mom Supplement to THE EVENING NEWS HY B. W. BATES IBBCKD DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Batered as second-class matter Not. 6, 1909, at Koseburg, Ore., un der act of iuarch 3, 1879. Subscription Hates Daily Per year, by mail 3.00 rer montn, aeiiverea 50 Semi- Weekly Per year ....$2.00 Blx mouths 1.00 FHIDAY, JLXK 24, 1010 LOCAL NEWS. A complete line of building mater ial at Ma raters drug store. d-tf C. A. Hennlngson went to Eugene on business tbls morning, Lowney's candy at Marsters' drug store always fresh. d-tf Mrs. A. Bushnell, of Ten Mile, was a visitor in the city for a few hours yesterday. W. H. Newman left this morning to visit his daughter, Mrs. M. E. AndrewH, Palmer's pcrruii'e -at Marsters' drug store. Made from the flowers and have their true odor. d-tf Mrs. C. C. 'Grime left this morn Jiik for a visit with friends in Grants Pass. Ah, that sounds fine; Arundel tuned it. Only tuner of experience la Douglas county. dt Miss Amelia Osteboy left this morning for a visit with friends and relatives in Sllvertou. When looking for good, quick ser-1 vice call at the Maddix barber shop.! Cass street. d-tf ; B. A. Hunsnker, the Dlllard merrh-l ant, came up last evening to attend i the regular monthly nieVIng of the local lodge of Elks. Quick service, three chairs, all flrstclass men, can be found at the Maddix barber shop on Cass street C. W. Jarkson. of the U. S. For est service at Tiller, is in the' city today looking after his business in terests here. Fountain pens, "Parker," "Conk lln," "Watermnn," ihese three, nonei better, on sale at Roseburg Book ; Store. tf ; Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen and Mrs. J. .7. McDonald left this morning for: "Winchester, where they will visit 1 Mrs. F. M. Sebring. ! Whipping cream, 25 cents a pint at Douglas County Creamery, and I cream for strawberries 20 cents per pint. tfd Mr. nnd Mrs. L. H. Carlen and son left this morning for Seattle, where they expect to make their future home. The Berenn class, of the Christian church Sunday school, will hold a sale of home-cooking at Mursters' drug store next Saturday, commenc ing In the morning and continuing throughout the day. Salt rising hread, pies, cakes and other good things to eat will bo on sale. tf John A. Wilson, of Portland who has been ii the city for several days returned home today. Mr. Wil son took up a homestead on the North I1 in pq u a about eight years ago nnd came to this city to file the final papers. He learned, however that his land had been included in the forest reserve and consequently was unable to get a deed. J Cream de Mint Frappe is so Refreshing "Phosco" the New Health Drink Specials at THE ROSE , f CHURCH BROTHERS' I 4 8 BREAD IT'S 1 i i n - lib BREAD H IT'S NEVER SOUR U CASS STREET LOCAL NEWS. S. C. Coulter went to Myrtle Creek yesterday afternoon on a short busi ness trip. E. A. Williams, of Dlllard. looked after business interests in the city yesterday. T. R. Sheridan, of the First Nation al Bank, Is expected home from San Francisco tomorrow. Miss Belle Scott, who has been vis iting Mrs. G. N. Yokum In this city, left this morning for home iu C res- well, T. V. Masterson. of Independence, spent yesterday In town attending to business matters and renewing old time acquaintances. lie ii Hanzlng, of South DaWftta. was In the city today calling on the real estate men with the intention of purchasing a fruit ranch In this lo cality. D. L. Martin, of Melrose, spent Thursday in Koseburg attending to business matters. Mr. Martin is much pleased with the crop outlook In the Melrose district, and believes that It will excell all former records this year. Sheriff Font on says that an officer will arrive here this evening from Long Beach, Cal., to take charge of Limn T. Tucker, who Is wanted at the southern city on a statutory chiirge. Tucker is now. confined in the county jail nnd appears indiffer ent as to his future. In fact, he is said to have told the officers that he might as well be in the J'jug" as out. County Assessor Frank L. Calkins received a letter ' from the atate board of tax commissioners this morning, the substance of which Is to the effect that hereafter all church properly, the church building nnd lot upon which it stands, shall be taxed the same as other property. Heretofore the commis sioners have placed an exemption on all church property, regardless of whether It was utilized for church purposes. The new ruling becomes effective at once. SCHOOL ItKPOUT. The following is a report of the school in district No. 41. for the term beginning March 28th and closing .June 17, 1910. Number of pupils on roll, 1 4 ; number of pupils belonging, 1 2 ; number of days taught, 59; Holi days, 1 ; whole number days atten dance, (140; whole number days ab sence, 20 ; per cent of attendance, 90; average daily attendance, 1 1 1-2; number of visitors, 4. i Those not absent during the term were Marie Larsen, Geneva Lyster, Nellie Larsen. . Those not absent during the last month were Maudie Sherrett, Al berta Pyritz, Harold Scherrett, Lyle Lyster. M. A. LARKINS. teacher. CAMPERS ATTENTION I have a first-class team and wag on prepared to take camping parties to 410)' section, including all point." on Coos Bay. Leave orders at Sykes Hardware Store, or phone 1403. TH0S. JENNIE, City Expressman GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every description moved to any parts of the city. Prices reason able. H. S. FRENCH j zi j phone 35i Wll.h CKI.KIIKATE. Tin- Kuurtli to be I'llllnuly Obwrvcil Near Myrtle Crwk lYoKrain. The neoiile of South Myrtle Creek announce that a celebration will he held at the home of Wm. Stephen, oliiht miles from Myrtle Creek, July 4th. The following program has been prepared for the decauion ami handed to The News by Fannie Stephens. Pantile Chaney. Ada Kedl fer and Miss Smith, the committee In charge of the celebration, and a cor dial Invitation is extended to all. Parade. 10 A. M.; boiir. "Amer ica;" prayer, address of welcome, h. W. Itedifer; Reading of the Declara tion of Independence, A. O. Wllen; song by choir. Oration by Hoil Dinger Hermann; essay, Mrs. R. J. Hamp ton; flag drill, basket dinner. Commencing at 1 P. M. Plng ugly parade, songs, tecitntions and races. Call for City Wnrruiita. All City of Roseburg warrants drawn on the General Fund and en dorsed prior to March 10, 1910, In clusive and warrant No. 14, drawn on Special Funds, are this day called for payment. Dated .limp 1 1. 1 910. ELBERT -B. HERMAN, City Treasurer. PKOKKSSIONAI, CARDS. jiii3"iMic3frtoTPirii'ii it it n. AI. BRUMFIKIjD tt Dentist Rooms 6 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg. Phone 1361 Koseburg, Or., LOIMiK DUiKOTOHY. A. V. i A. M Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holds regular meetings on the ' second and fourth Wed nesdays' of each month. Sojourners Invited to attend. F. L. Davis, W. M.; N. T. Jewett, secretary. rtlH)'IMWtll)6l) Ol' AMKItlCAX YKOMKX Mt. Nebo Lodge .o. 1828, nipets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Maccabee Hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Edgar Pcrrlne, F. M.: Miss Ethel Webb. Cor. I. O. O. F Rising Star Lodge No 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. F. H. Vlncll. N. G.; W. S. Powell, R. S.; M. Fickle, F. S. L. o. T. M. Roseburg Hive, No. 11. holds regular reviews on every Tuesday afternoons at 2 o'clock In the Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In the city arc cordially invited to attend our re views, .losenhine Slgnalness, commander; Mrs. Jessie Rapp, R K. I. O. O. K. Proletarian Lodge, No S, meets In Odd Fellows Temple, corner of .lackson and Cass streets on Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend. L L. Baker, N. O.; N. T. Jewett, R S. ; F. E. Cavendar, F. S. WOODMEN OK THE WOULD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseburg, even first and third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors nhvays wel come. J. Earl Pickens, C. C; E N. wart, clerk. O. E. S. Hosoliuig Chapter, No 5 holds their regular meeting on th first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully invite to attend. Mary E. Houck, W M.: Free Johnson, Sec. It. P. O, E Roseburg Lodge, No 32(1, holds regular communica tions at their temple on Becond and fourth Thursdays of eacl month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visitinp brothers are cordially invited tc attend. Fred Haynes, E. R.; H. C. Slocum, secretnrv. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Myrtle Camp No. 6330. meet! every second and fourth Thursday of every month In the I. O. O. F hall, corner Jnckson and Casi streets. Traveling neighbors an cordially Invited to visit out enmp. A. C. Masters, Consul; R Stubbs. clerk. WOMEN .OK WOODCRAFT Lllai C'rcle, No. 4 9, meets on first anc third Monilav eenlngB of end month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis ittng members In good standing are Invited to attend. Mar? O'Neal. G. N.: Clnra Iloren. clerk O. E. -Itoiinmrg Acne, No. H97 meets second and fourth Momlnv In I. O. O. F. hall at 8 p.m. F. G Mlcelll, W. P.; F. P. Clnrk. flee CI.AHSI Kl Ell A DVEIt'l'ISEMENTS. FOR SALE 11 acre fruit ranch nenr Roseburg. For details address box C83, Roseburg. d-sw-jl-10 Wanted- a 'load of rirst-ciiiss oat hay. Call on Winnie Guddis, Hi' plumber. ef WANTICIJ Price on lots close In, suitable fur home. Address llntne lutlldpr. News nlllro. dj!24 LOST A bnyny robe from a h.n k nt Smith's burn. Kinder. who is known, dense leave at News oflle. d-JL'5 WANTED, 2iTMKN'irk aiid sheivi-l work, 9 hours dny, $2.25. Apply to Winnie Gaddls, the plumber. tf LOANWANTED 11250" at 8pe." rnnt on good timber land, npar Roseburg. Address X. Y. Z., raro News. dswtf MEN "WANT fTo Thn Port l7inl Ce nipnt Company will pay $2.r0 per diiy for nine hours labor. ' Phone &r3. M. M. Cooper, Ho?fhurg. Oroiron. d-sw-tf WANTED Man nnd w.f. to toi!; on ranch. Address Mrn. M. .1. Hourk. care Mercy hospital, Kose burjc, OreRon. d-J27 COCKER SPANIEL Pl'P Came to my place; owner please call, pay charges and take It awav. Mm. E. M. Vons, Kofte street, Just south A FOR SALE Twelve ,and one-half acres good fruit land, 1 mile from city limits; about 4 acres cleared, balance easy cleared; small creek; 8f0. II. Graham, box 88 Rose burg, Oregon dtf FOR SALE (178 acres of land, 9 miles from Roseburg. Creek run ning through the place, fair house and two barns'and other outbuild ings. Well fenced. A mighty good place. Price $10,000, $3000 down, balance on your own terms. Ad dress W, care of News, Roseburg. FOR SALE 17 acres orchard land, well Improved all In cultivation, large house and barn; near car line and county sent of Lane County. Good crop on place. Ad dress G. M. Morcutt, owner. Springfield, Oregon. 1-27 FOR SALE 10 acres 1-2 mile from city limits. 2 acres bearing prune orchard: 8 ncrea especially fine for small fruit and garden; well; house 12x10. barn 20x30; 38 lay ing Leghorn hens, team and wag on: 7 acres hay. Price $2500 cash. Inquire or address N., care News. d-Jl-9 FOR SALE Farm uf 231'. acres, i miles from Dlllard I 1-2 miles from Brockway, postofllce and school, 10 miles from Roseburg on the Coos Bny stage road: about one third under cultivation: balance covered with scattering large oaks nnd second growth oak: nearly all can be cultivated. Springs on plnco. All fenced. Improvements not very good; but lias fine building site near road. Excellent all-round farm, and especially adapted for fruit. Reason for selling 1 nm nione. Some stock nnd mach inery go with place. Price now. $23 per acre. E. 0. Argraves. Roseburg, Oregon. Jl-8-d FOR SALIC 4i acres one mile from city limits; 15 acres in cultivation; Spits and Newton apples; pear and peach orchard; six-room house, barn and outbuildings; fout good springs, water piped In house and connected up with Monnrch range; hot and cold water In three different plnces; bath room com plete. Water piped to big gar den, plently of hose nnd sprinklers Fine gentle milch cow. Jersey hull good hack, 70 laying hens, Incu bator, 12 Tolouse geese, several, hot beds. Buildings are all new and it is a beautiful place. The soil is especially fine for fruit, gar den or onions. Price $4,500 Terms, $2,600 down. Address H. Graham, owner. Box 88, Roseburg. d-sw-tf W. F. Rodolf 'Architect and Superintendent MODKItX ItKSIDEXCKS A SPEC- IALTY. Itooiu 4, Itell Sisters III dtf. If you want your old. suits to look like new take the mtoj Sloper. He knows how to fix them. Panama and felt hats also cleaned and blocked. Gentlenmn's work exclusively. Agent for Ed. V. Price & Co., Chicago tail ors, tf Private Board and Rooms .Mrs. A Hall 246 Flint St A nice homelihe place, good meals comfortable rooms. Phone 1505 IK vol' WANT A PERFECT COMPLEXION lne of wrinkli'fi wll It I lie flimli uf yout h, then f ii'ilhinic moro lit-lliiiil thnii CREME ELCAYA n tnlh-t ciM-nin that MAKES THE SKIN LIKE VELVET rot lilt I'" KI.CA Y A ( 'I h rvv ftlinilffO very flmi nnil nllivrint. Ifivinir tln kin b nut ti ml itiipciir anci'umltlie KI.CAVA rrnuriuicu. Hnhl I'.v MARSTER S DRUG CO. ItONKIl r i;, itK(;o n Nice Crisp Goods The kind that tickles your palate Buy your supplies of pastry and bread from THE UMPQUA BAKERY II. Cit KHT. J'ron. WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE D. J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Goods in stock. We can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls Everything New and Strictly First Class Remember the Place and Save Money 125 SHERIDAN STREET ROSEBURG, ORECOM YOUR FAMILY WASHING ' DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT IT IS CHEAPER-FAR EASIER TO HAVE US DO THIS WORK FOR YOU. THINK IT OVER. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER, Prop. Jackson Street - - ROSEBURG, ORE. Our ltiirctMitnllvi'i will oiidnln our nietlioil of linmllliiR- tlilt worki THE ICE MAN Is Ready' to Receive Your Order. - Phone 1413 and Max Weiss will Give your Needs Prompt Attention. WOOD FOR sfi ' are 2 w it 9 H Si KsIUHM- Real Estate and Insurance I.-AIIMH I'ltl'IT TIIACTS f'lTV IMlOl'I'.ItT V. AM. KINDS )! ll.Mtti.MNS I.V 1 HI IT HA IIDH, ilt.l AMI STOCK lt ( lli:S, LAIKiH TltACIS I'Olt COLOXIZATIOX, IIOl SKS A.M LOTS, ; Ill SIMISS I'ltorOSITIOXS, (JOtll) SAI-'H I'lltK ixsi.haxci:. PERRINE a WALKER, The Wide AwaKe Real Estate Men ( OltXDU CASS AM) I'lXK STS. M-Alt.S. I'. DDl'OT, KOSDIll Itfi OltK. II. t'l'.IJHIXH Xoidiy riilillo anil Ajji iit fur Culmnlilii IMo a Trust t.'oinp.Hiy, of I'oitlauil, Oi-ojjiiii. You can't appreciate the labor saving of WASH DAY Until you own a Parless Yost Washer. You doiit liavi; to scml your clothes to the laundry if you own n Oearicss Yost Vanhcr. Tlmy Iay for tliemselvea in a short time. Six days free trial. Do not hesitate, thuy are not nieclianieal toys, they are lahor savers. Satia faction guaranteed. A trial will convinco you. Roseburg Furniture Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Roseburg, Oregon SALE ALSO Wc Repair Everything Electrical to it h that needs attention as well as 5 sell you apparatus. Furtliormora wo attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order It you llko) and you won t need to sound your hurglar alarm when you got our & hill Mnfwl ntiulhlttv In mir linn 47 G. L. PRIOR 15 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Or ttctWictH v of the Baptist church.