SPECIAL SALE. 24 HOUSE CLOTHES RACKS A NECESSITY The most popular little Hack made. Takes up no more room than an umhrella. Strictly nil hard wood, securely rivited. Just 25 of these for this sale. Worth $2.00 for this sale they Go At $1.25 ' Remember only 25 at this price, hirst came, first served. RICE & RICE THE HOUSE FURNISHERS WRESTLINC r Joe Memsie svki:s IHXK March 24 (itMifl Slt-ltound Preliminary ltoin Cmilexl lnniitil)- at 14:1.1 P. f. PICK VH. Hii. Sld ... 4i neral AdiuN Ion s-.: v:.:;-to-1 .... 1 Carl Husch ! VI i 1 MARSTES DRUG STORE We Make People Welcome Prom ptness In Filling Orders a feature of our business Joo Menisle, who Is known ; teresting contest is anticipated, throughout tho stato as one of tho! most scientific wrestlers in the entlro Mrs. O. P. Henderson left for northwest, arrived hero this after-' Springfield this afternoon iln rea noon, and will meet Cart Husch, the ponse to a telegram announcing tho tier man wrestler, at Sykes' rink to- death of her nelco, Miss Vemico morrow evening. Tho men are said Griffin. Tho funeral will bo hold to bo evenly matched, aud a most in- at Springfield tomorrow. f J AS. A. PERRY SMART, STYLISH I MILLINERY FOR SPRING Pattern and Tiiihred Fisk Hats are now on display. If it is merchandise you want examine the quality ot the goods we show in this line. LAMBS SMAHT SPUING SUITS AXD DRESSES LAMliS SI1.IC AND KID GLOVES LADIES EVENING AND AUTO SCARES LADIES AMERICAN 11HAUTY CORSETS AND SILK HOSE LADIES AUTO COATS IN PONGEE AND LINEN LADIES KINK ASSORTMENT OE NICCKWEAU ,AJ1ES LACE COLARS AND THE BEST TheR We place qual it' above all con siderations. Our goods and our prices are right. Give Us aTrial ALL GOODS Roseburg REAL FARMS.ORCHARD TRACTS, City Property If you are l'mkinj,' fur n fli.wl inff Stock l!an( h,i,r firm 1 for a Home, or : X I PERRINE & WALKER I On'.Cass St., Near SATS TO BE HAD AT ochdale GUARANTEED Rochdale Go. , ESTATE! STOCKRANCHES, CARDENTRAC TS I Business Propositions HancL A nicu Orchanl Trar-t, a pay lanietj'rarU, a goo. investment' speculation f any kinI Iepot, Rostburg, Or. 1 I t i I