L THIS E7BKTNG NEWS. WKDVKSDAV, JANUARY, 11, 1011 KIGIITH GIIAIW EXAMINATION. Notice Ib hereby given that the couuty school Buperlnlendmit of Douglas county, Oregon, will cnuae an eighth grudo examination to uh hold lu all Bt-hool dlntrlcta of llic county, wf h)i lug the name, whon proper notice of th ntiaiber of ap plicants fa mad o to his of lite, Paid e-.niimi.tlfm to ho held on T'mrtd;1 -and Friday, January 13 and 2K i'oMowInt? Is Iho program of anid examination: Thursday, January 19. Phytdol ogy, writing, history, civil govern ment. Krlday, January 20 Oramrntr, ar:thmetlc, geography, Hp'illlng. The grades In reading nro to he sent in by the teacher In chirgo. Sources of QueHtioiiH. Arithmetic Smith's Practical. Civil Government U. S. Constitu tion. Oeorgraphy State text and state coui'Ke of study outline. History -Htato text nMd outline given In ho state course of study; .also current events. Grammar Btmhler's grammar, no diagraming. Physiology Krohu's graded les sons. Spelling Rned's Word Lessons. Writing -Specimens' of penman ship of iiihh, on grammar. itespectfiilly submitted, Thurman Chancy. County Superintendent. Nolo W. 1-3. Cllngenpeel, n prom inent jeweler of ItoHeburg, who Is Interested In educational progress, has kindly offered to give a valuable gold medal to the elgnth grade pupil in the county who makes the highest average In the eighth grade examl- j nation during the sr-hool year. ' UOSi:iIlHt; MAKKKT RKI'OKT. Whea,t Club, 85c per bushel; bluoHtern, 87c; valley, 84c. (!its No. 1, while feed, 45s bush el; gray, firm at ;ifcc. Barley Feed, $25; brewing, $24; rolled, Hay lOaateru timothy, $20 per ton. Vei;tu1l!H Cabbage, 2c per pound; celery, 60c and 90c; pump kin, lVfec per pound; squash, 2c per pound ; turnips, 2c per pound; carrots, 2c per pound; beets, 2c per pound. Unions Oregon Yellow Danvers, $2 to $2.50 per sack. Potatoes Oregon fancy, $1.50 per Hark. Common, no market. Butter Fanck creamery, 85c per roll. Country 7Gc per roll. EBgs Oregon ranch, 38c per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 1 3c per pound; young roosters, 12c; dresHed chickens, 15c; turkeys, 13c; geeso 10c; ducks, 1216c. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 13c per pound, lower grades range downward according to qual ity. Bee cows, 3c; country steers, 4 c. Venl Dressed, 7c. Mutton Dressed fancy, 8c; ordi nary lambs, 5c and Gc. Pork Dressed 10c per pound. For News. LOCAL NEWS. u real live news, read The A lady or gentleman wanted for an extra good proposition. Anniy djlO at 320 Cast street. B. F. Nichlos StocH Inspector for County of Douglas Riddle Oregon We thank our patrons for their liberal patronage during the year 1910 and solicit a continuance for the New Year. CJThat pros perity may be yours in the fullest measure is the wish of Jack Pelton left for Portland this morning where he will spend a few days looking after business matters. "Diamond Quality" vegetable s-eds nro the best. Hold In bulk by S. K. Sykes. dswtf Miss Jennie Johnson left for her home at Portland this morning after a brief visit at the home of her par ents, near Urockway. Douglas County Creamery butter, the best In the land, can be had of your grocer at 85 cents the roll. De mand your home product and accept no other. Butter fat 38 cents, dtf Miss Anna Wharton, a well known noseburg young lady, left for Port- iana, Aiuany and San Francisco this morning where Bhe will spend sev eral weeks visiting with friends and relatives. To whom it mav concern While Sunrise milk Is not as heavy as Car nation or many othor leading BellerB, It has by for the most natural and creamy flavor. Kxcelled by none. Kvery can guaranteed. The Roch-,lale- dsw-J12 llnrry Slapleton nnd wife, the former employed in the First Na tional Bank, lert for Los Angeles this morning where they will spend several weeks enjoying the delight ful climate of that locality. To whom it may concern: If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the brnnd of coffee you are using at present, you can do no better than to give the White House a trial. Pos itively the best. The Rochdale, ex clusive agents. dsw-J12 Tho publicity committee of the Hoseourg commercial Club met In special session last evening, nt which lime several matters of Importance were considered. Pubticllv Uin. SchlosBer, who has been at the helm "I the publicity work during the past year was retained for another twelve months, much to the satisfaction of tho local citizens. When Mr Schlos ser accepted his present position tho club was In debt about !800, and this sum tins been virtually wiped out through his efforts and manage ment. Mr. Schlossor ns well as the members of tho publicity committee anticipate oven greater results during the year 1911, than during the pre vious twelve months. A Few Exceptions. There was no love lost between Rn rua and bis readier. . ltufus thought the teacher was a severe and occa sionally unjust jierson who had never known what it was to be young and fllll Of flin. Willie the ton.lior ennuiri- cred the little darky both stupid and I mischievous. i 'V'ou are not attending to what 1 I say, Kufus," said the teacher one day j in the midst of an address to her class. ! "Yes, teacher, truly I Is," said Burns, with the reversion to the speech he hnd learned at home which often ac companied great earnestness. "you should never say 'I is ' com manded the teacher "I have told you that a hundred times. You know tho correct form. There are no exceptions to Its use. Givo me two examples at once." "Yas'm," said ltufus meekly. "I am one of de letters of de alphabet. I am a pronoun." Youth's Compunlon. His Way of 8howing Hi Love. "You wrong him, papa. lie does not lore mo for my money. He scoffs at the world's sordid eagerness for wealth." "What proof have you, child?' "Why, only last nlgbt he told me ho didn't care if he never was able to make a penny In his life. If he only had me!" IIK.ll, I0ST.1TU THAXSI KItS. History. ITIstory Is rondo by one set of men and written by another. The chnracter of the written history depends upon the politics of the his- toriun. Most histories arc written ninny years after the history was mnde. In these circumstances no one cun step lorwnrd and dispute tho historian. History Is studied nt school and for gotten at home. We are told to Judgo the future by the past, and after we read the his tories we are as badly muddled as ever. Rome statesmen make history, but most of tliein make speeches. Judge. WATER FRONT DRY GOODS ST0R D. J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Goods in slock. We can save you rnonry 2". Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything New and Strictly First Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET ROSEBURC, ORECON Page Investment Company The place to get the Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, for your new home. Phone 242 WOOD 709 North Jackson Street COAL Patronizing. "That man Pufferton has.a very su percilious manner." . "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "He can't even say it's a pleasant day' without seeming to patronize be cli mate." Washington Star. - Just a Bluff. "How Is It that the quail on your bill of fnro Is alwayB struck off?" "That's Just a fancy touch," explain ed the beancry waiter. "We never had a quail in tho joint." Phllndel nlila Bnlletln. V. B. Buthcrford and H. II. Ruth erford to M. A. Belknap, certain land 111 Douglas county. Consideration $10. Arthur Thiol to O. K. Thiol, lots N'os. !) and 10. In Mock i 1,, v., I cnlla. Consideration 10 Mrs. ThoB. Jennings to Mvrtlo E Kent. 1700 acres of land. In the Clover Creek district, all In Doug las county. Consideration $10. The Biggest Little Drug Store in Town ROSEBURC PHARMACY, Inc. S. E. KR0HN, Manager Roseburg, Oregon '..vamgfiinyjuMoii ARNOLD & BEASLEY LOOKING GLASS - OREGON Dealers In all kinds jf ROUGH LUMBER FIR. CEDAR SUGAP PINH .' AND OAK AH orders given prompt altention IMMHiiHi Had His Hands Full. Judge Why didn't you seize the thief when you found him? . Policeuiuu-U jw could IV I had my club in one hand and my revolver In the other!--Fllegende Hunter. The Noxt Question. "Dora's Invited to a Bwcll party," snld the mother. "How much will the gown cost?" asked the father, who knew what was coming. Detroit Free Press, I ALEX B. MOTT I I REAL ESTATE ! EALER j I Oakland, Oregon KeitM of the Border By Randall Parrishl! !3as a fine list of lown prop erly, farms and slock ranches Timber Lands in Large and Small Quantities CHANGE OF LOCATION To' facilitate handling the largi amount of nursery stock now ar riving, I have moved my office ti 220 West Oak street. Fruit Trees, Ornamen tal1!, Vines, Shrubs, Roses Come and See Them I A. L. KITCHEN Nursery Salesman .1 'Eight years of fighting nnd roiiKh livinc nnd what hnrl ! " - . - . AA.AAAAA.... .... . .. MM anon fig I w EVERY MEMBER I- I FOR SALE BT THE Roseburg Rochdale COMPANY xnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHURCH BROTHERS' 1 n 8 BREAD IT S M I XX 4 BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR XX CASS STREET A PHONE 135 1 itimiiixtmxxxxxxtimiiiixiiiixitiixtitititiu tx mm '" mi. tUr 1-..-..-l. v.: 1 A . J ,thc lPning of this story' things begin to happen by the sever th'page, and be-' -fore you finisli the book'l ..you are only too glad : The C ti, oiiins Hotel : Main Street, .1. F. Parker's One Pi or Hardware :"Uth X Store tluit Jack Keith is "a t , ,. .- . i) ii: , iiniu nucr.u miiCKsnot. ' i r r.i 'Picturrs in Color hy Dunlon'- r V:' , 1 r r . s- r. i n bad man to f(K)l witli." X Good Table Board 5 W ith Homo Cooking if You know that Randall Porrishnever fails to give you nil the mystery'and excitcment, ( you like, nnd the love story that "every "novel reader rcallywantsj : Good Lodging i ..i i . .-. ...... . tuiji i n'iui Him conuoriao t By ?h Day or Week Vour Bath Room Plumbing I WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER Whon we say CUAltAXTKK e menr jist what the word lmnlles If you are not mtlsfled there will be no charge. We could not make t'h s assertion unless m were posit! re of giving ood service When von get ready to clean house let u9 do the wor.t part for vou the clonnlag ot your carpets, if. gh8y rP- you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY-- O. C. ItAKKIt. l'nn.rl,.. tifi - - - - . Olllce X. .Inrkson Sr. a most lmporla.it onsldoratlon. on lis character the health and i i'i :iiaps life o( you and our family , Icocnil. If ou are ?tlll without mod ; j cr:i sanitary plumWtitt In your bath- : j ro-un liett.T hae us emmt-e It at ' on-"e. H-'Cnn-te von have heretofore: : craped serl-ua ilineis doesn't prove' ; that you will alwayn be o fortunate A. C McCLUKG CO., IMishers' NOW. ON SALE ATt VOUR BOOKSTOREI J Mr. and Mrs. Bell CoI!in& 1 B. A. MAHAN Pluinbing, Heating. Sheet Metal Contractor ! THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD and KOSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT : ..STAGE LINES.. -r-S LKAVE ROSHBL RO FOR BOTH POINTS OAM.V AT 6 A. A! j Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washineton St I C. P. BARN A fill Prnr..- i tx X X. o