JOHKPIIIXE BI'EXDS MONEY. Kcvoral TliouHand Dollars Will lie LrH4! (o Improve County Jtoada. GRANTS PASS, Or., Feb. 22. Several thousand dollars will be spent In this county for the better ment of the county roads. Perman ent Improvements will be confijf''1' ed along the main highwayijT p.nuntv court has Announce. the first stretch of road i Uuartei attention will be one leading.'-1 the steel bridge across the Hoguc Illvcr to the south end of the coun ty. A coat of heavy macadam will bo Bpread upon it as soon as the weather will permit to be sub-graded and brought to the proper level. On top of the roadway a heavy coat of macadam will be applied and orllod down to almost a solid aggre gate. Upon this another treatment of fine gravel to All the voids will bo made and rolled to a uniform grade. When this Is completed the road will be equal for comfort and travel to a city street. It has been the policy of the court to Improve the roads as rapidly as funds have heoii sot aside for such purposes and this year extraordinary effort will lie put forth to out-do any of the previous years In, developing good roads throughout the county. Most all the work that has been done has come under the. super vision of tho county judge, who has personally looked after tho matter rather than hire a general overseer as by law provided; lln Hhis the county has been saved the wages of a supervisor. LOCAL NEWS. Isadora Rice, of Rice Hill, who has been sending tbe past couple of days In tho city, left for Ashland this morning where he goes to visit with friends. Milton Church for Portland this morning where be wrf? spend a few days. From there- he Intends to enjoy a trip over tho Deschutes railway through Centxil Orogon, and thenco Into California iere ho will spend several weekB. Architects Rodolf & Uoynolds have just finished plans for a neat bungalow for Dr. J. O. Flsk, to be built on tho FlBk fruit farm tract. There are also soveral other houses going up on tho tract. Tho doctor is having good success In disposing of fruit farms to new settlors. II&76 Arundel tune It. tf Every day Is bargain cay at the Golden. tf Letter files, get tho best at tho Roseburg Book Store. tf I Bath tubs In a great variety of styles. See Winnie Gaddis, the ymmber ior something swell dtf J. B. Flint, for some months past ' an Inmate of the Soldiers' Home, left for the East this morning. 1 For bath room novelties drop in and see Winnie Gaddis. Something doing every minute In the way of -new goods. dtf Mrs. Mary Wilson, of Cottage Grove, who has lieen spending the past few days In the city left for Grants Pass this morniug on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Young, tho former a Southern Paciilc brakenian, left for Eugene this morning where they will spend a few days visiting with friends. When In town do not fail to visit the Roseburg theatre, showing tho latest pictures. Continuous perfor mance front 1 to 5, and 6 to 10. One price to all 5 cents. Douglas County Creamery butter, tho best in the laud, can be had of your grocer at 75 cents teh roll. De mand your home product and accept no other. Butter fat 34 cents. dtf Dr. J. L. Callaway, Osteopathic physician. Chronic diseases a spec ialty. Graduate oil tho American School of Osteopathy, Kirksille, Mo. Under founder of science D. A. T. Still. Olllco Abraham Uldg. Phone 1C9, Roseburg, Ore. Mrs. A. E. Clayton, of Melrose, lert for points In California this morning where she will 8cnd some time visiting with her sun, W. E. Clayton. She was ncompunied on the southern trip by her daughter. Mrs. YV. F. Drew, of Oakland, Cal.. who has been spending tho past month visiting at tho Clayton home. Among the local people who have commenced the task of building resi dences in North Roseburg are C. T. Colt, formerly of the Roseburg Com mercial club; W. M. Reese and Mr. Ford. The residences to be erected by these gentlemen will be strictly up-to-date in every particular, and will add considerable to the attrac tiveness of the section in which they are located. S LEONA MILLS LUMBER COMPANY . Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finisb T.ural cr Doors and Windows of all Kinds. Sards on Loner Oak Street. Phone 1411 ROSEBURG, OREGON thtmtttimnnmtttttnxnmnmnttmttnii WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say fiUARANTKK we mean jest what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will be no charge. We could not make this assertion unless we were positlTe of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the cleaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 701 O. C. I1AKEK, Proprietor. - Olllco N. Jackson Sc. Good Things to Eat Is Our One Specialty If you are fond of foodstuffs extra good In quality nlways fresh and crisp something that will tickle tho palate when your appetite is at Its best or worst that's us. Wo have the goods at our command and can satisfy all tastes. Become a regular customor and live good as well as happy. ! NORTH SIDE GROCERY CO. Phone 324 Roseburg, Ore. Hay, Grain, Feed f Winnie Gaddis I THF. PLUMBER D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples MarbU WorKs. Telephone '2511. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. f4 We Repair Everything $ Electrical that needs attention as well as sell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order if you like) and fi you won't need to soiwd your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything in oir line. G. L. PRIOR 15 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or r. 'IHMr-y-lrfifrtHr Hit Kit frfrU Agent for Sne Water Filters. Removes all impurities. Skylight Cornices IHeating Ventilating Phone 2101 : Roseburg Oregon THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD and ROSEBURfrMYRTLE POINT ..STAGE LINES.. STAC1ES LEAVE ROSEBURC FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A. M. Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor "