THE EVEMVO XEWB. "OVHAT, J A NT A RY 2.1, 1011. THE EVENING NEWS ItY . W. HACKS IttSCKI) IMILY KXCKIT Ht'MUV. Subscription iUteM Daily. Per year, by mail J3.00 lor month, dulivered &o 8i-iril-VcMkIy. For your fli.OO Blx months l.oo ftutored aa Heeoiid-claKH m;itfr November 5, lit Id, at Hoti-lurg, Ore., undor act of March 3, 1HT.). M()MAV, .MM AKV 1M, KM I. r.viisT j i;i;k;iit iuiks. Corri;p'ii(Ii'iit Says IVopli; Are Slit; gcriiw tfidi-r Loud. PORTLAND, Or.' Jan. 20. Editor NcwHBuutheni Oregon in HtaKcrr Iiib u ii dor thu burd';a "f oiitrnKoiiidy (UHfriiniuaLiriK ln.'inht rutin, from 10 uti torn polntH which lunnlh a(m na tural devolni'imiit to thu niaxiuiii in flxtcnt. Whcro hi tho blame? Kuru ly not on the railroadH ln-raiiKi thoy do not mnko thu frolKlit. rsitus any moro; thoy slinply k'Hvo tl:oni whero they won; originally, notwithstand ing tho roducl ions whlrh hiivn boon rooatMily o.-itiitiliHliod olsowlioro from timo to t.imo. Tho donwlty of tntHii whlrh inri-OHHOM with that of p( iiiiiation and IhikIhohh (lovolupnioiit In u now and rowini; country, ncon HilatliiK roadjii.Htiitont of coininorcial conditions in alKo coniplotoly lnorotl. Tho pooplt) niako tho freight ratow through tho IntiTHtato Cumim-rco CoinmlKKlfin, and so long an Uio poo plo romaln paswlvo, tho rates. If un reasonable, and unsuitable to rhanK od oonditiotiH, i-otitlnuo to bo an uu jiiHt tax upon tho coniinunlty. Competent anthorllioH dec I aro that tho Southern Oregon rato Hituatloii lias boon prejudiced liy tho cnmblna tlnn of tho Southorn Pacific and Union Pacific railroad Hy.-dems with tho comiorinont cIohIiik of tin; Sacra- moil to and On'h'ii Ktewayn, virtually making ItoSflmrK and othor Southern Oregon cllies branch lino pointK. That tho pcoplo of Southern Ore Ron Hhould havo miplnHy submitted for ovor nino yonrs to the clorilrif; of tho Siiora monto gateway, and tho thoroby abrogation of a groat princl plo of primary rights, to unit tho convenience of the Southorn raotric Company Is amulnn- Tho fact that thin rondlt Ion con- tlnnoH without a word of (indent Ih uvidonco of ono of two iblnH, firnt- -that tho community h carelenn of tho offer t thotio tato adjust nun W havo upon tho general prospoilty and pres tige, or hocond - t bat I hoy aro io doubt amoiit how to proceed to ob tain relief. To concede tho first is to reflect up, n (ho inli'lh"! nco and liroRroHKivoiioss of tho bindnosrimon whom) duty it Ih to prmert tho till i Tntitu conHiinuT, and to admit tho :oo ond Ih a rr-rici-tlon uihmi tho alllil and t i-Huiii fof iilin-HM of I ho warnc parlh-H. Tho Way Oiii. ItnlHi a' hu IIji bio lund and t lion tin n Homo act Ivo youtm man, who lllldoiHluiiils hlH h!i;;liioss, lun.o on thlH proiosltion without waiting sov oral yoairt moro ti h-(? what will hnp- HM1. Voui'h for roHiiltH. tiKT lil'SY. To Whom It May Comoro. Tho nndorHlMtioil horoby kIvoh no llco ho wlthdraWH from all roal estate brokers' hands all of his nrchard property which Ik llsiod for sulo with thoin. Dalod January li:i. 1!H I, II. II. OU'OTT. d-fa8 Cauyouvlllo, Or. GENERAL DRAYING ;mmIs of cvi-ry Ii'itIiIIiii movt'il o ny piiru of tho i lly, rrirtviviuioii a)k. H. S. FRENCH COALI GOAL COAL! LADY WELLINGTON Givi'S more heat and lasts longer than any other Coal on the market. $11 per Ti t relive xt d Phone 127 130 South Jackson Street Machine Made BREAD In keeping with w nmilcrn nii'thmljt nf liri'ail mul pastry liKikinc I Imvt' installtvl u piit t'nt bivjnl ami pastery mixer, thus Kiviti); my patrmis the ben efit of (he must npprnveil melh t'lla in I lie art of lireail making. The proihieU now turne.l out at this bakery aro eipial to any in the Mate. A trial will couvinee yml. Wo earry nil tho things in pastrylaml, fresh ami crisp every day. THE UMPQUA BAKERY II. M'KhT, l'r.p. KKVIVAL MEIJTIXGS OI'KX. KiilhtiKfiiMf Ic f'ainpaitnt Jn I'rogress at Suulfi Methodist Church. KvanKollKt L. P. Law and wifo, to K'Hhor with Mr. and Aim. Ktovor, co labororti, arrlvod In our city Saturday nlKht. Thoy aru to assist itov. Moar In a campaign at the South Motho dtt church. Air. Law is originally from Toxas, tand.-i i'ullly wix foot in bin stockiiii-'H and Ih a lany lookim? blonde. Ito foi i htrf convention ho whh woil known In tho oariior Oklahoma dayn an Deputy United b:utoH AlaiHhal Law, t i i o man who would o a ft a r anybody, and brinjj him In after wt- . int;. This moan a a tfood deal, for Law's (orin of oIit:e roverod tie palmy day.s of mif-ii reckless and no- i torioiiH outlaws as Hill Dalton. j Loilo Starr and the Doolan Kanrf. iWatohiriK ills fpilok, nervous, direct ; m tion in tho puljiit, mil! can Klimpo i tho fact that bo wa.s and may bo Ktill, a hard proposeinon to turn down i Ho la a regular galling gun in sjieooli, wh-u reaching a climax tho'X words tumblo from bis lips ho fasti'"" that thf-y aro hardly int'-lli'iblo. Hj J punotuatos, not by pannes, but byp' pounding tho pulpit with clenched Is list, and bis ar;umont is on thu- spot j J all tho while quite as forcibly as hisj ma is. it win not no slow whore Law Ih. .Mrs. Law, tho vocalist, oc cupies a plaeo on the platform and HhowH a very superior robust soprano volte, It Ih easily distinguished through tho chorun, and was Hpecial ly effective in tho D'ios both morn lug and night. Thu chorus Is under the direction of Mr. Stover and Ih in competent hands. Ho is a leader lu.lh by birth and training and tho cloudy rythm of his tempos made tho bongs very effective, lb) Is an all round musici I'lati, nn ex-baud master of .Now York t'ily and his comot solo last night was flawless in its oxecut ion. The words seem to fall from tho tiell of his gold cornet with almost tho dis- uneiiH'KH or a voice the slurs wore ac complished without a break and he shows tho marks of an artist In exe cution and phrasing. Mrs. Stover pit sided at tho piano, and is an ex cellent worker at the ivories, but it is understood that shn haH a now gold cornet, inadn fur Ikt uperhil uso by tho Martin Company, of Klkhart, Ind., on t ho way, and she will he blent ill", i w it h I he orchestra. Mr. Stover Ih endeavoring to organize a six-piece orchoiitra mid tho outlook is good. The snappy rehearsal yes I err lay afiernoon brought words of praise from the director on the musi cal talent of liosobiirg. "Wo 11.T0 his wTi uosses. Mr. Law dived Into bis subject with few preliminaries. In part ho said: "livery momhf r of the church is a witness for Jesus Christ. Have you ever thought what kind of a wit-; Mors? You eittu-r represent Him; or misrepresent -often a man has tui desire to misrepresent Christ, but lei falls because ho has not, had thei proper vision of the Son nf Cod. His view is distorted or too dim for him' to rofloct. A Christmas light ought j to shine. Odd Fellows wear tho badr.o or an enter of which they are j JiO'tiy proud, a Mason does the sumo! a hardware drummer wears a monkey wrom-h and a real estate j 'igent talks dirt in season and out until your throat irets drv from Imaginary dusi. uwh any one ! round hero recognize yon as a drum mer ror Jesus Christ? Sometimes It liappeiiK that a Christian is In the da h of the church man who lived In Liberal. Mo.. thro years. Tho town was composed of infidels and atheists and was stringent that no Christian bo allowed there. This man explained his long residence by Hay ing: 'they balnt. siispieioned mo yet.' I wonder if you are suspieloned of being a christian ? In my experience I have found that four ipiallileations aro necessary for a good witness. First he must know personally tho facts. Second, ho must be truthful. Third, ho must be willing to tell the facts, and Fourth he must ho bold. Christianity Is more than church membership. Many people confuse this and Imagine that joining the church makes them Christians. Well It doesn't. It doesn't make vou am nion of a christliiti than going Into a I hen house makes you a cackling hen. or a crowing rooster, doing Into a pig pen doesn't necessarily make you a hog. The church is a means to an end. but above it is Christianity and salvation. Mr. Law Is clear, incisive and de cisive ; his words deliuuesce and meet togeilier in their rapidity, but lie holiU at tent Km well. Services will be held each night. Tlic show k ts t'.'ttrr. Pi let's tu-v-Uli-ll theiitiv. (f l .vT-'-Si' Your Hath Room Plumbing i n most Iihhihu,u "onaUlerallon l'lon Ma,-!, r ihc health and mtlmi'S lite i.f yen and ymir family I' P. 11. 1 U y .ni in.' n:i wilhoiit nu'.l .111 i : 1 1 1 1 1 lun,i.'i!t 111 your bath- M'ulll l'.'!!.-r lt lt. !i,i!i;e H at .Mli e lleeaiiMt yen !i:iv,. Iierel ..fel e eseapod serloim It i ui- nui-sn't provt that you oill ala.'K ! ,n f.irtuintle. : B. A. MAM AN j riumhin.i. IIcatin. Sheet ! Metal Contractor PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A'lTOK.VKYH. , CUAWKOHD & WATSON Z i A. M. Crawford J. O. WaUon P AtUjrne'HAt-Iaw. Rooms 1 &ud 2, Douglas Co. Bank Uldg Koiittburg, Oregon. - & : tt Kt rOSHOW A: HICK Attoriieys-At-Law DotigbiM National flank Illdg. Jtoseburg, Ore. s :;.-;: t JIltOWN & KDDV, Attorneys .it LnvF. i- Manonlc Tempio. Ilosoburg, Or ijk : ft ft ft & ft ft ''S, ; jX ! ! ':f j. c. FULLi:ino Attoi-ney-At-raw. Will practice In all State and Federal Courts. OUlco In Marks 4 Building. Hose'jUiC, Oregon. ftfti'fiftftftfti?ftftftftftft t JOHN T. LONG Attonioj-Ai-Ijjv. if Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co. Hank Building. Roseburg, Oregon. I You Don't Have PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worK of any Kind 1 have five or six houses 1 will sell cheap, as I want to us the money in other busHiness. See my burglar proof window lock, Its O.K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs: We build, move or repair your houses. Business bulldlogs a specialty. Over forty years experience In tullding. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER a . White H The company who put out this coffee is the largest im po.itrs of coffee in the United States. The very choicest of all importations are selected for the White House Brand i 1 j I It costs no more than Try a 1 1 ROCHDALE S ROSEBURiJ Exclusive THE PALACE THEATRE I l-Night Shows 7:30 and SENATOR MONTROSE CO. In a siuiui;, dancing inul talking act entitled Women's SuHeragc and Men's Suffering Three Reels of flih Class Motion Pictures Eva LaRue, BlacKfiace Commedienne in a high class sidesplitting act Matinee Saturday and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Subic Smith, Comcdum KiMtiii; Twin S strrs, Singing and Iancini; C ff ft. ft J. H. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law. ; Notary Public. Wilbur, Ore. ftftftftftftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft , ! J. A. JtUCHANAN i ft Attorney-At-Iw. 4. Notary Public. Abraham Bldg. ft Roseburg, Oregon. it '''-'" . li. W. MAHSTKHH ! Attoruey-AtrLufv. ! 5 Notary Public. Rooms 6 aDd 4 ! tf 7, Alartitera Building. j Roseburg, Oregon. 4 , Attorney-'tt-lrt M :ck Bldg. DralJ, Oregon. I'HYSICiAXS. ftftC-yy-h'ft ift&sZe'-- -v;:4 ft Mi. LL'CKTTA 8.V1TU - Pliysiciun Women's and Children's t ft Diseases. Hours, 10 to 12 a. rn., 2 to p. w m. Phones Offlce, 1711, Hen. 1721. irtarstern Block, next to ft Dougtaa County Bank Bldg. 4 R ;eburg, Oregon. Xftftftftftftft : zsftftftftftftciiift Utecsr ftftftftft;x i -jjTFftftit ft 1)H. .1. It. CALLOWAY V ft Osteopathia I'hjNicfan ft ft Chronic diseases a specialty. ft Graduate of the American ft School of Osteopathy Kfrksvllle, ft Mo. Under-founder of science ft Dr. A. T. Still. ft Othce Abrahnm Bldg. ft ft Phone 1691 Roseburg, Ore to Go to Ssa to See I i ouse the cheaper grades Can COMPANY Agents Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Henry Easton s for Groceries Our patrons make our reputation. Our groceries create genuine enthusiasm and always win the praise of our patrons YOU WILL EE PLEASED WITH THE GROCERIES you got for the money if you come here for them Extraordinary qualities are to he found iu our groceries HnNRY EASTON GROCER Telephone 26 344 N. Jackson St., Roseburg : FIRST GLASS LAUNDRY 1 work is most desirable to anyone wishing their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. We Do That Class of WorK One Trial will Convince. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER - - - Proprietor OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST,- PHONE 791. 0 : 0 3 WATER FRONT U. J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete lino of Dry Gnoils in stock. Wo can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything New and Strictly First Class I Remember the Flare and Save Money I 125 SHERIDAN STREET Page Investment Company The piace to get the Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, for your new home. Phone 242 WOOD ! WE GUARANTEE ALL A lie. VVlUUn LLCANfcK When wo say (il'AKAXTKK we mean Just what the word implies. If you are not satisfied there will he no charge. We could not make this assertion unless we were positive of Riving Kood service. When you get ready to clean house lot us do the worst part tor you the cleaning of your carpets. It's eusy ?o- you and the price reasonable ROSEBURC STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. HAKE - - - Phone 701 ROSEBURG Blank Books Filing Cases Typewriters Supplies Writing Paper and Envelopes EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS BOOK STORE Roseburg Book Store Ask for our Cut Price Magazine Catalogue ?! i THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD i and ROSEBURGMVRTLE POINT ..STAGE LINES.. 5FAOKS LKAVE KUSIiBURO FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT6A.M Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts r P RiBViun n 2 a DRY GOODS STORE 1 ROSEBURG, OREGON 709 North Jackson Street COAL OUR WORK DONE WITH It, Inprlur. - - - Ofllce X. .lurk son fit. BOOK STORE o . 44 o