The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, August 16, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair tonight and Wednesday
Warmer tbii afternoon and
' tonight!
Will find Tlit Evening- Newt
the beat lutMlluiu to reach the
peoidnof HoNeburiTi A wlde-A-wnku
pubKcntlim tirlntlnjr
all the now thnt'Bfit tonrint
VOL. 1
No. 241.
Unlike Jeffries, Harrington
V Comes Back '
Complete Sewer System May Iw In
Ktalled in West HoHrburg Min
or Matters uro Given Just
NumeroitB matters of au Interest
ing nature were considered at last
evening's session of the city' council,
the moat important of which was that
of installing a complete sewer sys
tem in West Uoseburg. Councilman
Strong, chairman of the committee
on health and police, reported the
sanitary conditions bad in West Rosa
Imrg, and especially referred to the
so-called hospital sewer which ter
minates at a point almost directly
west of the hospital on the bank of
"the Umpqua river, "Upon investiga
tion I found the hospital sewer In
-very bad condition," said Councilman
Strong, "ns are the sanitary condi
tions in West Roseburg generally. I
?an ascertain but one feasible man
ner in which to remedy the existing
evil, and that is by installing a com
plete sewerage system in that section
of the town. Such is a simple mat
ter inasmuch as one line, running
-directly west to the river, would car
ry the sewerage without difficulty."
In concluding Mr. Strong recom
mended that some action be taken
relative to the sewer system men
tioned and upon motion of Council
man Mullen the city engineer was
instructed to survey the contemplat
ed line that he might submit to
the council a statement relative to
the estimated cost of the undertak
ing. The motion passed without a
dissenting vote and indications are
that the work win be commenced at
an early date. At least, Councilman
Strong contends that little opposi
tion will be met in the undertuk-i
ing inasmuch as the citizens in West
Chapin Universal Liniment for
accidents and every day use, too.
Best for man and beast.
Rubs In easier pulls the pnin
out quicker.
Indicated wherever a . good lin
iment Is needed. : '
Hundreds of satisfied users will
tell you that in the all world of
medicine there is no application or
embrocation like this.
Costs 25 cents a bottle
Little Liver Pills cure all ills.
Normal, gentle, but thorough
action cleansing the Rowels com
pletely, giving better freedom to
the other organs
Cure headache, nausea, indiges
tion, constipation and all disord
ers of hot weather change of food
and water.
25 cents a box.
The Biggest Little Drug'
Store in Town
S. E. KROHN, Manager
Roseburg, Oregon
Roseburg are desirous of improved
sanitary conditions. ,.
Herriugton Comes I tuck.
Unlike the famous James J. Jeff
ries, A. P. Herringlon. proprietor of
a local soft -drink emporium, came
back, and nt ilast night's council
meeting he was granted a license to
conduct a near beer emporium,
notwithstanding that his application
for a license was' rejected at a pre
vious meeting of the municipal body.
Councilman' Josephson advanced a
motion asking that the action of
the council two weeks, ago, when
Herringlon was refused a license be
reel tided,' and that he be granted the
required "operative" document upon
the council's approval of the bond.
City Recorder Orcutt reported that
the bond was In his possession with
I,. Rabat and William Carroll as
sureties. . ' .
Mullen remarked: "I am of the
opinion that another surety should
he added in making the bond abso
lutely secure."
Councilman Strong asked for In
formation relative to the standing
of the sureties and was assured that
they were perfectly responsible.
A motion wns then advanced by
Councilman Mlcellt to the effect that
the license be granted and that Her
rington bo allowed to conduct his
emporium according to the existing.
laws. The motion passed with one dis
senting vote, registered by Council
man a.ullen.
Minor Matters,
Councilman Mullen, chairman of
the committee on-electrlc lights, re
ported that the decorative light post
stationed nt the corner of Cass and
Sheridan street, which was recently
wrecked, had been repaired and was
at present In working order. He
also said that the committee was
inspecting lights in other sections
of the city, but requested further
time In which to file a report.- The
renuest was granted.
Councilman Josephson reported
"Hebe" out of order, the result of
coming In contact with a wagon.
Councilman Strong promised to have
the lady in usual health as soon as
the necessary repairs could be made.
"Hebe" Is familiarly known through
out the citv by the more common
name, "drinking fountain."
Communications received from H,
S. Gile & Company, and W. C. Till-
pon & Company, of Salem, In which
the writers obleeted to paying their
proportion of the contemplated North
Roseburg Sewer assessment were
rend, and nnnn motion referred to
the committee on assessments.
Cltv. Treasurer Hermann asked for
a warrant In the sum of $375.55
with which to nay the interest on the
Bancroft bonds which became due
August 1. The request was grant
The fiv engineer submitted a re
Wilson's Sursaparllla Compound
Is essentially a builder.
It renews blood activity and In
creases volume.
It makes healthy flesh
It renovates the entire system
and allows full scope of work to
individual organs
It increases appetite and corrects
It Is best for the Btomnch,
blood, liver and kidneys.
' And it is best for all ages.
There's health in every bottle
$1.00, 3 for $2.50.
Krohn'B Diarrhoea Cordial
The natural, safe remedy for
colic, cholera, cholera morbus and
summer complaints.
There's probably not a better
remedy for the purpose in the
An emergency remedy for home
or on vacation trip.
.Don't ever be without it.
Krohn's Diarrhoea Cordial stops
diarrhoea and dysentry.
25 cents.
Old Leaders Insist On Remain
ing In Control
Ballinger MaiiitainK that he Will Not
ltesign I' President Plailn
- ly Asks Him to Step
: Down and Out.
BEVERLY, Aug. 16. President
Taft's scheme to reorganize the re
publican party is steering through a
stormy course " and encountering
breakers innumerable. Speaker Can
non refuses to be eliminated from
his dominating position in the party
councils, and information y hat is
considered perfectly reliable says
that Secretary Balllnger will not re
sign unless the president flatly re
quests such action. Senator A Id rich
has frequently announced that he
will withdraw, but It is generally
understood that he expects to retain
his hold on party affairs and will not
voluntarily relinquish his toga. Sen
ator Crane, who it is believed is
the chief advisor of the president, Is
said to have suggested the changes',
and It is understood that tremendous
pressure is being exerted to cause
Taft to get into the collar and mnke
good the prog ra me outlined by the
senator. It Is rumored that when
Crane approached Balliuger and sug
gested his retirement, that the irate
secretary told .Crane that he could
not understand how his- dropping
from the lime light would help the
party, but on the contrary such ac
tion would only make of him the
scape goat for the mistakes of
others. Further than that the sec
retary emphatically declared that he
would not resign unless Taft, made
the matter a personal request."' Taft
Is now being urged to give Balliug
er a hint that his resignation would
be desirable in the interests of har
mony. port to the effect that Winnie Cad
dis, the plumber, had completed the
Mill-Short street sewer according..
to the plans and specifications fur
nished by the city. Accordingly the
sewer was accepted and a warrant
ordered drawn In favor of Mr. Gad
dls In the sum of $1,128, the con
tract price.
A general discussion prevailed rel
ative to the popular tree nuisance,
and upon motion the city attorney
was ordered to frame an ordinance
providing that alt trees of this na
ture within 100 feet of a sewer he
killed. The ordinance will he sweep
lug in its nature, mid will Include
trees on private property as well
as those In the streets.
The sidewalk ordinance, substitut
ed by Councilman Mlcelll, of the
street committee, was placed on its
first and second reading.
Councilman Mullen asked for In
formation relative to whether the
city had upon Its books an ordinance
prohibiting drivers from driving
horses and wagons over the curbs.
McClallen contended that there was
such an odinance, while Mullen al
iened that there was no such or
dinance at the present time. The
desired Information was unobtainable
and other business was taken up.
Salem Statesman: O. P. Cnshow, of
Roseburg, in writing to friends in
this city, declares that he will not
become a democratic candidate for
governor. Mr. Coshow gives business
reasons for his changing his plans.
He states he had his petitions all
prepared, but at the last minute dis
covered that he could not make the
race. Mr. Coshow Is well known in
Salem, having served several terms
in the state legislature.
Gem Theatre,
Baber StocK Company
One Act Comedy
Seethe J2000 years old
Statue come to life
Always the BEST
At the GEM dt dt
English Aviator Started On
Flight Today
Refused to (.uard Ktrike-Urea k era on
Cars Western ioveYnorN Meet
lu Suit Idike Thursday
Steamer Sunk. .
I'ARIS. Aug. 16. Hubert Latham.
the English aviator, left Hnrls tor
London today In his areoplane, nnd
this Is the firs' time that the feat has
been attempted. The London Dally
Mall offers a prize of $25,000 for the
successful performance. Lntham as
cended this morning at six o'clock
and Htarted rapidly on his 2fi9 mile
Journey. The flight was without In
cldent for 70 miles when he alighted
at Amiens on account of a defect In
the (engine. ' Ho expectod? to re
sume the night this afternoon.
Dismissed from Service.
COLUMBUS, Aug. 16. Thirty-
two patrolmen were dismissed last
night from the service for their re
fusal to ninu the street em's oper
ated hy strlke-hreakers. Columbus
has agnln taken on nn air of murtial
law with the troops camped on the
cnpltnl grounds. Automobiles with
mounted rapid-fire guns aboard are a
novel sight, nnd will be used by the
troops In event of a riot. The first
Ohio infantry arrived In the city
Western Governors Meet.
SALEM. Aug. 16. C. N. Mr Ar
thur, speaker of the Oregon House,
left for Salt Lake today, where he
will represent Acting (lovemor Ilow-
crinan of this state at the confer
ence of Western governors regard
ing conservation. The governors will
meet on the 18th of the month, and
the views or the various Western
executives expressed there will be
presented at the national conserva
tion congress that is scheduled to
convene at St. Paul In September.
Mr. McArthur declined to say what
stand he will take In the mailer of
conservation. This conference is the
direct result of recent suggestions
ot uovornor liny, of Washington.
Steamer Collided and Sunk.
GIBRALTAR, Aug. 16. Thrity
two passengers nnd seven of the crow
of the Spanish steamer Morlns were
drowned today when the ship snnk
following a collision. While In n
dense fog near Tarifa Point, the
steamer collided with the German
ship Klsn. Many of the crew of the
Mortos were saved by the German
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 0. It la
costing the government $7000 daily
to light the Torest fires in the North
west, is the claim made hy forestry
officials today. It in believed that
the worst is over, as there have
been showers of rain in many locali
ties where the fires have raged for
COMPANY "D" iv iiattm:.
I toys are Armiftfng Themselves Willi
COSGROVB, Wash., Aug 14.
(Editor News) The company "D"
boys are having the time of their
lives. On Wednesday we participated
lu the big bull lo in whieh about. 4000
troops were engaged. Company "!)"
went out in full force under the com
mand of Lieutenant Buchanan. Each
man was issued thirty rounds of
ammunition, nnd nearly all of It
was used. A fifteen mile hike pre
ceded the battle. When the at
tack was made the 4 th regiment was
displayed In line of skirmishers, com
pany 'D" on the extreme right.
Then a charge was made by rushes
for three quarters of a mile across
on open field. That is, the command
would charge at double time for
about one hundred yards then lie
down In skirmish line and Are two or
threfl rounds, then charge n;niii. The
boom of the cannon, I he Incesnnt
rattle of small arms, the-cheelng of
the men, and l he shouting of com
mands hy the officers, made It about
as exciting e.s In real warfare.' But
few of our men had ever seen a sham
battle, and It was an Important ob
ject lesson to them. But all came
through with "!ijnf,r 'and reached
camp in good condition.
Company "U" linn been out on
some maneuver every day since we
have been here. We had a little
battle yesterday which we enjoyed
about ns much ns aiv. Two com
panies. Including comnany IV.
marched down to Spray Lake, about
four mfles distant, tinder coin maud
of Major Hamlin, and formed to re
1st an nitack. After about wo
hours waiting we were attacked by
Ihree romonnles of the third Oregon,
under Ma (or Settlemler. The at
tack developed on the right flank
In the thick woods and Corporal
Caro' squad. Including privates
Manners. McKay and others, - were
Declaring that the curbing is
faulty and unserviceable, the
trustees pf the First presbyter-
lau church, recently informed
members of the city council
that they would not pay one
cent of tho cost of the same,
abutting upon their property
at tho corner of Lane aud Jack-
son streets, until such time as
it was repaired so ,as to com-
form with the plans and specltl-
cations of the city euglueor.. A
member of the local board of
trustees when Interviewed by a
News representative this after-
noon, said that the curbing was
of miserable construction, be-
Ing so frail as to crash to dust
under the weight of an ordln-
ary rock. The members of the
council notified have kept the
complaint secret, but notwlth-
standing. It leaked out today
nnd Is now a general topic of
conversation..- it Is said that
the paving company have de-
clared their Intention of cor-
reeling tho. defect, und now
have men on the Job.
ered themselves with glory. The
enemy came up within fifteen feet
and the firing wns fast and furious.
When recall sounded our am
munition was all gone, and the um
pires decided unnnlmously that we
had won the battle. Another big
battle will be fought tomorrow or
Tuesday, with probably a night out
lu shelter tents.
Though we have had some bad
luck, the boys are feeling fine, nnd
are enjoying every minute of their
outing. This Is Sunday and most
of the men are In Tacomn nnd Se
attle Wo will break up camp Wed
nesday morning and will spend tho
afternoon and evening In Pnrtlnnd.
Gompny "D" will rench Roseburg on
the 9 o'clock train Thursday morn
ing. A. B. C.
William T. Emory, of Coles Val
ley, candldato for county clerk, filed
his declaration with the county clerk
this afternoon. Mr. Kinory submits
his name subject to the approval of
the republican voters at the primary
election to be held In September. Mr.
Kmory needs no Introduction through
the columns of The Evening News.
As a successful farmer and tlrst-clnss
business man he Is kmfwn from one
end or tho county to tho other. Mr.
Kmory is active and progressive nnd
possesses those traits true to a good
citizen. He hns resided In Douglas
county for many years. At various
times he has served the people In
positions of trust, nnd upon all oc
casions be proved himself a most ef
ficient officer. Mr. Kmory Is well
known among the farmers, and that
he will poll the vote of the common
people is nssurred. He stnnds ful
fill honest administration, nnd prom
ises. If elected, to conduct the nf
ralrs of the olllco In n manner sat
isfactory to all.
Mrs. Churchill returned to her
home nt Yoncalln this afternoon af
ter a brier visit with friends In this
We Make the I'rlw
WeMnkt-tbe frier
France Looks to America for
Her Breadstuffs
Democratic Primaries In Nebraska
Largely Attended Dalll
limii Made no Antl
Haloou Pledges.
PORTLAND, , Aug. 10 Crops
ruined by excessive rains lu Franco
hasturned to tho United States for
her- brend stuffs. Local exporters
have been ordered to huy bluestem
whent, nnd although the market ad
vanced two nnd one-half cents, only
a few lots have been moved within
the past twenty four hours from the
Interior on a basis of 08 V4 cents,
trackage nt Portland. Throughout
the Northwest runners are holding
their wheat III the belief that high
er prices will prevail. That It wilt"
take France Bovernl years to recover
from tho failure of the crops this
year Is tho opinion of a prominent
French grain man In Chicago. The
torrllllc rains ruined tho crops, and '
tho lossos by farmers nnd bankers uro
Immense. France usunlly looks to
Bulgaria and to Russian Argentina
for her wheat, but this year turned
to Amerlcn as a last resort.
Ll(iuil' Question Involved.
LINCOLN. Aug. 16 Ail unusual
ly largo vote was cast at tho pri
maries today In Nebraskn, partly due
to the Ideal weather that has pre
vailed, and also to the fact that In
tense Interest In the contest for tho
gubernatorial nomination on tho
democratic ticket. The liquor ques
tion Is perhaps the main Issue, and
Governor Shnllenberger hopos to bo
renominated, having the Bupport
of W. J. Ilryan, against Mayor Dnhl
man. of Omahu. Tho latter puts forth
as excellent logic for his nomination
that ho will poll, In event, of nomi
nation, 20,000 republican votes,
thereby liiHurlng democratic victory,
because he Is not pledged to endorse
any nntl-Uquor bills that mny be
passed by I ho legislature. Kdltor
Metcnlf. or I he Commoner, Is Aryan's
senatorial candldato against Con
gressman Hitchcock.
A. S. fluey, the Jeweler, Is Install
ing a large and handsome clock In
rront of his business establishment
on Cass street. Once In operation
the clock will prove not only an
attractive sign but a convenience to
tho citizens.
Mrs. A. L. Muddlx, wife of a locnl
barber, is quite 111 at her homo In
North Roseburg.
You never wen poods of the fol
lowing nuikej hi u kike store. Neither
won hi muiiiiKeifT of Hitch noted nnd
well known fartorleH plnce their line
hi any other than the very best nnd
busiest stores.
The (.rent MJetlc limine nt the
head of (he liM always the prlo
winner at nil exposition! the Itest
Hint money run buy and sold only hy
Hire & Kite, the hoiiMeiiiriilshcrM.
Tho (treat mid only Singer Hew
ing nmrhlne, acknowledged the het
hy nil, not the cheapest, hut the
lcnt evpeiishe, miiH caMer and last
loiter tlmii any other iniike. I tire
A: Kire, exclusive HKcntM,
The llnosler SHciid. a kitchen of
itself, no home should be without
fine, everything tit your linK'"' end.
A necewslty for tlliit good wife. Come
mid let us demonstrate the time sav
er. They uro old exclusively hy
lUre A It ice.
Osthnooro in ca lis the very befit
nnd those who have tried them nio
lliefr Kiciitcst pnilserHf built, not
st ii (Fed, . Keucli nnd every t Ick In
water proof and emi Iw washed or
sHinged without taking from tho
mnttres. Other exclusive I J tic uro
also on side here.
la the thick of the fray and cot-