THE EVENING XKYVS. Turnsmv, .iri.v 2t. into. Special July Sale i Of Men, Women and Children's High Grade LowkCut IS H O E S IS Men's $5 Oxfords, In Ox Blood and Black $4,150 Men's $4 Oxfords, In Ox Blood, Black and Tan $3.50 Men's $3.50 Oxfords In black nnd Tan ...... $3.00 Ladles' $3.60 Oxfords and Pumps In Gun Metal and Patent $3.00 Ladles' $3.00 Oxfords and Pumps In Gun Metal, Patent and Tan , $2.30 Ladles' $2.60 Oxfords and Pumps In Gun Motul and Kid ....$2.00 Misses $1.76 Pumps in Gun Metal and Tan $1.23 Children's $1.65 Pumps In Gun Metal and Tan $1.15 CASS STREET SHOE STORE M. L. DANIELS, Mgr. APACKAGE OF QUALITY We use the utmost care 1 n filling orders nnd our highest aim in to put out only goods of quality. Grocery quullty is hard to keep for so much Ik perishable. We move our storks quickly and buy only the freshest and best. If you want vthe best every time, let us fill your order. THE STORE THAT DELIVERS THE GOODS COMMERCIAL BLDG j TELEPHONE 2381 Wlien It begins to rain In September, well, you will be glad you built you your sidewalk In July, or sorry that you didn't? ' Sidewalk lumber cut in 4, 0, and M feet lengths. Page Investment Company Phone '2421 ! 709 North Jackson Street The Deer Season Opens Next Monday YONCALLA NEWS IN BRIEF Ijocal Hii)pt'iiliiKs Chronicled Hy HustliiiK CorreNpotideut Many People Kiijoylng Outing Mortal K ven Is. WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE D. J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Gooda in sloqjc. We can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes. and Overalls Everything New and Strictly First Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET . ROSEBURG, ORECON Phono Main 2481 All work first-clans 1 Commercial Abstract Co. (Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc.J Bonds of all Kinds Furnished 328 North Jackson St. HOSEBURU, OREGON YOUR FAMILY WASHING DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT IT IS CHEAPER-FAR EASIER TO HAVE US DO THIS WORK FOR YOU. THINK IT 0VER.C ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE. Oor "piwtHvfi will pii Ulnowr method, ol bindltnrtfaU.worlu With the ushering in of the month of August come the open season for for killing male deer. The Bportaniun who has lung awaited the opening rushes into the forest and elsewhere iu quest of game, anxious and eager to gratify the desire which hus long throbbed within his, breast. He hopes to be the first of the party, or army of ni in rutin to bring down au anllered monarch. He pauses at every rustle and murmur of the wind and fancies that each and every nook and corner shelters game and that each and. every sound is that of game bent on making Its escape. So certain is he of It that he peers through t he woods on catch I n g a a glimpse of some object as ft moves through the underbrush brings his rifle to bear upon it, while at the same time he congratulates himself upon being the first of the party to se cure meat, there is a flash, a report, a cry of pain and the would-be hero finds to his sorrow, that instead of bagging a deer he has mortally wounded one of his fellow sports men nnd that all the coveted pomp and glory of a few moments before have vanished and In their stead Is naught but sorrow, Khame, regret and suffering. The hunt has reached an abrupt end and all that remains to be done Is to carry the remains of the poor unfortunate back to wait ing loved ones, who little suspect the dire disaster which has so sud denly swept father, son or brother from this sphere of existence, leav ing the family probably without n bread winner. It is to be hoped that no such experience will full to (he lot of anyone but with each and every season many men are mistaken for game of different kinds and ac cordingly meet death at the hands of their fellow sportsmen. Surely those men who make the awful mistake of shooting men Tor game cannot expect to be considered as law abiding, for the law plainly states that, no deer shall be killed other than buck? that have reached the age of one year. Yet the so-called law-abiding hunter goes into the woods and the lirbi mijui'i ui miutitt yi a nun 11 iu meet his eager gaze, all law and caution are fleeing aside and Mr Hunter is almost In the act of fir ing upori a supposed deer, when a man steps Into view just in time to accept another lease on, life; no fault of the other thnt lie escaped death. Xo man who fires upon an object without knowing exactly what he Is shooting at cannot he consid ered as law-abiding for such a man would bag any kind of a deer, re gardless of sex. Blze or other condi tions and would in all probability fire upon any moving object with out, every stopping to consider Its (rue nature, be it man or beast. Men and boys, don't be over yinxloua to bag game, but if you would obey the law, don't shoot on suspicion but wait until the game has been positively Identified, then yon will neither violate the law or kill your fellow mnn. Jerry Simpson hns rented (he Gouley farm and has taken charge of the same. Mrs. McWtlklns, of Iowa City. la., visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Knott a few days last week. Mr. J, R. Cochran has accepted the formanshlp of the S. P. section at Albany and will move his fam ily to that place In the near future Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Jones, of Hood are visiting relatives at this place. Hoy Counts, driver on Maben's hnyballer, had the misfortune to get one of his feet caught between cog wheels last Wednesday morning, re sulting in a quite puiuful injury. Mrs. Mortensen and daughter, Alice, have returned from their visit with friends at Oakland. The Misses Irma and ftelle bridges, of Oakland, are visiting friends at this place. Mrs. Thomas Stevens visited with relatives at Hosehurg a few days the first of the week. Minor Applegate returned with his engine from Drain the first of the week, where he has been rurntHblng power for the rock crusher. Mrs. McKlnna and Mrs. V. J. Kong, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Witte. of Klkhead, have returned to their homes at Cottage Grove and Portland respectively. Bertram Apnleeate. of Drain, was a visitor to (his city the first of the week. Dr. Bmmfleld. of Roseburjtt as sisted by Dr. George Knott, perform ed quite a particular operation Ihhi Sitndav when he removed an Im bedded wisdom tooth from the mouth of Mrs. George Bunion at this place. The operation was quite a severe one. necessitating the patient's remaining in bed for several days. Harry Steam's nw bungalow progressing nicely under the man agement of Grant Kelly, and will, when completed, be a comfortable home and a valuable asset to t he city. Capt. "Red" (Gnu) Peret. of the Peters Cartridge Co.. Is spending a few davs at home this week. Ky Htowel and family have moved to Rnieburg to reside Dr. Houck and R"V. MVnr. or Hosehurg. passed through this city via automobile, last, Tuesday, en route to Drain. H. J. Gardiner returned the flint nf the week from a business trip to Central Point. Wm. Helliwell ha purchased the residence property owned by John J. Meinzer at this place and will take possession of the same in the near future. Mr. Martiu Smith has moved his family from Myrtle Creek to this place, where he is employed as a carpenter on Steam's new house. Mace McCrucken and family, who have been living at St. Johns for some time have returned to their farm near Elk head. A few days ago as Karl Howard wus engaged In placing some bottled soda water upon Ice a bottle explod ed, badly lacerating the lad's left thumb and slightly shattering the bone, making an ugly and very pain ful wound. Impersonator Knox showed before a fair crowd at the opera house here last Wednesday evening. The en tertainment was both amusing and beneficial. Perry Burt and family have return ed to their home nt. Monmouth. K. Helllwell, wife and daughter visited with relatives at Portland last week, while there Mr. Helllwell made arrangements with jobbers to handle two car loads of canned pears which will be canned at this place us soon as the fruit Is sufilclently ripe. Mr. Helllwell will also can several tons of tomatoes, a lot of apples and various other fruits this season. The Voncalln Fruit Growers' As sociation met lust Friday and the following officers rfere elected: K. Helllwell, president: H. T. Westfall. vice-president; K. P. Drew, Becretnry; bourd of directors, A. R Laugdon. K. P. Drew. F. M. Gardner, H. T. Westfull; John Getder, L. E. Warner, Kd Gardner. M. W. Daugherty, B. Helllwell. Kd Gardiner ..was elected manager. Mrs. K. M. Howe visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hud Moore of Skelley, a few days this week. LOCAL NKWH. BUILDER- CD. MYISTAEiD GENERAL BUILDING C0NTBACT0B At Ynur Service Roseburg, OregoD I'lione 2123 W. R Rodoif Architect and Superintendent MODKllX KESIDKXCES A SPEC IALTY. Hnom 1. Ili H Risers' 111(1 Nice , Crisp floods The kind that tickles your palate Buy v your supplies of pastry and bread from THE IMPQUA BAKERY II. (il'KST. l'rou. Rose burg Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon BOOKS The Latest Copyrights School BooKs Office Supplies WRITING PAPER Tablets . Envelopes Pen Pencils Penholders Inh FOUNTAIN PENS Drawing Material Typewriter Supplies Artistic Post Cards . MAGAZINES Fishing Tackle Baseball Goods McKinley 10c Sheet Music Roseburg Book Go. Roseburg, Oregon The work of remodeling the Ham llton building, formerly occupied by Alton S. Frye, the grocer. Is pro KressiiiK rapidly, and the contrac tor hopes to have the Job completed Saturday evenitiK. , CALL HOK CITY WAHIIAXTS. All City of KosebuiK warrants, en dorsed prior tu April 8. 1910, inclu sive and drawn on the General Fund, are this duy called for payment. Dated this 27th day of July, 1910. KLUKUT U. HKHMANX. x City Treasurer. socialist ricxic. Sunday, July 31, the Socialists at HoHeburg and vicinity will hold a basket plcnlo at Nntcher's Grove iu West Roseburg In connect on with, the county convention. William Mc Devltt, un able Suclullst orator, will be present and entertain the crowd from a Socialist standpoint. Every body is invited to bring a basket and spend the duy in the grove. The Socialists will also hold a conventlou at the court house on Monday, Aug ust 1. All Socialists are requested to attend. He sure to attend the picnic on Sunday ; bring a friend with you, and do not forget the bas ket. sw-d-J3i) Cream'de Mint Frappe is so Refreshing "Phosco" the New Health Drink Specials at THE ROSE V We Repair Everything Electrical that needs attention as well as Bell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order It you like) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything In our line. ' G. L. PRIOR 15 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or - it THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD and ROSEBURGMYRTLE POINT ..STAGE LINES.. STAGES LEAVE ROSEBURU FOR BOTH POINTS DAILY AT 6 A. M. Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts " , CP. BARNARD) Proprietor. ::m:::::::::j;;::::m:mnm:m:mmm:mj CHURGH BROTHERS' BREAD ti"" IT'S I :: :m::m::::::::::mm BREAD IT'S NEVER SOUR CASS STREET PHONE 1353 l IN?' every member rs I I OfTtye. ; M I FOR SALE BY THE Roseburg Rochdale COMPANY I