THE WEATHER ADVERTISERS Will find The Kri-innir the best medium tu reach tlio people of Moacburir. A wlile-n-wnke imhllrnllon printing II the ncwathiit'uflttniirin ' LOCAL FORECAST Rain and Warmer Tonight Saturday rain or Snow i:ol. II. KOSEUUIiO, DOUGLAS COUXTY. OREGON. 1U1KAV. MAIM'll 3, UMl. No. 10O The Graft Prosecutor Discus, ses Ruef Case GOOD ARGUMENT FOR RECALL Is Seen in the Final Action of Slato Supreme Court of California Hkh Criminals Kschp'. lNini.sltmeiit. TAKK.V TO I'KISOV. SAN FHANS1CO, Cal.. March 3. Abe Huef will probably be taken to San Quentin prison to- day. Both the former political boss and bis attorneys were cit- ed to appear before Judge Lav,- lor this afternoon and ansner reports charging that they ran counter to stipulations which they agreed to secure during the seven day stay of sentoueo. It is now stated that Kuef's attorneys are preparing appeals to the United States supreme court for a re-her.ring, notwith- standing that the stay of sen- tence was simpiy granted in or- der to give him an opportunity to transact private . business matters. (Special to Evening News.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 3. Frnncls J. Henery, graft prosecutor, who conducted the prosecution of Abe iktief, commenting today on the final court order ending Huef's light to escapt a 14-year sentence for bribery sees in the final action a powerful argument for the recall. The state supreme court In vacating an order granting a ro-hoarlng to Ruef virtually reversed itself after it had been attacked by the attorney general and the legislature had started nn investigation of the court. Mr. Ileney says: "The fact that the supreme court of California has reversed itself to sustain the convic tion of Abraham Ruef is Important chiefly as a Bign of tha times of Spring Opening 1911 James A. Perry Invites your inspection of Pattern Hats March 9th and 10th. . Tailored Hats on display now. Also complete line of Flowers, Braids, Ornaments, Velvet and Silk Kibbons and Shapes. AT THE PALACE THEATRE THIUSII.W, KKIDAV AMI S.VI'l UD.W H-MURPHEY'S DOGS-1 5 Trained to go Through Their Performance Without Directions From Anyoni'. MUSICAL STEVENS Three Reels of High Class Motion Pictures Matinee Sunday 2:30 P. M. Good Music prick tr, v:srn 2.1 cEXiy Coming- Beginning w ... w march 5 the McKinzienerrymaKers the new era in which the people are beginning to rule. "That Huef must go to jail is of relative importance only. It is im portant that criminals of all stations should be punished but it is far more important that the people themselves should control the administration of justice. "There is a peculiar and a tre mendous significance in the fact that what Ruef claims to be a technical ity forced the supreme court of this state to reverse itself on a previous ruling which granted Ruef a rehear ing. On former occasions technical ities have weigned only in favor of the graft prosecution defendants. Schmitz had been freed because the indictment upon which he was con victed failed to state that he was mayor of San Francisco at the time his crime was commited. The su preme court unanimously refused to ; give the people of California a hear ! ing on the merits of the Schmitz j case and based its refusal on a flimsy i technicality which was not antiripat j eJ and hence was not even mentiou ' ed in the brief accompanying the ! application by the people for a hear I in!. Ruef had been granted a hearing on technical grounds. The court re- ! versed its action because the attor ney general called its attention to the fact that one of the concurring justices was out of the state when the order for a hearing was sigtied. Why did four members of the court first ignore, then reckou with this point? "Because a fearless public officer demanded attention and because the weight of an awakened public was behind the demand a public inter ested in its own 'affairs, demanding speed v and substantial justice, the right to remove faithless judges, the creation of laws to stop jury tamper ing and miscarriages of justice. This awakening came in time to work against Ruef. That is all. "It is probable that tho bitter thought of all to this formerly pow erful man, Is that he must go to jail while his more powerful and richer companions in crime go free. There is bitterness in that fact to all right thinglng persons as well. Yet. the very conditions that produced these miscarriages of justice were the instruments that worked toward permanent good. "The prosecution of the rich law breaker, while they failed In their Immediate purpose to send the rich and powerful criminals to the peni tentiary were wholly successful In their ultimate purpose to expose the causes behind the corruption of public officers, tho solicitude of Will Be Considered In Senate Saturday Morning ALL NiCHT SESSION DISPLEASING Senators Stone ami Overman Give lp Fight and Join the Majority Naval Appropriation Bill To Comu l'p Next. (Special to Tho Evening News.) WASH1M..O.V I). C. Mirch 3. An agreement was reached in the senate at 3 o'clock this morning; to tho effect that a vote on the tariff hoard will he taken at S:3l o'clock Saturday morning. In the event the agreement Is adhered to the tariff hill will hecomo a reality inasmuch as the measure has already passed the house and Is favored by mem bers of the senate. The attempt to prevent the vote hy Senators Stone and Overman met an abrupt end this morning, then they joined tho majority and sur rendered. It Is believed that the senate will complete practically all business, save the consideration of the reciprocity agreement prior to adjournment. When the senate re convened today Senator Stone served notice that ho would call up the reciprocity bill ut tho closo of the consideration of tho navy appropria tion bill which carries the sum or $125,000. OUU. Measure llecolues Inw. WASHINGTON', I). C, March 3. After three hour's discussion the sundry civil bill, carrying appropria tions to the amount of $210.000. 000 was passed. Tho Owen amendment Increasing the salaries of public heallh and marine hospital employes was adopted, as was an amendment introduced by Senator Cullierson re ducing tho appropriation of the pres ent tariff hoard experts from J400, 000 to $1100,000, and enlisting its uso to ouo year. Tho hill was adopt ed by a voto of 39 to 24. Commission Form Sustained. OI.Y.MI'IA, Wash, March 3. The supremo court today sustained the principle of the commission roi'm of government in Washington. The plun is nl ready been adopted In TaconiH. and Is soon to be tried In Spokane. Another Amendment. WASHINGTON, I). C, March 3. Another of Senator Culberson's amendments to tho Sundry hill, or dering a report by tho tariff bonrd on wool and woolen schedules be fore tho llrst Monday In next De cember was adopted this afternoon alter considerable wrangling. An I amendment Introduced by Senator Jones, of Washington, supressing the liquor tranlc in Alaska was also adopted. An amendment Introduced by Senator Hurlen to eliminate forti fications of the Panama canal was de feated. Cliinwo Are Trampled. HANKOW, China. March 3. Starving Chinese today trampled li 1 persons to death In their mad rush for food which Is being distributed at Sha Vang, Ilupeh province, by missionaries. Klrifc Session Certain. WASHINGTON, Ij. C March 3. An extra session of congress is re garded a certainty today following rotirts for criminal corporations. To demonstrate to the people the nec essity of controlling their own gov ernment. "Kuef now sns that he would not have been convicted of bribery had Mr. Ileney not been shot In court during the trial. This may be par tially true, though It is certain thaf the ability n,ud patriotism of the present governor of California was largely the raiiMv If 1 he shooting worked toward th administration of justice, then t he suffering and in jury it entailed on ine and mine wen wort li while. Ah a crime it was more violent hut not nn dangerous to society as other primes that, were committed during the course of the prosecution. "Jury tarn wring, bribery of wit nesses, com rol of courtH by private interests these strike at the founda tions of American Institutions. The open shooting worked a quick but temporary awaken'ng of t he public mind. The exposure of those other secret crimes, committed hy exceed ingly cbver and ad riot or I ininal. worked toward a gradual but per manent awakening. "There are man y honest cit Izens of Call for ni a today support 1 rig the new progressive administration who openly opposed the work of the graft prosecutions. These persons do not realize that their pres.-nt mental and moral at Mtude toward the admtnts tnttlnn of public affairs is in Sargf measure due to what they saw and came to understand during i he course uf the graft prosecutions. "That Is the point. Huef goes to lull. It Is right and Jnt that h" show Id go. Hut that fnet in sts-lf Ih not the real triumph of the right l(ii-f will have been f--ril to jail by the court that freed Schtnl'z on a fltiiny technicality Hnd th'-n-hv freed Ku'f fmm the penalty of imprison ment for a crime to which he had pleaded guilty." President (raft's ollleial adtulisslon that ho favors March 15 for the opening day. The date represents a compromise at both the republi can and democratic .conference head quarters. It is now believed that all possibility of voting noon the reciprocity, measure during the pres ent session has vanished. . Heady to Fortify. VALPARAISO, March 3. It Is authoritatively slated hero today that Chile has refused the secret offer of laiMtn to buy the Easter Island for a fortified naval base. The Island Is situated In the Pacific Ocean west of the coast of Chile, and contains about fifty Square miles of land, most of which Is of u volcanic nature. Will .Approve Iteclproclty. OTTAWA. Out., March 3. With the idea of permitting the measure to stand as an open offer to the I'uited States, it was staled upon the highest authority today that Pnr liment will pass the reciprocity ! measure without altercation. Debates I on other questions are slow today, and indications point to a long drawn out session. liinfl Is Charged. WASHINGTON. 1). C. March 3. A majority of the house committee on Insular affairs today reported charges of graft In the sale of Krlars lands In the Philippines to tho sugar trust unproven. A minority report will be llled later. All republicans and two democrats. Senators Ituek or and Kornes. signed the majority report which exonerates tho Philip pine ollicials nnd recommends changes in the law removing burdens of limitations from tho sale of lands. LOCAIi NKWS. A mot lou was filed in tho circuit court today praying for tho dismis sion of tho case of George Netiner, Jr., va H. Krackerherger. an action to recover money. The motion was filed through tho plaintiffs attorney, V. Q. Mlcelll, and is to. tho effect that tho case has been settled. On account of the small attend ance last evening, tho members of the Hose club failed to transact any business, other than adjourning until next Tuesday night when an effort will be made to devise plans for heautifylng the city during tho com ing summer. President II. T. M Clallen is desirous of getting down to work without unnecessary delay, and consequently urges every mem ber of tho organization to ho present at tho adjourned meeting. Fast driving of an automobile nearly caused a tragedy at tho corn er of Jackson and Washington streets this morning, when J. V. Kiugery, of Yoncalla, In crossing the street, was run down, tho heavy ma chine passing over one fool und bad ly bruising the member. Mr. Kiug ery, who Is qui to deaf, was crossing tho street, did not hear the auto, although tho driver, who was tin- known to him, may have whistled a warning, but -the machine was un able to stop In time to prevent an ac cident, even though tho driver had desired. However, as ft was he did not stop to see If .Mr. Kingery was hurt, but bowled merrily around an, adjacent corner and disappeared! from sight. .Mr. Kingery was not i knocked down, although tho machine Btruck him on tho leg, tho wheel passing over his right foot. Ella S. Anderson today filed suit for divorce against her husband. Charles J. Anderson, in the circuit court. According to t he com da In t tho couple were married at James town, North Dakota, In August, H'J2 and a few years lated moved to Douglas county whero they have since resided. Seven children were horn to their union, the eldest or whom Is lit years of age. The plain tiff alleges that her husband has conducted himself in an exceeding ly cruel and inhuman manner dur ing the past live or six years, and that he frequently beat her until her face and body was terribly blackened and bruised. On January 2H, I'.t 1 I , at l heir home In Melrose, she. al leges he attacked her with the re sult that her face and body evidenc ed bruises for weeks. A few days later, February Hi, she contends that he repeated the offense, and during a spell of anger struck her on the head with a stick of wood. She also says he drove her from the family home with the result that she was compelled to walk to Uosehurg and seek shelter and rood through the kindness of friends. Khe further al leges that she was 111 at the time .r the latter trouble and could not well stand the treatment accorded. Aside from an absolute decree the plaintiff asks for the custody of t he minor children, alimony at the rate of $a0 per month. :i'ni attorneys fees, suf ficient sum with which to defray the costs and dts-but scmeuts of the suit, that sh be declared the oner of a one-t bird interest In t he real prop erly of the defendant amounting to about $ 7 ,ouo, nnd i he owner of a one-half Interest in the personal property of the defendant amounting to about 17.000. Attorney John T. l-ong has been retained hy Mrs. An derson, and It Is probable t hat the ense will come up fr,r ritnolt Ion during the regular May term or the elrntit coijrt KOIt 8AI.K- Two standard hred f II-1 lie, nnreKirter'd, one 4 and other! :i years old. Nice ItirKo Hpan j and will make 1 1 fi u pounds ea h. Poth l.roke Inquire of it. H Wood, New Office. dtf j li, urn a raw . . -MWtlM II Ul III County Court May Transfer Fair Grounds BILL IS FILED BY COVERNOR And Signed hy Speaker of House and Senate Introduced hy ltep. -Neuner t"n ltetiiest of l'uir Association. Notwithstanding the fact that the voto whereby -Vernier's house bill 40S passed the scuato was reconsidered at tho Instance or Senator Abraham and lndellnilely posponed. the bill will beoomo u law within nliy-tv days from tho time llled by the gov ernor. The facts rolineplmt with tl,l ceduj'e were given to a News reporter in an interview with .Mr. Xeniier, who has Just returned from Salem. This bill was introduced nt tho reiiuest of the secretary of the Rese lling Talr und Parle Association. Which llltllint'iyeil th ......... of Douglas county, Oregon, to deed a certain tract of land, being the old fair ground property located east of town, to said association, anil tho bill liaSSOd tho house llltrtlit turn before I ho session closed. It wus sent to tho senate and the senate passed the same with an amendment. It Hrh rotiirmxl In tl,c houso and tho house concurred In the senate amendment. Senator Abraham, not getting the information roimecle.l u'llh lt,o iransnclion of the association and the county court, moved to hnvo tho vote whereby tho bill passed tho senate re-considered. This was dono and then the senator moved to have the inn iniietlliltely postponed, but full ed to have tho bill re-called from the house. In tho meantime, however, the bill was enrolled, Hlgned by the speaker of the house and presldenl of tho senate, delivered to the gov ernor, who llled the sumo with tho secretary or stale and tho snnio will now become a law. Had the bill been recalled by Mr. Abraham It would have been dead, hut tho senator overlooked this pro cedure and fallod to recall tho hill from the house, before moving to reconsider tho voto whereby It pass ed tho senate. Proprietor Hill, of tho "Palace" theatre, Is certainly giving his pat rons their money's worth this week. Millinery Opening w March 6th and 7th We take pleasure in iinnouticino; our Opening of Spring and Summer Millinery. Wo will display an elegant line of Pattern llatsi Flowers and Plumes. Our entire store will he tlirown open to the pub lic and every one is cordially invited to attend. Roseburg Beauty Parlors Rcxall Roses. Call for yours. A Rosebush with each $ 1 .00 purchase of Rexall Remedy. Fullerton & The Rexall Store. A number of trained dogs under the1 direction of a capable Instructor dis play almost human Intelligence, and mat men- work is appreciated la at tested In the liberal applause follow ing eacn periormance. a comedian I or rare ability also adds to tho merit of the program, and according to those who witnessed his stunt last night, ho Is the best ntlracllon that lias appeared In local tlieatrea for many a day. That the playhouse will b!) crowded to Its capacity tonight is tho prediction of Us patrons. MlTIl I.Vl'KltKST .MAXII'ICST. Aspiring Amateurs "Working Out I'nder KuKcne West. Tho athletically Inclined men of this vicinity are manifesting consid erable Interest In the boxing carnival being promoted by Kngene West, of tho Oregon Athletic club for the purpose or raising funds to establish a gvmiiiisium in Uosehurg. For several nights the asplrhiK ninateurs have been "working out" under West's direction, and ho has already completed his card of eight boxing events between local amn teurs. Skyes skallng rink Is being use for an arena and a largo crowd of Uosehurg fans assemble every evening to watch the boys go through their smuts. Tho program for tho benefit, which Is set for March 7th, promises some clean sport for tho numcrouH enthusiast of this vicinity. Tho ninln event which will tie a' ten round boxing contest between Hobby Krnns, of Portland, said to bo one of the cleverest boxers In tho Northwest, and Eugene West, will be preceded by eight preliminary contests botween promising nthlntns among the younger men about town. They will box for medals and every euro Is being taken to soo that they aro evenly matched so as to provide Interesting corneals nnd to eliminate any chance of the participants be ing Injured. W. A. Hurr. who resides on a rnnch a short distance from the city, is spending Hie day in town attending to business nlatters. v The members of the county court aro busy this afternoon considering road petitions and other matters of minor linporlance. Among tho or ders entered In tho Journnl thin . morning am tho following: In tho matter of tl. W. (llllam nsklng for n road of easement In l'imil district No. Ii4, sumo accepted, and tho hoard of roail viewers Is ordered to meet late In March and survey nnd locnto said road. In tho mailer or tho petition ' or .1. .1. touch et ul for it county rond In road district No. B0, same denied for tho renson that the board of road viewers relumed nn advorso report alter careful Investigation, j VED! Richardson Near the Depot mJT