THE KVEXINO XFWH. SATl'llDAV, AUOl'ST 20, 1010. The Schram Fruit Jar The one Best Easy to Seal Easy to Open Large Mouth Preserves Fruit or Vegetables to Perfection Demonstrated at TELEPHONE 2381 COMMERCIAL BLDG Wwwi mdBiimiwiiiii imw ininmiiiwuwirf D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. I Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble i WorHs. Telephone 2511. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. f We treat people All the year o Page Investment Company Phone 2421 709 North Jackson Street WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE 1 rt i rt trie? tt i. W I VvAKutfiinn' Maw an A Ct3frlv . Fife ' Place Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET ROSEBURG, OREGON P, J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Goods in slock. We can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls LH.RHOADES&CO WANT TO BUY AND S LL YOU FIRST AND SECOND ' HAND GOODS ACCOMMODATING CLERKS WILL SERVE YOU vvinnie uauuib THF. PLUMBER Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating J Phone 2101 j purities. Roseburg Oregon ixmax 6 LOVE. Cnil 'io Some" Hut 1h Not a man Chaser". Editor News: In yesterday's Dally News I read an account of my suit of yesterday against Wni. Clay and niy wife. Pearl, where I am accused of being a "free lover"; which is cor rect, but not to be Inferred as a "free luster" or "woman chaser", as some call it. . I claim to be the greatest free lover who ever lived, lives now or perhaps ever wilt live, and can. back it on earth and In Lovo must be free to be love who ever heard of bond love. ' Now, my child and children. I do not claim to be the analyst or could possibly be one equal to the great Spencer, yet allow me, if you please, to have a few words on love. The term .never has been, or per haps will be fully understood, there fore, fully appreciated until, as Tab mage used to say: "The clock of Time hns struck its Inst hour." What 1 know about love (and I claim to know as much about it as any man on any continent) is that love is the Divine essence of our being. It flows, or should flow, from soul' to soul. Love cheers and comforts ithe drear iest hours of life. t In love all are summers. It was the great, brained Shakespeare who said: "Time may reach the wrinkled brow, the sunken eye, the hollow cheek, but it can not quite reach love". I am a descendant of the famous city of brotherly love and If all the people of the nation were as good as the Quakers there would not be a gounhnat or firearm fo; war on this planet. I love the whole world and nil the nnture Included, its stinshiue. air, water, lnndscnpcs. Iiensts, birds. Insects, flowers blossoms and fruit of every conceivable variety. "God Is l.ove" says the book and I thoroughly believe. that much of It and many other things it contains, but not all. 1 nay vigorously! and fearlessly that where love Is, .whether on earth, in Heaven or the Orthodox of Hell, (the hell of ignorance and its consequent superstition) there you find God. "Better is it dinner of herbs where love Is" said the proverb man, "than a stalled ox nnd hatred therewith." It not said. It is Inferred thnt. one of the man made numerous Gods so loved the world that ho made up his mind to damn the most of us. Ac cording to Calvinism the nine-tenths go to hell. .Modern Presbyterlunlsm and -Methodism and many other reli gions are not so hnrd on "we mor tals'. Now iand the word Implies euphony) I so love the world thnt I have long since made up my mind that men shall be saved, and when I say men I mean mankind, which In cludes people of both sexes. And 1 claim that this Is an Improvement on orthodox dogmatism. ' Yesterday I wns Introduced to Mr. Bowerman. candidate for governor on the. assembly plan. And while In friendly conversation with- him, T made the remnrk thnt It mattered little to me what his Ideas were concerning International doctrines, as for myself that there ta tiot n man with skin so yoUftW or lvinck but that I could with soul extend the right hand of friendship. In self defense, snld Wm. Clay (who claims to be a son of the Il lustrious Cassias M. Clay, once Am bassador to Russia), In his evidence that my wife told him that I had been a candidate for the presldencv on the socialist ticket., nnd thnt I am crazy. Her saying Is simply n drnfl upon her Imnglnntlon or wll fullv made from whole cloth. My writings for the public press throughout my long lire which are known on several continents, nnd my letter writings, do not Indicate that I am crazy. I do not take n bnck sent with Tart,, Roosevelt or a Supremo Jus tice, on any question of national or International importance, esueclnllv would It be on constitutional or In ternational law. Lately, I handed to Mr. Fickle, the telegrapher, tel egrams to President Taft and Kx Presldent Roosevelt, nnd after count ing the number of words It contained snld that It would cost me H12.50 night rates, and that It might u(t appear In the public press, so I took the telegram across the street as ad vised by mv friend Fickle, to the Review office and requested that It be published, and told the renowned editor that when he did so, f would give him $10 for the space It would occupy. So it Is up to the editor of the Dally and Twice-a-Yeek Review to nublish the intended telegrnm. The coming trial will show thnt I have been very ieaient with my wife. I and It would not be only injustice but a crime to her and her newly made paramour to offer a falsehood in my testimony agaiUBt them. No. to give a true concept of my heart and bruin, 1 bad rutber that the sun In all Its brightness, light it.d llfe-givlng would be forever darken j ed, and the moon cease to shed its light and all the stars be blotted out' that in the Intense dungeon wu would all die in a few momenta and' living that short lire with a clear i conscience, than for the Ban. moon and stars continue on nnd on, giv- j ig light, ijlectrlclty, vannth and life and all earth be rosy and gay nnd., I to live a life allotted driven to' dospulr with a guilty conscience. If kisses alone, the natural tok en of friendship and love, 1 would not make a complulnt against any one, but when further action be tween sexes out of wedlock 1b sur prised, theu kisses bestowed by eith er party Is considered of bad form. Respectfully Submitted,' JA.MKS INMAN. UK.'AIi MOWS. Latest things In hair rolls and turbans Roseburg Beauty Parlors. It was erroneously stated In yes terday's News that James Inman was a candidate on the socialist ticket some years ago for president. Mr. Inman has never had any official connection with the party referred to. but on the contrary made his run as an independent candidate. A special meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary to the Roseburg Commer cial Club will be held Monday eve ning. A number of Important mat ters are scheduled for consideration and It Is hoped that every member Df the organization will be in atten dance. The meeting will be held at the commercial club rooms and will consume less than an hour. A telegram was received here late today rrom Seattle conveying the snd Indulgence that Paul Hurhke, a niemuer or the local militia company, is dangerously 111 at that city with little chance of recovery. The pa tient worked at the Guest bakery prior to going to Amorlcan Lake, Washington, where he was taken III. Upon being removed to Seattle his case was pronounced typhoid fever. hut not until yesterday did the at tending physicians deem his condition serious. Ills father Is at his side, and In the event of death, will bring the remains to this city. CALL l'OIl CITY WARRANTS. All City of Roseburg Warrants drawn on the General Fund and endorsed prior to July 1, 1910, In clusive, are this day called for, pay ment. Dated this 8th day of August, 1910. ELDERT B. HERMANN. City Treasurer. D.ULV WEATHICIt REPORT. U. S. Bureau, local office. Rose burg, Ore.. 24 hourse ending 6 A. M. August 20, 1910. Precipitation In' inches and hun dredths: Maximum temperature 88 Minimum temperature 49 Precipitation n Total preclp. since (li st of month 0 Average preclp. for tills month for 32 years 33 Total preclp. from Sep. 1, 1909, to date ,. 30.34 Average preclp. from Septem ber 1. 1877 34.38 Total excess deficiency from Sep tember 1, 1909 4.(N Average precipitation ror 32 wet, seasons, (September to May. Inclusive) 3.1.00 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE K0HLHAGEN, Proprietor Wholesale and retail Butcher. Trie best the Market affords. All kinds of Stqck Bought and Sold. Phone 581 Roseburg, Oregon " -.OS4)?S4SC4SO MS4C4iJ0444S4S; STAGE LINES TO ALL POINTS! All regular mall stages leave G. W. Rami's grocery store. 132 Sheridan Btreet, facing R. R., opposite the exhibit building. Daily stages for .Mars'.ifleld. Myrtle Point and all Coos Hay points, also dally hacks (except Sunday) for Peel and Millwood. Cash paid, for produce along the line. G. W. RAPP, Agent and Proprietor Agent for Snell Water Filters. 2 Removes all im- Cream de Mint Frappe is so Refreshing "Phosco" the New Health Drink Specials at THE ROSE Picture Bargains at Strong's Store IHcKefrt Display of Iron I lot Is is A No Tliere. Thirty-five different kinds of metal beds nre on dlBluy In Strong's Fur niture store. In Ktock nre 100 Iron beds, and thirty-five wooden oiick If you happen to want that kind. The prices a re I he lowest and at t lit- same time the beds nre the best that Strong has over displayed. Another little feature offered tblt1 week Is a bit of pirtiiren, niosilv tinframcd. Fifty cent plrture of Roosevelt nre offered for tc. Oilier pktures nre r"dnred fU per cent or piorc below former prI- s. This means a Iokk to its. of course, but we wnnt to sell them. An offer of 2u per rent reduction on nil framing for the plain picture. Is made. A. F. LATHAM Carpenter, Contractor and Builder. TELEPHOXKS. Office Main &KII Rcfldcncc ...7in S. Main St. Rosebur: Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon BOOKS The Latest Copyrights School Books Office Supplies WRITING PAPER Tablets Envelopes Pen Pencils Penholders Inh FOUNTAIN PENS Drawing Material Typewriter Supplies Artistic Post Cards MAGAZINES Fishing Tackle Baseball Goods McKinley 10c Sheet Music Rosebur Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon Farmers Attention Just Arrived Today We have just received a full car of Flour; Feed The famous Red 'Ribbon and Gilt Edge Hard Wheat Flour, none excell. We guarantee every sack of this flour to you. Give us a trial; we will please you. Our prices are right and our stock new, clean and up-to-date. Yours to please. With every $10.00 cash order wo give one pound of Edwards' De pendable Coffee KRIOIO, Save your coupons. Stubbs & Perman Dealers in Flour, Feed, and Grain Wheat at Wholesale Prices Phone 2682 I I 197 rScc Cf jIg ' SHOD- ! I EVERY MBM6ER f$ I ' '.fa. OTje, if Q II FOR SALE BY THE 1 Roseburg Rochdale I I COMPANY J