Iltaettttti THE WEATHER ADVERTISERS I Will riud The KrxDlnl Nmre ! tho beat iiiclfum to rnch the people of ltutuhurs'. Awitle-a-wake pupUrntiou pi'hitins all tho newt that'iiflt toprln LOCAL FORECAST Occasional Rain or Snow To night and Tuesday. VOL. II. KOSEUURQ, DOUGLAS COUNT V, OREGON. MONDAY FElUtUARY 0, 1011. No. 78 4). 6.G00 PLAUCB ViCTlS Burned Like Rubbish in City of Harbine PESTILENCE SPREADINC RAPIDLY Tnifllc ou Trans-Siberian It ail way May Have to Ik Suspended Forlorn Lover Kills Object of His Admiral Ion. (Special to Evening News.) HARBINE, Feb. 6. More than ,000 plague victims have been bur ied within the past few days. Of this number about o.OOO came from the Chinese quarters and the others from the Russian quarters of the city. Stacks of coffins piled full of victims of the dreadful plague are each day saturated in oil and burned outsde of the city. Deaths among the physicians and nurses, and hos pital orderlies who are fighting the plague are growing more numerous ' dally. The disease Is spreading, and it is now reported that the plague has broken out in the Trans-Baikalja, a Trans-iSberian railroad station on the iManchuriau frontier, and it is be lieved that an order will soon be giv en by the government to suspend traffic until the plague is stamped : out. Murdered His Sweetheart. SEATTLE, Feb. 6. James Vlakes died at a hospital in this city today after he had shot and killed Miss Garna Gillette, an actress, who came to Seattle with the Armstrong Mus ical Company. Miss Armstrong vis ited Vlakes at his apartments yes terday, and it was while there that Blue was mujrdered1, VJakes then turning the weapon on himself aud sent a bullet into his brain. It is not known whether they quarreled or not, but the tragedy is supposed to have resulted over the refusal of the girl to marry her admirer. CAPT. KGULKSTON EXPIRES. Ili'presentntlve From Jackson Coun ty Suddenly Succumbs. , MEDFORD. Feb. fi. Captain M. F. Eggleston, of Ashland, and repre sentative from Jackson couuty in the Oregon legislature,, died at Salem Saturday morning at 12:50 o'clock as a result of paralysis. Death was wholly unexpecter by the family at Ashland, and a telegram announcing the fact proved a severe shock to the wdow and friends. Captain Eggleston had not been a well man for a number of months He was a sufferer from acute stom ach trouble. Ho was' not feeling well when he departed for Salem in Jenuary to assume his duties in the legislature. He returned to his home for a brief stay, aud ten days ago went home again on sick leave, and remained until Sunday a week ago. He returned to Salem in a weakened condition against advice of his family and friends. He felt It his duty to return to Salem to care for cer tain matters he had In hand in the legislature. ORGANIZE NEW DISTRICT. Coos and Curry Counties May Have Own district Attorney. COQUILLE, Or., Feb. 4. Accord Ing to a bit of political gossip just reaching here from Salem, the pro posal to organize a separate prose cutlng attorney district out of Coos and Curry counties will result in the appointment of C. F. McKnight, of Marshfield, to the new position if the bill carries. This will mean that Mr. McKnight will take the place of L. A. Llljeqvist who is cow deputy prosecuting attorney for Coos and Curry counties under appointment by George M. Brown, of Roseburg. prosecuting attorney for the district composed of Douglas, Coos and Cur ry counties. If the bill is adopted, as many be lieve it will be, the filling of the new position will devolve upon Gov. West. The executive being a demo crat Is expected to naturally name a democrat. Mr. McKnght, who la leading democrat, Has been at Salem for the past few weeks and accord fng to claims here ills visit there, was to confer with Governor West about the matter. Mr. Llljeqvist left . yesterday for Salem to appear before the Oregon supreme court and will probably look Into the matter while there. If you are interested In high grade coffee and have not tried White House, try it at once. The iKKt. The Rochdale. AT THE PALACE THEATRE BEGINNING TOMORROW UNTIL THURSDAY EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION TONIGHT NERO BROTHERS presenting "Sports of Old Town," America's most gorge ous and unique act. The Nero Bros, appear in a wrestling contest at skating rink Wednesday night. Kartollo Bros. Jugglers and Hoop Rollers, very clever Three Reels of High Class Motion Pictures "Misses .Finch" Vitigraph "Suushine Sue" Bio Rraph "City of Boys" Selig Subie Smith Black Face Comedian Tho prices will remain fiio mime Skating Rink Wednesday Evening, February 8. lit . Carl Busch Middleweight Champion of Germany VS. Nero Bros. Roman Expert Wrestlers. ItUMi'h agrees to throw both men One Fall Each within one hour, or lose the uintrh. One good preliminary between two local boxers Walter StubblefieM vs. Tom Ga.Tney. Uoors open 7;30 Admission 2-rc. SO. Rin?side tl. Ticket it Monogram Cigar Store EAST IN STOTRM GRIP Snow and Sleet from York to Rockies New REBELS GET $800 IN RAID House Adjouriifd Today Out of Kes- peet for Memory of Kepivscu-, tntlvo ICggU'Kton, .'! of Jackson County. (Special to The Evening News.) CHICAGO, Feb. G. One of the worst storms of the present winter is raging from the Rocky mountains to New York and snow and alt-et is sweeping the country blockading the railroads In the North and Middle West, causing great inconvenience to trailic, destruction of property nnd loss of Uv3 stock. From six to twelve Inches of snow has fallen in the last few hours, while sKff. hos enveloped Nebraska, Iowa and North err, lllionis in Us icy grasp Howl ing winds are piling the snow Into huge drifts Tjloekading Intertirban railway lines and badly i eroding street car service in many cities. KaJd Town For Fundi. CULICAN. Feb. 6. A band of Mexican revolutionists are said to have raided the town of Tamazkla and secured from the people of the place about $800 in caBh, and threat ened the town with destruction un less their demands were met. It is now reported that eighty rebels are now beaded for this city expecting to compell the citizens to pay trib ute. In anticipation of their raid the governor has sent one hundred rur- ales to meet the rebels and a fierce right is expected when the commands come together. lU'prvst'iitntivo Eggleston Dead. SALEM, Feb. 6. Out of respect for the memory, of Representative Eggleston, of Jackson county, who died hero Saturday, the house ad journed, after the morning session today. Representative Buchanan, of Douglas and Jackson, In a speech be fore the house, paid a glowing trib ute to the career of the dead legis lator. . . , - was placed yesterday with the press room by the management, making a total issue of 160. 000. The weight of the edition in white paper Is 164 tons. Real estate men and fruit growers as well as citizens of the state who have relatives in the East purchased copies in inrge numbers. "It Is like sending a letter to the old home, said D. O. Lively, man ager of the Union Stock Yards. It gave me a good opportunity to rav back a long descriptive letter of our resources. I had promised to tell what the country contained and the edition proved to be the very thing that saved me the labor," It is estimated at the postofrice that the extra copies of the paper mailed and for which 8 cents was paid for every one will bring in a revenue of $9,600. Tihs will be a considerable Increase In the monthly receipts of the oillce nnd will make a showing at Washington which is likely to prompt officials to give fur ther consideration to tho application for an increase in tho clerical force at Portland. The opinion generally expressed was that the number is tho finest edition ever published on the Coast LOCAL NEWS. L'KIXTKD 100,000 PAPERS. Oregonlan's - Anniversary Number Was a Hummer. PORTLAND, Feb. 6. So big was the demand for extra copies of the fiftieth number of The Oregonian that an additional order for 40.000 Fresh pickled piss' feet now to be nad at The Rochdale. W. B. Hammltto, the undertaker, who has been quite ill at his home in this city for some time is said to be improved today. A report of the condition of the Roseburg books will bo submitted to the consideration of tho RoseburR city council this evening. Ben 01 cott, the accountant who experted the books, completed the task about ten da8 ago, and will present his detail ed statement this evening. Notice to men who like suits that are up-to-date and fit We take your measurments and guarantee a per fect fit. Our new spring and sum mer samples Just arrived. Call and see us before you buy your spring suit The Rochdale Co. Wo are the molasses boys. We have something extra good In the mo lasses line. Pelican or Ptcinnlny molasses. High grade goods for table or cooking purposes. Also cheaper brands for cooking. We have the best In all grades. The Rochdale GIRL WANTED Competent girl or woman for general housework. In qulr at this ofllco. f 1 3 A SNAP Two choice suburban lots tn Portland, Or., for sale. Small amount down to owner, balance in Bmatl monthly payments to rell able Portland firm, with no Inter est. Address L. Care News. tf 1 7 y if ' a x.v.' - Vt Hi -' Mi 5 fi 'S . r J it f - 1 ' IE H fll ill Fort Officers Detailed Quell Fight . to REBELS LOSE OPPORTUNITY llellcvitl that the Insurgents Made Fatal Mstjikc In Not Oiplurlng Jatiarez When They Had the Opiortulilty. (Special to Evening News.) SALT LAKH. Fob. 6. Soverul meii are reported to liavo beeu kill ed and a score more wounded ar the result of a raco riot at Uentlworih mining camp. Tho light was between Amorlacns, Greeks and Austrlans. The tlghthiK was desperate, and at noon the Imttlo was still on. A posse of forty men heavily armed lelt here for the purpose of restoring order. The camp Is over seventy miles south of this city, nnd It will he some tlmo before the oflicers can reach tho scene, whore over 200 jnon are engaged In a free-for-all. Knives are said to be the principal weapons employed In the light. Ijono (iolden Opimrtiinity. EL, PASO, Feb. 6. Reinforced by about 30 Infantry and cavalry under General Uobage. the Slexlcan federalists were still In control of Juarez today, and thoro seems to ho small probability that General Orozco and his army of Insurgents, will make any nssault at present, nnd It la bolleved that tho Insurrec tionists are awaiting for relnforce- nieuts to engage General Navarre, who is enrouta with 700 federalists from Chihuahua to aid In the pro tection of Juarez. The general opin ion Is that the delay of Oroaco In at tacking tho city cost him the oppor tunity to tako tho place and thus strengthen the revolutionary cnuso. Hotmgo reached Juarez without any great opposition on the part of the Insurgents and with slight loss to his force. Washington Donates .000. OLYM1MA. Feb. 6. The state leg islature today appropriated $6,000 for the famine sufforers of China. Tart ApiKilnlM .Marshal. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. Presi dent Taft today sent tho nomination of Joseph .lacoby to the senate for the position of United States Mar shal for the state of Washington. Jacoby Is commander In chief of the Spanish war veterans. Georgo McLaughlin, a recent ar rival In this section from Moro coun ty, has purchased a ten acre tract, formerly a part of the Gleugary ranch. 11K KOVKN MAMS QUARTET. Tonight at the l'rosbyteiinn church. Tickets on sale at Mars ters' drug store. SBc and BOc. This Is the 2nd number of tho Lyceum course. A fine entertainment, don't miss it. ' The regular monthly busi ness meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary of tho Roseburg Com mercial Club, will be held at the club rooms this evening at seven o'clock. Note the chnnge In tho hour nnd be present on tlmo so that business may be dlsposod of promptly. DON'T RRAH r -IN A HURRY- THIS Shampoo and Plain IInlrdress....nt)e Hair Droslng, Fancy nth: Facial Massage 15th1 Vlbro Facial Massage 80cl Face Bleaah for freckles, etc BOrf Facial- Massage and Blench 7e Manicure ;(5c I Body Massage 1.(1(1 Our Work is the Guaranteed Satisfaction Kind Roseburg Beauty Parlors Hair Goods Neckwear Millinery Toilet Goods Massngo Cronm, Skin Food, Whltonlng Cream, Cold Cream, I fair Tonic, Face llloach, Brllllan tino, Hair Remover, Face Powdors. i T:B-"'"T- RIGHT. t)Y CLINEOINST -yH'iH- (. C - fJ HENRY WHITE, EX-AMBASSADOR TO ITALY AND FRANCE. DIPLOMAT? If Henry White la not a diplomat there Isn't one extant; the breed haa nin out Mr. Whlto came home to Amer ica the other day after an eiprlnn-B In diplomatic dutli-a egualel by few la length ai,d variety of aenrlce. He Ixiinn aa aecreury of tha American legation at Vienna In went tn Ixndon aa eeeond secretary of legation the nlt year, became secretary thero la isi, wna aerretary of emlmsy at London from 1S:"7 to 1905, aetlne re peatedly aa charge d'affaires, ropreannted his emmtry at eavral Impor tant International eonffn-n'-ea alirond and In 19jS became a full fledged ambassador as a reward for faithful performance of dutlea aa a anbor dlnste diplomat Ilia first ambassadorial post was nt Rome. He was transferred to Parla aa American au-haaandor In K'7. Mr. White won hla ambasaadorlal spars by hard work, nnilke some of the American diplomats who are appointed because of political service. (Tejs r'FROMJi2,s BEANS and ONIONS UP TO THE FINEST of DELEGACIES You Will Find QUALITY The . PREDOMINATING . Feature of all our Goods Our Prices Are Right THE ROSEBURG ROCHDALE COMPANY Phone 146 Roseburg, Ore.