THB EVENING NEWS. MOXDAY. JANUARY 2, 1011. 20 Per Cent. Off on 25 Pieces Picture Moulding all January. Moulding Reduced Strongs 'THE EVENING NEWS IIV R. W. BATES IK8UKO HaILY KXC'KIT SUNDAY. iuhHcrlptlnu KuU-h Duiijr. Per year, by mall .'. $3.00 Per month, dolivored 60 fieiiil-We.kly Per year $2.00 BU months $1.00 En,lred aa ueconn-cluBS matter November 6. mtu. at Roseburg, Ore., under act of Marcn 3. 1879. Moi)A v7JAxr7itY j tii. Wlinre the nrtiitflit ought to havr been you will now place one. Put your Hhotildor to the wheel and he a Hoke to build up your town and county. Blurt the new year rltfht. Suh pcrlbe for The Nowh mid kwp OHt od on the (IoIiikh of thl bin county. The profenHfnn of an aviator prom Ihob Hure nVftth If you nro good enough "bird" to become an expert. A Rood time to "swear off" -If you have any bad habits, and moat people carry one or two around with thorn. i Another" prosperous year jiiHt closed for RoseburK und 1 !M I prom ises to ecllpHO its forerunners ten to one. . ., It will rpfjulro more than one coat of wbltewadb to renovate Home pol iticians. Indeed, some of thorn need a disinfectant added to the lime. It now looks as though RoseburK'a county court, ihtro'B hopliiK the judse conty court. Here's hoping the J nil no and commissioners will start the new year rights The Salem Statesman Issued a flue 36-page New Your edition. In this number Siilcm and Marlon county nro given some publicity that will do the old city and county much good. A new nrmory, a fine new high school building and may be a federal tin tiding. Many modern structures built by local capltallHts, more pav ed Htroots, and in I lea of cement sldo wulkn are Just a few Improvements outlined nt this llmo for Kosol.urg during 1911. " Tho knocker will please nolo an other year has rolled around und thero still remains a few "live wlros" in tho arena. This is sud news to tho pessimist who expects nothing to happen and would bo pleased to huvo old Father Time take a brief respite in order to give the laggard time to catch up. The forty-page edition of the Eu pono Morning Register received at The NewH otllce today Is brimful of Interesting data .concerning lnne county and Kugeno and will be the means of directing the attention of many toward the queen city of the Willamette. Valley. It is n great paper to be issued In a city tho size of ICugemt and Its wide-awake pub lishers have done n good work for their city and county nt largo. Roseburg may well point with just prltle to tho progress made dur ing 1910. Hut. what's the use to tell tho same old story. She's been "humping" along at a lively pace for the past ten years mid Is now so solidly nu her ' feet'' that nothing Hhort of an earthqu'iko of sufficient Ttirco to lift Mt. Nelio from Its bed and place It gently on the earth's highest pinnacle would stop Its lead at the beginning of the present year. ' ANN!" A I j III NlMiSS Mill Muttering Condition Sbouii by the :hritlim t Inirvh at tear's liml, j Tho annual Iusmh8 meeting of tho Christian church was held Satin-i day evening at Hie church and was! quito well attended. A decidedly hi-' t westing program, arranged for tills! Mcruslon, wa reii Ivivii and it the e:i.Mn of the meeting 1-inch wiit serv-1 imI and a gued Uuie atrong the members followed I'lr most cv eut condition of a! I nfi ties per taining to the e'MtriM. ns i-Mo.ui M Hut n nnrtH rent, n ,i con in t c et n fconl, cheeifnl frHn.( ai'.niig UU1 ' ineml.i rs. ,uut g:r.f i uirh eie .image il;eit for the work before them lor tho coming year. K.tch department of the church shows a balance of money on hand and all ohlig.u ion liquidated, Coitsldrrlug the various t AT T " I new i car orcciinss To nur iatinns ftt'd f rlnuK In li..s.-iui n, vicinity ami iiiMKlihnrttiK towns, vt 'i end the nMu;i!lin'iiis ol tho Now Yv:i.- Wo are slncerol yv.iiw ul foe wmr hW't;.! j roiviiio and shall pMd'.'avor in a n.ii.v .uioo dmluc Uu n.mnm m.iv to nu'tit thi oniif hlonre :u.d ,:,( nuia,: . huvo .Mitoxril ui tho past. Our (Utiro Hlld p.tiUn-t, will In- MMii.'dfl.'.i ;il unco to m.'t tho rMiuh.'!tM'.tn of nur Kinwuii; ami to in.iko loom lor otlu-r IlioM thitt wilt bo iiddnl Soliciting n contintiiition of nil onr nianv f:,.ors with h.M wifhos to nil for tho now yoar, wo roinaiu most ronpootf ully at your or h o Roseburg Heauty Parlors - - nOAHI) AXJ ItOOMS. Portions desirlnK excellent ac- coinmodationa for board and room may secure them at The Antlers, Mrs. D. G. Palm, prop., 112 lirockway street, this city. Thin hoiiHe has jut recently 4 been opened and 's first-class in every particular, nates mason- able. Hot and cold water in every room. Telephone 202Y. - . , ,. .. dtf Improvements carried out during the year Just closed this is certauly very gratifying to the pastor, itev. J. N. McConnell, and the congregation at large. During the year 1910 seventy new members were received into the church making a total, at the pres ent time of 300 on the church roll. Klectton of officers for the corning year also received attention at the meeting, and In most every instance thoso formerly In charge of the work were retained for another term, , t'AHD OL- THANKS. We desire to extend our thanks to our dear friends for their kind ness and sympathy extended to us in our late bereavement in the death ' of our dearly beloved wife and mother. We also extend our thanks for the beautiful flowers at the fun eral. ROBERT HARTIN, KVAN HARTIN. (.AltltlNKK NKYVS. Wo are having stormy weathof Just now, but we hope it may not contfne long. idr. and Mrs. Will Chamberlain, who came over from Kiddle Creek luHt Friday to spend Xmtis with their relatives and many friends at this place have returned home again. They report everything prosperous In tholr vicinity. A company of surveyors are busy surveying a new railroad route through thiH part. Wo hope to see some 'results from some of theso surveys In the near future. Someone recently broke into W. P. Heed & Co. '8 turkey pens and took four nice large turkeys, It seems loo bnd to think that poule get so hungry, but If they really wore hungry and In poor circumstances perhaps their neighbors could huvo helped them If they only would have made It known. Tho Christmas ball at the Odd Fellows' hall Monday evening' proved to be a pleasant affair for the young people of tho town. " We rogrot to say that John Dnlly, who has been seriously 111 for some time Is gradually growing weaker. Dr. Fields Is in attendance. Mrs. Hermann Bmlthgall and daughter, MIhs Zoo, who have been visiting hero wit It friends and rela tives for some time have returned to their home at Marshfleld. We are sorry to note that prohi bition does not make as much change In our town as it should, and do not see why something could not he done to prohibit the sale of so much Intoxicating liquor. Santa Clans has departed from our mldKt once more but has gladdened the hearts of many bovs and girls. REPORTER. Walter Fisher returned to Eugene I his' afternoon after spending the holidays at the home of his pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. .-'inner. I. .!. JarviH. who was recently elm-ted constable for the Deer Creek precinct will Hie bis bond with the count clerk tomorrow. The mmd Is In the sum of $l.0U0. with J. F. Marker and J. C. Fulierton as sure ties. Tfie Secret of2 Security Automate! Sold by A. S. HI IFV p OPTOMETRIST C.i St'oe ,. J A VKKY HL'HY MONTH. Continued from Pago One.) 81nce July first 156 people have en tered their names on the Register in the publicity office from 30 differ ent states, a majority of the callers however, do not register. Since July 1st the club has- been notified by at least 110 families that they ex pected to make Rose burg their home no later than the coining spring, and already quite a number of these fam ilies have arrived in Roseburg. If the Canadian Government's ba ds of figuring is acecpted in Rose burg, then the investment made In publicity work in the last six months will pay back to the community per year iiiu.uuu, figuring on the ac cepted basis of value each family Is to a community. If the Canadian government's estimate is correct, these families who have notified the commercial club of their intention to locate here will add to the actual value of Douglas county's popula tion at least $100,000. Accepting as correct the statement of these fami lies that they will locate here, and the Canadian government's basis of figuring, then the Umpqua Valley In the vicinity of Roseburg has received for an investment of less than $1400 an annual dividend of $110,000. which ought to convince the most skeptical that publicity work is well worth while, i ' It Is the opinion of the Portland Comemrcial Club, the Oregon Devel opment League, and the representa tives nf the commercial clubs of Ida ho and Washington, as well, that the year 191 1 will see a greater immi gration to the state of Oregon than has ever been before experienced. Practically all Western railways are making preparation for an un usually heavy passenger traffic the coming year. Most of the commu nities in Idaho, Washington and Ore gon arc preparing to make an extra effort this coming year in the way of advertising and publicity work, in order that they mo.; obtain a fair share of these new citizens; On the first day of July the pub licity department bad an Indebted ness of nearly $800. If the sub scriptions to the fund are paid In full January first, thlB Indebtedness will have entirely disappeared and leave a surplus of about $50. The piVhHrilty Work has been carried on the last Blx months under a decided handicap on account of this indebt edness but as this has been fairly well removed. It Is hoped that a lib eral subscription list will be forth coming for the ensuing year, as with out question,- Roseburg will have the best opportunity to add materially to the valley's population that has yet been offered. The policy of tho publicity depart ment the lnat lx months has been to encourage general farmers, fruit growers, poultry men, stockmen, dairymen and other agriculturists, to locate In the vicinity of Roseburg, and not to any extent whatever en co u rage professional and business men to come hero to enter Into com petition with tho established pro fessions and businesses of the city. It is being generally recognlr.od that the growth of a city Is automatic, depending materially. If not altogeth er, upon the development of the sur rounding country. The Oregon De velopment Lengue will make a spec ial effort, this year to Interest people In coming to Oregon who will go out on the land and develop the same, or who have capital for the establishment of factories, Tho es tablished business man and profes sional man will not be encouraged to come to Oregon for the purpose nf locating in cities and towns al ready well represented In their lines. Particular attention will bo given to the needs of each community, and through the Industrial development of the Oregon Development League a record will be kept of the needs of the various communlU'1" of the state. This will result in locating promptly the professional or business man, or man with a trade whore he is needed, and where there is work for him to do. thus doing away with any probability of his going to sonte point where com pet 1 1 ion is a I ren dy k ee n , and he will n of only be d I s appointed himself, but interfere somewhat with the success of those already in the field. Two different Oregon communities have mentioned in the past month that the Roseburg Comemrclal Club Ik one worthy of eniulntinn, and there Is no doubt that with Us natural ad vantages, resources and ni tractions, the I'm pq u a Valley will receive if fair share of the new coming popu lation, if the publicty work Is prop erly supported. Quiti ii Inrno crowd attended tin1 moot t uk hold nt t ho Socialist hoa ! quarter, on North .lack nn street, yesterday afternoon, nt which tttro tho erection of nn armory In Uor hurt; wan considered at some tengtY Tho members of tho socialist party are strenuously opposed to military affairs, und ronsonuently jure not In favor of the '"vction of in nrmorv lit Itosolntr?. S-'.-enil brief addressee woro delivered bv l-"r,nt? socialist. iuhI in each tn-ir.::co tho speaker. declared themselves opposed to t: 1 a rmory. In fact, tho socialists do no beM.'ve In war. and it 11 owe thitt i he stand tig srmie pnd t Vie nfl"v nro a menace to tho welfare (.f the count ry. and are not needed In the omtctlon of the V Mie r W it oropert. The e pc n so n 1 1 ar h il t ' o a i tn and navy, they Halm, ' somet hlnir etiornious, whllp tho h- nclUs derived from them are nf little consequence at th hejtt, Tho socialists do not bellow that t'to armory should he erected, and that they will oppose anv move in that il ni-llon, :i" -pasx ewdeul. .t least they are ad . ,ti"- nr" thoir op(nr tbove onr4. nd r are not afraid to debate the question with anyone who appears to doubt tho Btucerety of their expressions. ; : , WEKK OF. PRAYER. j The week of prayer will be observ ed by the Roseburg churches as fol-, lows: ... . , Monday evening, January 2, Bap tist church, J. N, McConnell leader, subject, "The World's Approach to God." Rev. 11: 15. Tuesday evening. Christian church, K. M. Hears, leader, subject, "The Christian Church." Matt. 16: 18. Wednesday evening, M. E. church, J. B. Burkhart, leader, subject, "Missions." Matt. 28: 18-20. Thursday evening. M. E. church South, E. O. Eldridge, leader, sub ject, "The Home and the School." Prov. 3: 13. i - .. ; church, W. H. Eaton, leader, sub ject, "Government and Politics." Ps. 67: 4. Everybody 1b invited to attend these services. Remember the first service is tonight at the Baptist church. Daily Weather Report. U. B Weather RU'cnn, local otnee, Ro&cburg Oregon. 24 hoar, ending 5 A. M. .lnniiftry 2, 1911 PRKCIPITA1ION IN INCURS AND HUNDREDTHS: Highest tempora'ure ycstenlRy... ,. 47 Lowost Tcmperal'iro last night 88 Prerlpliatlon last ei hour, j.... .0 Total preclp. store first at month 0k Avg. preefp. lor this month for 32 fears.. fi7l: Total preclp Irom Sept 1, lBio to date. ...16.00 Average preclp. trom Sept. 1. 1877 11.12 Total excess from Scpl 1, lalo. i.; Average precipitation lor aa wet fte.sons...32 1 WILLIAM BULL. .observer. CXASHIKIKII AIVKIt'nSK.MK.NTS. LOST Large gold nugget brooch. Kinder please leave at The News ofllce and receive reward. djl WANTED Experienced furnishing goods clerk. Inquire of WlldW & Ages. dtf WANTED A good agent, lady or genleman, for an extra good pro position. 320 Cuss Ht. (15 WANTED Girl for housework; in fair My of four; no washing or iro? n. Inquire News office. WANTED By young lady, situation as chambermaid or place as assis tant In private home. Inquire News office. d-jlO WANTED A modern 7 or 8 room Iioiibo by January 1. 1911. In quire at Ilimos & Oliver, or this office. dtf WEAVING WANTED Those want ing weaving done call at 614 8 l'lno street. J5 TO KENT Furnished room, includ ing bath. $2 per week. Inquire at 415 Pine street. dli ItOOMS TO RENT- Four rurnlshed lion' ""eeplng rooms, call nt 24 6 KH: street. Mrs. A. Hall. KOlt S.M.I- VOll SALE Sinnll house and iol address Box 284, City. aj 12 ilElCS rblfSALE twelve sFlituls ol bees for Bale. Inmtire at th News office for particulars.' tf PbirSALE Af"ewnWen"l7p;rRhod Island Red cockrols. Address R A. llnsenlinrk. Rn'rhnri.. Or rt I'Olt SALE One flue big bluck mare, light democrat wagon and good harness at a bargain. Inquire at this office. d-j7 WOOfTTOit-SALE A few tiers of stove wood, cut Inst winter, for sale. Inquire at Umpqua Lnnd & Wnler Co., Cass street. FOU SALE Nice home on N. Jack son street, corner; also unimprov ed lots adjoining: will sell In tracts to suit. Fine view. Write box 114 or Inquire News office, tf KOK SAI.K A Mite rubber tired hiiKgy, cither for two or four per sona, used only ono season, can he had reasonable. For particulars call at the News ofllce. tf r 1 1 U' K KST llA I S K R S T h a ve"T7o nice Barred Plymouth and three Puff Leghorn cockerels, also on Parred Plymouth Hock cock for sale. It will pa v you to see them i Inquire Wood, News otllce. tf I MKN VTNfK 'hOai .'"im" J vls, Jr., Inventor and owner of ' patent of tho Lone Star Washer. j This niarhii'o sella Itself, you Ret . tho money. 119 Shorfdi.n street. phone 81. Home office Clarendon. Texas. dsw KOK SALE To aeres'"JiieTnjm city limits. 2 acres hearini; prune i orchard: 8 acres especially tine for small fruit and garden, well; house l..lti, barn 20x;t0; Sfi lay ing Leghorn heus. Price $2, bob. Terms. Inquire or address N. - - dtf . s.v -'.vi.K he imported Per i"0'--i P" Ve!ni; He Is a i ,, t; t-'- vh?e strip in face, 7 "irr o!d we'shs 2.000 In work i. ior. H! mita svenk for them 'vr. Je- ma will bo Riven if wanted. If 4nteresteu, write me for nnrticulnr t Prnln, Oreeon M. R. Ryan. d-sw VOW SALR At a hnrRaia to anyone with llfl.OOii, JtSfi acres, 100 acres In cultivation, balance in fir tfm be and pasture. 20 acres apple, prune, peach and cherry orchard. Seven room two story houe and larco barn, prune drver and other buildfncs. Woven wire fences. Im provements worth $.1,000. 90 an Roia Boats. 4 horse. 4 cattle, poul try, all farm implements, wagons, bnr.rty. all harm-s etc. Pino weM and plenty of pii ;as for sfV water. Never have bad a crop fail ure, protected from frosts, lumnrc Nirn offir - START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT By buying your groceries here. Our stock will be more complete ad of greater value than ever be fore. Quick, exact service and the lowest prices con sistent with first-class goods will be our aim forl9.Il. HENRY E ASTON GROCER Telephone 26 344 N. Jackson St., Roseburg FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY work is most desirable to anyone wishing "their linen to possess that particular finish so necessary to good taste in dress. We Do That Class of WorR One Trial will Convince. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER - - Proprietor OEFICE NORTH JACKSON ST PHONE 791. ' r.::n:::::::::::::::::::::n:::::::::::::::::::::: CHURCH' BROTHERS' I I BREAD ! 11 in IL Ii I BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR H CASS STREET 4 t:munt:::ta:: fiv fx -m nouscnoLD I FOR SALV BI THE Roseburg Rochdale COMPANY ITS H Ii 11 a PHONE 135 J It O