THE KVKXIVO KKWR. THI'RHIIAV, AI'ftl'KT II. 1010. YOU MONEY tJ J LiSZI J J U U U LT U U U L5sE3 MONEY BACK I FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS Unequaled Values are being offered you for this 2 days shopping. We'll be glad to show you. Begin buying now for school days. You can save money. Men's Knit Underwear - 50c Grade Special 35c Men's summer undeiwearin a good grade of Balbriggan, also pink and brovm derby underwear, suinmerOCp clearance at special OOK, Special Sale $1.50 Percaline and Hydegrade Petticoats on Sale Special 98c A new lot of fancy colored percaline petticoats, em broidered flounce; also some plain black percaline and Hydegrade materials all placed in one great lot atQQp the very special price "OC Women's Silk Hose Regular $1.50 Values Special 98c Women's high grade thread silk hose made with double heel and toe, heavy elastic garter top, a. great value in black, tau and light blue, special .. 98c Regular Selling Values to $10.00 Lingerie Dresses $3.98 Beautiful white and light blue one-piece lingerie dress es in a variety of styles and cloths, very beautifully made with laces and embroideries, very rareJ0 AO values at special pO."0 On Sale Regular 50c Linen Hem stitched Squares Special I9c Plain Linen hemsti ched' squares, size iSxiS, andA 24x24 a good grade. linen cloth at special, each, lYC Values to $25.00 High Grade Tailored Suits $10.00 Your opportunity to secure a high grade suit at a very Binall cost; a special' clean-up of all suits exceptdMA black and blue at very special price )IU New Dutch Collars 15c A big assortment of dutch collars all kinds and styles; some have jabots made of dotted swiss embroidery C and lacy effects, 25c values special IDC Big Clearance in all Departments. Buy Now and Get Great Values. Every Day is a Sale Day Here LOCAL XlftVS. ' Mm, 'red Slowurt has accepted position at The NewYork atore. Mrs. (Joorgo Matthews, of HitKtoa, came to the city last evening to con salt Willi Dr. E. V. Hoover. LOCAL NKW8. Huv. A. O. Vernon and Jeff Wil liams were unions the Looking GIhhh i hi torn In the clly yeHterday. Hon. J. H. Kddy, land a sent for the Hnutlierii I'ucille Oompany, Ik cpondliiK a couple or dnyt In the city iittendlnK to Imnlness mat tern. J. .1. (illilam, or tlie Dior creuk I. I). Self, who recently arrived country, Is preparlriK to show a lot Jhero from Texas, Utft for Anlatif this of line stock ut the coining district morning whmo he will bo employed fall". in a Inmhor mill, I " I Mrs. A. C Seely and child went to Hoy McClnllon, or ho McClallcn Myrtle t'rei-k this morning to spend Yiottil, left for Marshfield yesterday. inn iay at the home of the former's mhiiro he will spend several days vlidttng with friends. Mr. and Mrs, A., f. Kelly, of Co oulllo City, passed through the clly this morning enroule to St. Martin's Springs, Washington, where the for mer will receive treatment for rheu matism. William II, Son. a well known lo cal resident, has filed salt Tor dlvoce In the circuit court, against his wife, IVHu Son. Thn plaintiff alleges that lie and his wile were married in Tex as inaiiy years ago, .and that in the year 1 S !2 she deserted without even uk much as Informing him as to bn-e she was gnlng. Mr. Son asks for a divorce and such other relief the ronrt may deem advisable1 parents. Miss Kcho Gaddis, of the Douglas County Creamery, went to Oakland this morning to look after business interests. Or, and Mrs. Callaway, who spent a couple of weeks In San Krancisco. are home agalu. White absent from ItoBcburg the doctor attended the Ostcopul hlc convention In San Fran cisco, and Mrs. Callaway devoted much of her time in visiting the ex tensive millinery establishments there with a view to getting in touch with the latest styles and fads In feminine wear, and during the coming season will again be con nected with, the millinery depart ment nf The Kntr In this cltv. It Certainly is a Fact that no other drug store in the city has shown the rapid rate of growth that this one has and the rea son is simply this I have always tried to make a friend of every one of my customers, have always watched and studied their wants constantly in order to mahe my drugstore service as nearly perfect as possible. I have added every accommodation and con venience that could possibly be of any benefit to my customers and the fact that my business is rapidly increasing' is proof conclusive that my ef forts have been appreciated. Can't I count on you to help maKe this store The Biggest Little Drug Store in Town ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. S. E. KROHN. Manager Roseburg, Oregon local m:vs. Lace curtains and curtain goods below cost at The Fair Store. tf All post cards 1c each at The 1 Store, best assortment In town LOCAL A'KWS. Hay In any quantity that you may desire delivered at your barn. Phone your orders to the North Side Gro cery, Main 26:13. d-tf Attorney Elbert Hermann and Jo seph Micelll returned from Portland this morning after spending a day at that city attending to business matters. Hay Rounds, an employ at the Kosehurg hotel underwent an oper ation yesterday. I)r, Hoover was the attending physician. Mrs. F. Hurkbolder. of Cociullle City, passed through the city tills morning enroute to Portland where she will spend some time visiting mends and relatives. Claud Kidder, formerly engaged In the abstract business In this city, but of late of Coqulile, Oregon, is spending a few days In the city attending to business matters. Miss Vera Carr, for the past few months stenographer at the Rose burg Commercial Club, has resigned her position, and will leave on Sep tember 1 for Seattle, Wash. Miss i Carr has won many friends since coming to Roseburg and will be tnlss , ed among the younger set. Pen ine & Walker, real estate deal- ei'n In this city, are In receipt of a 1 letter from a party In Cuba who Is i anxious to know more of this ravored section or Oregon, an-, the man way down in Cuba read Perrlne & Walker's advertisement in The News. I We mention this fact to show what a wide circulation The News has, and i that advertising in these columns j pays. James A. Sterling, pioneer of , Douglas county mid former county j assessor, died at his home, at Drain. : yeHterday morning after an illness ! or several months, lie was (12 years j of age. He leaves a widow and I two sons. Paul Sterltng, railroad : agent nt Myrtle I'olnr, nnrt Kdwin, J residing at home. A Mop son and 1 three step daughters also survive the ' defeased. The funeral was hold nt ! Drain Inst evening. Interment oc ; mi-ring at the Odd Fellows' ceme tery. I George Wesley Morris .r.s filed a j suit for divorce in the circuit court f against his wife. Marietta Morris. The plaintiff alleges that he and his wife were married In Lake rountv. California, on August 31. lnr. iind i that seven years a go she left h is 1 home without provocation. Before i going, the plaintiff declares, she re ! marked that she Intended to leave him and would never return. The . plaintiff nsks for a decree and the custody tif the minor child. The plaintiff Is represented by Altornevs i i aniweu i atson. In all probability another warrant of arrest will be Issued against Max Weiss, proprietor of the local "cold ; storage", this evening or tomorrow. ; charging him with violating the local option laws now in effect in Douulas county. Fortunately. Marshal Huff. I man chanced to be in the vicinity of the storage plant short I v after fi j o'clock yesterday afternoon, when be noticed a well known carpented by ', the name of Sun emerge from the j resort with his pockets well tilled ' With the qtiestiuV-ih-le fluid. Accost ing Sun. Marshal Huffman ordered him to produce the goods, and he did. handing the officer three well tilled bottles, nil labeled. "Salem's Hest". j Questioned relative to where he nb : tallied the beer. Sun said that it had : been given to him by n friend, hut j later weakened under the strain of continual Interrogation, and admitted that he had secured the nroduct from Max Weiss In person. Marshal Huff man took the beer to District At torney Brown's office where it will, remain until Mich time as It Is Intro-j duced In evidence Douglas county Creamery butter, the best In tho laud, can be had of your grocer at 85 cents the roll. De mand your homo product and accept no other. Butter fat 35 cents. dtf Dall stage line tc Myrtio Poln for passengers only. Reduced rates, four horse stock and careful driv ers. Stage leaves Farmers Real Kstate office at 6:30 A. M. d-nl3 Judge Hamilton returned from Ya q a ina flay this morning where he spent the past two weeks. Mr. Ham ilton's family will remuln at the sea shore for several weeks, the climate being excellent In that locality. Mrs. Mary A. Stephens, of Port land, arrived in the city this morn lug to spend about ten days visit ing with friends. Mrs. Stephens re sided in Roseburg over 15 years ago, and needless to say that she notices many substantial improve ments. , Mrs. Ada Wallace rnruh, state president Oregon Y.omehs Christian Temperauce Union, will speak in Kd enhower church Sunday evening, August 14. Mrs. Unruh Is an elo quent speaker and all who hear her will be well entertained and instruct ed. Kveryone should make a special effort to hear her. d-al3 Kdward Singleton announced this morning that he will be a candidate for the office of constable, subject to the will of the democrat voters of , Deer Creek precinct, at the primary, election to be held in September.' Mr. Singleton is quite well known in this locality and will no doubt poll a subsantial vote. In the event of his success nt the primary elec tion he will probably oppose D. .T. Jnrvis, the republican candidate, at the November election. - Morris Lancaster has sold his flue 150 aero ranch In Looking Glass Valley to Kdward Warren, of For syth. Montana. Mr. Warren has a good position In Forsyth. Montana, and can not arrange his business so as to move to his ranch at present so will lease it for the coming year. Mr. Warren expresses himself as being pleased with his new home and the surrounding country about Rose burg and looks anxiously forward to the time when he will move on to his newly acquired home. The deal was consummated through the Per rlne & Walker real estate firm. Dr. Wade, a well known Drain physician, has filed his declaration of becoming a candidate for repre sentative from Douglas county, sub ject to the will of the republican voters at the primary election to be held In September. Mr. Wade declares among other things that he is not in sympnthy with the assembly plan, but seeks the nomination as a direct primary candidate. That Mr. Wade will meet with considerable opposi tion In Roseburg and vicinity appears evident inasmuch as he is alleged to have Informed local citizens yester day that the voters of Douglas coun ty were not inclined to elect "in experienced hoys" to the represen tative offices, referring as he did to (leorgo Wixson. of Myrtle Creek; Georgo Jones and George Neuner, of of Yoncalla. The four young men Roseburg. and Benjamin Huntington. nbove mentioned resent Mr. Wade's insinuation, and believe that they are as competent to look after the inter ests of Douglas county s voters as he C. L. Swirt. of Boise. Idaho, Is spending a few days In the city in vestigating the proposlt ion of es tablishing a cannery somewhere In Douglas county. When" interviewed by a News representative this morn ing Mr. Swift said that he preferred to locate in the vicinity of Myrtle Creek, Inasmuch as the larger and more Important orchards were In that locality. It is Mr. Swift s in tention to call a special meeting of the Roseburg Commercial Club at some future date for the purpose of presenting his plans to the club. He says that he ak8 neither money or land, but wishes the co-operation of the fruit urowers in making the venture success. I Henry Easton DEALER IN Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Telephone 263 344 N. Jackson St. Special POST CARDS $1.00 PER DOZ. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Clark & Clark's Studio BURKS BIG UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COMPANY A MAMMOTH AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE Under a Palace Pavilion Theatre 70 People Engaged The .Largest Pack of Siberian BlcoJ Hounds More Vaudeville Features than any other Show of its Kind WATCH FOR THE BIG FREE STREET PARADE ROSEBURG, MONDAY, AUGUST 15 Afternoon and Night 2 CRAND FREE EXHIBITIONS AT SHOW CROUNDS 2 AND 7:30 P.M. SHOW GROUNDS NEAR THE DEPOT We Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well as Boll you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order It you like) and you wont need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything in our line. . G. L. PRIOR 15 X. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or !