! r j THK EVEVIVO XFW'S. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1011. f f I 0 N to B. ; : it THE EVENING NEWS! 11V B. W. RATKS IS.SIKII DAIIA' liXClCIT KL'.VDAY. Hllhscrfittiou JtutrH Dully. For year, by mull J3.00 Per month, delivered SO Kemi-Wcikly. Per year 2.00 Hlx months 1.00 Kntered aH Bccond-duKH mattur November 5, 1910. at ItoslnirB, Ore., under act o' March 3, 2 8 7 II . I'ltlD.W, MARCH :t, I til I . ' i,i:nti;x nkaso.v. "Will He )lis,-rii-(l lly C.illi. .lie and I l'!iM'ipal Cfiun-licN. i Ash "Vfl(InoMl:iy, iho lieiiiniiiiiK nfj lA-nt, was. oIikitvimI by the locitt Cuth olli: and Kpiscopal rlniidieK UVdnes-j day with uu At .services. .Special j licrvlt'tH will trout f nuo throughout the j Lenten Bcanon, Jn addition to tin regular mnrn iiiK maHHUH wlilih every Chi I10J Ic K Uuii()K(fd to uli'MiiI during tin; forty layH of Lent, llu-ro will he . HMcial lit; rv Ices of pwiaii(' every Wednes day and Friday evening during Lent. A rchhlhop (.'hrlstio has insm-d the following H(at-nient of rules to be cibKerved by CatholitH In hlu dlote.se during the I-entt-ii Heuson: . The iih! of flcsli meat Ib al- lowed at every meal on SundayH, uh I veil as the prlnrlpal meal on Mon- Tho KrncHt (jainhle Concert Partv day, TueHdayH, ThurKdayH and Sal-1 W)lH fornie(i jn the belief that tlwre urdays SaturdayH of the Umber duyHuH WilV8 a Hiitlielent number of tlin und holy week excepted, eriminaUnir neonle IntereHted In 2. Tho UHe of Hsh, milk, butter and cgKS Ik permitted on all dayti or Ient at the evening col hit I tin, and (ho principal iiichIk on thes dayH on which thu UH of flesh meat itt for- bidden. 3. In tho morning a small ph-ee of ( ,.ar,y iH a Rreat f,iV01.t,. with music tho two big men had battled for bread Is allowed with a cup or cor- ivnrH, There Is no other musical fiftv three-minutes without either se feo, tea, chocolato or some similar j organization that has been so con- curing a full. IrJnk' ' jliuuously before the public as this) In grasping Dyreborg in a "jam 4, When tho principal meal can- j onn IlN) jt stands today facile prln- toe-hold," Hunch unfortunately (brew Hot ho taken before noon, the order ' rop, j Dyrehorg's ankle out of place, with may bo Inverted and tho collation 1 1 work Ho on a loftv nlano of! the result that tho latter was forced taken In (ho morning and the dinner In tho evening. G. Iard and grease may he used 111 preparing the lawful victuals. ti. Those of tlie faith who are ex empt from the obligation of fasting ran, on the days when t ho use of floKh meat is permitted to all of the faithful, ho allowed (o use tt several times a day, as on the Sundays of o!tl, when t lie ohjfgajt Ion Is not. binding. The use of both flesh meat Jiud fish together at tho same meal Ik Htrlclly forbidden during the whole of Lent. IHspeiiMafloil for Working People, 7. My virtue of the authority con ceded to bishops In the United Slates by a recent poiitltlclal Indult. per-1 mission Is granted to "working peo ple" to use meal on all days or Ijcnl, with t ho exception or Fridays' Asli "Wednesday and I ho Saturday of holy week. This dispensation from abstinence ox ten ds to all throe repasts In the day. I lie Usual probltiltlon remain.- ngalnst using flash meat and fish at. tn Kvn n full r,M.ital, or a single Itus the same meal. rnw,. to deliver "Acres of wnero I no wage earner, in virtue of thu Indult, uses meat, all (ho mem bers of t ho household may likewise use It. Tho church does not wish to impose upon the household ,t ho In convenience of double cooking. Hut la cases of this kind those tuomhorH of the household who may be bound by the precept, of fasting are allowed the use of meal only at their princi pal repast. Those Who Need Not I'nst. Tht following persons are exempt from fasting: All t hose who have not attained their 21st year or who bavo passed their sit let h year; thoKc whoso weak health or condi tion otherwise may demand tho full n mount of nourishment, and all those whose occupations are of a la borious or exhaust lug nat un Those who are emsei from tast ing, on account of age or hard labor, may use flesh meal more lhan once on the days on which It is allowed. It Is eminently In accordance with the spirit of tho church lliat all those who use (he d Ispeiisat lotit from the Tast and abstinence, should sup ply, tn part, tho spirit of penance, by prayers and alms deeds; bv aoid lug all public slums, pontes and nnuiscuicnlH. and hv abstaining fun:) nil luloxieattng heeragcs. . .. . M H I i.i; t Itl l U MUMS, Win. Kea haw just bought t he house and lot iiuiumI by M i s. Whit -comb across from Central hotel. Harry U.ce. .Jell' Wiley illd ,les-e I'llgett wet e K. "-eli il i g caller Tile.--dav and W-'diie-da Mrs Dole ieniine.1 ,,.r home Tuesday, alter i-.iting !km sen. Win Fit ".pal i it k. and M-- lain I i v at the kaw milt He is in er pn.ii health Our siaue dtier. Al lei-4, made n D tp tt CailM'tix Mle Wedne-td:i . .1. A liiee If on the sick list ith litgrlppo. Mry. (1. llnlLiwav siiHeivd qillle a seveie -f.'oke nf .,i t";i ! - i -Suiel:i at tin hmi.e on South Mrl!e Till' le . !llb ci'lebrated Va--hltii'oi bliilnl.n ;i en jnabb- l-ai'x Cm- Im.iuc et M: Ulid Mr- S S li.tin:. U F.iut-H.k-. . d.-!i. Mug foi li ice. Ad,'n .v C The I.i.!!.- .1 '-I ..i.- d-eiu-. .: v w ,.1 Itt tin M' wil.dow ;,iie. it! tii.nu- took Mr. and M ; - C err..- T'.,..k ace : . jotcing oer tin' bittli oi thi ii ni.-t child. Mis. Will WiU b it f,.r 1 ,m- hem' At Nilggelt with M U.-M. i!),. M i.e mail. Thursday. It Is claimed that the s.iw null ami logging indn-tiv. win. h has h,-. t t'loM'd Klilce ear! tii .hihtiait. uiii start up again In a week or so Tho night shift ha- been laid oft At the Continental mine The chief man. Stewart, came down from the nttno Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kreeiuan are dow n ivllh tho lagrlppe. THK UK IN. lie up-to-date. Iteftd TUo Newi. . KItVKKT GA.M1JM-: l oriti H m Mitcit or I TiiiJ i,V( i;im toriisi:. ! Will lie (.iv. ti at the I'M-hyd-tiau Chureli I ritlay, .March 10, hearlntt itood music delightfully and attractively presented, to support a high class and expensive attraction, I'he fact that this is the twelfth con - i itiv nn.i Hnrfifnl kphhoh u fin. I tjiient testimony that The (iainble artistic endeavor. Us select Ions an from tho standard classics. Its elabor ately arranged do luxe programs stimulate Its listeners. The artists of the party are more than "enter taim-rs." they are educators In that Ihelr concerts uplift and cultivate a taste for hotrr things and that too without performing over the heads of their audience. This is why talent of this calibre Js so much more valuable lo a com-' niutilly than tho average concert; company. Tho (latnble concerts make! an audience grow Individually and collect ividy. Kaeh member of t lie I party is young and Is chosen for his I Individual merit and for his artistic value to the program as a whole. I The program Is shared equally, there ; being no star and no Inferior sup- porting members. Kach artist Is the product, of the greatest Kurocau ninsh-ra. j Tho combination of voice, piano j and violin Is Ideal. The pari y is small nuniei'ically but big artlsilcal- j lv It hikes hut one David llishain Diamonds" and so this small, but select company giv better satisfac tion I hau many larger companies. Haul Pearson, of Swarthinoro Col logo said the party's programs were "not ho popular as to bo musically cheap, and not so soverly elassical as tied to he popular, while a not her (Tit Ic described t heir concerts as "the acute accentuation of merit," The admission Is within Iho reneh of all. fiU cents and - cents, no reserved seats. We want the public to enjoy this musical treat. Hoso Imrg Ministerial Culoii. 1M Fountain pens Hold, cleaned and i repaired at (ho Itoseburg Hook Store. Douglas County Creamery butter, the best fu the land, can bo had of 1 your grocer at 7 El cents teh roll. Do-j maud your homo product and accept no other. Under fat :u cents. iltf' Page Investment Company The place to get the Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, for your new home. Phone 2.) i WOOD WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say lt VI V'.K we moan Ji:st what tho word Implies. If you are not satlsMed there will be no charge. We could not make thla assertion uule.-H we were posit ire of giving pord service. When you get t ,-ady to clean house let us do the wni ; itt for yon - the cteani.u; of your carpe's. It's ei.sy fe- ou and '!:. pi Ice rearonabb' ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. V. IIAIvCIt, l-rvpriiloi-. l-li.inx Till - Hill,-.- X. .la.kM,,, S'. CONKUT IMItTV ItlSCK THK WIXXKlt. Toe Hold" On ) n-lmr Dislocates (he leaders Anhle at .Metlford. j Medford Sun: A sport-loving t audience of several hundred persons last night, saw Carl Museh, iniildle ) weight chain plon wrestler of (Jer- many, defeat h. V. Dyreborg. wrestl- Ing 'iustnurtor of the Sacrame.nto 'athletic club, in tho contest pulled i off at tho Natatorlum. 1 The bout, which was matched to he best two falls out of three, with no time limit, ended abruptly after to give up tho contest During tho time tha Dyreborg was b.'dnir attended by a physician. Busch exhibited his remarkable mus- cular d . (.'lopmcut In a, series of poses. Husch was pitted against agility and quickness when he met Dyre borg, and several times during the fifty-three minutes Husch secured holds upon his antagonist which, on a man less subtle, would have meant defeat, v When it was discovered that tho Injury to Dyrehorg's ankle was too severe to permit of his returning to the mat, ho gave up and Iteferee Joe Memsic proclaimed Husch the winner. lb-fore the men stepped upon the mat. Timekeeper Krank io Kd wards Introduced .loo Memsic. of Mm ford, and .lack Itenz, also of this city, who (dial longed tie winner of tho con test. . l" in mod lately following tho decis- Tho women of St. George's church will serve a Cafaterla supper In the Parish house, 2 1 I Kast Cass st root, on Saturday afternoon, March 4th, from r to 7. in-- t ATHLETIC BENEFIT March 7. SyKes IfinK H O'llcii k IIOIIIIV KVAXS vs. .ii:.x yi-:st ltuvini; Ti-ii ItniiniU k i st I ! : i-: i .1 i I a i ! 1 1 :s h Local Imis will cmuiM'to for int-il-als as prizes. llt'lp urtiani.i1 this rlnli. Admission $ 1 .on. First tluvc 709 North J;u'ksoii Street COAL TVe Repair Everything Electrical tliiit ntv.U ntt,-iitlin a wvll a t Rttt-nJ tt r'n:ilis it; Miiiitf 1v (oil 'luino orlor If vou ll,t mid yon won t n. 1 to muki.I your 4 tnrt'lir alarm wlu-i mu K't onr bill. NeoJ tvntli;ni; In oir line. G. L. PRIOR 15 N. .liickson St. hosobur , Or New Wall Papers at Strongs Firsh Spring Shipments Are now Open to Your fnspection--I20 De signs in ail Kinds of Paper. We cordially and cutluis- astically ask you to come and see our wall iai'ers if you are considering papering this spring. The early shipments are now here. For the benefit of Eastern people we wish to Bay tliat we sell our paper by the double roll. This gives you twice as much to the bolt. If you need a paper hanger we will give you tho names of reliable. men. Another thing, our paper is here for delivery. Thirty five hundred double rolls or 7,ooo single rolls are now in stock. And more is comiug. B, W. STRONG The Furniture Man Dealer in Tacks, House-lining, HuiMing Paper and Deadening Felt. ion the two aspirants, at the sug gestion of Busch, tossed a coin, in calling which Ifenz won the choice. He will wrestle Husch at the N'atator ium Kriday evening;, March 10. The main event last night was preceded by a thirty minute limit catch as catch can match between Frank Slocum and L'oy Watson, both of Medford, Watson secured the first fall in four minutes, and six minutes afterwards was himself put down by Slocum. The third fill I was secured in seventeen minutes by Watson, and lie was awarded the de cision. One of the features of the match h.st night was the fact th:t It was 1 at ronlzed by a number of ladles. 'Iho management had given its guar antee that no object humble fenturo.s would mar the performance and i It? conclusion those of the ladies ask ed Tor an opinion were uuntutuou; ii their praise, both of the match itself and the entertainment It afforded. ri Ti.ni.v srrrKii. To he (tlveti at Saint tiiMiiHc's Parish Mouse 211 i:at ( asli Street, On Saturday afternoon, March 4 . from 5 to 7 o'clock. .Menu. Uoast lleef with tiravy. Cold Tongue. Mashed Tot a toes. It row tied Potatoes Ha ked M aca ron n 1 anil Cheese Potato Salad Lettuce Salad emon Pie .Mlled pearlies with Whipped Cream Itaked A pplos with Cream Coffee Tea Wafers and Cheese in;i:v m ws. O. Thompson left for bis home at Port la ud yesterday aft or a months visit, hero with his brother. J. (J. Thompson. It. W. and 1.. Thompson are pre paring to bnild a not her large barn on their piac- near here. Win. Ham returned to l is home stead hero from Kiddie Sunday, Mo.ssrs 11. lleidenrich. of Perdue, and .1. Hitchcock, of Washington. 1, C. have been spending a f.-w days at the Urow hotel. II. Scrambler, of the II -d Cloud mine, was here looking after busi ness matters Monday. M. I''. Adair, of Trail, spoilt tho last ten das hero. Miss Maud lligginsatid M. Wright. of las Creek, are here Nitin-.; at j the home of the former s s;-ter. Mrs. j .1. I.. right. ,1 K. Harp was a buvines visitor! at I H ew TuoMlav. .1. V. Short sue two largo cougars, measured ! foot, th 'tnh'.l in k ill Miii rrtMitlv. Oni nth.T S v fi''t This makes six of th nst.'ts w has killed the past month. . Y. Z. S;lo tio uocii i-t inu-r tirnitT riot 1' f tin nuMi's Kmtn ttn-m von can n.:tk tho rhiliircn somt ats that will tu as warm and ht-t nearly as loms as tnv. av mon- , ton. ll;vo iMittons. r hook and rvs. for tin slip yon u:s on the jtofa pillows. Then ou ran often take the pillows out and wash tho slips. Savf a lot of sowtntr and the slips am apt to i;et washed a pood deal oflencf. THESE ARE Burnett's Delicious Extracts J They are just as famous for their RARE NATURAL STRENGTH and their Rich Delicious Flavor as is Burnett's Vanilla I.KMOV AI.MOM) I WA.MO.V VIOI.I'.T STIMWHKKIiY i!.si'in:i:i!V OMO.N I'lNKM-l'l.i: lt. v vv ( (M'NINKAI, JIMAH A (.IN"i;K I'KI-I'IKMIM" WIXTKIU.KKKX ci:i.!:i:v l-ISl'AI 1110 We always have a I Milled OS FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY ! work is most desirable to anyone wishing their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. We Do That Class ofWorK One Trial will Convince. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER - - - Proprietor OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST PHONE 791. o o o Go Carts Go Carts The Fulton Go Cart is the best that money can buy, Light, Strong, Durable and Nobby. Fully Guaranteed wmimpnuHimiLWi in imm ra The sulky runabout is just what you have been looking for. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW L H. RHOADE $3,000.00 WORTH OF 2nd HAND GOODS WANTED mm mi mm hi mjj aawmwa THE ROSEBURG MARSHF1ELD ! and ROSEBURGMYRTLE POINT ! ..STAGE LINES.. ! STAMPS l.HAVE UOSKRUUd R)U -...."....ui.MjurtiL, nitiA, m, 4 I Oflice and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts t C P. BARNARD, Proprietor I HOTEL THE GRAND Cass Street, Cor. Rose. Fred Schwartz, Proprietor G G G FIRSTGLASS IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS , Ni-w HuiMinc, New I'uriii.l.iiips ar.,1 Furniture. Steam HeateJ Throughout, lift adl iVuiWater in Evejy Koum. ROOMS WITH BATH IF DESIRED Centrally Located in Business District We Invite Your Patronage. Rates Reasonable si'i:i;mixt IKISK (iiiAMii-: ( I.OVKIC m:i TAKixi-: i'i:A( H ;i.i:it XlT.MKIi full fresh supply I $ S & CO. HnTH iimivtc .01. . T , . iTOnawiiiiiiiiiuniwiii