Supplement to THE EVENING NEWS 11V B. W. BATES IflHPfel) DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Batered as second-class matter Nov. 6, 1909, at Iloseburg, Ore., un der act of iuarco 3, 1879. Subscription Kiitca Dally Par vear bv mail 13.00 Per month, delivered......... .. .60 Kinit-Wicklr Per year 2'00 Blx months 1-00 WEDNHHDAV, JUMP 1IHO. ' A DIXJHAKKI) Cltl.Miy Mull l''rom LoliK lirnrh, Cal., Arrt'st- i'il hy Iurul OMHi'rs. 8 L. Tucker, who has been going under the numo of John Knapp, waa nrrrated by Chief of Police Huffman and Sheriff Kenton Inst evening about eight o'clock at the farm of Hubert Hoggs, near Greens. want ed at Long Bench, Cal., for a crime committed ngalnst his own daughter, which, It Is stated, was mosi iiimiuua. Mr. Huffman received a telegram from the authorities at Long lleach nsklng him to keep an eye out for Tucker and giving a full description of the culprit. It was not lonjr lie fore Chief Huffman had his man i.tori u,wi wlfli KhTrlff Kenton made the arrest and brought Tucker to the cltv and placed nun in tne county jail. The prisoner practically ad mits his guilt and will be held await ing the authorities from Long Beach, lie la a man of about fifty years of age and has been In this vicinity for the past three weeks. BALLING Kit TO ItHTIItH. Heported I.os Angeles Man Will Suc ceed II int. LOS ANORLliS, Cal., June 20. That United State Senator Frank P. Flint is slated for Secretary Unlling er's position ill President Taft's Cab inet was the startling report that reached Is Angeles today, from Washington. It Is understood that Mr. Balllnger will retire as soon as he Is exonerated by the congressional committee investigating the Interior Department, and that will be within a month. The news that Flint hadl been selected came through authoritative channels today to republican leaders, and within an hout-the candidacy of K. A. - Mescrvo for the senalorship had been launched. T,..'l OWH'K OI'l'K'l.M.ft. rcillisljvniiln Men Will Servo in Oregon. WASHINGTON, June 20. Presi dent. Tuft today nominated and the senate tonight -confirmed Bruce 11. Kester, of Pennsylvania, as register and Henry G. Guild, of Nowpor. Or., as receiver at the new Land Offlco to bo opened at Vale, July 1. Arter examining the records of both men. the president was satisfied ns to their qualifications, nnd as Secretary Balllnger wns anxious to have the otlico opened July 1. It wns decided to name Bourne's candidates Land Offices are conceded to be sen atorial patronage and while consid eration wns given the protests of Representative. Fills against tho ap pointment of men not residing In the Vale district, the protest was set nsido lu order that the contest might be terminated and the office opened without further delny. Dissolution Notice. Notice la hereby given thnt the partnership heretofore existing be tween Deo Howard and B. A. Mahan. known as the .firm of Howard & Mahan. is this day dissolved hy mu tual consent. All outstanding ac counts are payable to B. A. Mahan. who will continue the business, nnd who will also pay nil indebtedness contracted by the firm of Howard & Mi ivm. . II. A. MAHAN. Iloseburg, Ore.. May IS. 1910. Call for City Warrants. All City of RoBeburg warrants drawn on the General Fund and en dorsed prior to March 10', 1910, In clusive and warrant No. 14, drawn on Special Funds, are this day called for puyment. Dated Juno 11, 1910. ELBERT B. HERMAN, . City Treasurer. W. F. Rddolf Architect and Superintendent MODEUX RESIDENCES A SPEC IALTY, ltooill 4, Dell Sisters' Bids If you want your old suits to look like new take the mto Sloper. He knows how to fix them. Panama and felt hats also cleaned and blocked. Gentlemen's work exclusively. Agent for Ed. V. Price & Co., Chicago tail ors, . - tf Private Board and Rooms .Mrs. A Hall 246 Flint St A nice homeliKe place, good meals comfortable rooms. Phone 1505 Cream de Mint Frappe is so Refreshing "Phosco" the New Health Drink Specials at THE ROSE WATER FRONT DRY GOODS STORE D. J. JARVIS, Proprietor A complete line of Dry Goods in st ock. We can save you money on Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Overalls . Everything New and Strictly First Class Remember the Place and Save Honey 125 SHERIDAN STREET i: ROSEBRI Nice Crisp Goods The kind that tickles your palate Buy your supplies of pastry and bread from THE UMPQUA BAKERY II. GUEST, l'ron. IF VOl' WANT A PERFECT COMPLEXION Froe of wrinkles with tin Nimti of youth, there it not lilni; more, helpful t)i nn GREME ELCAYA a toilet cream that MAKES THE SKIN LIKE VELVET POCDHK ELCAYA (Three S nation) very fine anil adherent, rivinrtlio skin a natural appear ance and the ELCAYA fracranc. Sold b.v MARSTER'S DRUG GO. 1108KIH1KI. OHKIiON nl'2 THE ICE MAN Is Ready to Receive Your Order. Phone 1413 and Max Weiss will Give your Needs. Prompt Attention. WOOD FOR SALE AL50 ijCHURCH BROTHERS' I BREAD IT'S . :: . i y C2v it BREAD - IT'S NEVER SOUR PHONE 351