TUB EVEYINO WKDXKKIUV, Jt'XK 22, 1010. THE EVE MING NEWS HV B. W. HATES IgBUfel) DAILY liXl-'KI'lhUXOAJIf Sutered as second-clans mattor Nov. 6, 1909, at Ilosuburg, Ore., un der act of iuarch 3, 1879. Hulnttription lintos Dully Per yoar. by mall 3.00 Per month, delivered BO Buuil-Wc-ckly Per year 12 00 lx months 1.00 VKIXKWIAY, ,11 MO 22, 10IO. For the. benefit of those who think that the recent ralna are unusual for this season of the yoar, It Is but necessary to say that the shower of yesterday mornlni? Just exactly Klves us the annual average precipi tation for the month of .lune, which Is 1.07 of an Inch. This Is for a uerlod of 32 vears In fact we have not received the usual rainfall t.he country Is entitled to since Septem ber 1, consequently the "unusual" feature of the weather Is In the lack of rain rather than too much. There is a total deficiency In the average rainfall since September 1 of 3.44 inches. Individuals may forget, but the climate does not change. Ont of debt and thlrten thousand dollars to the good 1b what the semi annual statement of County Clerk ., Iawox shows. There are mighty few counties that can put out a record of that Bort. Just now, In view of .. the effort tlmt Is being niude to at tract nomesockova to DniiRlns County, the statement Is of particular Impor tance. Eastern people who tire In Oregon seeking places to locate nno linlld homos, are a critical class, and this excellent financial condition of Douglas county will appeal to their good Judgment. No debt and thir teen thousand dollars cash will be the laat straw In the matter of determin ing, In the minds of very many, that hero Is the place for them. In fact It makes us all feel as Jubilant as was Uncle SIIbb the day the last dollar of the mortgage on the farm was paid. KHAfj KHTATK TltANSI'UIIS. W. A. Long to W. O. Kelso, et nl 13.81! acres In section 10, township 23, range 5 west. $2ri00. Ooorgo It. llammersly. ct nl., to George A. Gates, 121. K0 acres In lots No. 11, 12 nnd 13 of section 83, township 29, south of range 3, west. Douglas County School Superin tendent to Lilly Dalvlnj and Ada Nichols, lot 4, of section 19, town Bhlp 28 south, range II, west, f 7:1. 1 0 J. U. Riddle et al., to C. N. Yales et al., 3 ncres In .Maple Park Addi tion to town of Riddle,' $SII0. FOIl SAI.H A iiaik;ai. Owing to 111 health It becomes necessary for mo to dispose of my Interest In the confecl lonery con ducted by Slaley Ay Thompson, on Sheridan street. Tho business is a first-class one and 111 hear the clos est Investigation and my sole renmn for disposing of my interest, is on ac count, of declining health, which makes it necessary for nie to leave. If taken at, once you can secure a hair interest in this business nt. a bnrgnln. For full particulars call at the store. Sheridan street, d-sw-tf A. T. THOMPSON. O. W. McCord, a farmer near Oak land was taken to the Mercy hospital In this city yesterday to bo treated for chronic rheumatism. The Machine is insured M '"fi'r flvo yours umtliiHt flr wtili'f, twin tit pmvlih-m aiul limikiiKt' ly I'f'o 'ouinniy. Iti-rsi.lo I hi- it Is Hio i""-t fin trtivrl wmIiih uiticliliM nn I lit' itmrkW. itli lis Itolmiilllii imvciiH-nt, it H M't of 1ml IxNirliius, sH'cial slilllllo t'.li-rt-or mill many other Into srulug jimthino development!!. Investigate THE FREE Before You Buy B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man FREE I Si'ivhiK iiuu'IiImi" l ll''. nil "l.t'.i mill inukc. J j tiltAXl) OKFICKItS. Of Knights of Pythias Fleeted ul I'urtluml. Following are the officers elected at the meeting of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias at Portland. Uruud Chancellor D. E. Yoran, of Eugene. Grand Vive Chancellor P. T. Wrlghtman of Eugene. v Grand. Prelate VV. W. Eifert of Medford. Grand Keeper of ItecordB and eSnl L. n. Stlnson, of Salem. Grand Mnster of Exchequer. J. W Malonev. of Pendleton. Grand Master at Arms J. D. E. Bourne, of Italnler. Grnnd Inner Guard J. II. Ilosen burg, of Prlnevlllo. Grnnd Outer Guard II. T. J. N'lc kels, of Portland, Grand Lodge Trustee Prank Menefee, of Tho Dallos, retiring Grnnd Chancellor. From the way some people talk one would Imagine that every man bail Instilled Into him at his birth a certain amount of deviltry which he must get rid of before he can be come a man of honor. Now, that which is called sowing wild oats is nothing more nor Icsb than' self-degradation to any young man. It doesn't make a man one particle more of a man becnuse he has passed or twenty. It makeB him Just so through n siege of riotous living and Indiscretion when he Is nineteen much more less of a man. It dwarfs far more than It broadens them and he realizes this, afterward. And he doesn't know one lota more of life, except a certain phase of it, which. If it. has glitter for him In youth, becomes n repellent r tcinbranee to him when he is matured. There Is no such thing as an Investigating period In a tuaiVs life: at one period it Is as important to him to be hon orable and trtio to the teachings of his mother oh at. another. Danger is lurking in it when your bath-room or lnvntory Isn't fitted up with modem Haul tary plumbing. Sower gits Is more riuuKorouH in Winter thiin tu Sum mer, because vent Hut inn is not so frue. You will ward off diseao by having your closet a, bath-room, kitchen a ml alnks overhauled We nnko 11 specialty of military plumb ing and do It Hdent ll'lcally and at reasonable prices. B. A. MAHAN Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Contractor V V3 nn J U3 i - good i I ifeiSiSsS' &''', ! l LE0NA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY 8 Lumber, Latli, Shingles ami Dry Finish Lum) cr Doors and Wiivlows of all Kmdp. Yanleon I.oerOk 8tYwt. 'rhoneUll HOW TO GRAIN IN MISSION , My mission Graining Process gives the dull stained hardwood effect over varnished or painted woodwork, furniture, etc. without the expense of removing the old finish. Entire cost but 2c per square foot and any one can apply it. Tou can't realize how handsome a finish this maKes until you see samples at MRRSTERS DRUG COMPANY Promptness in filling orders a feature of our business Paint, oil. glass, building material at the lowest price GIVE US A CALL WE MAKE PEOPLE WELCOME DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Weather bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending June 23. Precipitation In Inches and lOOths. Maximum temperature Minimum temperature fiO Precipitation 04 Total nrec Dltation s nee first ot month, , J. 03 Average precipitation for month for 32 years 1.07 Total precipitation from Sep- -tembcr 1, 1909, to date 30.17 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1. 1877 33.57 Total deficiency from September 1, 1909 3.37 Average precipitation for 32 wet seasons (Sept. to Mny, Inch). .33. 00 WILLIAJI HELL. Offlclnl In Charge LODGE IJ'IKECTOKV. A. F. A. M. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holdt regular meetings on the -yy nesdays of each month. Sojourners Invited to attend. F. L. Davis, W. M.; N. T. Jewett, secretary. iTiWfiT eii fiiooi) of am eiiicax YEOMEN Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 1828, meets every second and fourth Thursday of ench month at the Maccabee Hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Edgar Perrlne, F. M.: Miss Ethel Webb. Cor. I. O. O. F Rising Star Lodge No 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Fridny evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. F. H. Vlncll. N. G. ; W. S. Powell, R. S.; M. Fickle, F. S. ' L. O. T. M. Roseburg Hive. No. 11 holds regular reviews on every Tuesday afternoons nt 2 o'clock In the Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In tho city arc cordially Invited to attend our re views, .losenlilne . Slenalness. commauder; Mrs. Jessie Rnpp, R K. O. O. F. Phltetarlan Lodge, No 8, uiieets In Odd Fellows Temple, copier of .lackson nnd Cass street? on Saturday evening of each week Members of the order In good standing are Invited to nttend. L L. Baker. N. O.; N. T. Jewett, R. S. ; F. E. Cavendar, F. S. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD Oak Camp, No. 125. meets nt the Odd Fellows' Hnll in Roseburg. every first and third Monday eventnss Visiting neighbors nlwavs wel come. J. Earl Pickens, C. C; E N. Ewart, clerk. O. E. 3. ltoseburg Chapter. No 8. holds their regular meting on tho first nnd third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members In good standing are resnctfu'lv Invite-' to attend. Mary E. Houck, W. M.: Free Johnson. Sec. II. 1. O. E Roseburg Lodge, No. 326, holds regular communica tions at their temple on second nnd fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting CAMPERS ATTENTION I have a Tlrst-elass team and wac on prepared to take campln& parties, to any section, lm-ludhiK all miiit! on Coos Hay. Leave orders at Sykes' HardwareStore, or phone X H:(, I TH0S. JENNIE, City Expressman Our Roasts are Fine ni our prices are right. If you f ontno tinil ni.W nna r.nl I .Iii,a yur order ami we will send a or.e. Try one. A, Cas Street MarKet JA)l'!S hOHLHAGKN. Prop. It. J Weat Cau St Pbcll Free Dellrerj. 8 a ROSEBURG, OREGON brothers are cordially Invited to attend. Fred Hay ties, E. R.; H. C. Slocum, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEKICA Myrtle Camp No. 6330, meets every second and fourth Thursday of every month In the I. O. O. F. hall, corner Jackson and Cass streets. Traveling neighbors are cordially Invited to visit our camp. A. C. Masters,' Consul; R. Stubbs, clerk. , WOMEN .OF WOODCHAFT Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first and. intra iwonaay eenings or each month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In good standing are Invited to attend. Mary O'Neal. G. N. : Clara Boren, clerk. F. O. E. Roseuurg Aerie. No. 1497, 1 meets secona ana rourtn Aiondnvs i In I. O. O. F. hall at 8 p.m. AF. G. I Mlcelll, W. P.; F. p. Clark. Sec Don't Scold Your Wife If ihe standi half tha forenoon talking with her neighbors over tha back fence. She ie merely getting tha news. Have tha Home Paper aent to her regularly and her hunger for newa will be satisfied. Then she'll have dinner ready on time and your hunger will be satisfied TI1K EVEXIXO NEWS IS TIIEB EST THE NEWS OFFICE GOOD GRADE CHEAPER THAN WOOD Burn coal and save trou ble and annoyance of try ing to get results with green or wet wood. Sold in Any Quantity Nolan Piersou leave Orders at Mono gram Cigar Store OA Roseburg Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon BOOKS The Latest Copyrights School BooKs Office Supplies WRITING PAPER Tablets Envelopes Pens Pencils Penholders Inh FOUNTAIN PENS Drawing Material Typewriter Supplies Artistic Post Cards MAGAZINES Fishing Tachle Baseball Goods McKinley JOc Sheet Music Roseburg Book Co. Roseburg, Oregon Buy shoes at a shoe store. Com plete styles ard sizes for men, women and children JuBt received at the Cass Street Shoe Store, M. L. Daniels, manager. Repairing at reasonable prices. dswtf The Berean class, of the Christian TheGreat To Our Patrons and all Lovers of Good Bread: Our Moscow Hell Flour 1ms arrived. We wnnt to place a sack in every household. Iet the whole family vole iiuon it, it not as rep rep reseu ted, return us the sack ami we will cheerfully refund your money. A full hard Wheat flour for $150 per sack. Try it at our expenso'and bo convinced. BEST IN QUALITY MOST IN QUANTITY Yours to Please, EAST0N $ STUBBS PHONE 2G3 344 JACKSON ST A. S. HUEY, WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say CiCAHAXTKK we meai just what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will be no charge. We could not make this assertion unless we were positive of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part' for you the cleaning of your carpets. It's easy fo- you and the price reasonable. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 701 THE ROSEBURG MARSHFIELD ....STAGE LINE.... Will commence mnninR stages between Rosebuna: and Marshfield JUNE 15th, leaving Eosebuig daily at 6 a. in. Office and Stables Corner Rose and Washington Sts C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor. You Don't Have PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worK of any Hind. I have five or six houses I will Bell cheap, as I want to use the money In other husslness. See my burglar proof window lock. Its O.K. See Pat's Elastle roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a speolalty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER church Sunday school, will hold a . sale of home-cooking at Marsters' drug store next Saturday, commenc ing in the morning and continuing throughout the day. Salt rising bread, pies, cakes and other good things to eat will be on sale. tf Moscofeff FOR WEDDINGS our stock of plain 14 karat gold seamless wedding rings are the correct and latest styles. Our assortment of fine diamonds, precious stones, watches, table silver, cut glass and clocks for wedding presents, show a bewildering variety from which to select. Jeweler-Optometrist O. C. UAKEH, Proprietor. Olllco N. Jackson St. to Go to Sea to See mt:!:nnntt::::iitit::n::::i:t::j:::::ttmi::i