THE EVKNINfl NEWS, THVIWKAV, AVCifST II, 1910. f A PACKAGE OF QUALITY We use (lie utmost rare I n filling orders and our highest aim is lo put out only goods of quulltjr. Grocery quality is hard to keep for so much is erisliuble. We move our stocks quickly and buy only the freshest and best. If you mint the best every time, let us fill your order. THE STORE THAT DELIVERS THE GOODS TELEPHONE 2381 . ' VWV PVV WWW WWWWW D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. , Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning .1 IT. North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble j WorKs. Telephone '2511. t WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. f We treat people Page Investment Company Phone 2421 709 North Jackson Street WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE D. J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Goods in stock. We can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything New and Strictly - First Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET ROSEBURG, OREGON L.H.RHOADES&CO. WANT TO BUY AND SELL YOU FIRST AND SECOND HAND GOODS ACCOMMODATING CLERKS WILL SERVE YOU Winnie Gaddis THF PLUMBER ryy Skylight Cornices I Agent for Snell j Water Filters. Removes all im S purities. Roseburg Cream de Mint Frappe is so Refreshing "Phosco" the New Health Drink Specials at THE ROSE COMMERCIAL BLDG W W W W W WWVW WW WW v .AS X All tlie year o Heating Ventilating Phone 2101 Oregon GItAI'E Cl'LTCRK I'KOKITAllLE Umpqua Valley Peculiarly Adapted to the Industry, The following letter, though quite lengthy, is well worth reudlug, and contains considerable interesting in formation about an industry, that might grow to considerable nropor iuns in Douglas county, it explains itself. O. P. Schlosser Manager Roseburg Commercial Club, Roseburg, Ore- gon. Dear Sir. Thunklng you for your kind In formation of August 2, will sny that I am a vineyard and wine expert from Germany, with 5 years experience In California 1 traveled in 1907 more than six months to spy out the best lands suitable for foreign wine grape culture In the Interests of au Alaskan millionaire. My trips were success ful and more than satisfactory, but the financial crisis at the close of 1907 brought the enterprise to a standstill, and the establishment of the vineynrds, wineries and grape juice piums, eic, naa 10 ue auau doned. I am thoroughly convinced that the quality of suitable wine and table grapes to be cultivated especially on the high hills, protected uetitly southerly sloping lands bordering to the north bank of the Umpqua river between Glide and Winchester, or an about Cleveland .would be enor mously profitable and successful In a comparatively short time, that It could easily take the lead In all olher fruit varitles and by expert treat ment In the vineyards, time- ofhar vesting and in winery and cellar. It would achieve a world wide Tame. The suitable grape varieties known to me, to be grown on the Umpqua river would be ' far ahead of the California product for wine making. The European comiolssuer and every one else with the sence of tnste nuil one else with the sense of tnste ond rorniu pure wines taste and smell more or less of vinegar, because at Ihe maturing and harvesting time or the wine grape It Is still very warm in most of the Califoinlnn dry wine grape districts, so that the mashed grupes or grape elder Immediately starts to ferment in the open air. rapidly causing vinegar fungus, he fore putting Into tanks, into which large quantities or mashed grapes--cannot be sufficiently shut off. from the air during the eight to four teen days in fermentation. The fermentation of Ihe grape cider, also the storing of the older wines In Cal ifornia Is done mostly on the ground floor In cheaply constructed sheds instead of underground cellars of even temperature, like in Germany, where quality wines were produced that brought prices up to (10.000 for 300 gallons. The buyers of these choice wines reside largely In New York. Moston, Chicago, also In Ber lin, Bremen, Wlen, London, Paris, etc. During my five years slay In Cali fornia I became thoroughly acquaint ed with the cultivation or wine and table grapes, wineries and cellars, and can make comparison with the world famous wine cellars, guarded by the most severe laws, on the Mos elle, the Main, the Rhine, and In the Pfalz, where I was born, lived forty years, and gained my exper ience. I soon found the warm cli mate of California unfavorable dur ing the wine harvesting, and the cause of the vinegar taste and smell, and the high pre cent of alcohol. It occurred lo me that more northern states, about the same latitude and elevation as the famous wine grow ing districts of Germany and France would be better adapted to grape culture. I have studied thoroughly the IT. S. weather reportB from Oregon. Washington and Idaho during the last 4 years, and find that certain districts in the states, on account of elevation, water courses, quality of soil, slope, rainfall, temperature and sunny dnys, nre without question better adapted to grape culture tlmn Is California with Its too warm cli mate. Most of the south alopehtiuls. especially on the North Fork of the Umpqua wilt rival the best grape districts In France and Germany. This Is an enormously profltuhle en terprise which can be taken and utilized without risk, and with cam paratlvely little capital. I would like to organize a company in order to utilize the enormous profits thnt are so cheaply offered, Roseburg and Douglus county can be made famous and one of the wealthiest counties In the United States. Will he very glad to answer any questions asked by any interested person, and hopes to hear from yon. Your verv trnlv. ALBERT ANOERMAVKH. Vineyard Expert. Vlneland, Clarks ton, Washington. LOCAL XKWS. Morton Hadley left for Coqulllc City Tuesday morning where he joined Evangelist Van Marter In the work of holding a series of ser vices. Mrs. Annie M. Long, of Cleveland.; returned home thin afternoon after spendlng several days In the city visiting at the home of her son, John T. Long, and daughter, Mrs. Carl Ohlman. i H. G. Joy a nx. for the past fw years of San Francisco. Cal., arriv ed In the city yesterday and Ik now employed by W, B. Hiimmitie, the undertaker. Mr. .layaux has had much experience and is a registered embalmer. Following tin fiiwral of Mr VfWis, who died in California a few days ago, which will occur at Red lands, near Los Angeles. Mrs. Vo mil d; imh tor, ar com named bv her brothnr-ln-law. Mr. Hrnwn. of thb city, will return to Roseburg.. A beautiful box of Cmi.qua Valle tta rt let i penrn are on dlspav In the lobby of the Douglas National Haul' odav. The pear are large and well colored and are the nam as the pro i duct that in helne shiped from Hp j burg to the Eastern markets thb reason, I COTS That can be packed on a horse. Weight 15 pounds, length when rolded, 35 Inches. Also sleeping hammocks, two grades. See 11. W. 8TKOXCJ, The Furniture Man. LOCAL XKWS. John W. Kelly, editor of the Dong las Leader, leaves for Heel in a day or two where he will remain for some time enjoying a well earned vacation. Burning grass, near the residence of District Attorney Geo. M. Brown, In West Roseburg, was responsible for the fire alarm shortly after 4 o'clock this afternoon. The fire de partment responded promptly but up on arriving at the scene of the sup posed conflagration found that the flames had been subdued. Little, If any damage, resulted. It is sup posed that the grass caught fire from a lighted match or cigar stub care lessly thrown in the duoryard. Edward F. Hart, T. J. Hart. Al bert Hart, Emma Hart, partners in the N'ationul Engraving Company, of New York, have filed suit In the lo cal justice court against H. W. Al liums and II. C. Althuus. The plain tiffs ask to recover the sum of $i2.29, alleged to he due for cuts furnished the defendant for adver tising purposes. The plaintiffs are represented by Attorney B E. Steele. J. H. Mars tors and George A. Crane are in the city today from Looking Glass. The former Is at tending o business matters and the latter Is circulating petitions for Hon. B F. Mulkey, of Jackson coun ty and Dr. C. E. Wade, of Douglas county. Mr. .Mulkey Is seeking the nomination for congressman in the this district and Dr. Wade aspires the nomination for icounty repre sentative Both of the above men- Moued candidates arc well known re- iiublirans. TENTS That are guaranteed to be made of best S oz duck, well sewed, with brass hole sockets. See them at 11. W. STItOXG'S, The Furniture Mini, mmmm On and off , with nnp T hand Don't TWO EyeB are all we have. There- tore we should take proper care of them. We take care of other people's eyes as well as our own. Ex perience and facilities en able us to do this . m in vniir nnvnnrnue appear ance "If you don't see us now you may not be able to .Bee anybody later." A. S. HUEY OTPOMETRIST Roseburg Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon BOOKS The Latest Copyrights School BooKs Office Supplies WRITING PAPER Tablets Envelopes Pen Pencils Penholders Inh FOUNTAIN PENS Drawing Material Typewriter Supplies ( Artistic Post Cards MAGAZINES Fishing Tactile Baseball Goods McKinley 10c Sheet Music Roseburg Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon Your Attention for a Minute Opening of an Entire Clean and Up-to-Date Stock of GROCERIES We will open up on July 19 a full line of the Famous Red . and Blue Ribbon Brand of Table delicacies, also a full line of Dependable Coftees, one of the best brands of cof fee, tea and spices now on the market. Call and get a free sample of these goods. We earnestly solicit your patronage and guarantee to give you satisfaction or we will refund you your money Stubbs & Perman GROCERS 127 Cass St. Phone 2682 FOR SALE Roseburg Rochdale COMPANY S LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY 3 Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Luwler Doors and Windows of all Kinds. Yards on Loiter Osk Street. Phone 1411 tn::n:::i::t:::!j:j:m:nnt:nttt::ttn::tnji oOscnoLDAN & Hp! EVERY MEMBER ji I0UDI0LD BY THE ROSEBURG, OREGON Our Roasts are Fine And our prices are right. If you an t come and pick one out telephone us your order and wo will send a (food one. Try one. Cas Street MarHet liOUIH KOHI.I1AGK.N, Prop. K ? West Com BU Pbo. 11 Free DellTary.