THE KVEMVO NEWS, MOXDAV, FEIHtL'AUV 20, 1011 LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NKAVS. LOCAL NKWS. LOCAL NEWS. Alxa Ma.ddJK and family left for Salt hake, Utah, Saturday evening wheru they intend to remain perma nently. QuMfia, the el dent son, will remain here for the nunirner, having accepted employment la a local gar It go. 1,000 vol u ma new popular fiction, paper binding), havo just been add ed to the circulating library at the Koanbiirg Book store. The first book costs only 10 cents, read It and ex change It for another book for only 6 ceiita. dswtf A. Alexander and G. W. Gage, both residents of Dtllard, spent ye- terday In the city friends. visiting with i urday. J. V. Bowers, of Sumpter, was a business visitor In Koseburg on Sat- H LEON A MILLS LUMBER COMPANY Page Investment Company The place to get the Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, for your new home. Phoue 242 WOOD 709 North Jackson Street COAL To make room for our complete, new stock of Men's Suits, Shoes and Furnishings we'll close out our entire line of ladies' shoes, under wear, dress goods, calicoes and ribbons AT COST PRICES See our window display Come in and get prices and examine these goods, as we positively shall discontinue handling these lines of merchandise. D. J. JARVIS Water Front Store 125 Sheridan St. Step Ladders A large quantity of Step Ladders for the fruit grower, in various kinds and sizes L H. RHOADES & GO. LONE STAR LAUNDRY Oil HlllCltlllAN ST. PHONE 380 Ami our wagon will call for your bundles. New com plete equipment. Family work our specialty, and prices right. DA V I S A X .O A I iVNNI :NT $T DON'T READ THIS IN A HURRY-: 81uuiim)o (in d IMnin H:iiriirrrts . .rtOi Hair Oivulug. Kwiey . .. MW 1 Kariiil MAHKtiKtt , 50v Vlhro KacIiiI M:itfnno .."Otl Karo UltNirh fur f iitKIi-b, etc mu i t-'at'lul MitHttago till (I Wench 7.V MnuUMiro , Urr Hi xly Mitrtno Our Work is the (in a ran teed Satisfaction Kind Roscburg Beauty Parlors llairCoods Neckwear Millinery Toilet Goods fk M:t-aRO Criviln. Skill Komi. lillonihi; I'tv.'im, SS, '"l'l I'lvuui. Mali- 'lVnl K.iio IIL.Kh, llrlKliin lm Hair KtMiinn'r. 1'aro row tl.-ty. x ORCHADISTS Now is the time to order your SMUDG E POTS lLe Them Made at Home B. A. MAHAN', Hi-atiiiiT uml Sheet Metal Worker Il'I 'vt Casa Stroot, Uiwhurg, Oi egon Poatofllre Inspector Morse left for points south last evening to look after matters connected wih his of ficial duties. Mrs. Henry Kaston contemplates a trip to Scotland in the near future whero she will spend some time vis iting with relatives. MIkh GladjH Hunter returned to her home at Wilbur yesterday ufter a brief visit at the home of Miss Heryl Singleton in this city. A. C. Rexroad, who is engaged in the lumber business In the vicinity i of Ulxonville, spent Sunday in the city visiting with his family. Dr. P. II. May left for Portland yesterday morning where he will KKM)d a week visiting with friends and looking after business matters The cafaterla supper given by the .women of St. George's church was so successful that they plan to give one the lirst Saturdays In March and April. G eo rge 1 1 oo ver, who has b ee n spending a few days visiting at the home of his brother, Dr. K. V. Hoov er, left for his home in Portland yesterday. Mrs. John T. Kong and two chil dren left for Silver! on yesterday where they will spend about ten days visiting at the home of the former's aunt. Mr. and Mrs. George Webber and children, who have been spending the past few days in the city visiting with friends, left for their home at Albany this morning. T. J. Patterson, representing IJealo & Company, of Portland, ar rived In Kosebui g this morning to spend a few days attending to busi ness matters and visiting with frienda. Milton Chinch left for Medford tills morning where he will spend a couple of days visiting with friends. Qu his return here ho expects to leave almost Immediately for points In California where he will enjoy a well earned vacation. Velma Alexander. the elght-niontbs-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alexander, of Dillard, pass ed away last evening. The funeral will occur at Hroek way this after noon, interment following at the Urockway cemetery. Miss Jessie Hun net 1, who has been spending the pa-st few days in the city visiting at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Bun nell, returned to Ml. Angol yester day where she will resume her studies. Tho remains of the late John Turner, who was recently killed la a mine In the Cons Itay (list rlct, passed through hole last evening en ruolo to Grants Pass where the fun eral will be held tomorrow. The remains were In t; tight from .Marsh lb Id by stage. John Whito left for Kiddle this! morning where he goes to spend a few days looking afler his Irriga tion project. M r. White expects to commence nctual work on the Irriga tion ditches early In the spring, thus enabling n completion of tho task be fore tho rains set In next fait. The "Shnsta I limited", due hoi e at 7:110 o'clock this morning, arriv ed about two hours late. Tho delay was the result of u broken side roil fin the locomotive as the train near ed Greens. A special engine was dispatched from this city, and Ihe train pulled into the local station shortly before 10 o'clock. I Itev. Duulap, of Portland. oc- eupled the pulpit nt the Methodist i KptKcopal church yesterday morning J while How E. Olln 1-:idridgt th.t regular pastor, conducted evening t services. Itev. Duulup Is an able talker and his sermon was nuu-h ajn ' predated. Sherirf George Qulue leaves for j Gardiner this evening where ho goes to convey the ballot boxes to bo u.-ed In (lie spodal city election to be held at that oily in a few days. Gardiner, it will e remoniberod. ' was recently incorporated, and t he cltiens are now Innk ing a hi ad to their Initial city election. , The lad lei' atd society of Look ing Glass will i;ivo a eak and sand wich social Wednesday niirtu Febru ary L'J. at the Oddfellows' hall. Ladles are requested to bring n plate1 of sandwiches and cake. Tho gentle men brlnu cash to buy them. The ladies will oiler a unilt for sale it this time. All aio hnite.l. Conic and spend a pleasant evening. X 1 W It. ,1'dinson ivntveMtlnir tin-' North weKt I'niit Kvhaimr. w"io a:- j' pcar.-d l.'firo t he imMrh.-rs of !). , local fruit union Saturday, 1,-ft for Km-.opo :tn, tt h-'i point;- (n t northern p.nt of tho state nl: v j (Mr. Johnson is much pleaded with tho pi'osp.vts of lineiria-! conniv, and docljiv that the CtopijUH Vallev will I some dav bo re-ounled as 'he K h,.f : fruit crowing district m the entire Northwest. ; j j Aniotii; thoo who returned from! Salem last e on Inc. follow uig ad - lo urn me nt of t ho let: is! a! uro w ore i the follow tni:: It.-pn'-ent ar i ,h Coo j N-'iiner and J. V Huclmitan. S.-natn j Albert Abruluimtl Clerks. H T M,- Cb-llan and Hen iaimn aro, uin' I "Anti-County On ifonist" U y. i Smith S. .T. Jones, Crane and Mis lUthop tlul not roturn yes-j terday. hut will probably arrive I some time tomorrow. C. Allen, of Flournoy Valley, was dooking after business matters in tho city Saturday. J. R. Chapman and wife spent yes terday at Wilbur visiting with rela tives and friends. J. M. Conner and wife, of Cot tage Grove, spent yesterday In the city visiting with friends and rela tives. Medicine cabinets. In full bevel mirror, to order at Winnite Gaddls' 1)1 ace of b u si uess, corner P 1 ne and Lane streets. dtf Sooner or late you will use White House coffee. Why not now? There is economy in using the best of any article. The Rochdale. George Semantic and Verner Smith, both residents of Ashland, spent Sunday In Roseburg visiting at Ihe home of G. IJ. Hayes. Dr. K. V. Hoover was called to Olalla on professional business late Saturday evening. He returned here yesterday afternoon. H. C. Darby, of the Hamilton Drug Company, spent yesterday in Kugene attending to business mat ters and visiting with friends. Mrs. Sylvester Simmons, enruote to her home at Portland from Los Angeles, Is in the city to remain several weeks visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. B. Riddle, and other relatives. J. P. Howe, of Hugene, Is spend in fe'v a"a In the city attend ing to business matters. Mr. Howe Is a real estate man and is much pleased with the opportunities abounding In this vicinity. George Kohlhagen, the local but cher, and Sam Miller, left for Jef ferson this morning where they ex pjr t to Lurchase several hundred head of cattle. Mr. Kohlhagen states thta it is almost impossible to supply the demand in this section of the state, and consequently the dealers are obliged to consummate purchases elsewliore. In accordance with an order Issu ed by County Judge Wonacott to day, all persons hereafter sentenced to terms In the county jail on minor rhargers will be compelled to work on the roads, and thus aiding in ek ing out an exlstance. Four of the prisoners were taken from tho jail this afternoon, and under tho direc tion of a guard employed by the county, are ut present busily en gaged In cleaning the bridges and otherwise Improving the appearances of tho structures. Sheriff George Qulne received a message at noon today conveying the sad intelligence that his brother-in-law, Christopher Leadgergood. missed away at Ilandon at an early hour this morning. The deceased was about t0 yers of age, and prior to 1 4 years ago lived in Douglas county. He had been in poor health for some time, and about a month ago made preparations to seek re lief in California. On the day lie was scheduled to start on the southern trip he became worse, and gradual ly grew weaker until this morning when he expired. Mr. Quine leaves for Gardiner this evening, and In the event nothing unforseen occurs, he will continue his journey to Ilan don to nttend the funeral. He is survived by a wife and daughter, both of who reside at Bandon. The Ophthalmometer Whi'ii Von tiro III It doesn't t:lko a Rood dot'tor to tell that.. Most iinvono ran do ns much. To toll wluit luakt-'s you 111 some times culls for the inmost skill or the host physician. Anyone, by a few simple tests, can tell your eyes are defec tiveThat you need i;la.sse-i of some kind -lliii to know the 1KI cause and tit the riKlit len-e calls for more than oidinirv skill. Wo have made the llltlnK of classes u special study and we are In business to brin wroni? eyes und rlitht Klnssea together A. S. HUEY, Optometrist Cass St. Rosebuni Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish r,uml er Doors and Windows of all Kinds. n t N arde on Loner Oak Street. Jl 'Phone 141 ROSEBURG, OREGON 8 THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE KOHLHAGEN, Proprietor Wholesale and retail Butcher. Tne best the Market aflords. All kinds of S'ock bought and Sold. Phone 5S1 Roseburg, Oregon FIRST GLASS LAUNDRY work is most desirable to anyone -wishing their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. We Do That Class of Work bue Trial will Convince. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER . . Proprietor OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST PHONE 791. Roseburg Book Store Ware t e at last to make announcement which will give joy to 144 $216.00 Given Away FREE To the First 144 Persons who Apply for One of Our OWN BRAND OF FOUNTAIN PENS THIS IS A REGULAR $2.75 FOUNTAIN PEN To introduce them we will present tho first 144 purchasers of the pen, at the regular price of $2.75, with One Years' Subscription to any magazine you may select from our large magazine cata logue, costing not more than $1.50 per year. (Such as Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post, Everybody's, Hamptons, etc.). If you want a higher priced magazine, you may deduct from it's price and add $2.75 for the pen. Ask for our Free Magazine catalogue, mailed to any address free. We have received a sample order of 144 of these Stand ard High Grade Fountain Tens. They are as good as can ge made; they are guar anteed by tho makers nnd by us. Thoy are called the 'ltoseburK I took Co. o. 5." The pen Is 14K, band tampered, with hard iridium points, and is worth $2.75. There will be no more free magazines when these 144 pens are gone. Take Advantage of this Introductory Offer Postage paid on mail orders whenaccompanied by $2.75 ROSEBURG BOOK STORE 1 R0EBURG, OREGON I !. i in f,,r n I'm l;is FRUIT TREES Coiimii n lul ;ii i, ll, H nnd Trm lo Viim. S5.01H1 I'I'M'II I.'. no.) rilKKUY TKKKS 50. noil Al'I'I.K TKKKS 41H 1'IU'NK TKKKS All K'tlors of Imiuiry ciivn lirtunpl utti'lltlon AtUItvsj o BOX 656 i;osi:i;u;d, okk. REAL ESTATE! FARMS, ORCHARD TRACTS, STOCK RANCHES, CARDEH TRACTS City Property Business Propositions ! If ymi are Junking for a Gnoil, A nica Orchard Tract, a pay- f itiij Stock Ranch, or fine ilanicn Tracts, a good investment for a Home, or sreoliti 'n tf any kind PERRINE& WALKER;1 On Cass St., Near Depot. Roseburg. Or. X