MOXHAV, AIT.VST 1,1, 1910. Tl'KKDAY, AI'VRT 1, 1010. - TELEPHONE 2381 . COMMERCIAL BLDG, D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning and Heating North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble Works. Telephone 2511. Work Done on Short Notice We treat people Page Investment Company Phoue 2421 . 709 North Jackson Street WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE D. J. JAR VIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Goods in st ock. We can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything New and Strictly First ' Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET " ROSEBURG, OREGON L.H.RHOADES&CO WANT TO BUY AND SELL YOU FIRST AND SECOND HAND GOODS ACCOMMODATING CLERKS WILL SERVE YOU Winnie Gaddis THF. PLUMBER Agent for Snell 3 Water Filters. Phone 2101 3 Removes all m- 1 purities. Roseburg Oregon Cream de Mint Frappe is so Refreshing "Phosco" the New Health Drink Specials at THE ROSE The Schram Fruit Jar The one Best Easy to Seal Easy to Open Larg'e Mouth Preserves Fruit or Vegetables to Perfection Demonstrated at ROSEBURG, ORE M All the year o Skylight Cornices Heating Ventilating LOCAL NEWS. tie Creek this morning to spend a lew day a visiting wun menus. Judge Hamilton left for Curry i county last evening where he will 1 preside during the regular term or the circuit court. Mrs. Wooderson left for Portlund this morning where she will join her husband who preceded her to I the metropolis several days ago. I - Tom Cobb, of the Cobb Real Estate Company, has returned from Glen gary where he spent a few days aid-1 Ing the threshers. Winnie Gaddis, the local plumber, left for Portland and Seattle last eve ning to spend about ten days look ing after business interests. James Perry, of the J. Ay. Perry Millinery Company, left for Portland last night where he will purchase a fall stock of millinery. Mrs, Dell Jones returned to her home at Myrtle Creek this morning after a brief visit at the home of her daughter. Miss Vera, In this city. Mrs. George Kohlhagen, and chil dren, Floreuce and Edward, left for Astoria .this morning where they will spend some time visiting it h friends and relatives. C. H. Hermann, wife and daugh ter, and a sister, Mrs. Bender, of Myrtle Point, went to Myrtle Creek this morning where they will spend a few davH visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. J. L. Chambers and daugh ters, Abble and Creda, left for Ne braska and Iowa yesterday where they will spend some time visiting with relatives uml friends. The funeral of the late William Cooper, who died at Mercy hospital lute Saturday night after an illness of nine weeks, was held at the Cath olic church thlB morning, interment following at the Catholic cemetery. I. B. Riddle and family left this afternoon for points in Curry county where Mr. Riddle will attend the regular term of the circuit court. The family are traveling .by auto mobile and anticipate a most en joyabla trip. Harry T. Li ndser has returned returned from spent several mine in that Coffee creek where he weeks improving his locality. Harry says there is plenty of gold In the Coffee and he anticipates In securing a limited creek vicinity, little difficulty supply of the sparkling product. A. D, Bradley, Dave Lenox, Tom Wharton -and Bert Sutherland re turned last evening from a two weeks' hunting trip about 30 miles east of Glendale. The boys report a most enjoyable time, and allege that llify killed their allotment of game. : f It is reported here todny that W. 13. Winston has disposed of 20 acres of his valuable fruit land, situated ft Winston, to Dr. Bradburn, one of Douglas county's best known growers. Those Interested in the consummation of the deal refuse to divulge the amount of the considera tion. William Cobb, of the Cobb Real Estate Company, and family return ed yesterday from a two week's out ing In the vicinity of Crater Lake Mr. Cobb is much pleased with the prospects of the Crater Lake dis trict and he believes that It Is des tined to become one of the most pop ular summer resorts in the entire Northwest within the next few years-- H. R Deardorff and wife arrived in the city this morning from Port land to spend a few days, the former to look after business matters and the latter to visit friends. Mr. Dear dorff recently returned from a trip to Europe where he purchased sev eral carloads of draft horses. Mr Deardorff is representing A. B. Ruby! & Company, of Portland. ! E. G. Argraves has sold his 236 acre ranch one and one half mflef southwest of Brock way to K. G. Der rick a prominent sheep man of thb county. Mr. Herrlck's intention is to improve the ranch and make it Into an Ideal home. Mr. Argraves take as part payment for his ranch the finely" Improved 8 acre timet of land belonging to Mr. Herrick, about a I mile north of Roseburg, In Fntltdale The deal was consummated through I the real estate firm of Perrhu & Walker. ! John Hertzer, of Looking Glass j Valley has sold his fine 40-acre ranch i to E. P. Prelbe, of West Roseburg. Mr. Preble Is an old time rancher of Looking Glass Valley and wanting i to go bark to a ranch. Hays that 1 therj is no place where he would , rather live than in the pleasant and productive valley of Looking Glass.' The deal was mode throneh the real estate firm of Perrlne & Walker. Ira E. Knot, of Drain, who has been emplnyptl at Leona for some Mine arrived In the city last even ing with his fare badly bruised and cur. the result of coming In contart with some I wine boards that he was loading into a car. His Injuries were dressed by Dr. Seely. and he was allowed to proceed to Portland on the inidnfeht train where he will re reive further medical treatment. Font says that he was loading a car rvHh boards, when In some unex "hiinable manner several of them 'ipnme loosened mid shot down the Oido with terrific force. I'naiile to zot out of the wav he was vtruck v-th at leaut two of the hoards, and when picked tin by companions was in semi-conscious condition. Dr. SeHv fa's that the patient will re cover Khould no unforseen complica Fireless Cookers Save You Money Our fireless cookers save you money by using but onesixth of the fuel of a stove. They Btew, boil, broil, roast and bake, and they give satisfaction. Any good fireless cooker will do this. nut tills HrflcM cooker saves yon money ou first tiuniiuse price. It costs but liulf of others. Tills cooker Is a cylinder with two chambers. It is all metal and can be kept thoroughly clean. Be cause there is not one particle of wood In fhis cooker, It is more snnitury than nil wooden cookers. It eoines hi tlll-ee sixes, olio of which is certain to please you. B. W. STRONG THE FURNITURE MAN LOCAL NKWS. A marriage license was issued this morning to Charles McGowan and Miss Katherlne Duul, both of Days Creek, Oregon. Mr. Reese, representing the South ern Pacific Company, and J. D. Wright, of Douglas county left this morning for points in the Perdue and Tiller districts where they will Investigate the fire conditions. They were accompanied by a number of men who will be employed in fight ing the flames until till danger has passed. "Instead of being an "eye sore" to local people and the tourist which it has been nl.most continuously since Its erection, the exhibit building at the depot, now presents a very pleasing appearance and shown an excellent display of products raised in this county. There certainly can be no complaint for the efficient way the exhibit building is now being conducted. WAXTKD. Men to work In drier; also prune pickers wanted. The highest price paid for picking. Fine camping ground on the South Umpqua. George H. Pitts. Ruckles, Ore. dsw-sl Roseburg Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon BOOKS The Latest Copyrights School BooKs Office Supplies WRITING PAPER Tablets Envelopes Pen Pencils Penholders Inh FOUNTAIN PENS Drawing Material Typewriter Supplies Artistic Post Cards MACAZINES Fishing Tachle Baseball Goods McKinley 10c Sheet Music Roseburg Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon JiOCAL NKWS. Walter Laird, of Lairds, is spend ing the day In town attending to business . matters and Incidentally greeting old time friends. Attorney C. 8. Jackson is spending a few days at his homestead, near Dlllard. lie is accompanied by his fumlly. Gene lluunn and son, Mar, and Sam Smith arrived last evening from Coos county with a drove of 360 head of beef cattle which was pur chased by Mr. Ilnnan ror the Port land market. The stock Is in excel lent condition and a finer lot or beef cattle would he hard to get. While away Mr. Hunan also purchased 300 additional head which no will bring out for shipment from this city about the 25th of the present month. OTP 1 ill . I Hire f aiAUC' LlflW AH regular mail stages leave G. W. Rapp'g grocery store, 133 Sheridan street, facing R. R., opposite the exhibit building. Dally J! stages for Marshfleld, Myrtle Point and all Coos Bay points, also bherldan street, facing R. R., opposite the exhibit building. Dally Ji stages for Marshfleld, Myrtle Point and all Coos Bay points, also uauy nacKa (except Sunday) for Peel and Millwood. Cash paid $ for produce along the line. G. W. RAPP, Agent and Proprietor Farmers Attention Just Arrived Today We have just received a full car of Flour, Feed The famous Red Ribbon and Gilt Edge Hard Wheat Flour, none excell. We guarantee every sack of this flour to you. Give us'a , trial; we will please you. Our prices are right and our stock new, clean and up-to-date. Yours to please. With every $1.00 cash order we give one pound of Edwards' De pendable Coffee FltKK. Save your coupons. Stubbs & Perman Dealers in Floor, Feed, and Grain Wheat at Wholesale Prices 127 Cass St. Phone 2682 FOR SALE Roseburg COMPANY LOCAL NKWS. Miss Sylvia Smith, of Pocatella, Idaho, arrived here this morning to spend a few duys visiting friends. The trlul of Agnes Htupleton and her pal baa been continued indefi nitely on account of the Illness of District Attorney George M, Drown' little boy. Mis. Minule Fruit, daughter of the late Enos liodson, spent yesterday in the city, returning to her home at Medfurd this morning. VOll OO.NKTAIILK. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of constable for Deer Creek district subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held September 24. 1910. (Adv.) D. J. JARV1S. Roseburg, Or. nrrv m nnniTr 1U ALL rUlPI ID BY THE Rochdale tions hct In. . (.