THE EVEXTYG NEWS. F11IDAY, FKMtARV 17, 1011. 0(10 IS A DANOKHOl'S DICITG. ! Unless Carefully Prepared and Uixeu "Warning to Public The new remedy for "blood poi son," known as salversan or "6Ut" which was discovered by Professor Ehrllch of Germany, is not devoid of danger, according to The Journal of the American Medical Association, which this week publishes an article, and editorial, warning the public of the dangers of careless usins of this new drug. While some striking re- t suits have been secured and while v'V lne dfV seems to be an improve li'ient c any previously known treat t i nieut of "blood disease, It is prob ably that it will not justify (lie en thiiHlastie statements first made re garding it. It has been claimed that one dose of this remedy would pro duce wonderful results and would cure diseases heretofore regarded as incurable. The Medical Journal says: "It must not be forgotten that salvarsan Is a preparation of arsenic end must be used with great caution as It may be followed by serious results. For instance, it may have a disastrous effect on the ees. It ( nas aiso neon iound tnat its thera peutic value Is more limited than was at first sunuosed. It lias no ' beneficial effect on locomotor ataxia sane, or softening of the brain, as it Is popularly called, although most enthusiastic claims for the cure of these troubles were at first made." The intense public interest in this new remedy, which has only been equaled by that aroused by Koch's tuberculin 25 years ago, has stimulated the cupidity of quacks and charlatans, who are advertising this remedy to the public and mak ing the most extravagant and un warranted claims for it. The Medi cal Journal says: "The truth about this remedy should be spread broad cast by physicians, by medical jour nals and by the press, so that the' public may not be imposed on. The public should know that this pre paration contains a very large p.r cent of arsenic, a most potent, poisonous and Injurious drug. It should also know that it hns not yet been proved that salvarsan cures blood poison In one does or even in a number of doses; that it cannot be used by patients themselves, but must be given either hypodermieally or Intravenously (direct Into the vein) and that the patient should remain in a hospital for a number of days after its administration; that it requires expert knowledge and experience both to prepare and give it; that if not properly given it might cause intense pain lasting for hours or days, and may cause destruction or sloughing of the tis sues at the site of the injection; that it may cause blindness and, in some cases, may injure the henrt and kidneys and may cause death. The Indiscriminate use of this drug fiy the public can only result In dis- ('appointment as well as loss of money and danger of serious injury or death." COME AND SEE US OFTEN TEN IKDESPENSABLE TOILET ARTICLES 1. Violet Sec. Toilet Talcum. The Softest and most velvety Tale. 2. Yio'et !Sec. Toilet Water. The perfect incarnation of the violet odor. 3. Cream Sec. It differs from othei cold ereams in many important particulars It contains no oil' matter, being instantly absorbed by the skin leaves no trace. 4. Violet Sec. Powder. An exquisite production, in which quality, odor and ele gance have been paramount consideration. 5. Violet Sec. Soap. A toilet soap of highest grade. 6. Marvelous cold Criam. So named because of its perfection in manufacture. 7. Dentaluxe. The ideal tooth powder of the 20th century. 8. Klsiuc l'erfume. 9 Elaine Sachet. io- M.irvelous Nail Polish. We are never too busy to be obliging We have the larg est selection toilet articles in the city MARSTERS PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Registered Pharmacists ; meat? Then why don't you have some for the market? j We are very glad to note there is : a chance for a cannery. That is one j thing that the farmers here can help ! along as they can furnish more berries than the market demands. ! Don't think that is the only thing I which we can supply. For our soil ! and climate can furnish plenty of the best food for man or beast. Spring farm work will begin in a few days. There are several orchards to be set out this spring, gardens galore, and houses and barns to be built. Just watch us grow. We fully expect 1911 will show greater progress than 1910 which was cer tainly the greatest year of improve ment for a long time past. We have some good roads in our neighborhood, you don't have to haul a pry pole to go through Mel rose. Our roads are graded and graveled and we are going to build more this year. It pays. Several loads of Eastern people visited the Melrose orchard tracts last week, but we are not informed as to what transactions took place. Of course we have some sleknes? in our neighborhood, principally Ia grlpie, at present. Some of the chil dren who are attending the hlgl school in ltosehurg are reported U "have the measles, but that's nothing Lots of people have them. A very pleasant social event tool place at the home of K. W. Dille on St. Valentine's eve. when a hous full of invited guests assembled am' J spent the evening with music an games. men came me aistrinution of the valentines, of which there was a goodly number, both comic and lovely. This was followed by excellent refreshments, after which the guests departed to their homes well pleased with the joys of the oc casion. VALENTINE. J.OCAL .NEWS. M KLIIOSE ITKMS. Some ground hog weather, but the sun shines just the same. Douglas county doesn't care when the ground hog sees his shadow, for we will have spring weather Just the same. The little chicks are beginning to come from the shells. The farmers of this vicinity are taking fa renewed interest In the poultry' business. Why not? We can produce eggs the year round, just as well as any place. Mr. Farm er, let's all go in together and shut the Eastern eggs out of our home market. We should have those dol lars here instead of allowing our grocerymen to send to Nebraska for eggs. Don't on think country cured bacon is better than packing house Don't be n fool or a chump, or nny other of these pet names you will apply to yourself if you do not go to Fisher's and get his prices on paint, wallpaper, glass, etc., which he has to offer you. Look for the starry (lag on the sign. Phone 333. Oak street. tf COAL! COAL COAL! LADY WELLINGTON Gives more heat and lasts longer than any other Coal on the market. $11 per Ten Eelivtrt d Phone 127 130 South Jackson Street Whiting's fine stationery Is the most exclusive. On sale at the Hose burg liook Store. t tf Lime, sulphur and cement In quantities to suit purchaser at Mars ters Drug Store. dswtf The Roseburg has been repoened as a five cent theatre, showing the latest Association pictures. tf We have a car load of the best Utah Building Plaster, flbered and unllbered. J. F Barker & Co. For a stunning hair dress get the latest in the "hobbled" effects Hoseburg Beauty Parlors. D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP, j Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples MarblJ WorKs. Telephone 2511. Worll Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. J 4 We Repair Everything I Electrical that needs attention as well as sell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly : (on 'phone order if you ll!;e and you won't need to sound your 4 burglar alarm when you get our ; bill. Need anything In ovr line. G. L. PRIOR i 15 N. .Tckaon St. hoseburg, Or Page Investment Company The place to get the Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, for your new home. Phone 242 WOOD 709 North Jackson Street COAL Closet combinations, la both wopd. steel and vltroware at Gaddls' plumbing shop. dtf Bath tubs In a great variety of styles. See Winnie Gaddls. the plumber for something swell dtt Sooner or late you will use White House coffee. Why not now? There Is economy In using the best of any article. 1 he Rochdale. "Onllwon" toilet paper, 3G.000 sheets and a handsome nickle plat ed cabinet, free with first purchase. Only $:.00 at the Hoseburg Dook Storo. dtf When in town do not fall tc visit the Hoseburg theatre, showing the latest pictures. Continuous perfor mance from 1 to 5. nnd 6 to 10. One price to all 5 cents. Genuine French beveled plate nilr rors oblong or oval all sizes at all prices. Something most attractive for your bath room. Call and inspect them. Winnie Gaddic, the plumb er, dtf Tho ladles aid society of the First Presbyterian church will hold a Rale of home cooking at Mllledge & I'lckens' grocery store, Saturday, February 18. All kinds of good things on sale. fl7 Dr. J. L. Callaway, Osteopathic physician. Chronic diseases a spec ialty. Graduate of) the American School of Osteopathy, Klrksllle, .Mo. Under founder of science 13. A. T. Still. Office Abraham Bldg. Phone lf9. Hoseburg. Ore. NOTICE TO THE I'l'llUC. Having purchaetl the Inter est of Mrs. M. Josephson, In the firm of Josenhson's, we hereby announce to the public that on and after February 1st, the new firm will do a spot cash business only all credit busi ness of whatever nature being discontinued on and after this date. As we are desirous of wind ing up the affairs of the old firm as quickly as possibly, we hereby request all persons ow ing accounts to Josephsons to arrange to settle same prompt ly February 1st. (Signed) SAM S. JOSEPHSON. JUL1EN JOSEPHSON. LOCAL NEWS. FOR KKN'T Good house and barn, including 6 acres, or will rent house only If desired; 1 mile east of Roseburg. Apply at News of fice or see E. H. Itosenbtrry. tfd WANTWIJ. salesmen. Many make J100 to $lfiO per month; somf even more Stock clean, grown or reservation, far from old and pes) ridden orchards. Cash advanved weekly. Choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co.. GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every diwcrlptlon moved to any parts of tho city. Trices reason '(!. H. S. FRENCH HOW'D YOU LIKE TO BE !f J ?????????????? There's no question about the. COLD FACT that ive do the belt printing in this town. I ! ! ! I I ! ! ! I ! I I ! ! I Hfcve Arundel tune It. tf Letter files, cet the best at the Roseburg Book Store. tf Everybody likes country cured meats. We huvo some medium size fresh cured hams and a pood RUp ly of light sides nnd heavy bacon. Those are goods we can recommend. Tho Kochdule. We nre at last nble to make an announcement which will nivo joy Mi. $-M6 worth of magazines given away free. Head the adver tisement of the Hoseburg Book Store in another column of this paper, tf The new Alfred Teats wnllpaper samples havo arrived, and If you want to see the latest and prettiest designs In wallpaper that you evor saw, cull at I). P. Fisher's, or drop a postal and they will be brought to your home. Phone 333. tf W. A. Storm, praetlcar croanor nnd pressor of ladles' wear. Latest meth ods of French dry cleaning, col ors permitting, including feathers, nil kinds, plumes, furs and gloves. In connection with G. W. Sloper of the Hoseburg Cleaning and Pressing Works. 308 Jackson street. Phone No. 4 7. Clothes called for nnd de livered, d-lf GOODS OF QUALITY Especially at this season. In most lines them are what Is known as bargain or sale prices. These are usually Becnuds in one w:iy or another. Klther tho qual ity or the workiminshlp Is lack ing. We have no bargain articles In our slock, but we give so much attention to buying good things at reasonable, prices that when real quality Is a couslder Hllnn our stock affords fiinum erahbi genuine bargains. A. S. HUEY, Jeweler Cass St. Roseburg AND IT BECAME KNOWN TiinouanouT the land in and ABOUT 110SEBURO THAT SNOW DHIIT FI.OUU MADE THE BEST BREAD AND MORE LOAVES PER SACK, AND THAT THE USERS GREW FAT THEREON. SO ALL THE PEOPLE BOUGHT THEIR FLOUR FROM THIS ltOCIIDALE SELAH. ORCHADISTS Now is the time to order your SMUDGE POTS Have Them Made at Home B. A. MAHAN a I'lumliiiiK, Hratinu nnd Shoot Motnl W orkor West Ciiaa Stroot, ItoaeburK, ureou CHURCH BROTHERS' ii Machine Made BREAD In k-i')ini; with the mmlern meth'HiH (if bread and pantry making I have installed a pat ent bread and la.t'ry mixer, thus K'vinK "'' patrorut the ben efit of the mi'Ht approved meth ods in the art of bread making. The product now turned out at thi baken- are Hual to any ir. the slate. A trial will convince yon. We carry all the gixA thir.tfi in paHr) land, fresh and crisp ever)' day. THE LMFQL'A BAKERY IT'S GOOD BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR Pies, Cakes, Pastries of all Kinds CASS STREET PHONE 135 DELIVERY THE EVENING NEWS