LOCAL NEWS. A complete line of building mater ial at Marsters' drug store.. d-tf Lowney's candy at Margters' drug store always fresh. d-tf Mrs. Nancy Walker and Mrs. Ora Walker left this morning for a vIbR with the latter's mother In Yonculla. Palmer's perrume at Marsters' drug store. Made from the flowers and have their true odor. d-tf A. O. Rose went to Dlllard "last night where ho will visit Rev. B. W. Boss. Ah, that sounds fine; Arundel tuned It. Only tuner of experience In Douglas county. 1t, Mrs. J. M. Trefren and daughter left this morning for a week's visit with friends at Grants Pass. When looking for good, quick ser vice call at the Mnddix barber shop. Cass street. d-tf W. B. Lousingmot left this morn ing for Riddle where he will visit friends for a few days. Quick service, three chairs, all flrstclass men, can be found at the Maddlx barber shop on Cass street G. W. Householder returned to his home nead Greens yesterday after , noon, after a short visit to this city. John 'Wither, of Portland, was in the city today enroute to Lebanon, where he intends to buy a 'fruit farm. . Fountain pens, "Parker," "Conk- llu," "Waterman," iheso three, none better, on sale at Roseburg book Store. tf - Miss Mae Fisher, Mrs. Mary S. Fisher and Mrs. N. L. Owens left this morning for a visit with friends and relatives in Eugene. Miss May Goodmnu. who has been visiting Mrs. J. D. Miller In this city, returned to her home In Oakland this morning. Whipping cream, 25 cenls a pint at Douglas County Creamery, and cream for strawberries 20 cents per pint. tfd Mrs. N. Anderson left last night for Portland In answer to a telegram stating that her daughter, Mrs. G. B. Austin, Is very 111 at her homo In that city. Mrs. R. P. Reiiifer, of. Riddle and Rev D. I.oreo, of LaComto, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reenter. Mr. Henry, of the Clnrk & Henry Construction Company left this morn ing for Medford, where he will make arrangements for moving his paving plant to this city at once. Mr. and Mrs. George Rlter ex pect to leave Saturday of this week by private conveyance for Bend. Or. F.nroute they will enjoy an outing on the McKenzle river at other points The trip will be taken ns a summer vacation' by Mr. and Mrs. nit.... ..ml lhatr avtiant In llA U h- sent from this city all summer on tnetr pleasure jaunt. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. n. M. BRUMFIElfo Dentist Rooms 8 and 7 Bell Sisters Bldg. a Phone 1361 Roseburg, Or., O B. E. STEEL, Attoney-nt-Law Legal advice free. Collections Solicited Room 1. Marsters Bldg. N Roseburg, Ore, tHHHt " " " " " ' - The Misses Mae and Lorcna Web Bter, of Dallas are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pickens. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE 11 acre fruit ranch near Roseburg. For detnlls addreBS box 683, Roseburg. d-sw-Jl-10 WANTED Price on lots close In, Bultable for home. Address Home builder, News office. d124 LOAN WANTED 1250 at 8 per cent on good timber land, near Roseburg. Address X. Y. Z., care News. dswtf LOST ATuggTobe from u hack at Smith's barn. Finder, who Is known, please leave at Nowb office. d-J26 WANTED, 25 MEN Pick and shovel work, 9 hours day, J2.25. Apply to Winnie Gaddis, the plumber. tf WANTED Price, locution and terms on vacant lot suitable lor resi dence. Address Box 12, Roseburg. Oregon. djl 2 WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch. Address Mrs. M. J. Houck, care Mercy hospital, Rose burg, Oregon. d-j27 COCKER SPANIEL PUP Came to my place; owner please call, pay charges and take It away. Mrs. E. M. Voss. Rose street, Just south of the Baptist cnurcn. MEN WANTED The Portland Ce ment Company will pay $2.60 per day for nine hours labor. Phone 663. M. M. Cooper, Roseburg. Oregon. - d-sw-tf FOR SALE! Twelve and one-half acres good fruit land, 1 mile from city limits; about 4 acres cleared, balance easv cleared; small creek; S860. H. Graham, box 88 Rose burg, Oregon dtf FOR SALE 678 acres of -land, 9 miles from Roseburg. Creek run nlng through the place, fair house and two barns and other outbuild ings. Well fenced. A mighty good place. Price XIO.OOU, J3U0U down balance on your own terms. Ad dress W, care of News, Roseburg FOR SALE 17 acres orchard land well Improved all In cultivation. lnrge house and barn; near car line and county seat of Lane County. Good crop on place. Ad dress G. M. Morcutt, owner. Springfield, Oregon. 1-27 FOR SALE 10 acres 1-2 mile from city limits, 2 acres bearing prune orchard; 8 acres especially fine for smnll fruit and garden; well house 12x16, barn 20x30; 36 lay ing Leghorn hens, team and wag on; 7 acres hay. Price $2600 cash Inautre or address N., caro News. d-jl-9 FOR SALE Farm of 230 acres, 3 miles from Dillard 1 1-2 miles from Brockway, nostomce and school. 10 miles from Roseburg on the Coos Bay stage road; about one- third under cultivation; balance covered with scattering large oaks and second growth oak; nearly all - can be cultivated. Springs on place All fenced. Improvements not very good; but has fine building site near road. Excellent aii-roiina farm, and especially adapted for fruit. Reason for selling 1 ,'am alone. Somo Btock and mach inery go with place. Price now, 23 per acre. E. G. Argrnves, Roseburg, Oregon. - Jl-8-d FOR SALE 4b acres one mile from city limits; 15 acres In cultivation Spits and Newton apples; 'near - and peach orchard; six-room house, barn and outbuildings; four good springs, water piped In house and connected up with Monarch range; hot and cold water In three different places; bath room com plete. Water piped to Mg gar den, plently of hose and sprinklers. Fine gentle milch cow. Jersey bull good hack, 70 laying hens. Incu bator, 1 2 Tolouse geese, several hot beds. Buildings are all new and It Is a beautiful place. The soil Is especially fine for fruit, gar den or onions. Price 14,600 Terms. $2,500 down. Address II Graham, owner. Box 88, Roseburg. We Repair Everything . Electrical that needs attention as well at sell you apparatus. Furthermore we attend to repairs promptly (on 'phone order If you like) and you won't need to sound your burglar alarm when you get our bill. Need anything in our line. G. L. PRIOR 15 N. JiK-'kson St. Roseburg, Or Real Estate and Insurance FARMS FRUIT TRACTS CITY PROPERTY. ALL KINDS OF BARGAINS IN FRUIT RANCHES, GRAIN AND STOCK RANCHES, LARGE TRACTS FOR COLONIZATION, HOUSES AND LOTS, GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS, GOOD SAFE FIRE INSURANCE, PERRINE S WALKER, The Wide AwaKe Real Estate Men CORNER CASS AND PINE STS. NEAR S. V, DEPOT, HOSHI1UIIG ORB. E. B. PERRINE Nortay Public nntl Agent for Columbia Lifo & Trust ' Company, of Portland, Oregou, You can't appreciate the labor saving of WASH DAY Until you own a Gearleiss Yost Washer. You don't have to send your clothes to the laundry if you own a 'Geariess Yost Washer. They pay for themselves in a short time. Six days free trial. Do not hesitate, they are not mechanical toys, they are labor savers. Satis faction guaranteed. A trial will convince you. Roseburg Furniture Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Roseburg, Oregon YOUR FAMILY WASHING i r - - i i DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT IT IS CHEAPER-EAR EASIER .TO HAVE US DO THIS WORK FOR YOU. THINK IT OVER. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY 0. C. BAKER. Prop. Jj.ckson Street ' - - ROSEBURG, ORE. Our Iteprcsontatlvra will eiiilnin our niptlioflt ol hnmllltir thU work. d-sw-tf