The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 29, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    FRIDAY, A Pit If, 20, 1010.
See Ray Henderson as Dr. Rltcher,
M. D. S. V. P. D. Q. in the "Merry
Milkmaids." ml'
A R. Manning, of Oakland apent
last "evening In the city looking after
matters of a purely business nature.
W. G. Blake, of Sutherlln, is a
Sheriff Fen ton U upending tne day
In the country uarvlug civil pauen.
Get In line and follow the crowd
thut leads to the Armory Muy 3 and
4. niJJ
John Alexander made hln regular
buHinuas trip to HiHoburg today from
v"" Everyone who appreciates good
biubIc Bhould hear tho "Merry Milk
maid h." mli
Kdwnrrt Dlller, nf Melrose, fa
Mrs. A. N. Orcutt and children spending the day In town attending
went to Oakimid this morning to to hiiHiiufsn mat turn,
cpend a few duyn with tho former's
father. Of course the "Merry Milkmnlda"
'are not all boys, but that's what we
George Barnnm, a well known clt-. want you to come ana seju. niu
Izen, underwent an operation f'r
There's a laugh In every line of
the "Mcjrry Milkmaids." m3
Mrs. L. G. Baker, of Camas Val
ley, spent yesterday In the city.
If you like something q . ck and
catchy ue-i u:e "Merry Milkmaids.
in 3
Nelson and Walgast fight at the
Star theatro May 3. Don't miss
this. tf
appendicitis at Mercy hospltul this
Do you want to laugh? Then see
tho "Merry Milkmaids" at the Ar
mory May 3 and 4. Tickets on sale
at MursterB' lfug store. 60 cents,
, III 3
L. R. r folds, superintendent of
the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon,
parsed through the city en route
north this morning on his regular
monthly tour of Inspection.
ltev. A. C. Vernon and wife, of
Looking Glass, left for Jefferson this
morning where they were summoned
by a telegram announcing tho Her-1
lous Illness of the formers brother.
Mrs. J. G. Mack, of Portland, ar
rived In the city this morning to
spend a few days visiting at the
home of her brother. Attorney AI
bert Abraham, Mr. Muck expects
to arrive hero tomorrow.
Three Acres nnrt Liberty" In
which the author tells the posslblll
ties of an acre. Where to find Idle
land, how to selort, clear and cult!
vate It. A practical book. $1.75
net, by mall ti.83 at Koseburg
Book Store. tf
J. H. Height, n workman for F
l Patterson, foil from his bicycle
this morning while counting down
the hill toward the bridge and broke
his left arm. Dr. Hoover wns call
ed to attend tho Injured man.
Mrs. T. B. Cannon underwent an
operation at Mercy hospltul yester
day. Although the operation win
a dtlllcult out) the patient passed
through the ordeal nicely and Is now
Improving as rapidly as could be
"A furnace, of Gold" n book which
has been acclaimed the Western
novel of the year. It is practically
on account of tho settlement of
Goldfleld, Nevada, and Is full of ac
tion. $1.20 net, on sale at ltoscbui'K
Book! Store. tf
Mrs. A. C. K Idd and daughter,
Mrs. W. W. Puidy, will leave tho
first week In .Inly on an extended
visit nt the home of the former's
mother in Scotland. It has been
H8 years since Mrs. Kidd left her
home, during which time her father j
has passed away. Her mother, now i
80 -yeai'H of age, and brothers and
Flsforn living at the old home are
anxiously awaiting her nrrivnl, it
was tho Intention of Mrs. Kidd and;
her dnuhter to stnrt on their Jour-j
ney the first of June hut It was
Impossible to secure reservations, ho
himo was Iho list of passengers fori
this month. They wilt tin nbKeiit j
from tho city for about throe
mailt tin.
Come and buy your May basket at
tho May Day social at the Christian
church Saturday evening.
E. Ambrose, who has been spend
ing a fo'rf days in the city, (ra
ti! rued to his
home at Yoncalla this
The Daughters of St. George will
present the "Merry Milkmaid" opper
etta May 3 and 4 under the direc
tion of Prof. Lotz, at Armory, , m3
S. B. Crouch, locul agent for Page
fence, -has returned from a brief
business trip to points In the south
ern part of the county
The Ladles' Aid of the Christian
church, have on sale at Rhoades &
Co.'s second-hand store some home
made rugs. Call and Inspect them, tf
Dr. Lowe, the well known sight
specialist, who has been coming to
Uosehurg so many years Is now at
Hotel McClullen to remain until Sat
urday noon.
L. G. Hicks, civil engineer for
the Liiho Land & Development Com
pany, of Sutherlln, was a visitor In
the city laat evening. He returned
homo this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Tlooth have re
turned from Portland and Sniem
whero they spent a few days, the
former attending; business matters
and the latter visiting friends.
Suffering from a broken blood ves
sel Mrs. Blnger Hormann Is con
fined to her home In this city. Al
though weak from the loss of blood,
the physlciutis anticipate a rapid re
The Koseburg school board will
meet In special session at the of
fices of Judge Fullerton tomorrow
afternoon at 4 o'clock, at which
time the grade teachers for the com
ing year will be selected.
Mrs. lOvelyn Craig, aged 23 years.
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Kttzmuu, of west Roneburg, passed
away nt Portland on Wediysday,
April 27, death resulting from a
prolonged attack of typhlod pneu
monia. The remains arrived here
from Portland last evening nnd tl.e
funeral will be held nt the Kitr.nmn
home tomorrow, with Interment fel-
owlug nt , the Masonic comet er v.
Aside from a husband, Elmer Craig,
the deceased Is survived by the fol
lowing brothers and sisters: Henry
Kltzman, Of Seattle; Mrs. Anna Nee,
of Dhwhoh. Yukon Territory. Mrs.
Klsle Wright, Mrs. Peter Dldtel, Mrs..
Kate Penree, Charles Kltzman,
ftiidnlph Ititzmnn and Miss Rosa
Kltzmnn, all of ItOHehurg, and Fred
and Km est Ititnian and Mrs. Mnry
Kill ho, of Illinois.
visitor in tne city today.
Don't fail to see Dlllard, the Com
modoro In the "Merry Milkmaids.
Nelson and Walcast fight at the
Star theatre May 3. Don't mlBs
Oilrf. tf
Do not fall to attend the May
Day social at the Christ. an church
Saturday evening.
Remington typewriter ribbons for
all machines at Marsters drug store.
We deliver to your office. d-tf
D. L. Martin, of Yoncalla, is spend
ing a couple of days In the city look
ing alter business interests.
Mrs. Sarah Httnsuker, of Eugene,
arrived In the city this afternoon to
spend a few diys visiting at tho
home of her neice, Mrs. O. P. Hen
derson. my When you patronize Dr.
'jCwe one cnarKo covers the,
entire costj of examination, I
glasses and frames. Lenses exchang
ed and frames kept In repair, six
months without extra cost. Dozens
of Roseburg references.
Mrs. Lulu L. Shepard, president
or the rtnh W. C. T. U.. recently
addressed the Woman's Federation
at Boise, Idaho, and the Capital
News has, the following complimen
tary ctatenient concerning the lec
ture: "The chief address at the
meeting of the Federation was giv
en by Mrs. Shepard, who spoke on
her favorite subject, 'The Home.'
There was a stir of pleased ex
pectancy as the address began
which changed to a profound silence
as the distinguished speaker literal-j
ly noured out her heart in an Intense I
supplication for 'womanly aid and maid? Where do you suppose, kind
sympathy for the unfortunate in sir, she said. "I'm a Merry Milk
cvery class of society." The people niald at the Armory May 3 and 4. m3
of Korehurg will be given an oppor- .
portunlty of hearing Mrs Shapard Sam Jones, of Grangevllle, Idaho,
next Monday evening, at which time: left for his home this morning after
she will lecture In the Baptist! spending some time visiting at the
Lowney's candy at Marsters' drug
btore always fresh. d-tf
You will enjoy a pleasant evening
by attending the May Day social.
W. U. Irmle, of Melrose, Is visit
or In the city today.
Old newspapers, a big bundle for
10 cents. At Roseburg Book Store
P. J. Patterson, representing
Beal & Company, of Portland, ar
rived In tho city this afternoon.
Everybody's talking about It and
everyone Is going. Where? To the
"Merry Milkmaids" May 3 and 4. m3 .
Bose Wlllams and wife, of Look-'
lng Glass, are spending the day In
the city vfB'Ung friends.
Quick service, three chairs, all
flrstcluss men, can be found at the
Maddix barber shop on Cass street.
Fountain pens, "Parker," "Conk-
lin, "Waterman, these three, none
better, on sale at Roseburg Bonk
Store. tf
Private lessons given In vocal mu
sic. Voices tested free. Miss Nelle
Bishop. Studio, Roseburg National
Bank building. djl
Oscar Kltnke, manager for the
Roseburg Brewing & Ice Company,
left for Portland this afternoon to
nttend to business matters.
Douglas County Creamery Mutter
tho best on the market a home
product, 80 cents a roll. Patronize
home Industry and get the best. tf
Where are you going, my pretty
Red Ribbon
Brand of Tomatoes i
The only absolutely safe brand of tomatoes
Put up in guaranteed cans, that will not cor
rode by the fruit acid, not soldered but sealed by
the new process.
The TOMATO in this can is the finest product
of the soil, picked ripe, canned right, a delicious,
fruit that is nearest to fresh fruit, and that' is the
hardest part in canning fruit, to keep it plump and
solid. This is the SOLID PACK TOMATO and
as fine a sauce or desert fruit as you can buy.
Ask for Red Ribbon Brand and take no sub
stitute. See our window.
I Alton S. Frev
church. 'Every ono Interested in
temperance matters should hear
The first double runaway to at
tract the attention of Roseburg citl-
home of his wife's father, J. G.
Tipton, of Edenbower.
If you want your old suits to look,
like new take the into Sloper. He
knows how to fix them. Panama and
zens for several years occurred short-' felt hats also cleaned and blocked,
ly after 10 o'clock this morning, and Gentlemen's work exclusively. Agent
hnd it not have been for the prompt for Ed- V. Price & Co., Chicago tall
action of pedestrians considerable or8- s M
damage would have resulted. As it,
wns the entire damage consisted of. Your price of living will be reduced
several broken globes on the decora
tlve light post stationed at the cor
ner of WnHhington and Jackson
Etreets, directly in front of the Jos
ephson store. Tt anpenra that a team
belonging to the local delivery sys
tem, and single horses, hitched to
a cart, and the property of George
Kohlhngen, the butcher, were stand
ing near tho Abraham residence,
at the foot of Washington street,
when In some unexplained manner
they became frightened and started
to run. The single horse took the
lead, followed closely by the deliv
ery team, and ran up Washington to Jackson where it attempt
ed to turn In a southerly direc
tion. Owing to tho slippery condition
of the Street the animal fell and wns
taken In cbnrgo by the driver who
was in close pursuit. The delivery
team, which was a close second,
also made an attempt to turn the
corner nnd In so doing came In
contact with the decorative light
tiost above mentioned. Fortunatolv
mine of the horses were Injured In
the fracaB.
If you buy your groceries at the
North Side Grocery. It is easy to
live well and grow fat If you trade
with us. Phone 2633. Free delivery
to all parts of the city. d-tf
am Dr. Lowe says to do and
we" B morG commend
Vif able and Is of more benefit
to humanity than to do manv things
nnd none of them equal to the best.
Dr. Lowe has devoted more than 19
years to the science of optometry
and confines his piactlce to testing
and firing glasses to ithe ihnmnn
eye. Ho leaves Saturday noon.
All committees who have any part
In the arrangements for the Straw
berry "Festival and Stock parade in
his city .May 1J-14. are requested
to meet at the Commercial Club
rooms on Friday evening. Matters of
Importance concerning the carnival
need the attention and co-operation
if all those who are identified with
the affair. A 2.1
Is Ready to Receive Your
Order. Phone 1413 and
Max Weiss will Give your
Needs Prompt Attention.
Queen of the Strawberry Festival
The Alexander Bridge will soon be completed, the hand work
of placing in pDsition the massive concrete piers being almost
done. From the Addition to the Railroad Depot is only 8 min
utes walk making a very short distance to center of city.
The leading citizens of Roseburg all agree that for nice location, park accom
modations, bathing, boating and fishing no addition to Roseburg offers the same
advantages. Lots are all 40x1 40, fronting on two streets.
TERMS: Small payment down, balance small monthly payments, 3 per
cent interest. For further particulars call at our office. '
Umpqua Land & Water Company
116 Cass Street Roseburg National Bank Building Jf