The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 28, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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E. E. Porter and wife, of CJras.i
Valley, urn registered at tlio iio.e
burs hotel.
Hay IMitnam .left for Portland
this morning whore lie will vpend
u few days visiting with friends and
Mrs. Hum, of Portland, arrived In
Koaeburg yesterday to spend a few
clays visiting with her father, G.
W, Sparks.
The most elegant lino of genuine
hand painted china ever brought to
Koaeburg is now In at Graves Art
I'Jniporium. Also a uwoll collection
of MorHo Pottery. daw
Clarence Oaylord, of 11 no Valley,
Union County, ami Mrs. (i. V. Hunt
of Portland, left for their homes
yesterday morning alter a brief visit
at I ho home of their sister, .Mrs
K. M. Moore.
George. 1 loovcr, of Portland, ar
rived in Koseburg yesterday morn
ing to spend a eouple of days visit
ing with his brother, Dr. Is. V. Iloov.
er, and attending to various busl
ness matters.
The iMeCIallen hotel Is undergo
ing a number of Improvements, and
when the work Is finished the host-
lery will afford accommodations to
the weary traveler second to no hotel
In the state. The management in
tends to serve elaborate Bun day din
ners hereafter, and the menu will
be published In Saturday's Issue of
the News each week.
While fishing In the vicinity of
the dam, F. F. Warner sustained a
very painful Injury of the hand,
and as a result he is receiving treat
ment at the hands of Dr. K. V.
Hoover. It appears that Mr. Warn
er was carrying a hook and line,
when ir. some manner he stiimbb'd
and fell, the hook penetrating the
fleshy portion of his thumb.
C. L. Baker, of Cain as Valley,
pent yesterday In the city.
Henry Porks, of Kdenbower, I..!t
Tor A tbany this morning to spead
h Tew days looking after bu.-l.nH
Mrs. Wiley J'llklngton wl-nt to
"Wilbur this morning to spt'iid a few
lays visiting with her mother who
is finite III.
Publicity Manager KchloHser, lf
tht Koseburg Commercial Club., left
fur Hulem yesterday afternoon to at
tend the state booster meeting.
Mrs. H. Casey and daughter, who
tinvci been spending t lie past few
(Jays in the cily visiting at the Par
, rot home left for Dallas this morn
Attorney J. Upton and wife, or
Portland, arrived In the city this
morning lo spend a few days visiting
at the homo of the hitter's brother,
Claud Cannon.
Read In December Sunset Maga
zine, "Han Francisco The Exposi
tion City". Superbly illustrated in
four colors. Now on sale. All news
a tales, 15 cents. d!7
L. M. Archorn beaux and wife left
tor their home at Stayton this morn
ing after a brief visit at the home
f tho former's mother, Mrs, P. A.
. J)enn, In this city.
S. 8. Jogephson left for Portland
Saturday evening. Itofore return
ing homo he will attend the sea
tons of tho state booster meeting
now In progress at Salem,
K. W. Crano. an inmate of the
fUildlers' Home, left for Prarlo City,
Hlrnnt roiinty, this morning where he
was railed by a telegram announc
ing the serious Illness of hlH brother.
Tho Mission society, of tho Hap-
list church, will meet at. the homo of
Airs. 11. E. Pickens on Thursday af
ternoon. All members of I he or
ganization are inviled to bo pres
ent. Dr. Vlncil and wife returned from
Portland this morning atid expect to
commence housekeeping In the llnrp
ler residence in a few days. Hoth
Mr. and Mis. Vlncil report a most
enjoyable, trip.
Frank Wuito and .1. F. Lnse, of
Snthnrlin, spent Sulurdiiy evening In
lUiseburg. They left for Salem on
the midnight train when they will
tiTwnd a couple of days In attendance
ut the stale booster meeting.
Mrs. Harah Wheeler, of Portland,
arrived In Itoseburg yesterday morn
ing with u view of locating here
permanently. The lady Is said to be
trained nurse of exceptions! abil
ity, nnd hopes to find suitable em
ipluymeJit here.
Tho Itoseburg nnd the Oakland
Wgh school basket ball teams have!
arruuged a game to ho played at
yH8 rink in this city on Frldav
evening. The tennis are said to he
vvt'iily matched, nnd those who wit
inrsn the exhibition are assured
iplenly of entertainment.
The Oakland Public School biisket
bull team will meet the (list team of
Iln Itoseburg Public Hchool In a
.match game at Skes' rink, Friday
evening. December 2. at S P. M.
'TIhwh am the teams that played
mrh an exciting Kiime at Oakland
-November 1 y. Don t miss this game.
f Myrtle Creek Mall: .lack Cnxitrt.
employed a i tho Continental Mine
met with u very serious injury Moti
lity. It seems that Mr, Co.att was sltlon near tho rear door, and with
at the bottom of the shaft when one! revolver In hand, challenged the "tin
f tin trge wooden wedges I i known" to come nut. Receiving no
from the top striking hliu on the; answer he repeated the demand, and
fmt bit-skin his nose, upper Jaw. ; finally Mr. Hoover made himself
crushing his rinhl cheek and also known. Of course, the night officer
inliiriTig his riuht eye. Dr. Hmlck 1 explained, and uiturally implored
Mttn called to tin scene of the neel-! thy early morning arrival not to
tWn early In the morning and did give the "Jolly" away. The secret
all possible to relieve I he stricken J was too good to keep, however, and
gmtlcman. bill at the best It will be It soon spread the rounds with the
wvi'Tiil Wfeks before he cun be at 1 result that Mr. Williams Is now buy
wnrk ncnln. ! itig clirars for his mauv friends.
Ail hope of Improving the I'mpqun
river from Itoseburg to tide-water,
above Scottsburg as requested by the
Itoseburg Commercial Club recently,
has vanished and In plain everyday
English language, "there la nothing
doing." According to a letter re
ceived by Publicity Manager Schlos
ser, of the commercial club Satur
day, the engineers recently sent here
to hives) Igato and escerialu wheth
er or not. the river could be ren
dered navigable at a reasonable cost
returned an adverse report, and act
lug upon such advice the engineer
ing department turned the proposi
tion down. Whether an attempt will
be made at somo future date to re
consider the proposition depends up
on the members of tho commercial
club, some of whom have been very
active in hope that the Improvement
might be brought about.
Apologies were In order In local
police circles yesterdayall because
Night Officer Williams uttempted to
arrest C.eorge Hoover, of Portland,
as tlte latter was about to retire In a
private room at the rear of Dr. E. V.
Hoover's offices BhortlM after 4
o'clcf't yesterday morning. Accord
lug to (lie story told by officers oth
er than Mr. Williams, Mr. Hoover
arrived In town on the early morn
ing train yesterday, and immediate
ly wended his way to his brother's
offices, on Main street, when- he In
tended to remain during the re
mainder of the night. Finding the
front door locked he retraced his
steps and then started In the di
rection of tho rear. As he did so he
wat "spotted" by the sturdy night
officer, who followed htm to his des
tination. Entertaining suspicion
that there was a burglar within the
offices, Mr. Williams assumed u po-
Messrs Thomaa and Frank Mc
Clanahan. recent arrivals from Mis
souri, are looking over the coun
try with a view of locating. The
gentlemen are experienced farmers
and stockmen and desire to secure
a place where they can follow their
chosen occupation.
Mrs. W. W. Cilngenpeol, wife of
a local jeweler, returned from point!
in Illinois yesterday morning where
she r;pent the past three months
visiting with friends and relatives.
She reports a delightful time, but
notwithstanding she is glad to get
back to itoseburg.
Henry Smith and wife, accompan
ied by E. E. Johnson, arrived hero
from, Coquillt City late Saturday
evening and departed for C res well
yesterday morning. Smith has at
tained a reputation as a ball player
and during the paa season held
down an important "sack" on the
Brooklyn team.
While eating Thanksgiving din
ner, D. Smith, who resides a short
distance in t lie country, accidental
ly swallowed a turkey bone with tho
result that Is lodged In his throat.
Ho was brought here on Saturday
and was attended by Dr. E. V. Hoov
er who removed the missile with
out difficulty.
Most of the local merchants are at
present making preparations for the
holiday trade, and before the end of
the week the several stores will pre
sent a most striking appearance. In
some instances additional clerks are
being employed in anticipation of a
rush such as has never been exper
ienced here previously. It is the gen
oral opinion of the merchants that
the Christmas trade for 1910 will be
better than ever Inasmuch as the
paM year has proven most pros
porous along all lines.
Hhoda A. Griffith has filed a suit
In the circuit court In which she
asks to recover something over $800 j
from Sarah A. Smith and W. A. '
Smith. The nlalntlff alleges that in I
Juno 2, 19 oS, the defendants de-'
llvered to C. I. Leavengood, then
an attorney at Myrtle Creek, a cer
tain note In tho sum of $800. bear-'
ing Interest from tho date of exe-j
cutlon at the rate of eight per cent, j
and that on June 27, 1908, one year
later, she came into possession of ;
the note and has since held It In j
her possession. The plaintiff says i
that she has been unable to collect
any part of the said note, and accord
ingly she asks for a Judgment in the
sum of $SO0 with Interest at the
rate of eight per cent from tho date
of execution of tho note; $S0 attor
ney fees and such other relief as
the court may deem expedient. Ac
companying the legal papers Is an
attachment upon certain land upon
which n mortgage is alleged to have
been filed by the defendants In fav
or of Leavengood as security for pay
ment of the note.
Buy Your Fruit
Wlii-ru (tu lino l compli'lo, u Hiiick Iiii'ro to nolwt from nnil nil
of It Ir i'IuiI.c noniln. IViu'n, m iiIh. poui'lu-H, uvorythlng In tlio way
of fniliH. I''liu lonmlin'K 1'itr nut ulntf,
Kino Stuck ttf Htuplc nnil l-'nm y i mctTlc.
Vp hiM our own ilolu.'iv Hervii'o lluv. tiniln uml I-Vpil
Phone Main 2633 Roseburg, Oregon
We were much pleased a few days
airo to receive a letter from our old
friend. Miss Dollje Hefty, one of the
best known newspaper women In
Oregon. She is now on the staff of
the Cottage tirove Sentinel.
.Mr. Wilcox, of Drain, was looking
after his ("arm near here a few days
Mr. and Mrs. J. McKirdy, return
ed last Saturday from a trip to
Portland and Salem.
We regret to learn of the death!
of Mr. Garner, a former resident of
Skelly, and father of Mia. Al Wil
Mr. McKtllop, Is Improving bis
ranch w it h n new fence.
lr. Mortenson, of Yoncalla, whf
called last week to attend Mrs. Al
len who was quite- sick.
Crandma Bridges, who has been
very poorly, for a few days is much
By the way. we've been intending
lo thank Mrs. I.ily, of Glide for her
klndly expressions in regard to the
letter written by Mrs. Miller, who
sends kindly greeting, and says "Let
us all take courage from tho meas
ure of success we've won. nnd rem
ember that 'the pen is mightier than
the sword' ".
"V ,- mJfrr farm mm m uhO wSSF '
The Washer that Washes You Be the Judge
The New Invention for Washing and Cleaning
All Classes of Clothes
Ladies, did you ever see a Washer 3Tou could wash the
collar on a shirt, the bottom of your skirt, the wristbands, and
such plac-es that need extra work, without washing the other
parts of the garment at the same time?
the only complete one ever invented. Any spot in any gar
ment can be rubbed extra with this machine and not get your
hands in the water to do it. This machine does not wad or
tangle your clothes, but keeps them smooth, and when clean,
will bring them out of the water nice and ready for the wringer
to wring ready for the line.
We would be pleased to go to your home and wash any
thing from a handkerchief to a bed quilt in order to let the!
machine speak for itself. This is he only invention in the
world like it. Don't fail to see it wash while we are here.
MFM WANTFI) In every county in he United States.
mill nnil I lu Get int0 a bllsiness that will stand by you
and make more.
J. W. DAVIS, Jr.
Inventor and Owner of Patent
Office, Taylor Bros. Paint Q Paper Shop, Roseburg, Oregon
- 119 Sheridan Street Phone 81
Home Office, Clarendon, Texas
llini. MhIii UI.M
All work firnt-(iAv
Commercial Abstract Co.
Abstracts of Title
Filing Papers Preparcu
Insurance, Ktc.
Bomls of nil Kinds Furnished
:2H Nt.rih .In. km r.
lVm't wait until the last minute
and then be disappointed by hav
ing to wait until after Christmiw
to have the monogram or inscrip
tion put on the jewelry gift. I'umn
in and have your Christmas present
laid aside, nnd order the engraving
High class work Aar.e on phert
notice by an engraver of excep
tional skill.
Cats Street
Roscburg's Leading Jeweler
M. V. Case, of Cleveland, wat
registered at the McL'laUeu hotel
Satunliiy evening.
D. C. Smith, of elide, was a bust
ness Nltur In Roseburg for a few
hours yesterday.
In ll'e matter of ;he petition of C.
W. I nirowa and others for a county
road i:i district No. 20. near Drain,
same granted and placed on record
In the matter of the petition of
the S. I. Company, offering to va
cate a certain road in the town of
Wilbur, ald petition granted.
William H. Son, a well Known
Itoseburg r " n, i-s today uriinf or1
a divorce Iivm Ms wire. Delia M.
Son, In (he eirctil court. The f
fended Son alleged that he married
tils wife. i)elia Son, In Texas on No
vember 1. 1 $92, and that a few
venrs later she deserted him with
out the least cause or provocation.
Aside from a decree, Mr, Son was
awarded costs incurred in bringing
the action.
County Judge Wonacott returned
from Yoncalla last evening where he
vpeiit the day. He says that Dick
Ambrose, who is generally dubbed
in Hosehurg as the mayor of Yon
calla. Is confined In jail at that
city as the result of being convicted
on a charge of drunk ami disorder
ly conduct. Me was given a term of
five das by the magistrate before
whom he was arraigned.
:rdor was filed after canvassing the
vote at the recent November elec
tion, when 2 1 2G vote were cast for
prohibition and 1968 aaginst prohi
bition. Inasmuch as local option is
already in effect in Douglas county,
tho district attorney contends that
the order of the court was unnec
essary, but was simply entered upon
me records in order to guard against
any possibility of Irregularity. As er meeting
he says, "Prohibition fs In effect at
the present time and will remain ao
until voted otherwise by the legal
voters of the county, regardless of
any orders that may be entered upon
the court Journal by the members of
the county court."
Attorney George Xeuner has gone
10 oaiem to attend the state booat-
.last (trior to adjourning S:Ur-
iUv evt'iitnit. tho members of iho'
rounty court entered nu order upon! 4
the court journal, declnrnl local I J
option In effect on and liter Jan- esisise:jisvS:t!.
uary I. 1911. In Douglas county. The wwwvww
Before buying your Christmas Candies
and Nuts for Christmas Trees see Stubbs
& Perman for prices. We have d 00
Buckets of Assorted Candies coming for
Christmas. Don't forget .the place.
Phone 317
Library Tables Strong's