Supplement to THE EVENING NEWS liV B. W. IIATBS ISSUE!) DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAY. Subscription ICules Dully. Per year, by mall 13.00 Per month, delivered 50 Scnil-U'eekly Per year 2.00 Sli month $1.00 mommy, di;( i:.Miti:i .-, into. I'OI'IXATIOX 11V rOlXTII-X. Kevi'ii Exceed tlio 'J'vvi-nly Thousand Mark. Ily countleti Alultnoinah, contr-ln- J 11 K the Pity of Portland, leads with 228, 201. In addition to Multnomah thero are seven couniles with pop ulatlon exceeding 20.001). These, In the order of their mreiiKth are: Mar lon, M.TSO; I.ane. 3:i,7x:i; Clacka- muM, 2d. 0.11; .laeKKon, L'fi,7"(i; Linn, 22,002; WnHhliiKton, 21,022; l.'ma- tllla, 20,204. Multnomah with 226,201 In 1910 had 103,107 In 1!HIU and 71,884 In 1890. Lane with 33.7S84 In 1910 had 19.004 In 1000 and 1 ",,1 US In 18911. Clackamas with 29,931 In 1010 had 19,008 ill 1900 and 1.1,233 In 1890. .InrkBon with 25,700 In 1910 had 1.1,098 in 1900 and 1 1,455 In 1890. Linn with 22.002 In 1910 had 18.00.1 In 1900 and 10,205 In 1890. Washington with 21,522 In 1910 lmd 14.407 In 1900 und 1 1.972 In 1890. Umatilla with 20.304 In 1910 hail 18,049 In 1900 and 14.381 in 18911. The followiliK table gives the 11k ores for all counties for the piiHt two decades. Whom blanks occur in the columns marked with the years 1900 and 1890 It meanH no figures existed at that time, us the couutleH now given were not then in oxlHteuee: (iJlllllll'H Ilaker 18,070 llonton 10,003 (llnckumas 20,931 Clatsop 10.100 11)110 I 5.597 0.700 1 9.058 12,705 0,237 10,324 3.9 0 1 1.808 1 4,505 3,2 0 1 Columbia 10.580 C'oob 17.959 Crook 9,315 Curry . 2.H44 lloilKlns 19.074 fi II I III in .1,701 (Irant ... 5,007 Harney 4.059 Hood Itlvor 8,010 Jackson 25.750 Josephine 9.507 Klllinatll 8.554 Lake 4,05s l.auo 33.783 l.lneoln 5. 587 Linn ..... 22.002 Malheur 8.0H I Marlon 39,780 Morrow' 4,357 Mnllllnomnll 220.201 Polk 11.4 94 fihi'i man 4.24 2 Tillamook 0.200 1'mntllla 20,304 Union 10.191 Wallowa 8.304 Wasco 10.330 WatthlllKton 21.522 Wheeler 2.4S4 Yamhill 18.2S5 5.948 2. 598 13,098 7.517 3.970 2,847 19,0(11 3.575 IS. 003 4.203 27,71.1 4.151 103.107 9.923 3,477 4.471 18,049 10.070 5.538 13,199 1 4.407 2.4 13 13.4211 Total .071.155 4 13.503! UMill. CLASH KN'GltAVINd l'OU IIIUSTMAH OII TS. A. 8. Muey, (he Jeweler. Takes An other Step Forward. That Itom'hiirn in rapidly liecomliiR nioru inntropollian In Hh ltlcan mid that tlui Jowoley stum of A. S. Hin-yi !h faHt mow-Inn Mkk'T and lultir In : lit'Ht atti'Htt'd by tho fart I hut Mr. HtU'y has 4'oniii'lti'l, by ninh of' buniiU'HH, to iniiko anothi-r deeluVil ImprnvtMiicnt In t ho pitkouiu'1 f hlti pupulur Jc.wciiy Hloro. Appri'ciattiiK tin need and demand for high-clans Jewelry rnninvlitK In Hm ebuiK, Mr I limy bus rtvcutly th'V tins tweiitly j rramiMo. Mr. j. raviT of txvtlnti- brought tioin San A. Ieiikin.4. mi t'liurnvi-r tit oventii Inn. a! jblllty, and is now prepared ' rhrlHtiniiK KlftH und uther preaenttt In short unler. If you iin ronternplatiiiK ihuUIiik Jewelry niftH fur t'hrlstnuiH that re qulrn extracrdtnary nkill lu (ho en Ki living, it will Ih wine for yon in tnakti your HelectloiiM early from Mr. llney'H line wtthk of l'hrltinas Jew olry. walehes, rlngti, ele.- then the monograms and Inscriptions can be executed leisurely uii of course In u more uriiMlr manner. dsw iki i:i 1 1 i I, AM) TITI.KS. Art In many caen caused by rmo IiHiie8H on pari of conveyancer or hc livelier In piupeily decritniw Mit laud a nil sht ing the name ot purl leu lo conveyance correctly, but In mosi ca u-n the tan If Is with t he owner, who l too prom tn think his tlUn 1h infalllblu iih Ioiik a he has a ill rant y d.-rd. Many pei'Hons have I ht Inst t honsainls of do! lars lu I.iyv hulls, ,,1-n a feyv d'dlats could have saved them un'iit lo..t atul ox prune " K now i liy la::-.! us yy r as I h y self", an eminent attorney once und. oii (in do sn !iy Paying n abut rant of your title made by ua. Our Hlistrn.i plant i most im pletci lu (tie state of Oregon. We ty u the on iv h'' ract reeor.N In IlonglHd county, without !ncn a re liable b(racl cannot tie made Itorci.AS AltSl ltXi'l' TIU'ST t'O Cor. JackmMi and WinMnitf on otreetM FA KM acres. 3.000.000 feet of tine tim ber, dwelling and B good out-bnlld-tiiKB. saw mill., flue creek running iiitpiiftit nm iiinn. mm ''-. Hivn dry, 60 ncrea cleared, flno cattle rang. Kignt nnum iron) lonraua Or, tnqulr at I'mpqua wftVt. V'"S addkess wanted. N. T. Jewett, secretary of the local I. O. O. K. lodge, has, received the following communication relative to James l-'ewlugs, which is Belt c pliinatorv: IHSACjl'AII, Wash., Nov. 20, 1910.- Hecn.-litry Odd Follows Lodge, Hose- huif, Oregon. Ix-ar Sir and llrolher; "Urother James Kewing, of Gil man Lodge, No. 09 I. O. O. F., ceutly died, leaving a trunk here which this lodge has in charge. lirother Kewing was known to have a niairjed sister In your city about a year ago. Wo would like to get this sister's address, and If It is necessary lo advertise in the local impels, you are authorized to use a limited num. her of iiiHertiona to secure the same. If this letter readies the attention of anyone who may know the lady's name, or should he read by the lady herself, please notify .. T. Jewett, Hosebiirg, Ore. iH..(;iO MEETIMiN. There will lie a meeting In the school house at Melrose Friday even ing. Dec. 9, at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of completing the organiza tion of a grange. A meeting will also he held at some designated place in Coles Valley on Saturday even lug, December 10, for the purpose of organization. Thi farmers of Douglas county are realizing that they ought to organ Ize for mutual benefit. Deputy Mas ter T. L. Lee has been working In Melrose and Coles Valley the past week, and he reports the farmers very much Interested In the Grange. Mr. Iee will ho in the ICdenliower and Deer Creek districts this week, probably about the 12th, and will also work near Dltlard and all dis tricts In the south of the county as Boon as he can arranee dates 1100 to $150 iter month; some even more. Stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old and pest ridden orchard!). Cash advanved weekly. Choice of territory. Ad dress Washington NurBery Co FOR SALri 100 acres or the finest land In Douglas county, located In the Missouri llottom four miles from Myrtle Creek, Is now on the market In five and ten acre tracts, or larger as the purchaser may de sire. This land lies In the center of the valley and Is very cholco. Prices range from $100 u $200 per acre and arrangements may be made for paying a pa 't down oil any purchase, balance in Install ments Willi reasonable rate of In terest. 1-or pai-Hcti'tirs apply in person or address Ed Weaver, r'vrlle Creek Oiv sw-tf roil ma Lr, doling horse, 4 years old next spring, weight 1 200, gen tle. Inquire Harry Williams, Kd onbmver. Oretioii. sw-Jl AOU don't riave JL to worry about -a . T I 1 the quality or fabric, cLrv - er of wnrl- mansKip, of fit or correctness style wKen you Kave i expressly to made your order by Ed. K Price Co. MERCHANT TAILOftf CHICAGO TKey deliver abso lute satisfaction at unusually convenient prices, and were ready to send your order to tkem as soon as we get youi measure. omc in today and select preference of then your - txautlrul Spring woolen G. W. Sloper, Agent HO.Utl) A XI) ItOOMS. PersonB deslrlliK exeellent ae- commodations for board and $ room may Becure them at The Antlers, Mrs. D. G. Palm, prop., 112 Hroekway street, tills city. This house has Just recently Deen opened and Is first-class In every particular. Hales reason- able. Hot and cold water In every room. Telephone 202Y. dtf JAJIKiK DIISKCTOKY. . ). O. F Rising Ptar Lodge No 174. meets In Odd Kellnwa Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Carl Ohmnn, N. O.; W. S. Powell, It. S.; M. Fickle. F. 8. A. A. si. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holds regular meetings on the . yv uecouu auu iounn wea- S nesduys of each montn Sojourners invited to attend. P. L, Davis, W. M. ; N. T. Jewett, secretary. L'MOX -41.". I'MTKP jiliOTHKK- HOOI) OF CAKI'KNTKItM AND JOIXKItS OF AMi;lll('A, meets every Saturduy evening at o'clock, Maccanee Temple. Visiting brothers are always welcome. K. A. Rogers, president; V. T. Jack son, secretary. UriO'l IIKItllOOD OF A.MKKICAN YFO.MK.N Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 1828, meets every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the I' agles' hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Edgar Perrine F, M.; Miss Ethel Webb, Cor. O. T. M. Roseburg Hive, Wo. 11 iioiaa regular reviews on every Tuesday afternoons at 2 o'clock in the Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In the city are cordially Invited to attend our re views. Josephine Slgnalness, commander; Mrs. Jessie Rapn, R, K. WO.MKN .OF WOODCHAFT Lilac Circle, No. 4 9, meets on first and third Monday evenings of each month In the I. O. 0. F. hall Vis iting members In good standing are invited to attend. Mary O'Neal. G. N. : Clara Doren, clerk. MODKItN WOOD.MF..V OF AMF.HICA Myrtle Camp No. 0330, meets every second and fourth Thursday of every month In the Mnccaboe hall. Traveling neighbors are crdlnlly Invited to visit our camp. A. C. Masters, Consul; R. Stubbs, clerk. O. F.. S. Kosohurg Chuptor. No 8. holds their regular meeting on the fliBt nnd third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully invlror' to attend. Mary R. Houck, W. M.: Free Johnson, Sec. WOOD.MF.X OF T,; WUI1I.II Oak Camp. No. 12!i. meets at the Odd Fellows' Mall In Roseburg, every first and third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors always wel come. .1. Karl Pickens, C. C; E N. Kwart, clerk. II. P. ). F, Roseburg Lodge. No. 320, holds regular communica tions nt their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. Fred Haynea, E. R.; II. C. Slociim, secretary. (). O. F. Phlletarlan Lodge, No. S. meets In Odd Fellows Temple, corner of Jackson and Cass streets on Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend. L. L. Ilaker, N. O.; N. T. Jewett, R. S.; F. B. Cavendar. F. 8. O. E. RoseTiurg Aerie, No. 1407, meets second nnd fourth Monday In their hall on Jackson street nt 8 P. M. I Abraham. W. P. Frank O. Mleelll. sec. ALEX B. MOTT i REAL ESTATE I EALER Oakland, Oregon Has a fine list of (own prop erty, farms and stock ranches Timber Lands In Large and Small Quantities CHANGE OF LOCATION JUfo facilitate hamllini; the lara amount of nursery stock now ar riving, I have moved my office to West Oak street. Fruit Trees, Ornamen taU, Vines, Shrubs, Roses Come and See Tkem A. L. KITCHEN Nursery felfMUn A, CLASSIFIED ADVEItTISEMKNTS. WAMLD Young lady wishea po sition in office or store. Exper ienced. Address P. O. box 172 city. d-7 KOK ItKXT. TO KK.ST furnished room, includ ing bath, J2 per week. Inquire at 4 45 Pine street. dtf I ROOMS TO RENT Four furnished housekeeping rooms, call at 246 Flint Btreet, Mrs. A. Hall. FOR RENT Five room house, large barn, t acres, one mile east of Ro"burg. See E. II. Rosenbury at Fair Grounds. dtf FOR SALE. FOR SALE a second hand Inquire at The News othce. safe dsn FOR ALE Centle pony, good for general work. Apply to B. W. Mass, Dlllard, Ore. tf DOGS rbR SALE Two male Scotch Collie pups. Inquire 727 Hamil ton street. dtf HKES FOR SALE Twelve stands ol bees for sale. Inquire At th News oflice for particulars. tl TOR SALE A few pure bred Rhod. Island Red cockrels. Address R A. Busenbark. Roseburg, Or. tl FOR SALE Two best residence lots on Rose Hill, Only lots remaining facing town. See J. A. Buchanan GRAPE VINES FOR SALE Well rooted young stock, all leading varieties, at right prices. Ad dress or call on T. YV. Elliott, West Roseburg. dsw-dSl FOR SALE farm, 200 acres, !) miles from the city, 130 acres cul tivated. House and necessary buildings, orchard, vineyards, and springs. AddresB W. P. Jollitf. Melrose, Ore. dlO HOGS FOR SALE 80 head of thrif ty young shoats In good condition, average weight about 70 pounds, offered for immediate sale. R. S. Hutton, Wilbur, Ore. Phone. Farmers 10XX1. 'OR SALE 10 acres 14 mile from city llmlls, 2 acres bearing prune orchard; 8 acrea especially fine for small fruit and garden, well; house 12x16, barn 20x30; 36 lay ing Leghorn hens. Price $2,600. Terms. inquire or address N., care News. FOR SALE The Imported Per cheron Stallion Volage. He Is a black with white strip In face, 7 years old, weighs 2,000 in work order. His colts speak for them selves. Terms will be given if wanted. If interesteo, write me for particulars at Drain, Oregon. Mt R. Ryan. d-sw FOlfSALE OR TRADE 160 acres. 65 In cultivation, and 50 acres more good farm land when ciear- TIMHER LANDS FOR SALE. A few clnlms of cnotce timber lands In Douglas county for sale. Wll sell all or a part as desired. Foi particulars call on or write tt Alex B. Mott, Oakland. Or. tf. LOST Note for $107.50, given to W. W. Klncaid and signed over to E. O. Young & Co. Note has been paid in full, and all persons are warned not to buy same. Finder will confer a favor by returning to Byron B, Sutton, Coles Valley. Oregon. sw-iis Machine Made BREAD In keeping with the modern methods of bread nnd pastry making I have installed a pat ent bread and pastery mixer, thus (jiving my patrons the ben r.t .tf i, 1 ,i ods in the art of bread making. I this bakery are equal to any in the state. A trial will convince you. We carry all the good things in pastrylantl, fresh and crip every day. THE I'MPQUA BAKERY II. UVKST. l'roii. Your Bath Room Plumbing Is a most importaut Konaideratlon tlon lis character thw health am perhaps life of you mul your famll' dt'lnd. If you are ?tlU without mod em sanitary plumbing in your bath room bettor have tis change It a onc. Hccaue you hav herctofor esrawd serious Illness doesn't prorf that you will always be so fortunate 6. A. MAHAN Plumbing, Heating, Sheet !et:J Contractor ed,some saw timber. Creek, Eprlng and well. All fenced and has fair four room house new barn. Only few rods to school and church. Good roads. Will trade for city property or acreage. Price $3200. Terms. Inquire News office. tf FOR SALE A fine rubber tired buggy, eitaer for two or four per sons, used ouly one season, can be had reasonable. Also two light saddles, for lady or child and a fair set of double buggy harness. For particulars call at The News office. dsw-tf GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every description moved to any parts of the city. Prices reason H. S.FRENCH D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. : Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning i and Heating - North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. WorK Done on Short Notice I'houe Main S451 Commercial Abstracts of Title Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all 828 North Jackson st. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say CiUARAN'TEE we mean Just what the word ImplieB. If you are not satisfied there will be no charge. We could not niake this assertion unless we were positive of giving good service. When you got ready to clean house let us do the woret part for you the cleaning of your carpets. It's easy fo you and the price reasonable. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. Ci . 1'hone 701 THE- Evening Telegram Oregon's Greatest Daily Newspaper for only $3.50 to January 1, 1912 The Evening Telegram again tnaKes its Bargain ay Offer On Tuesday, Dec. 2", or any day lietween now and December 20, the Kveninp Telegram can be secured until January 1, 1912, by mail for only $:i.G0. The regular price is $.".0O. Present subscribers can get the paper at this price by paying their present account and re mitting an additional $.'."( to January 1, 1912. Write your letter and mail your check, postal or money order for M.'iO at once as paper starts immediately so the sooner you subscribe the more you get for your money. If you are already a subscriber, send The Telegram to your friends for a Christmas present. The Telegram is a superb Metropolitan evening newspaper, pub- d, lishing the lull leased wire report ot tne Associated Press, furnishing all the news of the Pacific Northwest and the World. Its market re ports are unexcelled. Its sports are up-to-date and written in good style. On Saturday it runs a special magazine section and a foirV page comic, both in colors. ' Really The Saturday issue is equal to any Metropolitan Sunday. In 1911 The Telegram will continue to be the greatest paper in thv' state. No one can afford to be without it. A SUGGESTION Send your order to-day, you may forget it if you wait. Bargain perib ends December aoth. II- Holiday Goods -At- China Sam's Fine Brass Goods, China, Japan- A UA nn; Baskets, China Toys, Silk HandkpPf chiefs. Here you will nnd a choice display to fill your Christmas wants. Everything new and a most com plete stok. Call early and make your selections for your friends.. CHINA SAM'S Jackson Street ROSEBURG, ORE. All work first-class1 Abstract Co. Filing Papers Preparea Kinds Furnished nOSEHUHG, OREGON BAKER, Proprietor. - - - OHlco N. Jackson St. "rVe Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well as sell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order if you like) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything In oit line. G. L. PRIOR 15 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or