MOXRAV, JANUARY 2, J9tl. LOCAL NEWS. THF. EVENINO NI!WS. Hot tamales at the Rose every evening. dtt Hay fur sale ai North Side Uiuuery I Pmnliiitiv Phnn. 9 fi '1 ! Mlsa Elta Dtllard spent yesterday at Winchester visiting with friends. Hot tamales, oyster cocktails, chllt concarne, clam soup, at "The Rose". , Dr. P. H. May, D. C, office room No. 6, Bell Sisters bldg. . tf i t' Bath room novelties. !I.a3t In everything. Winnie Gaddls,' the plumber. dtf E. W. 'Letman, of Yoncalla, spent yesterday in the city visiting with friends. A (600 piano, of best make, at a sacrifice, and on terms to suit. For particulars address "Piano" News office. tf Mrs. T. J. Williams, wife of the ocal night officer, is said to be very ill at her home in North Roseburg Robert Connors, who has been ! spending the past iwo weeks in the J vicinity of Klamath Falls has re-, turned home. He reports the weath-! er somewhat cold In that locality and he is glad to get back to Douglas , county. ' Eat Lowney's and Orange Blossom Candy RIVERIS TALCUM POWDER Scented with the Essence of Rivera Violet A luxury for the lady's toilet table, a necessity for baby's health and comfort, delightful after shaving. Riveris Talcum Answers the purpose of a general toilet powder admir able, it is light and fluffy, if properly applied to the skin. The charm of its refined perfume recommends it. Marsters Drug Company (Inc.), SgS See Winnie Gaddls, the plumber, for bathroom fixtures. dtf At a special meeting of the Rose burg school board held at the of fice of the chairman, J. C. Fullerton late Saturday afternoon. It was de cided to employ an aditional teach er during the last half of the pres ent term of school. The instructor will have charge of the "drawing and vocal music departments. - I Ve Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well as sell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order if you like) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything in our line. G. L. PRIOg 15 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE KOHLHAGFN, Proprietor Wholesale and retail Butcher. Trie best the Market aflords. All kinds of Stock bought and Sold. Phon 681 Roseburg, Oregon LOCAL NEWS. 0 LEON A MILLS LUMBER COMPANY H Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumt er Doors and Windows of all Kinds. 4 Vardsoa LoiverOak Street. Phone HI 1 ROSEBURG, OREGON mttmmttttttttmmutttnntmmttmtmir Thone Main 2451 All work f lrstclas ' Commercial Abstract Co. Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished 828 North Jackson t. ROSEBURG, OREGON J Page Investment Company The place to get the Lumber, Shingles,' Doors, Windows, for your new home. Phone 242 WOOD 709 North Jackson Street COAL WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE ''! '" D. J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Goods in pi nek. We can oive yno money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything' New and Strictly First Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHE:RI0AH 5TfEV , ... , , ROSEBURG, OREGON George Qutne arrived in town this afternoon from Riddle to assume charge of the sherinffs offlce. On account of today being a legul holiday the banks and county .if flces suspended business, as did nHny of the stores and shops. Frank Woodnrd and wife, who have resided here during the past year leave for Portland Wednesday where they will make their future home. Miss Glass, of Myrtle Creek pass ed through the city this afternonn enroute to Eugene where she Is at tending school. Miss Edna Miller returned to Eu gene this afternoon after a briel visit at the home of her uncle, In-! dtan Land Agent Wilson, in thte city. Mrs. Charles Hopkins, who has been spending some time In the city visiting at the home of her father, Ben Doss, left for her home at Eu gene yesterday morning. George Hoover, who has been spending the past few days in the city visiting at the homo of his brother, leaves for his home at Port land tonight. Roy Giles of Olalla. arrived in the city this afternoon in quest of a teacher's permit. He has accepted a position as teacher Jn the Olalla schools, and will outer upon hie dutlos tomorrow. George Marsh, of Looking Gla&s, Is in town today attending to busi ness matters. 1 He exiwcts to leave for Los Angeles some time next week where he will spend the reran. nuer of the winter. The ladles' aid society of the Bap tist church will moot Thursday af ternoon at the residence of Mrs. S Cox on Mill street. The election of officers will occur and ull members are urged to be present. Miss Flossie Shambrook left for Salem this afternoon after a brief visit at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. I). R. Shambrook. MIhs Shambrook is employed in Secretary of State Frank Benson's office. Miss Hazel Jewett left for Albany this afternoon after spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Jewett, In this city. Miss Jewett is employed as teacher In the schools at Albany. Victor Mfcelll, who nas been spending the holidays visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Mieelll In this city, leaves for Portland tomorrow to resume his studies In a business college at that place. Howard McConnell, of Eugene who has been sending the past few days in the city visiting at the home of his parents. Rev. and Mrs. .1. N McConnell, returned to the northern city Eaturday evening. Mrs. Mc Connell and child will remain here for a few days before returning to their home. Samuel Starmer. who has accept ed the pos'llnn of deputy under Sher iff George Qulne, has been granted an indefinite leave of absence by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, for which company he has worked for several years. Mr. Starmer en ters upon Ills new duties tomorrow morning. L. G. Hicks, for the past two years civil engineer fur the Suther lln Land & Water Company, If sitondfiig the day In town visiting with fi lends. Mr. Hicks has resigned his position at Sutherlfn, and x jcts to leave there some time thif ! week. He hiis been offered several .lucrative posit Inns on th const, but ; as yot ho has made no definite de : onion as to the future. ! A couple of transients were arrest. ! ed early Saturday evening by Sin-riff j Kenton and CorsiiiMe Slng!i-ton en 1 suspicion of having stole a ,tmnM?y of tools. VS twn tnkn in m-tmlv the men were attempting to dupnxe of the plunder. Both men denied thiif they had Molt-n th" tools, but on the contrary aliened that they hjid howi a third party r;rh (rem nay twin the coal bunkers In the local South ern Pacific railroad yarrlf. The of ficers appear tn doubt the assertion of the ran stent m, and one of th men will be held for a few da awaiting developments. The other who alleteM that ,f t ,k no p;;rt tn the cornini.lon of the crime will 1. discharged front niftody. A yet pr one bus reported the toss of the tMV tn question, consequently the u fleers hope that the person fro whom the? were stolen will con forward and claim the property. (' i! then no formal warrant of arref fan be executed. LOCAL NEWS. Harry Pearce. the local harness man, and F. H. Rersecker will leave this evening for Portland. Mrs. Wiley Pilkington went to Wilbur this afternoon to attend her mother who Is said to be very 111 at that place. Mrs. Fred Raymond, who has been quite 111 at her home in this city during the past few weeks, is somewhat Improved today. Evan Hartin, who has been In the city during the holiday season, will return to Portland tonight to re sume his studies In the Hill Military Academy. F. H. Redsecker has sold his ten acre tract of fruit land, situated a short distance east of the city, to Harry Pearce, the local harness man. The consideration Is not made pub-! lie for the resent. The land Is well ' adapted to fruit growing, and will be greatly improved by Mr. Pearce who intends to make the place his future home. Luy Neuner, who has been em ployed as car clerk ' at the local Southern Pacific freight offices for the pnse few months, left for Oak land, Cal., Saturday where he will enter a school of telegraphy. On his return to Oregon he expects to enter the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company. f " 'f Sealshipped Oysters i ::.v. .; v" , j Handled in the most sanitary manner possible. J Good, lurgo ones, for stew or fry, $t.oo a quart, 50c a pint, 25c a half pint. SOLID MEASURE NO WATER I CASS STREET MEAT MARKET i t PROFESSIONAL CA1U)8. ATTORNEYS. rt-srtHHHHr .nnr ' ..:.'.:'.'.! f COS I IOW & I .. i Attorn.;, -: un. t J if Taylor & ' ui!ding. ft ii.jtour6, OioKon. 3 , t'ltAWKOlin WATSON 1 A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson p - Attorncys-At-Ijaw.' Rooms 1 and 2, DouglaB Co. . Dank Bldg Koneburg, Oregon. 9 i ' 3. C. FUMiHUTON & ' Attorney-AtrLan. a V Will practice In all State and V Federal Courts. Office In Marks t Building. Rosubuie, Oregon. 4 S J. II. AUSTIN, O Attirni'y at T-nw. i' Notary Public. Wilbur, Ore. t i. JOHN T. LONO , fl. ' Attomcy-At-Ijiw. t U Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co. i Dank Building. t Roseburg. Oregon. " J. A. HIJCIIANAN O Att'finry-At-Iaw. ft Kotnry Pnbltc. Anrnbam Bldg. 4 $ ' - Roseburg. Oregon. f D. H. MARSTERS' plumbing shop. Piumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples MarblJ Z WorKs. Telephone 2511. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. t Winnie Qaddis THE PLUMBER I Agent for Snell t Water Filters. t Removes all . im- I purities. Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Roseburg Oregon R. W. MAI18TKRH Attorney-At-Ilff. and RiT7 Vniif 17 f UUJ JL UU1 J 1 till Where the line In comploto, th e atnek large to acloct from and all of It Is chulco kooiIh. J'ears. a pplus, peachoa, uverythlng la the way 4 of frultH. Fine tomatoea for can nlnir. A Finn Htork of Htrtplo and Knnt'jr G rmt'rlrfl. I We have onr own dfllvory nor vice liny, drain nnrt VotA. 4 NORTH SIDE GROCERY CO. P ho ne Main 2633 Roseburg, Oregon stagF Ones to "all points $ Notary Public. Rooms tf 7, Marsters Building. 4 Roseburg, Orogon. fl. ft IlltoW.V KltDV, AtKirni'ys at Ijiw. tf Manonlc Temple. Roseburg, Or j (Ml llli W. IH.iOli-. " Attornry-iit'i,; u ' ' . M ack Bldg. I)rn..i. Oregon r.y w .U-.t A fir piivsun h llll. 1,1'CK'TTA K.V.ITil fr I'hysiviHii Wotnrn's and Children's S lllWflS'-ll. Hiiiirt. I ft tn 12 a m.. 2 to ' p j. m Phmes Olttr'. 1711. Hf i t' 1721 arter Illoek. neit to 0 Douglas County Hank Bldg R wburg, Oregon. SKI I.V, SKTIIKK hIKWAUl 1 I'hyii'iiiiis mid Surgfiiif. 0tlr Lower Hr Ijoimlas Co ' Bunk bldg, corner Main and . : Oak rrr:'.. I'bone 771. ItOHehtjrg, Orr'grn. ' int. . !:. r. iiort K. riiy.b'lan and Snrgefm. OrTlce, Review IIMg., Phone 81. ft Roseburg, Oregon. All regulnr mall stages leave Q. W. Rapp's grocery store, 133 Rtierlilun Btieet. fuclng R. R., oppoHlte the exhibit building. Dally p'riKes for Mai'Hhfleld, Myrtle Polu! nnd all Coos Hay points, alne tally hnrlts (except Si:iulny) for Peel anil Millwood, Cash paid lor produre along the line. G. W. RAPP, Agent and Proprietor Special Sale on Phonographs -At a- Great Reduction 1 Standard Machine 3f 3S-" io Double Records, making 20 pieces of Music, at 500 cuoh 5.00 1 Rncqid Carrying Case 4.tx) $44.00 Sale Price - - - $20 00 Without Carrying Case, 3. ) ) L. H. RHODES & CO.