T1IK AITOMOIHLK I FINANCE. Orcgonfan: Kxtenslve buying of Automobiles by people who are oblig ed to strain their credit In order to satisfy their craving for something that their neighbor may have and can afford to huve is undoubtedly becoming a very prominent factor In the financial situation, A St. Louis Arm, which annually handles more than $2G,000,oho worth of commercial paper In various Western state, recently sent out a letter ask ing for Information as to the demand for money In particular localities, as compared with last year, the pros pect for easy money, etc. They ulso asked regarding the purchase of au tomobiles, whether with cash or with burrowed funds. Some of the ans wers of these letters revealed startl ing results. A Greenville, Texas, banker wrote that the payments for automobiles there reached a total of $225,000, or seven per cent of the bank deposits The local banker who answered the questions for Wichita Kan., said there were 900 automobiles in Wich ita, and he believed the craze would ruin the country. At Cape -Girardeau, Mo., only half of -the auto mobiles were owned by people who were able to pay for them. A hank er from Little Hock writes that many peop!e have bought automobiles there, and In explaining the size or the, movement, he continues: "Some have mortgaged their property to buy them and others havo bought them on Installments. More than one-half the automobiles owned here were bought on borrowed funds or on credit." There does not seem to be much difference In human nature whether In the Middle West or the Pacific Northwest. Nearly every dally paper contains from one to a half dozen advertisements offering to trade a home or equity In a home for an au tomobile. The economic waste does not cease when n trade oT this kind Is ended, for the automobile at Its best, Is an cxpcimlvf luxury and millions more must he spent nu nually for keeping n repair the thousands of hlgh-prlred machines that have supplanted the compara tively Inexpeidve horse and buggy. Just where this orgy of evtrava cance will end Is uncertain. Tiy ty ing nn vast, sums of money In auto mobile contracts that, are of course unproductive, teve an not escape Kome strhigencv hi money matters. Fortunately Portland Is such a wen It hy city that t h ere Is n very nmall per centage of the nuto owners here who are unable to afford the machines, which ore becoming so plentiful that'thev are nffectlng to a degree the fiuanclnl situation. WAXTKO COMMISSION MAN. . To Mr. W. C. Clements, of Toii apah, Nevada, prospective coinmls sio man of Rosehurg: Surely, Oh. surely, we farmers' need yon now. With all our bumper .fruit fops nn the hongh, there are bushels to be picked, and there's bushels to be packed, but where In the dickens ore they all to be shipped at? You are lust the fellow that we "hav seeds" are looking for: Just you start up business an d we'll come by teams of four soon we'll fill up vour buildings and your cars Rulnre. 'till you'll holler, Oh, for a little room, just a little more. "Hev. dere. what's that you say?" Why. yes. we want yon right awav. Not a vear from now, nor a month, but a Johnnv on the spot, so please get up nnd hump. MUS. MACiDAT,EN CT,AHK. Hose-burg. Tiny a lock rnll bed the onlv bed that Is made to stay. Ask to be shown. The Roseburg Furniture Co. dsJ V A NTK r Posit ion in Oregon bv married man. Can handle men. ? venrs experience as timckeemr In R. R. shops. 10 years experience In retail furniture, t years as man aner. nest of references. Address, stating salary, T. A. Raffetv. llor- toll, KutiflM d-w-. WANTED Hoarders and roomers lu private family. Inquire at this office. d-tt WANTED Girl for gent-nil house work in family of two. Inquire 404 8tepheus street. d-a!5 l-'UK SAM'J rlliu ul-uvv worn noiee - broke double and single, warrant' ed true, Henry Schroten, Rose burg, Oregon. ew-tf KOIt SALE $25, one good old pony, safe for women or children. E. H Roseuberry, east of Fair Grounds, WORK HORSE FOR SALE Weight 1850, drives single or double: or will trade for small team. Frank Montgomery, n miles south of Roseburg. d-a20 WANTED To rent a good stock farm that will support from 800 to 1000 head of sheep. Address H. care News, or phone 1783, Rose bourg. . swtf E STRAY NOTICE. One old white inure taken up. Can huve animal by paying for notice. E. J. DOURTY. sw-tf Winston, Or. FOR SALE Just a few more good Jersey cows, $35 to $50 each. Also one thoroughbred 3 -year-old Jer sey bull. Inquire of H. H. Whip ple & Sons, Wlibur, Ore. sd-al5 CHICKENS WANTED. 2 dozen young laying hens and 2 roosters; White Leghorns or Rhode Island Reds preferred. Address postoHte.e box 3uC or Inquire this office. d-s2 $10 PER ACRE If sold at once, will sell farm of 155 acres for $10 per ncre. For particulars address Al len Wilson, Camas Valley, Ore gon. d-a20 WANTED 20 to 40 acres of fruit land. Improved or unimproved, within six miles of Roseburg. House, barn, stock and farm Im plements Included. Give descrip tion, price and terms. Address, F. A. Luphum, care News office. WANTED Lady solicitor who pos sesses ambition to earn money and will engage services where earnings are limited only by en ergy and nbllily. Professional Nurse preferred. Closest Inspec tlon solicited. Room 1 Abraham building. tf FOR SALE 10 acres Mi miles from city limits, 2 acres bearing prune orchard : 8 acres especially fine for Rinall fruit and garden; well; house 12x16, barn 20x30; 36 lay ing Leghorn hens, team and wag on; 7 acres hay. Price $2500 cash. Inquire or address N., care News. d-a20 HOTEL FOR SALE Including all fixtures and furniture; also cow. Property consists of good 19-room house aud 50-foot lot, situated lu n nice village on main thoroughfare through county. Price $3,000. For further particulars address owner, Mrs. E, Origgs, Canyonville, Ore gon. d-a22 FOR SALE Before buying, see my little ranch of 236 acres, 1 V miles beyond Rrockway post office, Mi stage road to Myrtle Point; 3 tulles to Dlllard railroad station; one-third under cultivation; near ly all din be; wood will pay for clearing. Fine for fruit, grain or stock. For short time at very low price. Mr. Buyer, is It. business to poss this tip without investigat ing? R. G. ARO RAVES, d-a20 Rrockway. Or. HAY FOR SALE Good oat aud vetch hay. bailed. Price $13.50. at my ranch 24 miles west of city on old Coos Bay road. Harry Anderson. d-a22 Do you know the Douglas County Creamery makes Ice cream? It's good the finest in the land. Try It and see. Orders of alt kinds handled. Try us. d-sw-tf COO K W A N T E D O rch a rd ist d e slres middle aged woman to keep house and cook. Will pay good wages; pleasant, place to work. Parties will please address Or chuultst, News Office, at once. Real Estate and Insurance FARMS FRUIT TRACTS CITV PROPERTY. A Mi KIN DS OF BARGAINS IX FRUIT RANCHES, GRAIN AND STOCK RANCHES, LARUE TRACTS FOR COLONIZATION, HOUSES AND LOTS, GOOD UUSINESS PROPOSITIONS, GOOD SAFE FIRE INSURANCE. PERRINE H WALKER, The Wide AwaKe Real Estate Men CORNER CASS AND PINE STS. NEAR S. P. DEPOT, ROSEHURG ORE. K. H. FEHKINE Xortay Public and Agent for Columbia Llfo & Trust Company, uf Poillnni, Oregon. INFORMATION by TELEPHONE People are not leaving so much to chance iu these days of universal telephoning ser- vice, instead oi nsKing disappointment they telephone and get the facts. Will school be held on n stormy morning, will your friend be In if you call, what does the weather man predict and when does the train leave are samples of myriads of questions constantly passing over tho wire, and being answered by the proper authorities. There are also questions to be asked about the telephone service, how somebody can be reached over the Bell Long Distance Telephone and what it will cost, and similar questions, w hicli arc being answered by tro infor mation operators. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. Every Hell Telephone 1m the Center of tile System. Phono Slain 2-151 AU work first-class Commercial Abstract Co. Abstracts of Title " Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, !Etc.' Bonds of allJKinds Furnished V2H North Jnekson st. . ROSEUURG, OREGON THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE K0HLHAGEN, Proprietor Wholesale and retail Butcher. Tne best the Market affords. All kinds of Stock Bought and Sold. Phone 581 Roseburg', Oregon