MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1011. LOCAL NKWS, LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWd. LOCAL NEWS. TRE EVEXIVO NEWS. Have Arundel tune It. For News. real live news, read The Mrs. Short and daughter, of Drew, ore visiting with frinda in the city today. Jack Wharton left for Portland lant evenliiK whore he will attend school during the remainder of the winter. Attorney Junifw WaUon, who ha been aiicmlliitf tho pant few days at Pm timid visiting with his father, has returned home. Your Wife Why not pleaae her. Cnt ho me of that pitch kindling wood. It fluro makea a quick fire these cold morniiiKH. Put up In con venient bundle at The Ilochdaln. L. K. Yockey, who Ih spending a few days visiting at tho home of his wlfo's purente, at Looking OIuhh, la epcndlng the day In town vltiltlng with frlendH. Mr. H. W. Oliver and children, who have been upending the past ton days visiting with relatives at Portland, returned homo lant even nig. If you want something extremely nobby In the suit line see the fine fltftplay of fall Bam pies at Bloper's cleaning and pressing house, Jackson street, opponfte Hykf's' Hardware store. All kinds of cleaning, press ing and repair work for gentlemen done on short notice, dtf Kugeno Register: Will Singleton, of Wilbur, who looks after Senator R. A. Month's thoroughbred hunting dogs, recently killed four good stzod hears and four wolves. Ho has as flue a string of thoroughbred dogs as there Is In tho Northwest nnd there Is no more exciting sport than to get them aftor a bear or wolf. They quickly learn their work and the tact they use in chasing a wild animal over li 11 Ih and mountains and avoiding the onslaughts of their ene my when In close quartern, Is cer tainly wonderful. New Year's Rvo was appropriately relebrated In Roseburg, nnd not un til enrly Sunday morning did the colebrntles return to their homes sat isfied. Tho local restaurants wore fairly crowded during the night, nnd In some Inst uncos the wlno flowod generously. Not wit list an ding that the crowds remained In the down: town dlHtrlet until long after tho dawn of tho New Year, disturbances and rowdyism was lacking, and not nu arrest resulted. At promptly 12 O'clock the lights were turned out and an Instant later no loss than forty whittles and bells proclaimed In no modest tones that the new yea had come. Other than the general celebration la tho nwtnitrants :ind on tho streets tlioro were numerous private parties and banquets throughout the city, and from the "morning after" expresHlons, all hud A good time. We have a car load of the best Utah Building Plaster, flbered and unflbered. J. F. Barker & Co. Tom Crlteser left for his home at Went Fork this morning after a few- days spent in the city attending to business matters. On account of today being a IftfO holiday the regular meeting of ine city council scheduled for tonight Uuh been postponed until tomorrow evening. Joe Cobb returned to his ranch near Oiengary, this morning after suondlug Sunday in the city. His wife will not return to the ranch for a few days. We have no euai tne only wash er In the world that will bring clothes out of thovater when clean all ready for the wringer. Davis Lone Star Washer. Office 113 Sheridan street. Phone 81. dsw Attorney Reuben Marsters, who was recently elected Justice of tho pence for Deer Creek district, will formally assume control of his of fice tomorrow morning. Drawing of the Jury list for the year will be the fiiHt official act of the new Jus tice. Coffee In these days of high prices you want tho best for your money. White House Coffoe has won the first place In the estimation of all lovers of good coffee. Try It at The Rochdale. (ieorge Qulne, of Riddle, will as sume control of tho sheriff's office tomorrow morning. His bond has been furnished by the National Sure ty Company, and will be accepted by the members of the county court during their regular January term which convenes Wednesday morning. Rice & Rice, the housefurnlshers, are making some extensive Improve ments to their place of business on Cass street. Tho interior Is being remodeled and better facilities ar ranged for the display of their wares as well as the re-arrangement of their show windows and when complete the work will prove a de cided Improvement to their store. Carl Busch, a transient wrestler, who claims to hold the middle weight championship of America and (lermnny, arrived In the city this morning with the anticipation of ar ranging a match. Mr. Busch Is open to all comers, regardless of weight. He met an Oakland wrestler at Cot tage Grove Saturday evening, and ac cording to his story, tho match was very Interesting, If not Instructive. H. 'j. Hill, owner of tho new theatre in the Marks building, cor ner of .larkHon and Washington streets, announced this morning that the ployhouse will be formerly open ed to the public on Thursday even-1 lug. Mr. Hill expects to furnish the amusement loving pithllc with the best the market affords, nnd a ma jority of his acts will come direct from Pantnges theatre, at Portland STO-NIGHT! Roseburg ,Theatre May Roberts) t t and Her Company 1 n The Funny Three Act Comedy A GRASS W OW A RIOT OF COMEDY A LAUGH EVERY MOMENT Night prices, 25c, 35c, 50c. Matiuce, 10c, 25c, 35c Get Your TirKets Early You Don't Have to Go to Sea to See PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worK of any Kind. 1 tisvn flvo or li houx-i 1 will iM ohwip. I wnt to una th mnm-y In oilior turn I noun. B my burglar proof window look, It O K. B- Puft Klmtlc roof ilt for leaky rooft. Wa build, mor or repair your bounoa. I1ualn buildings t pactalty. Orir forty yi'ara oiporlenra la kulldlnf. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 99WWWWWWW Rose bushes an dbeddlng plants In season. Mrs. F. D. Owen, florist. Phone, sub 97. swtf Hon. Dinger Hermann spent yes terday at Ashland visiting with old tune mends. Albert Bollenbaugh, of Riddle, waB a visitor In Roseburg for a few hours yesterday. Miss Levlna Owens is spending a few days at Grants Pass visiting with friends and relatives. Max Kimmell, of Canyonville, spent yesterday In Roseburg visit ing with friends and relatives. Joe Teasby, of Echo, is spending a couple of days tn town attending to business matters and visiting with friends. William Kelllher, the Deek Creek farmer, spent the morning in town attending to business matters and visiting with friends. Miss Adelaid King, who is employ ed In the forestry ofllces at Port land, arrived In, Roseburg this morn ing to spend about ten days visit ing with her mother. Miss Bell Newland, who recently finished a term of school at Ten Mile, left for Salem this morning where she will attend school during the remainder of the winter. M. and Mrs. S. F. Huffman, of Merced, Cal., left 1 for their home this morning after a brief visit at the home of the former's brother, A. D. Huffman, In this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raiimgarter and little daughter, of Salem, who have been spending the past few days vis iting at the homo of Harry Staple- ton and wife in this city, returned home today. S. H. Morse, the postofflce Inspec tor, left for Portland and other northern cities this morning where ho will spend the next two weeks attending to business matters con nected with his official duties. John Love, of Myrtle Creek, sp'Mit the morning in town visiting with friends. He has accepted a position as teacher in the Yoncalla schools and leaves for that city tonight to assume his duties. Mrs. L. A. Daugherty, of Myrtle Creek, who has been spending a couple of days In the city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Wonacott left for Portland this morning to visit with friends and relatives. " Read In January Sunset Magazine, "Los Angeles Homeland". Superb ly Illustrated In four colors. "Tho Spell", by C. N. & A. M. Williamson. A thrilling California romance. Now on sale at all news stands, 15c. !r. P. II. May won the beautiful French doll given away by the man-1 agement of the Roseburg Pharmacy j last Saturday evening. Tho lucky' number was 813, and was drawn ! from the box containing 3,079 to witness the drawing and of course, there was some disappointment among the children, who had been looking forward to the drawtng with eagerness. 8. W. Heppner, of Hood River, who has been spending the past few days in tho city leaves for Medford tomorrow morning where he will look over the country with a view of learning tho advantages and oppor tunities offered in that locality. Not withstanding that Mr. Heppner wns recently elected county judge of Hood River county, he says that he is much Impressed with Douglas county, and may resign his office in order to locate, here. He says that he hat traveled extensively through out tho West, but nowhere has lie found a more delightrul climate than luro. He Is alm pleased with the geenrous disposition of the citizens In this city, nnd declares that they are certainly "there" when It comes to entertaining the stranger. M. H. Pay no and children, who have been spending the past week visiting at the home of H. L. Mars ters and family, in this city, left for Medford this morning. Mrs. Payne did mt return home today, but on the contrary went to Olalla to spend a few days visiting with her friend. Mm. Kdwnrd Jennings. Hoth Mr. nnd Mrs. Payne have become enncu lated with the "boosting" spirit since residing nt Medford. and nerer al low an opportunity to pnaa whereby they can sing tho praises of their home community. Mrs. Payne says that Medford has grown wonderfully during the past three ears. and like her neighbors, she says the town will some day become the metropolis of Southern Oregon. Mr. Payne owns a largo ranch near Medford, and has Tared exceedingly well since locating In that section of the state. i Miss Kdyth Pitzer, the esteemed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Pit zer, of this city, and H. n. Couch, a local Southern Pacific fireman. were qultely married at the home of the brides parents, 34n Pine street, at ten o'clock yesterday morning. The ceremony was performed by Uev. J. N. Met'omiell, pastor of the First Christian church In tho pres ence of members of the immediate family. A wedding dinner, prepared by the bride's mother followed. The happy couple leave tonight for Port land. Pendleton and other cities of importance w here they will enjoy ' t he! r honey moon. On t heir return here they will make KothurK their I permanent home. Hoth Mr. and Mrs. ' Couch are well and favorablv known in this city. The bride has teen em ployed at the "Fair Store" for some time and has a host of close frlen. The groom Is a promising young t man. and Is a favorite ntuoug hi j companions. A friend In need is a friend Indeed. Davis Lone Star Washer Is the ladies friend on wash day. dsw . James McKay and wife have re-! turned from Eugene where they i spent the pas; two weeks visiting with friends and relatives. j J. D. Zurcher, of the Commercial Abstract Company, spent the day at Kiddle attending to business mat ters and visiting with friends. Mrs. Frank Cavendar, who has been spending the past few days vis iting with relatives at Ashland re turned home this afternoon. Rock Springs Coal. No ash, no refuse. Clean and economical Leave orders at the Roseburg Na tional Bank or Page Investment Company. ' . dsw-tf The management of the McCIallen hotel yesterday changed the name of the hostlery to "The Douglas Ho tel", and consequently the house will be known by that name hereafter. Douglas County Creamery butter, the best in the land, can be had of your grocer at 85 cents the roll. De mand your home product and accept no other. Hotter fat 38 cents, dtf Taylor Bros, announce that al though the fire Saturday completely destroyed their stock of wall paper, palntB, etc., that their place of busi ness on Sheridan street will be reno vated without delay and a fine new stock will be installed for inspoc Hon hy January 20. d27 j A. F. LATHAM Carpenter, Contractor and Builder. Oregon - Washington Railroad & Navigation Company Traffic Department ANNOUNCEMENT The above named Company was incorporated Decem ber 23, 1910, for the purpose of taking over the fol lowing lines: , The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company Oregon aud Washington Railroad Company The North Coast Railroad Company Idaho Northern Railroad Company Uwaeo Railroad Company .In the future these lineswill be operated by and in the name of the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company. F. W. Robinson, General Freight Agent, Port land, Oregon. ' Wra, McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Port land, Oregon. W. D. Skinner, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Seattle, Washington. R. B. Miller, Traffic Manager. TKMCI'HOXKS. llllcp 'Ii'HlliMlrr M.iln a(l2. f l!) 8. Main St. GENERAL DRAYING (ioods of l'vei,ytil"cription moved (r miy parts of the city. 1'rfres reaxon H. S. FRENCH COALI COAL COAL! LADY WELLINGTON Gives more heat and lasts longer than any other Coal on the market. $11 per Ton Delivered Phone 127 130 South Jackson Street I THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD ! ! and ROSEBURfl'MYRTLE POINT I ..STAGE LINES.. I J STAGES. LEAVE ROSEBURO FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A. M. Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts t C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor, f " Machine Made BREAD In keeping with the mojern methods of bread and pastry making I have installed a pat ent bread and pastery mixer, thus giving my patrons the ben efit of the most approved meth ods in the art of bread making. Tho products, now turned out at this bakery nre equal to any in the state. A trial will convince you. We carry all the good things in pa.stryland, fresh and crUp every Jay. THE UMPQUA BAKERY II. ULKST, l'rou. Your Bath Koom Plumbing is ti most Important onsHler&tlon. Tpon ltn character the health and t-vrhapa life of you ami your family lopend. If you are Kill without mod ern sanltnry plumbing Id your bath room hotter have us chance It at onw. ttecauite you have heretofore escaped serious Illness doesn't prove that you will always be so fortunate B. A. MAHAN Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Contractor WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say GUAHAXTKK we mean Jest what the word implies. If you are not satislled there will be ao charge. We coulil not make this assertion unless we were positive of giving poorl survlce. Whon you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the cleaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable Phone 701 ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKER, Proprietor. " " - - - Office y. Jackson St. il: N OUR WINDOW IS A SIGN WHICH READ"? "WANTED - ANOTHER CUSTOMER" And we are getting them. Time is proving to tbe citizens of Roseburg that we are giving you better values for your money than ever obtained in tho gro cery line before. In our own small way we ae fight ing the trusts. We belong to no associations and we are trying to give you all the best the market affords for your money. Quick sales aud small profits is our motto. We play no favorites. 90 cents is worth a $1 at our store to you. Try us for prices on groceries before buying elsewhere. On every $25 Order we Pay your Freight to ail surrounding points. Before buying your Christmas candies for church and schools get our prices. We have just received 100 buckets of choice aud fancy Romouia Candies for Christmas. We Welcome you to step in and see our display and prices. Stubbs & Perman , Cass Street Cash Grocers, Phone 317 ROSEBURG BOOK STORE Blank Books Filing Cases Typewriters Supplies , Writing Paper and Envelopes EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS BOOK STORE Roseburg Book Store Afk for our Cut Price Magazine Citalogue z