Tin: KVKMXO JfRWS. THfltSIMY. HKITKMIIKII 20, tfMO THE EVENING NEWS HY I). W. BATKS IKHUi;i DAILY KXCKirT SUNDAY. Kutered as HeuonU-cluuH matttii November 5, 1909, ut Koneburg Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Hutes Dally. Per year, by mall $3.00 Per month, delivered &0 Neiui -weekly Per Year $2.00; Blx months $100 j THUHHDAY. NKPTK.W DKH U C'ltAZY MAX JIL'XH WILD. ! ArtM Quci-ly When Truin Iteut-lii'H j Jtotu'liurg. j EuKeue Guard: Considerable ex citement was caused oil the quiet ., .w.4l. . r'fittnuu flrnvn hHv tills morning, when a man giving his name as jonn noun, oi nuuiiiKuaus, Wash., temporarily crazed, rushed l. U ulmula utifinlllllf Jnd finally broke down the door of the photographic tent or Mrs. uorkh, whu was asleep Inside, giving here a se vere fright, The man hud been on the trulu from San Francisco ami liad yesterday neon giving mw men trouble. At Koseburg they tel egraphed ahead to Cottugo Grove, stating that they had a crazy man aboard, and asking the ofllcers to meet him This was train No. 1G, due at 2 o'clock this morning. The man, however, decided to get off the train himself at Cottage Grove and before the 'nine could get their hands on him h fled down the street, shout lug ami breaki'iK Into tho tent. The man's irmiliW Beenis to be tho result or too much drink, iud Although he vim found luHiitio bv thf Insanity board Mil morning, he will probnbW he kent t, (fftiiitiion) i-nlher than be sent ot Hii.o.n. for hfs insanity seems 1o be only trmipornry. During the eyninlnnHnn tHa mnni Inc Holln wn nii"tlnml wlcilior he Tipd ever tried to Invent nnvtblmr. nr l,ul tnkon nut or mmlfd for nnv patents. Tin replied ".Vn, rhr onb tn tents I evr h"d ar- two ehlldren." V hns a family at llelllngham TIIIKYKH CAITCIirD. Maishlleld INilliv to the Of- calnti. Coos Ray Times: Two men stole an automobile at Koneburg ami limniil It to tills city. They were arrested hy City Mnrthal Carter and are now lii th cnuiiiy Jail at Coqiilllc. They will be Mtken back to llw'Hinr. The men aio liiJph P r.nAxov, aged 2 years, and Chirk Wrljjhl. aged about 28 vi-v They nrrlved In the city Saturday evening, having come over the Myr tle Point road from Jloseburg. As oon ns they reached the city the police suspected that there was some thing wrong. Neither of tho men wore an overcont and they had no thing with them In the auto and did Tint appear to have been prepared for a trln from Hoseburg. They were nuestloned hy the pollen and said that thev had come over (he moun tains. The machine wns badly bat tered up and the tires were torn. In dlrntlng that thev had a hard trip. The police' kept a watch on the men until word was received from Rosen urg stating that the auto had lieen stolen and that the thleveH had probably started this way. The men were then put under arrest and have lieen taken bv Marshal Carter to Co qulMe and lodired In the county jail. This is the first time that an auto lins been Htolen In this part of the state. The two men mtretv did not fcnow miifb nf the country or thev would not have come with the ma- rhino to this cltv, ns there v-ns not i murh chance of netting through j without being detected. Thev took the auto to Wndo's parage to have It j mended nnd the fact that thev dtd i Hot have nny mnnev to pnv cash for tho renalrs at mice cast siiulHoii noon Ihem. The nollce think that 1liev expected to g" from here to Unntlnn pud then ro down the coast through Curry county. Nchool District lluml l:iertion XuMv. Notice Is hereby given that at a school meeting of school district No. 4, of Douglas county. .Oregon, to be Ticld at the Lane school building, in said dlHtrict. on the 22nd. day or Oc tober llMrt. there will he submitted to the legal voters of ald district the question of contracting a bunded debt In a sum not exceeding One Hundred Thousand $ I 00.00u.00) Dollars, ror the purnose of purchas ing a site ami erecting thereon and 'umlsMni' lllvrh School building fop said district. Hi( vote to be bv ballot upon which shall he the words "Mumta Yes" and the words "(loads - No". Polls to-be opened at one o'clock COAL BEST WASHINGTON GOAL $7.50 RflRK SPRINGS $i i.oo s Leave Orders at PACE INVESTMENT CO. ROSEBURG NAT L BANK Promptness in Filling' Orders a Feature of Our Business At Your Service Day or Night We want every lady in town to come and g'et a free sample of our own mahe of PURE VANILLA EXTRACT This extract is different from any other vanilla. If you use it ouce you will say it is the nicest vanilla you have ever used. This vanilla extract is made from the best vanilla beans in our own labor atory. ' Price 25c and 50c a bottle, delivered at your home. HARSTER5 DRUG STORE Phone 81 . Prescription Pharmacists We carry everything that should be found in a high class pharmacy We make people welcome We will call for and deliver your prescriptions P. M. and remain open until foil, o'clock P. M. By order of the board of directors of Hcliuol tllirlci No. 4, OI LHlilglUfc county, Oreiton, Kilted thin 2iith, diiy of September, 1910, ut Itosebiug, Douglas county, Oregon. j. c. FUixrcrtTON, f'hnlrtiiitn of Hoard of Director. GKOitdK NKt'NKIt, Jr., Clerk of School District No. 4 021-1I UK FAMOUS I'OI,l)l(i TAHUi AT STIIOXti'H Can no Lifted by a Ijiily's Mule Kin. KIT mid Yet it Hill Hold tile Weight of the lliggest How-burg 11 Olllllll. "XOTH'K l'Olt I'l'iii.iLiVi'lOX. 03U.10. Department or the Interior, V. S Land Olllrn lit Rom-burg, Oregon. September 20, 1910. Notice is hereby given mat r.ugnr Walker, of Dillaid. Oregon, who, on December 17, 1903, made Holm- Ulead entry No. 1.1290. tor S. K. N K. section 0. township 29 S. range 0 W., W. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make tlual cominutallon proof, to eslablish chilin to (lie land above described, before register and receiver, at Itnse burg. Oicgon, on the fith day of Nov ember, 1 ! 1 0 . f ' I a 1 n i a ii t iiiiines as wllnesses: (Jeorge iMayborn. of Dlllnrd, Ore gon; .1. 11. Vnnnce, of Dillnrd, Ore iron; fieori;e K. Keller, of Illllard Ori'gon; .1. I). Walker, of Dlllnrd. On.-gon. DKNJAM1N P .IO.VKS. Iteglster Now is the lime lo do that Job oi nallitliig. so go to Klsher's Paint and Wall l'aper StDre and get prlcei llko these: roof paint, the best black. r,0 cenlR per gallon; red, grey, slate, etc., 75 cents per gallon: pure lead, line nnd nil paint, while It lasts al $2.25 per gallon. Don't lie huillbug ed. Live and let live is Fisher's motto daw-rill) Resides being light and remark ably strong, the famous folding table has a beautiful finish, and Is by fur llie prettiest table ever seen in Rose burg. It It especially adupted for teas nnd cards. The table conies In two designs, one In square with rounded corners, the other n circle. Come to Sirong's and bcb this very beautiful table. Acetalyne lighting plnnt for sale Generates Its own gas. In good or der, lnriulio at Rosebiirg Furniture Company. swtf Douglas county (p:unerv butter "- Im'hi. in th" bind rim be l-ad o' your grocer nt ill) renin the roll. De rind vour home iTi-(iii.,r. ;in,l accent no other. Rntler fat ,18 cents. dlf COAL GOOD GRADE CHEAPER THAN WOOD Burn coal nnd save trou ble and atinoyauce of try ing to get results with green or wet wood. . Sold in Any Quantity Nolan Pierson Leave Orders at Mono gram Cigar Store GENERAL D RAYING (owls of every description moved ti any parts of the city. I'l-lcun ivusou utile. U S. FRENCH 4XV4444444 ' IIO.IKI) AMI III 11 I.MS. 4 Persons desiring excellent ac- t comuiodai ions for board and 4 room may secure them at The 4 Antlers, llrs. D. 0. Palm, prop., 112 Brockway street, thin city. Tills house has Just recently 4! been opened and la flrsl-class In every particular. Rates reason- able. Telephone 202Y dtf Engagement Rings Wo are not responsible for Cupid's pranks, but when you have found THE girl, let us sup ply the engagement ring. You'll find our stock of fine diamonds unequalled here, and our prices nre right. A.S.HUEY The Jeweler w. f. Rodow A. F. LATHAM Architect and Superintendent MODERN RESIDENCES A SPEC Room I. Reil Sil-tcrs' Rld Carpenter, Contractor and Builder. TKLKPHOXliS. . Office Main 2021 Residence .'. 7-l S. Mnin St. Crisp THE EUREKA A Woman's Friend Invaluable to Ladies Beforo Buying a Sewing .Machine try a NEW HOME the machine that carries n life time unurantee. If It Is your fault WE FIX ir If it is our fault WE FIX IT If it is the Machine's fault WE FIX IT Pay lor it as you cau, $i per week. Old Ma chines taken in trade ROSEBURG THEATRE WM. F. BERNELL, MANAGER TONIGHT HAT COODWIN'S FAMOUS COMEDY DAVID CARR1CK THREE ACTS Curtain S:20 promptly Get Reserved Seats. Before the Performance VISIT "THE GEM" MOVING PICTURES ILLUSTRATED - SONGS POPULAR PRICES Free mall boxes. 200 left ab salutely free call nnd get one as the i postolllce department requires the I 'onvcnlence for its carriers. Iilce & i Itice, tho House Furnishers. A Hoosier Kitchen Cab inet Will Touch That Tired Spot That husband of yours Is all rlKht. You had a hard time to set hlni and now you want him to live to be as old as Me thuseleli, don't you. So what have you done? Why, youtiuld: "Let's get us a-corn planter, a riding plow, u disc harrow, a wagon witli a spring seat, a liding cultivator with a striped sunshade, a wheat di III, u manure spreader and a self binder." And then you said: "Let's put up a wind mill, build a corn crib in the barn." and you Just made things handy for bini all 'round nnd that's all huuky-nie-dory. Hut after you bought your sewing machine with butter nnd egg money, and bought a bur rett and a rat for your hair, you began to say to yourself: "If this .Melhufu-leni is going to have a wife afler while, I'd better be trying to save myself. ' So you are looking aronnj now, aren't you? well this Hoosier Kitchen, Cublnot Is just the thing for you. It's so handy, so coniulete. so cheap and such an nll-r iiin l kitchen and dining room In one comer of the house, that fie only fault ever yet found with it by anyone Is that no man that ever bought one for his wife has ever been able to get n divorce. That Is the kind of n Cabinet Hint's sold at RICE $ RICE The House Furnishers The kind that ticklep your palate Buy your supplies of pastry and luted from m UMPQUA BAKERY I: II. (U Ki-T. 1-reu. Kvcry womnn :k intm-stH nnd should kmnv about t In womlcrful Kim'fca. the M'M antin ptlc Clenscs In itmiily, in m ic and i(r-itivo in its results iH-iuoiifctrii-lions k i von li!y hy lady Httt'ii'lmi t. OilU-v hours, U) to 12 a. m. 2 Ut I ji. ui. (.'all at rooms I ami 2 Abra ham 1'1'l'K f-'poclal tie in u n straiHins at lioine ugion The Best Coffee in theW nfcf Only 25c Per Pound Henry Easton Telephone 263 GROCER 344 N. Jackson St Our Roasts Fine re m::::::::::::::::j;::::m:::::::::i:::: II LEONA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY H S juuinoer, j.atu, miitiies ami ury riuisu 1. umtcr :: 8 Doors aud Windows of all Kinds. a Yards on LoerOk Street Phone 1411 ROSEBURG, OREGON g WAT2R FRONT DRY GOODS STORE D. J. JARVIS, Proprietor; A complete line of Pry (JockIs in stock. We can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything New and Strictly First Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET ROSEBURC. ORECON And our prices are riff ht. If you an t come and pick one out tele'hone us your order and we will send a good one. Try one. Cas Street Market JAlUIB KOHLHAGKN, lrop. ll 7 Weit Cm Bt. Pho w 1J. Free Dellrerj. THE ROSEBURG MARSIiFIELD and ROSEBURGMRTLE POINT ..STAGE LINES.. STAGES LEAVE ROSEBURO FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A. M. nffiro and tahlnc Tnnaa Da.. ..J UT U: 4 444444444444-444444 We Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as Tell as ell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order If you like) and you won't need to sound tout burglar alarm when you get' our bill. Need anything In our line. G. L. PRIOR 16 N. Jacluon St. Rotebirg, Or " V lllllllllll