The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 22, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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DEEDS roaut. Churning to
be able to perform a tnek
Ib different from doing the job
That is why we are called by
those who know ua heat the
Quality Store.
When we started in the drug
business years ago, we drilled
into the corner etone of our
bueioes Structure and put in a
quality rewlve.
Then we sealed the hole.
It's there yet.
RIGHT he e we want tu say
that the quality foundation
hs made our a strong store.
We could not build on bitch
a rock and be anything else
but strong.
And the longer we have beeu
ia business the stronger we
have grown.
We are full strangth.
Our drugs are full aireuttth.
The strength of this will be
made plaiuer to you if you pur
chase your drops of u
Yourdeeire (or more will be
strong. 1
URliKNT means are tak
en to vuarantee purity In
all onr dmge. We demand pur
ity when we buy, aud then we
make sure wa get what we
order; we examine careftily
the drugs after we get t'tetn.
If an article la foaud itnpu-e
weend it back. We don't
allow it to stay iu the Btore.
If you have a perecrtptinn
fU'el here your doctor knowg
and yon ougbt to know
that it is compounded of abfo
lutely purwdruefl and the doc
tor" order followed to the
GOOD, honest, reliable
drug selling ia what we
t"tid for. When we say a drug
1m pure, full strength, the acme
of drug quality, you can de
pt'"d upon It. U'b reliable.
Not only ia thU true of drills
l ut of every other article we
sell. It maybe a comb, hair
brush, bath requisite, tooth
preparation, or any one of the
many del m tits of our toilet
wood dfpittment.yet w stand
back of every articie, r eady to
reluod your monev, if you are
not entirely satisfied. Our
guarantee means absolute pro
tection to you.
SEEMLY with quality,
Strength, Purity and Re
liability is Accuracy. Freedom
from mietaket a fixed result
You can have i hundred pre
scriptions filled here and they
will each of them be abiolutiy
correct, or you can have the
bjuiih prescription tilled here a
hundred times aud always get
the same result. A right way
ol doing things.
A proper way of shoeing yon
Accuracy permoatea our
whole store.
School Books at Roseburg Book Store.
' i. .i i i m S
'Pmm K&s
Freshman Year mPk
Waterman's Fountain Pen
. Tm pin -hi. in. ciip-Ct
PARKER'S Lucky Curve mnd CON K
LIN'S Self Filler, are .old at
Roseburg Book Store.
Ih. Bait Fl.c. to BW Boi Table
InKi, Pent. Pager and all ,
231 JacKson Street, Roseburg, Oregon.
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning'
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
jWorH Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE.
50c to $1.00 off reg
ular prices on a!!
Wet weather footwear in all sizes and shapes.
Come early and buy before the stocK is decreased.
Cass St. Shoe Store
I Sealshipped Oysters
Handled in Uie most sanitary manner possible.
Good, large ones, for stew or fry, $i.oo a quart, 50c a
pint, 25c a half pint.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
I Thanksgiving Groceries
If you want them to be nice and fresh
buy them here. All the good things
to please your Thanksgiving appetite.
Henry Eastoq
Telephone 26 344 N. Jackson St., Roseburg
walk It would have to be rebuilt."
Horace Marsters. who was pres
ent at( the meeting iu (behalf of
the members of tae Methodist
church, then asked permission to
speak briefly, and such courtesy was
extended by the mayor.
He spoke in substance as follows:
"The members of the Methodist
church are In your hands, gentlemen,
but nevertheless we hope and ex
pect that we will be treated fairly
aud impartially iu this matter. You
are suppsed to be a progressive set
of people, (referring to the council
men) but I am inclined to believe
that you can see the faults of the
church more readily than those of
the city. At the time we were in
structed !to build a cement walk
abutting our property on Main street,
we deemed it expedient and wise
to complete the work of building
sidewalks for all time, and conse
quently we decided to also build a
similar walk on Lane street. We
had sufficient funds at the time, and
consequently we went ahead and the
work was comleted at a great ex
pense. Now, I think It is unfair for
you, as members of the city council,
to compel! us to discard a practi
cally new sidewalk and build a new
one at an expense which we can
ill afford.
"We were assured by the city en
gineer, or a committee, at the time
the walk was constructed, that in the
event it wasn't right, the city would
make it right. 1 am not positive,
but it seems to mo that a committee
appointed by the council informed us
at the time that tlfti grade was cor
rect." Councilman Josephson then spoke
as follows:
"I have been a member of this
council for about three years, and
during that time I have made It a
point to keep well In touch with
what has been going on. , 1 have
uo recollection, whatever, of any
committee being appointed to moet
the church people, and I am positive
that I was never a member of such
body In the event It existed.
"I was present, however, nt the
time of a conversation between the
pastor of the church and the street,
committee, nnd remember distinct
ly that we offered to modify the
grade in the event construction was
delayed for a few clays."
Councilman Micelti, chairman of
the street committee, then charged
Mr. Marsters of being unfair tu his
argument, and Intimated that he
( .Marsters) bad attempted to mis
lead the assembly In attempting to
make it appear that he (Micelli) was
endeavoring to work a hardship upon
the church, and at the Bame time
neglecting other equally as dnm ag
ing defects. "We begged them not
to build their walk on the so-called
grade at the time," Bald Micelli, "and
offered to modify It In the event they
delayed work."
Mr. Marsters then replied to Ml
celli in stating thnt he did not wish
to be unfair, but on the contrary i
had attended the meet'u as a rep-,
presentt.t.v of the Met cuMm church
in hope of receiving Jis treatment
and a fair deal. Of course." said
Mr. Marsters. "If the shoe fits, put
it on, I don't care."
Contractor K. F. Patterson, who
was Pin ployed to build the walk,
was then called upon lo enlighten the
assembly. Mr. Patterson could not
remenmer what transpired at. the
time t ho wnlk was built further than
the alteeed fact that the rrade was
given him by some person purport
ing to he the city engineer.
Mr. Marsters then asked permis
sion o speak briefly and smh re
quest was granted.
He paid that he believed the city
engineer tendered the church com
mittee an agreement in writ ing at
the time the walk was constructed,
the same being to the effect that in
the event the grade was defective the
elty would rebuild it without cost lo
the original builders. Mr. Marsters
said that ho thought that .1. M.
liooth was present at the t ime tli-
I agreement was tendered and t
such gentleman would bear him out
In his statement,
i Realizing the necessity of delv
ing definite artfon on the ni'rt of
the commit tee. Councilman I !o'K k.
' advanced a motion to the effect ti'-tt
the report lie r'ferr"d to the city
; attorney for th purpose of invtl
j gating the record in hope of fic.-r-!
talning whether or not the cttv I
! under any obligation to the churdi
j people, or nt least, to drrrnine
m-hether there In any record to phow
i that the alleged written aereentent
had been tendered the members of
the church as contended.
According to Councilman 1fourk
motion, it would seern that he con
sidered It expedient to ascertain
whether the rity engineer, who Ik
lbt;d to have Kfven the grade was
acting In an advisory or authoratlve
Councilman Micelli declarpd that
he was only too glad in delay ac
tion on the report and was of the
opinion that the investigation would
reveal facta to substantiate the con
tentions of the committee.
Kramer of Measure Say Will Xot
Ite Effective Until 1012.
PORTLAND, Nov. 22. Probably
intended as the entering wedge for
the application of the land tax theo
ry of raising revenues for the sup
port of municipal, state and county
governments, the amendment to Ar
ticle XI of the Oregon constitution,
known as Section la, will not be
come effective until 1912. It is too
late for the Orange, the Oregon State
Federation of Labor and the Port
land Labor Council to enact Initia
tive legislation changing the present
method of taxation. Members of the
People's Power League, who aided
in drawing the amendment, yester
day conceded that counties cannot
place the amendment in effect until
taxation laws shall be adopted under
the Initiative by the people of each
county in 1911, and to beconio ef
fective In 1912.
Ben Selling, Colonel C. 43. S.
Wood, W. S. U'Uen. Will Daly, IT. J.
Parklson and other friends of the
amendment, characterize It as an ex
periment and hope to demonstrate
its practicability In Multnomah
county. Other counties may drop
Into lino along the same lines of
demonstration if the voters aeo lit.
but it Is the plan of the promoters
or the "management of your own
pocketbook idea" to experiment In. a
few counties until tho plan is work
ed out.
The new amendment deprives the
legislature of making a law which
shall declare what property may be
assessed - in the state. Thnt power
is now vested In the people of each
county. Tho legislature may cause
the stale to certify tho number of
mills which shall be levied for the
support of the state government, but
at that point its control ceases.
County cvmmlHH loners may decide
how much mvenuo Is needed to run
the county foi which they are act
Ing, but they must collect the sum
In such manner as may bo devised
by the voters of a county. Briefly
the new amendment repeals the noil
or head tax, on citizens. No scheme
regulating taxation or exemptions
Mirougnoiu tne stato can become a
law until atmroved by the people.
Tho restrictions of the constitution
are removed as to prohibiting a
county from collecting taxes In any
manner it may see fit. It removes
from the supreme court tho right
to say that the people, have not the
right to tax or to exempt any class of
The new tax law Is said to have
been originated by the Stato Orange,
and after the tdett was whipped Into
shape at a meeting of the represen
tative members of the People's Pow
er League it was adopted by tabor
"It is prohablo that tho amend
ment will result In a land tax, and
an effort to make land monopolists
bear the large burden of expense of
government," said an advocate and
sponsor for the bill yestmday. "I
had little to do with rramlng the
amendment, but, knowing the temper
of those who were behind it, I be
lieve that to be true.
"Friends of the amendment hone
that In the months which will Inter-j
vene before the peoplo of M u It no
ma Ii county are called upon to voto 1
on an Initiative bill changing the .
method of taxation, they may become
familiar with the idea that only a;
redistribution nr tho burden is In-1
tended. We hope that owners of ma-;
cilnery and surface improvements
may come to understand that thev
are h";irliig an unjust proporilon or
the cont. of government, and that
Ihey wfll aid Iu trying the change In
the lingeM assessable enmity In the
We nto ftoing to givo an ologtint ilinniond ring FREE to ono ol our cus
tomers na a ChriHtmna prosunt.
Think of it I ABSOLUTELY FREE II A beuutiiiil, cloiu, mmrkliiiB.
diumoiul, wl in a solid gold ring.
Want it?
Roseburg' s Leading Jeweler and Optometrist
nru those we nro constantly taking
of our pleased patrons. Our artistic
photographs are the talk of the com
munity and tho faithful likenesses of
each sitter giving them
Wo Bhould like to demonstrate to
you our ability In artistic and hlgh
Rrudd photography. Ours aro tho
most natural poses, and tho piettircB
have tho neuteHt and best finiHh.
r is
Clark & Clark
Page Investment Company
The place to get the Lumber, Shingles,
Doors, Windows, for your new borne.
Phone 242
709 North Jackson Street
Tho Yeomen will give a Thanks
cIyIiik dinner at the Kuules' hall
tomorrow night at S o'clock, and an
preparing to enteitnln Dr-lr frlemh
i in a royal nrinnr. The public Ik
invited to ronie and n oy the good
I thlnga tat hfiv' hfcri piepaj. rl
I Hon t frn.'t the time Wednesday
nt H P. M.
j Ui:.L FjnTATK Tlt.VVSl i;its.
LoijIh C. .lohn?on to St-lla Tuck
er. lot No. L in blocs ft, Wuite'f
AfMition to the H'y of Hor-elnirg
Coii!blrai ion $ 7 fio.
Ira .) Miller to Mary II, Kenny
the H. W. I-; of neriioii II, town
ship 2, south ramre .,, weHt, i;
acres. Consideration $ 1 ,
Mirror Lodge. No, U1 . I. O. O- F.
to Phlli-teHan Lodge, No. Hr I. O. O
V., certain land, situated Iu Looklnj
Glaus, On- non. Connidraf Ion $1.
Anna M. Jargons to Khhard Kick
aby, fifj a'ren, all In ioiiglan conn
i). Consideration $!.
Luther K lug tu Jacob Loss an
Mary K I)owt, certain land In bong
Ihh fount)'. Cotmideratlon $15,
5 Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts J
I C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor.
Dr. Paul Herbert
1 4 f
, and G to
'hiropractAr, nervn and spinrj
inrialirit ia now permanently
'ocaM in the Hell Smlem '4
l)uililin). room 5. Chiropractic .
is a new science and ono of the
lK't of the nun. Nu drug or
)urery. Many patients here T
who aulrered for years with
hronic diseases, and who, after i
Hpendi.'iK small fortnnen, found 2
no relief by the old method.-, ;:
have been made well by thin
wonderful science. If you are
sufferinK from rheumatism, i
liumbaso, Heart, Ktomach, y
Jj Kidney, Liver or Inleatinal or o
ilher aifeamt, whether acute 7,
'aJjor chronic, conult thia Doctor.
timce noura u to n a. m., z to
8 p. rn. Kunda)'a by appijintrnenf. Lady attendant