THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST Occasional Rain Tonight and Wednoday Fail and aimer ADVERTISERS Will fiuUThe Kvenlntr Xewt the bt iiuMl.uiu to roach the peopluof lUiuburir A wide-tv-wnko publicntion print In II th now that 'fU to print VOL. I ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS. COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MA.Y 3, 1910 No. 150 mm III Rose Show Committee ; Hold Another Meeting. TO ELECT CAPTAINS IJlieral Prizes W1H be Awarded toH Captains Who Tiike an Active Interest in Tiie ' EveuU Duties Outlined. . t In order that an abundant supply : of roses may bo procured for' the . Rose show which will be held in this city on May 12, the first day of the Second Annual Strawberry Fes tival, the committees In charge of arrangements, at a special meeting held last evening, decided that It would be well to divide the towu into fifteen or twenty districts. A captain for each district will be. ap pointed by the soliciting committee, wjllh duties outlined as follows: It shall be the duty of each cap tain to see that every rose grower thoroughly understands the manner in which entries are to be made. It shall be his duty to create as much enthusiasm in his district as possible and to secure as many and as large exhibits as possible. Captains doing the' best work will be uwardod prizes. In awarding these prizes the following plan shall be adopted: For every first prize awarded to persons residing in his district, the captain shall receive credit for five points. For every second -prize three points and for every honorable men tion one point. In addition the cap tain having the largest number of personB making exhibits shall re ceive five points, the second largest three polntB and the third largest one point. The captain getting the largest number of roses shall receive five . points, the second largest three points and the third largest one point. Also the, cnptaln getting the largest num ber of named varieties of roses shall '-1 receive five points, the second larg est three points and the, -third larg est one point. . First and second prizes and honor able mention to the captains .se curing the largest number of points. j- Thpj members of the Ladies Auxil iary to the Roseburg Commercial Club held a very interesting meeting at tho club rooms lost evening. Aside from disposing of regular routine matters and the admittance of spv ernl new. members, a general dis cussion prevailed relative to the en , tertainmont feature? of the Second Annual Strawberry Festival. Inclnd- d in the, programme will be a May pole dance for the school girls and races for the boyB. In each liberal prizes will be awarded. It was also t t Red Brand of Tomatoes The only absolutely safe brand of tomatoes Put up iu guaranteed cans, that will not cor rode by the fruit acid, not soldeied but sealed by the new process. The TOMATO in this can is the finest product of the soil, picked ripe, canned right, a delicious fruit that is noarest to fresh fruit, and that is the hardest part in canning fruit, to keep it plump and solid. This is the SOLID PACK TOMATO and as fine a sauce or desert fruit as you can buy. . Ask for Red Ribbon Braud and take no sub stitute. . See our window. Alton S. Frey j w Call at Page Investment Co.'a square dealing lumber yard and get the best saw-sized or slsie dimension lumber, the best Extra No. A Sunset Brand Shingles, and the best air seasoned, kiln dried floor ing, finish and all kinds of bulMIng lumber. Door screens, 2.8x2.6, 90c. Slab wood, $2 per tier at yard. Adjustlhle window Bcreens, fit any window, 30c to 45. Having been shipped by mistake no have some cull bhlngles at $1.50 per M. Page Investment Company Phone 2421 decided to Invite every school child in the county to participate in the parade, and accordingly lnvitlatlons will be sent to the several schools throughout the county at once. To Protect Roosevelt. (Special to Evening News) LONDON, Eng., May 3. It was learned today that former president of the United States Theodore Roose velt will be guarded by the intelli gence department of the British for eign office, and of the mys terious secret service world, during his stay in England. It Is eaid that the Intelligence department will prQss many of their most skilled de tectives Into service, and in a meas ure, promise' to shoulder the res ponsibility of the guest's safety dur ing his sojourn in the English clime,. Ruth Leavett Married. LINCOLN, Neb., May 3. Lieuten ant Reginald Owen, of the British en gineers, and Ruth Bryan Leavett, daughter of William Jennings Bryan, were quietly married at Fairview Bryan's country home, today. Mr. Leavett, Mrs. Owen's former hus band, whom she divorced, In a pub lic statement today oa'd thati he would make an attempt to agin pos session of the. two children through their union. AgniiiNt Greek Labor. fSneIal to Evening News.) OREGON CITY, May 3.-President T. P. Randall today appointed a committee of business mon to con fer with officials of the various pnpnr mills, situated on the west side .of the river, concerning the employment of foreign laborers. The committee was appointed at the request of mem bers uf the Oregon City Commsritftl Club at a special meeting held last night. The action is attributed to the large influx of foreigners during the jHist few months. Mny Prevent Fight. Sneclal to the Evening Nqws) CHICAGO. III., May 3. A tele gram was received here, today by friends of Jack Johnson, from San Francisco, advising them not to bet on the Jeffries-Johnson fight until further advised. Johnson said that on account of the death of Mc Car thy in his recent fight with Moran, he Is afraid the big fight will be cancelled. . Among the distinguished vlnitors to Roseburg during the strawherry carnival and stock show will be Gov ernor F. W. Benson nnd pi't, Dr. Lee Stelner and wif nnd Attorney McNary and wife, of the Caplt il City, an rl Phil Motsrbnm and wfT K. If. Kubbll nnd wife, and Paul Fbnrt and wife, of Portland. All of these have expressed their desire to be present during the three days festivities and last evening sent word to F. E. Alley to arrange acconv modutions for them during their vhi It. 709 North Jackson Street Ribbon Issue To Be Sold At Private Sale. BILLS ARE ALLOWED City Engineer Furnishes Estimate of Cost of Paving Segregated Into Streets Important Ordi- nanco Is Head. Little business of an important na ture was transacted at last evening's session of the city council aside from allowing the . usual monthly accum. ulatlon of bills and the consideration of routine matters. It had been an ticipated that considerable time would bo consumed In considering the bids for the sale of the $40,000 bond Issue, but Bilch was not the case, not a single bid having reach ed the recorder prior to the meet Ing. ' Recorder Orcutt explained that he had received several letters from Eustern bonding houses shortly aftor the bond Issue was advertised for sale, and in some instances had fur nished certified copies of the legal proceedings ns well as copies of the cily charter. "Three letters were received later," said the recorder, "and In each Instance the firms de clared that four and one-half per cen interest was too low, considering the fact that money 1b somewhat higher than a year ago. The bond ing firms also informed the recorder that the customary rate of interest was five per cent, few issues hav ing been taken at a lower rate dur ing the past six months. Inasmuch as no bids Vere re ceived Councilman Josephson ad vanced a motion authorizing the Mayor to appoint a committee of three councllmen for the purpose of Investigating the advisability of dis posing of the bonds at private sale ns permitted under the city charter. When placed to a vote the motion carried uiianlinniously and the May or appointed Messrs Strong, Micelli and Josephson as members of Buch committee. They will report their findings at the next regular"Hieetlng of the council to be held Monday evening. ... -r . . Ksllninto by Streets. Acting in accordance with pre vious instructions Jho city engineer furnished a dotalled estimate of the cost of the pavement last evening," segregated Into streets instead of in Its entirety as here tofore. Plans nnd specifications wero also submitted for considera tion and were read In full by the recorder. But one alight change was macie in the specifications, that be ing to the effect that . the binder contain nt least 50 per cent crushed rock instead of gravel. This altera tion was effected upon the request of the Mayor, who eald that he be lieved crushed rock would give bet tor sausiaction tnan gravel. , Following are the estimates of the several streets to be paved as compiled by the city engineer and submitted to the council last even ing. East Douglas, Court to Claire $8,800.25 Lane, Main to Ford 18,013.25 Mill, Mosher to Sykes 10,622.95 aiepnens, cass to Wood aid 7,508.40 Pine, Oak to Mosher ...... 7,261.35 Washington. Jackson to Rose , 2,097.65 mam, uass to L,ane 2,798.70 Jackson, Douglas to Deer . Creek bridge ... K .257 10 Washington, Main to Kane.. 1,681.75 um, jacKson to Kose 1,697.05 Cass, Main to Kane 1,706.40 Mosher, Main to Sheridan ..10.278.35 Rose, Washington to Lane.. 9,527.40 Jackson, Lane to Mosher.... 2,457.05 Onllimiico is Head. An ordinance to prohibit the hitch ing of horses, mules or other ani mals to decorative light posts; to regulate travel, the standing of ani mals, the use of trucks, drajB and other vehicles upon the streets or alleys within the corporate limits of the pity of Roseburg and to prohibit cruelty of animals there in, and to provide a penalty for the violation of the ordinance, was road for the first and second time at last night's session of the council. The ordinance is deserving of en forcement inasmuch as considerable difficulty has been experienced in time past with persons who persist In hitching their, horseB to illght posts, and with others, who are al leged to have treated animals In a cruel manner. . The ordinance follows In full: I Seclion 1. It shall he unlawful for any person or persons to hitch or fasten, any horse or horses, mule or mules, or other domestic animals to anv decorative or Iron light posts, witnin tno corporate limits of the city of Roselmrg, Oregon. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within the corporate limits of the city of Kose burg, Oregon, to Irave any horse or horses, mule or mules, sinmllng in the Btreels or alleys of said cltv. either hitched or nnhltced, for a longer period than two consecutive hours, day or night, during the months of November, December. Jan uary. February and March, without covering Bald animal Vir animals, "1th good warm blankets, or other Bond covering, Buhicient to protect snld animals from the weather, and Bald animals are to be hitched or tied bo aB to Btand on as dry ground as pos sible. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, to leave and horse or horses, nulla or mules, or other domestic animals hitched or unhitched, tied or untied, in or on any street or alley, within the corporate limits of the city of Rose burg, Oregon, for a longer: period than four consecutive hours, day or night, during any month of the year not named in Section 2 of this ordi nance. Section 4. Any horBe or horses, mule or mules, -found standing in or on the streets or alleys within the corporate limits of the city of Rose burg, Oregon, after the hour of 12 o'clock P. M. shall be considered running at large and imprisoned un der Ordinance No. 218, of the city of Roseburg, providing for the treat ment of animals running at large. . Section 5. livery person or per sons, who shall be guilty of cruelty to any horse or horses, mule or mules, or any other domestic animal, within the corporate limits of the city of. Roseburg, Oregon, by over working, or cruelly beating, tortur ing, tormenting, or mutilating any of the said animals, or by cruel ly working any old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled horse or horses, mule or mules, or other domestic animal, or by allowing the same to be done, or unnecessarily falling to provldo any of the said animnls, In or othertsaonnrRtfirmcnifwypshrdlu his charge or custody, as owner or otherwise, with Bulllclent food, drink or shelter, or by driving or keeping or causing to be driven "or kept any of said animnls in a needleBsly cruel manner, or shall keep any of said ani mals tied in the streetB or alleys, or any other place expoBed to the 'ele ments In an unnecessarily cruel man ner, shall be punished as herein pro vided. . Section 6. Any person or persons, riding or driving, any horse or horses mule or mules, or other domestic animals, hitched or unhitched, har nessed or unharnessed, upon or along any of the stroets or Avenues, within the corporate limits of the city of Roseburg. Oregon shall travel on the right-hand side of said street or Ave nue'. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any perBon or persons to back up any cart, dray, .wagon or other wheel ed' vehicle against any sidewalk or curb thereof and leave the same standing ngalnst said sl.dewalk . or curb, bo that' any part of Buch ve hlclo thereto shall extend Into tho street a greater distance than nine feet, from the curb line of said side walk. It sltall also be unlawful for the owner or driver of any exnress wagon, dray, truck, hack, delivery wagon or other wheeled vehicle to al low or permit such vehicle to remain standing alongside any curb or side walk. In front of any show window or entrance to any business house or nublic building, on the streets within the corporate limits of the citv of Roseburg, Oreaon, : except while loading or unlonillng passen gers or merchandise, unless upon a written permission of the owner or oceunant of the premises In front of which such vehicle may be found standing. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for anv person or nersons having or using any animal, except, it b at tached to a dray or truck to leave such animal or animnls without se curely hitching or fnstenlng the same, nnd It shall be unlawful for any person or nersons having or nslne such animal or animals nttnehed to a dray or truck to leave such ani mal or animals without securely lock ing the wheels of such dray or truck. Section 9. Anv nerson or nersons vlnlatlne any of the provisions of this ordinance shall nnonVconvlcton tbereof before the ctv Recorder be fined not less than K nor more than 50, or bv ImnrlBonmnnt. in the cltv nll not less tan two days nor more then twentv days. Rpctlon 10. All ordinances or !Hq or ordinances In conflict here with are hereby repelled in ho fr n tfcrt some are In conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. V Hills Allowed. The following bills were preaented at last night's meeting of the council, and after due conside'raton allowed: n. C. Roberts, hauling '.....$ 8.50 Pllklngton Brothers, supplies.. 12.75 Review Publishing Company, printing 12.90 Page Investment Company, lumber 26.20 Winnie GaddlB, labor and sup plies 23.14 Leona Mills Lumber Company, lumber 7.90 Eastnn & Stubbs, feed and Bup- plles 12.50 F. H. Churchill Hardware Com pany, supplies 14.25 .L. Coryell labor 81.75 liomer Melker. Inbor 1 2.T.0 P. Culvllller, labor 16 00 J. H. Japen. labor 52.00 George Harnum. l.ior 10. SO Cllv Recorder freight advanre- -.1 ... 1 I-'. Cllass v T'rudhomnt". supplies and printed matter . 12' Olass ft Prndhomme, sundries.. 9.35 L. M. Jarairl. labor 8.00 Roseburg Hook Store, Biipplies for election 5.10 Commercial Abstract Company, abstracts SO. 90 I. L. Ilogcs, hay and grain .... 20.00 Cltv Recorder, stamps 4 00 W. L. Culnn. labor 9.00 F. B. Allev. witness fees 1.00 Kendn'l DrotherB, light for April 404.00 Congressman Harrison's Res olution Revives Trouble. SHIELDING BALLINGER It Is More Than Likely Hint the Reso lution of tho Now Vork Con gressman wlM Precipitate ' Fight in House. (Special to Evening News) WASHINGTON. May 3. Republi can Hous. nchlne leadora are not a little worried today over the action of Congressman Harrison (republi can) of New York, which was pre sented yesterday, and which calls up on Attorney General WIckerBham for certain papers, and data having a bearing on tho Ballinger-Plnchot controversy, requested by Attorney Brnndets before the Iallinger inves tigation committtie. The committee, however, refused to ask Wlckersham for the documents. If the Harrison resolution comes to the floor of the house, as It now appears cortaln that It will, it means that a fight over the, matter will likely transpire, and the democrats will then declare that the investigating committee has I been trying to shield Ballinger and the attorney general, . Some of the B. A. Durch, labor 3.50 W. B. Germond, labor 112.50 L. Aublll, labor 20.00 Evening NewB, printing 38.90 H. Ithelnhart, drnylng 1.50 George Neuner, legal service.. .. 31.00 Douglas County Abstract Com pany, abstracts and blue prints 2.60 S. K. Sykes, supplies 78.00 Joseph Hoffman, salary 75.00 Thomas Williams, salary 65.00 Elbert Hermann, Balary 40.00 A. N. Orcutt, salary 00.00 John R. Lee, Biliary . 15.00 Minor Matters. . City Recorder Orcutt reported that he had received no bldB for the Im provement of Ella street, and conse quently It would be necessary to re-adverttsO'- for bldB. A petition signed by CharleS'Harps- ter and others, asking that two 1 l)lnrks on Pine street, south of Mo-. Blier, be paved during the Biinimerj wns referred to the street committee. ( The city recorder was authorized i to solicit bids for publishing fifteen : notices of street Improvement, nnd , award the contract to- the person submitting the lowest bid. The Marshal was Instructed to en force the ordinance prohibiting the Bbootlng of fireworks within the city Units. 1 DIQZO AS A FACTOR IN THE PREVENTION OF DISEASE , As shown is made entirely of metal, alumlnniy-flnlsh nnd litho graphed In blue and red. It contains a cone of Solid DIO.O which slowly evaporates and constantly throws off valors which escape through perforations In both Bides of the metal cabinet. Diozo Cabinets (n the Home DIOZO cabinet! are especially adapted for use In the home. Thoy contnin no liquid, do not drip, are clean, reqiilro no attention, are cheap, last for years, and no piping or plumbing is necessary In Installing them. Just hang 0110 up. That's ail. A Dlozo Cabinet in tin Clothes Closet Will make It absolutely moth-proof and dodorlze it as well. Clothea closets, as a rule, are small, dark, warm and unventltnted, forming an Ideal incubator for the development of germs of disease and musty and disagreeable odors, Diozo in Public (or private) Toilet Rooms A DIOZO cabinet should bo placed over each water closot or urinal. 1 DIOZO Phono Dlslnfector, 60 cenlB. Our DIOZO Cabinet Price one dollar. For sale at ROSEBURG PHARMACY Only Agents Diozone Dispensary Co. in Douglas Co. regular Republican loaders are dls grunted over the action of the com mittee, and express themselves in strongest terms. One prominent re publican Bcored the committee and sum mitt tie uccion nut tno renuu- llcans on the defense," and that it was a thousand times better not to give anyone a chance to shield someone else. Party leaders express themselves as Batlstld that the reso lution wus presented for the sole pur pose of giving the democrats the opportunity of manufacturing crn-' palgn material for the congressional election this fall. Guest of Lords. (Special to Evening News.) LONDON, Eng., May 3. Peary, tho north polo explorer, was a guest of the Royal Club today. Luncheon was served In its palatial home on St. James street, and was attended by prominent scientists, both of Eng Innd and abroad. There were also many noted explorers present, many of whom lauded Peary as the most . deserving explorer of the ago. Knrl Salsbury, former Lord of High Chan cellor, was among the hrllliantOB, as were several noted English lawyers. A reception followed the luncheon and Peary was hoartlly congratulated on account of his polo exploit. Mrs. Lulu Shepard, who locturnd at tho Bnptlst church lust evening, left for Glandule this incriilitg, where she will appear at tho PreBbyterlan church tonight. From Glendnle Bhe goes south, finally terminating at . Salt Lnke City, Utah. "CRACV ir wi c. jam. THE i THW 1 sS LAS SEf GRIP THAT What Optical Efficiency Means It means glasses properly made nnd fitted to relieve all forms of eye strain. Our glnsscB are made right nnd fitted right. Our skill and experience! Is your guarantee. . , A. S. HUEY Optometrht no UFrfCT rucc CTDITDT