THE EVENING NEWS. MONDAY, ltECKMHEK 90, 1010. John Metz "and Wr E. Ott spent the day at Winchester Ashing. A 600 piano, of best make, at aj sacrifice, and on terms to rait. For : particulars address "Piano" News office. y . . tl j Mose Rice, of the rm of Rice & j nice, spent yesterday . at Myrtle Creek visiting at the home of bis wlfe'B father. . Miss Alice Stearns, of Dunsmulr. California, arrived in Roseburg this morning to spend about two weeks , vising with friends.' Owing to the fact that today is a legal holiday ;he regu,lar weekly meeting of the city council has been postponed until tomorrow night. Mrs. B. M. Peters, of Portland, arrived in Roseburg this morning to spend a few days visiting with friends and relatives. The banks, government, county and city oftices were closed today. The barber shops and stores closed at 11 o'clock this morning, thus al lowing the employes a half holiday. We have no equal the only wash er In the world, that will bring clothes out of the water when clean all ready for the wringer. Davis Lone Star Washer. Office 119 Sheridan street. Phone 81. dsw Stop, look, listen It touches the spot. See It wash the collars on a bunah of shirts without washing the other part of the garments, at the sr.nie time, and when clean will bring them out of tho water ready for thewringer. See it work and be convinced. It speaks for itself, you be the judge, iien wanted. Se the Inventor, J. W. Davis, Jr., 119 Sheridan street, Roseburg, dsw To bite on. a fake fight was the experience of several hundred peo ple shortly after 10 o'clock last ever nlng. As the crowds were coming, out of the local theatres after the first performance a couple of "bloods" were standing in the street, and from all appearances were about to engage in a fistic encounter. A crowd gathered about the men, and it was soon decided that they should retire to the , rear of the Oregon cafe and settle matters. Followed by at least two hundred men and boys and some women the supposed fighters started for the ' rear of the restaurant, at the same time re moving their coats as If determined to make good. Reaching a spot of vantage both men squared away, and just as the crowd expected to witness the first blows of the nn- . counter, one of the men yelled fake, iiuun m uie aismay or the disap pointed' mob. It is needless to say ,..,. vruwu nisnersed milr-b without unusual comment. and GREETINGS... WE TAKE this opportunity to extend to yoa the greetings and compliments of the season. We sincerely wish that the coming Christmas ' season may be the happiest, that the coming year he the most prosperous in the history of Rose burg and that you may enjoy your full share of the spirit and benefit' of both. By merit alone have we sought your patronage in the past, on merit alone do we base our hopes for the future, and you will continue to' receive fall satisfaction in drugs if you GET IT AT MARSTER3. " ; ' . " Marsters Drug Company (Inc.), ggK LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. V. R. Buckingham is visit ing with relutlves at Junction City. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Winniford spent Sunday with relatives at Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Dunham, of Oakland, were visitors in Roseburg yesterday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Francis spent Sunday at the home of C. H. Meusch in this city. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Pnrtsch, of Port land, are visiting at the Max Weiss home in this city. Miss Vlrl Sacry, of Portland, Is visiting at the homeof O. P. Hen derson in this city. Miss King, stenographer in the local forestry office, has gone to Portland for a week's vacation. We have a car load of the best Utah Building Plaster, flbered and unfibered. J. F. Barker & Co. Miss Helen Smith is spending the day in town visiting with her mother. She will return to Albany tomorrow. MIbs Rita Marsh leaves for Med ford Wednesday to spend about three weeks with relatives. Mrs. M. E. Hildebrand and Miss Evelyn Cornutt have returned to their home at Portland after a brief visit at the home of F. T. Green In this city. , Mr. and Mrs. S; M.Parker return ed to their home at Dillard this morning after a brief visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Thornton in this city. Hot tamales, oyster cocktails, chill concarne, clam soup, at "The Rose". dtt Mr. and Mrs. ,R. L. Winniford spent Sunday at Oakland visiting with relatives. : Donald McClalien, of San Francis co, is spending a few days in the city visiting with his father. Prof. Lason. of Suthorlin, was a business visitor in the city for a few hours Sunday. i BAYS TAX LAW IS VICIOUS. Bond Buyers Opposed to : the New Law. SALEM, Or., Dec. 24. Insistent questions from Eastern bond buyers and attorneys throw light on the county tax amendment and Indicate it will drive capital out of the state. Immediately after the election came a flood of requests for copies of the new tax law from concerns interested In large bond purchases particularly municipal bonds. ' ; "Amblglous," "dangerous," "vici ous," are expressions tised, and some declare the amendment will drive capital away and keep bond- Mrs. J. L. Woodson went to -Yon-. lng companies in a condition of un- calla Sunday to spend a couple of j'rest concerning this class of Oro days with friends. I gon securities. . ' . The tax amendment, say Eastern Mlua Bell ft Oelwitz. of Portland, men, is drastic, unlimited, uncer- arrived here Sundny to spend n couple of days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ol W.". Humphrey, of Jefferson, spent Sunday IB this city visiting at the home of their son. Taylor Bros. " announce that al though the Qre Saturday completely destroyed their stock of wall paper, paints, etc., that their place of busi ness on Sheridan street will be reno vated without delay and a fine new stock will be installed for Inspec tion by January 20. ' X d27 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sawyers and Mrs. Clara Rast and daughters entertained the following at Christ mas dinner yesterday: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barker and daughters, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Hamilton. Mrs. A. L. Kidder, Miss BeBSie Kidder and Miss Elva Wlmberly. The Sawyers home was beautifully decorated for the occasion and presented a most at tractive appearance. Rexall Greetings Vf AY this be a Christmas of joy and blessedness to you and to every one everywhere. Let the spirit of happiness reign supreme during this holiday. Be thankful, with us, for the many bless ings! that have been bestowed upon all. Peace and plenty throughout the land; the building of hundreds of comfortable homes in our community, ( and a spirit of closer co-operation amongst our people for. the welfare of all, attest that the accepted rule governing our lives is, "Peace, on earth, good will toward men." THE REXALL STORE Fullerton & Richardson ROSEBURG OREGON tain and they deem many objections almost insurmountable ' The amendment, the" critics com plain, makes it possible for the peo ple to establish a system of special taxation on certain specific classes of property, without respect to any other classes of property.' This pow er causes bond buyers to pautee. They see a chance to change good security into worthless paper. , For example, . sections- where bonds are Issued for irrigation - project,- the people can impose an almost prohi bitive tax and render the bonds worthless. : "l ' ; '" This fear extends to municipal water plants and public utilities which' float bonds for improvement and for maintenance of these bonds, and to railroads, telephone compan ies and all other corporations which might issue bonds to en tend lines and Improve equipment. " - Secretary of Stnte Benson Is not only receiving such letters, but In some instances buyers have balked on purchasing bonds, which, prior to the recent election, they consld ered "glltedged". This fact, coupl ed with James J. Hill's alleged has ttatlon, together with warnings from capitalists who have varied In terests, have worried many people here, and It is predicted there will be a great change in the tax system at the first opportunity. 1 " It Is asserted the voters were in veigled Into favoring tho amendment by the misleading first sentence of the bill, which Indicated the amend ment would abolish head tax and poll tax. 8entiment now expressed Indicates the amendment will soon be re pealed, and there Is talk of referen dum tax legislation. It will be necessary to refer, as the amendment takes taxation of all kinds out of the hnnds of the legis lators and places It? entirely In the hands of the people, the legislature being merely an advisory ' body ' In this respect. It Is apparent that attorney now seek ways and means of relief from the revolutionary provisions cf the amendment. A FAITIIKCIj wife. 17 Years Hum Hope of Hus bund's Pardon. Those who took advantage of the opportunity to attend the local play house last evening certainly found a company of entertainers of more than ordinary ability. It was the opening engagement of the ' May Roborts Company and the thentro was packed to Its fullest capacity. Judging from the favorable com ment of the many who were pres ent last evening the company is one of the best to visit Hosoburg for a long time. They will bo seen again this evening In "The Thief a de cidedly interesting play. STAGE LINES TO ALL POINTS All regular mail stages leave; Q. W. Unpp'e grocery store, 133 I Sheridan street, facliiK R. R.. opposite the exhibit building. Daily I atattea for Mnrshfleld, Myrtle Point and nil Coos Bay poluts, also dally hacks (except Sunday) for Feel and Millwood. Cash paid r tor produce along the line.' . . - I G. W. RAPP, Agent and Proprietor j Special Sale on Phonographs i'f-i ' : r, n-. "T-, , r,1M ... .. V.,,,, -At a- Great Reduction 1 Standard Machine '. ,...$35.00. ., 10 Double Records, making 20 pieces of Music, at, 50c each .,.. 5.00 1 Record Carrying Case.. 4.00 $44.00 ' Sale Price - - - $20 00 Without Carrying Case, 8.00 L. H. RHODES & CO. I CHURCH BROTHERS' BREAD IT'S After 17 years of unswerving ef fort, importing every incoming gov ernor of Cullrornla, Mrs. Chris Evans of 4 28 East Seventy-eighth street, at last sees a ray of hope in her strug gle for the pardon of her huHband, a life prisoner at Folsom, who with John Son tag for 11 months xtood off the whole state of California in a bushwhacking finht rivaling in dramatic situation that carried on by Harry Tracy, says today's Ore gonffin. . Whl Chris Kvnuft, with one eye I and one hand shot away, hie. been slowly dying In his cell nlniot two dicades, his plucky wife, left rp soun:eleRH with four young children, has fought her way through, first at the wash-till), and then, is her onyx grew older, fn easier ways, never forgetting tho Imprisoned father and husband, spending all her surplus In efforts to make his burdv . eaU r and to securo his relea'i. Word has been nrt'lnd In tr)f land that the ens" at Kvnn lifts nt last, been taken up by the state buard nf pardoners, with every proi i thut the prisoner will be r"nUH"i 1 to citizenship within the pniHt?nt ho!- I day sPHKon. Th'-re Is joy ,i th Montavllla hoini, while a wire, ir-- maturely Hgt'd. and four Htal'va 1 1 ; hoys, all 'KCMpvIng position! nf tiurttj In Portland will web ome th rH-; ed prlHontT hriting 17 y?an, Mrs. Kvans has 1 viHlted the rlmn at Kolnom aa often ; as her rlrcuniKtanr'-H allowed, and nver has a new Kovfrnir ben in-, fulgurated in California tlmt h has not, gone and laid hr pb-a before, him. Sentiment and prejudice, ho-1 evr. have bHn no Rtrong that all ; hfr prayers have ben unavailing fin til now. i Th-fHft that the wtfi of Kvsns had been living in this city for ten years did not become public until ( last May, when Oeorge Hnntag, half ti if H :::::: tt $ I ill! :: BREAD NEVER SOUR IT'S g CASS STREET - PHONE 135 JJ if it brother of Kvans' rontpanlou and thef original cauxe of all the trouble, j came to Portland showing moving j picture and delivering a highly mur al lecture based upon the great, tight. Tin Kvans boys went to him sad ! begged him not to offer his perfor- j mance in this rlty, but he ignon-d i their rt'"',,ts tHU hriViiH'n'H. Then they appealed to Countable! Wagner, who forced tho hw to rloce, under an Orcgnn statute for- j bidding the presentation of crimen! on the stage. i Mrs. Kvuns (ft-rlares thut a better j man never lived than her IhihIkiikI j and ' deiiiea Htoutly that he ever was j guilty of crime other than resisting j tho officer after he fled to the j brutth. Hbe nays that John Hontagj had worked for her husband for a j long tlrno, when one day his half brother, liffjrge, cante to Trslt him hone was attacked, ruxhnd on thi scene with a rIMu and Joined lu tho llghf. Then ho and John Honing took tn the hlllx and for It months ImtUod with poum after poHsn, (leorge Hon tsg meekly surrendered and served) 1 -' vmrts, John Hfnlag was killed! In the field, and Kvims was captur ed and sentenced for life, lie Is afr ti be very decrepit, which Is mm of the reaHntiK for tho pardon that It now expected, 1 , l.or.Ai,- m:h. If you want something exfr.-rn'Ir nobby In the suit line wee the Hun dlplY of fnll samples at Sloper's cleaning and prelng house, Jackson street, opposite HvkV Hardware' store. All kltidA of rleanlng, press ing and repair work for gentlemen none on short notice. otf rrot the tljltor, and In tho moleo for ba,,,room fxturMi. . dtf that followed, Kvain, IlilnkliiK hl' Bo Winnie (ludilln, Iho plumber.