THE EVENING N1IWS . .II'fSIUYvJAUARV 3, 101 1. LOCAL NEWS. Miss Guiwem left for Portland last evening where she will spend about ten days visiting with relatives. Mrs. Albert Abraham and children have returned from Portland where they spent the holidays with rela tives. Forest Bartrum left for Eugene Eat Lowney's and Orange Blossom Candy this morning where he will spend the i next ten days attending to buinessj matters. ' The members ,0f Uupqua Tribe, o.-i'-i, lmproved,'Oraer of Redinen, ! In regular session last 'Weeing In- j Btalled the following officers: G. I Worthington, Sachem; E. H. Lenox, j Senior Sagamore; D. G. Palm. Juii-! lor Sagamore; E. V. Hoover, Proph et; P. H. Vincil, Chief of Records; John R. Lee, Keeper of Wampum; J. L. Grimes, First Sanap; G. W. Eddlngs, Second Sanap; T. B. Can non, First Warrior; W. C. Caddis Second Warrior; L. E. Yockey, Third Warrior; Isaac Matthews, Fourth Warrior; C. C. Bunnell, First Brave; F. G. Mlcelll, Second Brave; A! North, Third Brave; Willis Moffltt, Fourth Brave; N. Clay Dinninny, Guard of Wigwam. Frank G. Ml celll, Deputy Grand Sachem acted as installing officer. The local lodge of Redmen has progressed wonderfully during the past twelve months, and every meeting witnesses the enroll ment of additional members. RIVERIS TALCUM POWDER Scented with the Essence of Rivera Violet A luxury for the lady's toilet table, a necessity for baby's health and comforti delightful after shaving. Riveris Talcum Answers the purpose of a general toilet powder admir able, it is light and fluffy, if properly applied to the skin. The charm of its refined perfume recommends it. Marsters Drug Company (Inc.), &gS LOCAL NEWS. See Winnie Gaddls, the plumber. for bathroom fixtures. dtf C. Wiley, of Cainas Valley, is a business visitor in Roseburg today. J. J. Baker and family have re turned from Portland where they spent the past ten days visiting with friends and relatives. if TrVc Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well as sell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order If you like) and you won't Deed to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything In ovr line. G. L. PRIOR 15 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE KOHLHAGFN, Proprietor Wholesale and tetail Butcher. Trie best the Market aflords. All kinds of Stock bought and Sold. Phone 681 Roseburg, Oregon LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LEON A MILLS LUMBER COMPANY : 0 Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumt et Doors and Windows of all Kinds. .. . . c IX ROSEBURG, OREGON g Vardeon LovtarOak Street. 'Phone 1411 Phono Main 8431 All work first-clans Commercial Abstract Co. Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished f!28 North Jackson bt. KOHKHURO. OKKOOM J Page Investment Company The place to get the Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, for your new home. Phone 242 WOOD 709 North Jackson Street COAL J WATER FRONT DliY GOODS STORE A complete line of Pry Goods in slock. We can sive yoa money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything New and Strictly First Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET ROSEBURG, OREGON Hay for sale at North Side Urocery Company, Phone 2633. Ben Kennedy, of Camas Valley, Is a visitor in Roseburg today. Rath room noveltled. Lastest In everything. Winnie GaddiR, the nlumber. dtf Peter Ulman, of Riddle, is looking after business matters in Roseburg today. Mrs. J. H. Austin, of Wilbur, is spending the morning In town visit ing with friends and relatives. A $G00 piano, of best make, at a ?r.crifice, and on terms to sutt. For particulars address "Piano" News office. tf Frank Calkins, Jr., who has been spending the past ton days visiting with friends at Portland returned home last evening. J. Waltermler and J. H. Short, both residents -of Drew, are spend ing the day In town looking after business matters and Incidentally greeting friends. Mrs. Howard McConnell and baby '.eft for Eugene, this morning after a week's visit at the home of the for mer's parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. N. ..icConnell. Frank Cain returned from Port land last evening after a few days spent at, that city nttendtug to busi ness matters and visiting with friends. Senator Albert Abraham left for Salem last evening to attend the reg ular session of the legislature which convenes at that' city , Wednesday, January 9. J. M; Ewlng left for his home at Portland this morning after a brief visit at the home of his brother, W. M. Ewlng, In this city. J. C. White and wife have return d from Portland after a few days pent at that city. While nt the metropolis Mr. White conferred with a number of civil engineers rela tive to his irrigation project in South Douglas county. S. C. nartrum. wife and child, left for Portland this morning where they will spend the remainder of the veek. While at Portland Mr. Bnr fruni will attend a meeting of the State Roard of Forestry, and the Wool Growers' Association. W. M. Fisher, who recently piir "based the Hnzen property, lit Eden- bower, spent the morning In the city attending to business matters. Mr. Fisher formerly resided in til's East and Is much p) eared with the delightful climate In this locality. Miss Edith Albright, stenographer at the law offices of Brown & Eddy, returned here this morning after an absence of three months. Miss Al bright Is an expert arrountimt, and for nearly two mouths was employed by the Atkins Tool Company, of San Francisco, in exporting the bookF of the company. At the regular meeting of the local lodge. Woodmen of the World, held last evening the following oflicers were Installed: H. K. Smith, C. C; Ira Pilkington, T,. A.; W. N. Ewart clerk; W. T. Wright, hanker; M Fickle. Ei.; C. L. Sun. W.; E. Allen. S.; J. A. Buchanan and J. E. Pickens mgrs. At the conclusion of the In stallation ceremonies an Informal hour was nient, and all rnjoyod the occasion immensely. ! Joe lyeggltt, nt one time nltiht i clerk at the Roseburg Hotel, in tills i city, but for the past two years of i Medford, Ih upending the day In town l visiting with friends. Mr. Leggltt ! (Mopped over here en route home ! from Portland where he spent the l- (mst few days conferring with the hotel clerks relative to forming an asportation. He pays t hat the citi zens of Portland certainly relHiratfd the incoming of the New Ve;tr. fully r.O.uuO people lining on the HtretH, say nothing of the l!irontr) that cmwdi'd the down town grillf ami cafes. An orea titration to be known as Mb "A I polio Club" whk fm mulatcfl ; at ib- ParlPh Mmm if th EpW'npal church lat evening. The pik !( I has as Its chief object the promoting of mut- In t he rilv. nnd anyoiir i musically Inrilni'd is eligible to mem bership. Meet in km will tit h'-M each Monday evenine Th following of j fleer were fleeted: W. C Harding president : C. W. Clark, vke-prf 'I dent: F. E. Iliac Itman, swretary ; W H. Eaton, treasurer; C. A. 1,0(7 d Inn-tor. The club starts out with large nimberhlp. a majority o whom are talented alone mimic a Hot tamales at the Rose every evening. dtf Most of the stores are now under going the annual inventory, and con sequently .the clerks uro unusuully busy. Robert Hay den was admitted to Mercy hospital yesterday where ho will undergo an operation for ap pendicitis. Guenn Maddix, who has been very ill at his home, in North Roseburg, for several days is reported as much better. J. W. Perkins nnd wife returned from Portland this morning after ten days spent at that city visiting j with relatives. Rock Springs Coal. No ash, no refuse. Clean and economical. I Leave orders at the Roseburg Na tional Bank or Page Investment Company. dsw-tf Mrs. Guy Ruffington, wife of a former Southern Pacific engineer, arrived in the city this morning from Biggs to spend a few days visiting at the, home of Mrs. Joe Kirk. Claud Garner and V. H. Dawson, both residents of Medford, are spend ing the day In town visiting with friends and incidentally attending to business matters. Your Wife Why not please her. Get some of that pitch kindling wood. It sure makes a quick fire these cold mornings. Put up in con venient bundles, at The Rochdale. The W. C. T. II. will meet Wed nesday afternoon in the parlors of the M. E. church. All members are requested to be present, ns business of importance is to be transacted. Douglas County Creamery butter, the best in the land, can be had of your grocer at 85 cents the roil. De mand your home product and accept no other. Butter fat 38 cents, dtf W. J. Moon, of the New York Life Insurance Company left this morning for Medford whore he goes to pay a policy claim hold by a Mr. Emerick who recently died in that city. . Ho expects to be absent for about a week. Taylor Bros, nnnounco that al though the fire Saturday completely destroyed their stock of wall paper, paints,, etc., that their place of busi ness on Sheridan street will be reno vated without delay and a fine new stock will bo Installed for inspec tion by January 20. d2i G. B. Haines, of Portland, arrived In Roseburg yesterday to spend about ten days looking over the surround lug rou n ry. Mr. Haines is a con tractor and builder and Is desirous of locating In Southern Oregon. He says that the past winter has been very cold and disagreeable in Port land, and he is much impressed with what ho has heard regarding local climatic conditions. In the event Mr llalnes decides to locate here he wilt send for his family during the lat ter part of the week. The meeting of the Douglas Coun ty Fruit Growers scheduled for yes terday nt which time the erection of a cannery was to be considered,, did not materialize for the reason that Mr. Prodger, of Seattle, who in j promoting the proposition, is bedfast at the McClallen hotel. Upon being apprised hat Mr. Prowger would be tin -'le to attend the meet lug am' '.(plain his proposition, the member simply punned a resolution Iti which they signified t heir Inten tion of aiding the proposed cannery In every possible way, both (luiin cialiy nnd otherwise. Another m't lug will be called hs soon as M r. Prodger Is able to leave his bed, Ht which time definite action will be taken regarding the proposition. That prosperity unprecedented in the history of I(osourg has reigned during the pivt ynr could be no bet-1 tT evidenced than by the strides that ! have In en ins-de along improvement IflifK in ihtw elty. Many tuilmtanM.-il bustrieyft blocks have been erected, reincen of e ven.- rt-crf pt Ion have Hitmni! up In ail parts of the town th'1 M reels have been Improved, sew. i er pyjtefHH have been iiiHtalled, new j watt-r mains have been laid, the local j telephone equipment lias been rom- whilp miles of cement sidewalk have leen constructed. According to the ior nianatrv'tnetit of the Pac-illc T'-ic phone Company the number of phones now In ue exceed tli num ber a year ao by fully twenty five lr cent. Such a showing Miould fully convince tie ntojt fkeptbal that Roseburg la growing The water and licht compflny also report many new consumers during the pant ymr. and i anticipate even greater progress dur- 5ealshipped Oysters Handled iu the most sanitary manner possible. 2 Good, largo ones, for stow or fry, $1.00 a quart, 50c a $ NO WATER pint, 25c a half pint. SOLID MEASURE I CASS STREET MEAT MARKET D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning and Heating North TacKson Street, adioininr Pennlix Marhl. I - w - CV - J-- WorKs. Telephone 2511. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. Winnie Gaddis THF. PLUMBER Agent for Snell Water Filters. Removes all impurities. Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Roseburg Oregon Where the line Is complete, the Block largo to select from and all 7f of it Is choice goods. Pears, appliia, peaches, everything lu the way t of fruits. Fine tomatoes for can nlng. A Fine Htoc-k of Hlnple and Fancy J nHfrlf. We have our own delivery service, lay, Grain and Fed. Buy Your Fruit NORTH SIDE GROCERY CO. he ne Main 2633 Roseburg, Oregon STAGE LINES TO ALL POINTS All roirnlar mntl .Udm Ii-.u. n TV n......- nn " "r.-- w. ... .vi.,)i Rinwrj siure, it,i Bhorldnn street, facing Ft. R., oppaslta the exhibit IiiiIIiIIiir. Dally stages fnr Marshflnld, Myrtle Point and all Coos Hay points also dully hacks (cicept Sunday) for Pen! and Millwood. Cash paid tor pniduce along the line, G. W. FAPP, Agent and Proprietor Special Sale on Phonographs -At a- Great Reduction 1 Standard Machine J3 5.00 10 Doulilo Recotds, making 20 pieces of Music, at 500 each ij.oo 1 Knconl Carrying Case 4-(JO 44.oo Sale Price - - - $20 00 Without Carrying Case, )). L. H. RHODES & CO.