THK EVEMXO NEWS. TI'KHIIAV, AlVil'ST l, 1010. THE EVENING NEWS 11Y B. W. DATKS 188UKII ItAlliV K.VCKIT SUMAV. Koterecj ug Heuond-class matter November 6, 1909, ut Hoseburg Ore., under net of .March 3, 1879. 8ul'ilitiuii Hales Dully. Per year, by mall J3.00 Per mouth, delivered 50 RemUweelily Per Year $2.00 Six months 1.00 ti'kkda v, Ar;i sr j, unit. AHHKMIII.V ItOKH .NOT NOMI.VATH. Eugene Register: A correspondent of the Grants Pass Courier, writing od the county assembly held In Johc phlne county, In the course of his artkrlo says: Will the exponents of the assembly plan explain just what you expect to Kain by the methods pursued 111 your recent meeting in which you took the naming of candidates for county office out of the hands of the peo ple? Where do you get one single hint or authority for what you did? It might be well for the "Mfe-long republican" who propounded this deep and learned question to ex plain where the assembly has taken the naming of candidates for county ' offices out of the hands of the eonle. If he has made such a wide study of political questions, and of the direct primary law In particular, he must know that the only way for republi can or democratic candidates to get their names on a ballot Is to have petitions, signed by the proper num ber of registered electors, presented to the county clerk, or secretary of Htate, as the case may be. Knilorse ment of the assembly In no way ob viates the necessity of going through the regular and prescribed formula. Hut suppose for Just a minute that the selection mude by the assembly did go onto the ballot without fur ther action on the part of the can didate or his friends, wouldn't the electors have the right to write In the names of any other iiindldato that they might prefer? Would there not bo. In effect, a referendum, even mirer thnn the referendum on laws which now enn be petitioned for? would It be neceHsary to volo for the assembly candidates If there were no other names on the ballot. Not t all. It is an American right to vote ror whomsoever the person toiimi ror no named In the ballot or not, and oven in the case of the nrl- mnry election, voters cnn. and have named n man not on the ballot. But the fact remains that endorse ment by the nssemlily does not In a nlnglo particular supercede the workings of the direct primary law. Candidates have to secure the needed number or signatures for their peti tions, and from the requisite number of precincts. By the naming ol can didates in tho assembly, It Is held that n gtenter degree of party feeling run bo developed, that leading men of tho party may be made to feel Ihnt a considerable number of their' fellows of tho party believe In them and are ready to support them, and thus encourage them to make a can vasB for tho nomination. Able men -do not enro particularly to glvo up lu crative private business for a public office with all the criticism It en- inns, nor no they wish to be the butt of ridicule or being considered pgotlstlenl In aspiring to an office. Taking It nil together there nre ninny good reasons for the holding of an assembly, and one of the chief nf the rensons Is that by so doing suit able men nre encouraged to run for ntnre. and without In nnv nlut doing violence to the laws of the PALMERS PERFUMES - - THE BEST PERFUME are made from the flowers and have their true odor We have just received a large stocR of PALMERS PERFUMES and TOILET ARTICLES. A free sample given to all for the ashing. List of the most Popular Odors; Gem, Violet, Aristom, Franjapina, Fashion, Rose Leaves, Rob Roy, Violet Leaves, Garland of Roses, Red Clover, OurJacK, White Rose, May Bloom, Marvel of Peru, Violet Bloom, Lilac Sweets, White Heliotrope, Apple Leaves, JocKey Club, American Car nation Pinlf. HARSTERS DRUG STORE 221 Jackson Street Prescription Pharmacists THE ICE MAN Is Ready to Receive Your Order. Phone 1413 and Max Weiss will Give your Needs Prompt Attention. WOOD FOR SALE ALSO THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD and ROSEBURG'MYRTLE POINT ..STAGE LINES.. STAGES LEAVE KOSEBURd FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A. M. Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor. . List your farm property with Hlmes & Oliver corner Jackson aud Cass street. a22 List your houses fop rent with Hlmes & Oliver, corner Jackson and Cass street. a22. WAXTKD To rent, by August 20, four or five room cottage, not too far out. No children. Address, .11. C. W., postofflce box 71, Hose burg. Ore. d-al3 HOUSES AND RIGS Will sell gen tle single Hlugle driving, pack and woi'k horses, light truck wagons, hack, buckboard; harness, riding and pack saddles, chap W. I'". Deets, 734 8. Pines St. al8 COOK WAXTKD Orchardlst de sires middle aged woman to keep house and cook. Will pay good wages; pleasant place to work. Parties will please address Or chardlst, News Ohlce, at once. ftttffftttttfttt stnto. WHY THIS POWWOW? Tlio rhnrfip of ilio dnniocrntic presH thm flin re imhllmn xtnto nHHPtiihty was either a violation or an ovnaion of tho direct intimity law is ground Iohh, Kiiys l lie Salem HtuteHinun. It was iifii her. TiriiiK of democratic domination of the principal offices in the Kilt or the people of tho Htate. the rcpuhlicans convened un advisory anm-mljiy. At this gathering, which Ih not prohlhited by the very strlct eHt Interpretation of the direct pri mary law, the 1200 delegates from all HectioiiH of the state disentitled the pariy'H plight and resolved. If pos sible, to remedy the situation. To that end a declaration of principles was ennnciatcd and candidates pledged to those principles, were in dorsed for nomination by the republi can voters of the state In the direct primary nominating election. In no way has the direct primary law been circumvented by the as sembly. Neither have the rights of any individual or group of individu als, under that law, been abridged by the action of tho assembly. The Himie privilege of assembling for pur poses of conferring Is available to any other group of voters. The action of the assembly In rec ommending candidates for nomina tion at the hands of the republican voters of the state was only ad visory. 10 very candidal e indorsed by the assembly for nomination must submit his candidacy before the voiers of his party in the regular' uumiuatiug .election on September ! 24. J n prosecuting bin candidacy.; "very assembly raudldate Is obliged1 in every particular to the provisions! of the direct primary law. These Include circulating a nominating pe tition which must be signed by the legal voters residing In the district In which he .seeks ollice. This nomi nating petition Is required to be filed with the county clerk or the secretary of state within the time specified In the direct primary In exactly the same manner as the nominating petitions of other candi dates. In other words, the assembly can didate is on the same footing as all other candidates. lie cannot Ig nore the most Insignificant require ment of the direct primary law if he legally qualifies as a candidate. We are constrained, therefore, to Inquire wherein Is there anything wrong with the assembly? What could ho more fair? Indorsement by the aspomhly did not carry with It a nomination to the .office for which the candidate was recommended. He must, go before the electors on his merits, and unless his candidacy re ceives the approval of the voters, he Is no longer a candidate. The peo ple are the final judges. They will make the nominations. The oper ation of the direct primary low is not disturbed. Why then all this pow wow in the democratic camp against the assembly? I0HUR0H BROTHERS'! O. W. Cage, or nillard. was In tho city for n few hours lodav. and from him it was learned that the (list car loud of melons from nillard was shipped to tho northern market yesterday. The melons were a flue lot. ns such fruit from this section nlweys Is. BREAD IT'S ti :: 1 Hmm 4 an XX XX XX ll EYE GLASSES THREE Men in a boat was a funny story. The question of eyes and eye troubles is a serious one and we treat ft serious ly by employing all our ex perience and ability to your advantage. We are never satisfied until you are and that is why we have so many satisfied customers. j. S. I IIJEY Ol'TO.MKl'RLST Si BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR ti CASS STREET PHONE 135 THE EUREKA A Woman's Friend Invaluable to Ladies Evvry woman is Inim-sled and should know about tho wonderful Eurvka, the bust antiseptic Clenses In Httintly, i ?Hfc and positive in Its results Pemonftrn Hons Riven daily by lady attendant, (tflce hours, 10 to 12 h. m. 2 to 1 p. m. Call nt rooms 1 and 2 A bra bum bltt'g Ppvelal demon Biratlnns at home upon riUt't r t t ixll HO :::: :::: tt a it a tt TT4 The Bridge is Open for Travelim The People of Roseburg are Invited to Visit Umpqua Park and Waterfront No more desirable Residence Property can be found around Roseburg. No easier terms wil ever bo offered. THE UMPQUA LAND S WATER COMPANY, INC., "The Home Builders," will, for the next thirty days, give every man who works in Roseburg a chance to get ti 40x140 building site, uuder the following extremely reasonable terms: .-).oo cash: noAv a xx sr.oo cash per mon-ti-i Under such easy conditions every man should have a piece of Mother Earth. Get in on the (irouud Floor; buy in time because we have only a limited number of lots for sale. ti ittt Hit 85 ii it a -it a a it xUt an tti: mi m SEND IN YOUR ORDERS FOR WOOD Split OaK $2.75 Stove Wood $2.50 nit "it 8S Umpqua Land 116 Cass Street ..THE HOME BUILDERS., ater Company, Inc. Roseburg National BanK Building W tfi .